Chapter 193: ?growing up

"Master Qi."

"team leader."

Less than three minutes after Uchiha Asahi went out, Uchihagawa and Imai Kenta came to Uchiha Kai's office to report.

Both of them are very fast, but their expressions are not the same.

Uchihagawa is more respectful and calm. Like his father, he seems to have completely forgotten about Osamu Uchiha.

He will only obey Uchiha Kai's orders, and he won't ask any other questions.

And Imai Kenta is more interesting, this kid seems to be a little complicated now.

Of course, Uchiha Kei could guess what the kid was thinking, but he didn't care too much.

Imai Kenta's accidental identity can only be said to be a guess, because this kid has never had any intention to bring up this matter, so Uchiha Kei will not ask so much.

His current status as a "civilian ninja" is very useful, which is why Uchiha Qi initially chose to cooperate with him.

Besides, this kid is smart enough, which makes Kei Uchiha like it very much.

"Well, I brought you here so early because there are some things that I need to discuss with you."

Uchiha Qi didn't give in, he said directly, "What I'm going to tell you today, you just have to prepare in your heart, you don't need to spread it out for the time being."

"Yes, Captain (Master Kai)." Imai Kenta and Uchihagawa looked at each other, and then they answered in unison.

"Very good." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he said directly: "I may not continue to be the team leader after the spring, and I decided to give the position of the team leader to Kenta."

"Leave it to me?" Imai Ken was too stunned for a moment, and then his expression became a little weird: "What about you, captain? You wouldn't give it to me if you didn't serve as the sub-captain, right?"

Kenta Imai really doesn't understand, even if Kei Uchiha has a plan, he doesn't really care about the thoughts of the Uchiha family, right?

The captain of the guard section, who regards the Uchiha clan as private property, is handed over to an outsider to lead it. Isn't this setting himself on fire?

And Kenta Imai also knows the relationship between Kei Uchiha and Uchihagawa.

There is no need for such a good subordinate here. Instead, he chooses to leave it to himself. Kentai Imai didn't want to understand.

"Could it be that this guy is going to go to war with the family?" Imai Kenta couldn't help thinking of this, and soon his cold sweat broke down.

"Damn it, this **** didn't deliberately let me sit in this position to attract firepower and use it as a **** for him?"

Imai Kenta is definitely not a kind person. What this guy has done on the battlefield is no less than that of Uchiha Kei.

After all, a person who grew up in such an environment has a lot of conspiracies in his mind.

Especially when he didn't trust Uchiha Kai so much.

In his opinion, Uchiha Kai is sinister and sharp.

Through a series of changes in the current situation, he forcibly pushed a brand new Hokage to power.

Kenta Imai didn't dare to think too much about such a person and such a method.

"I'll leave it to you, no doubt." Uchiha Kei didn't know what Imai Kenta was thinking, he continued without hesitation.

"You are my vice-captain, the vice-captain of this unit, you are more familiar with this unit than others.

And this unit will get better under your control. Uchihagawa will serve as your deputy during this time, and let him learn more experience. "

"More learning experience?" Imai Kenta was very keenly aware of something: "Do you have other arrangements?"

"That's right." Uchiha Kai showed a smile.

"When spring begins, you will officially take over as the sub-captain of my current sub-team, and Uchihagawa will take over as Uchiha Tsubasa or Uchiha Chiya's sub-unit.

And by that time, I'm afraid everything has stabilized, and some things can't wait for spring. "

"Is that so?" Imai Kenta calmed down for a while, but the way he looked at Kai Uchiha became more complicated.

Sure enough, this insidious guy is going to go to war with his family, or in other words, this guy is going to fight some people in his family!

But fortunately, the timing of this guy's action and the timing of letting him take over are staggered, which is basically equivalent to avoiding the possibility of causing him disaster.

It's just that Imai Kenta can't help but sigh, this kid is stepping down as a sub-commander this time, and at the same time he also swears that Uchihagawa will take over as a sub-commander.

I'm afraid he will be the head of the security department in the future, right?

"Chuan." Uchiha turned his head to look at Uchiha Chuan.

"Master Kai." Uchihagawa's expression was still calm, as if he didn't care about the position of the squad leader.

"Your next task is very heavy." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently.

"You have to learn from Kenta, how he manages the team, and how he regulates the relationship between Uchiha ninjas and civilian ninjas.

You don't have much time to study. When the problem we have to deal with is clear, you will take office. Can you do it? "

"It's definitely possible, Lord Kai!" Uchiha Chuan knelt on the ground directly: "Thank you Lord Kai for your trust, I will not betray the trust Lord Kai has in me."

Uchiha Kai nodded, Uchiha Chuan's attitude made him very satisfied, but he also felt that this kid was a little 'mechanized'.

But no matter what, an obedient and capable subordinate is liked by every superior.

Kai Uchiha doesn't know if he is a high-ranking person now, but he is moving in this direction.

He will strive to do the best he can in terms of the right to speak, and he will never allow himself to be pulled down in terms of strength.

Standing up, Uchiha Kai smiled and patted the two on the shoulders. The two sub-commanders have already settled, and now there is only one left...


In the Uchiha clan's clan, there is an area full of bamboo forests. This area is located relatively close to the core of the clan.

And the one who lives here is Shin Uchiha, the great elder of the Uchiha clan.

Maybe it's because Shin Uchiha is getting old, or maybe it's because of the writing wheel eye that he lost some of his feelings.

Compared with the passionate and romantic cherry blossoms, he prefers crisp and towering bamboo forests, so the place where he lives has already become a sea of ​​bamboo.

There is a small pavilion in the center of the bamboo forest here. Uchiha Shin sits in the center of the pavilion, surrounded by three old people who look about the same age as him.

They were the second elder, the fifth elder, and the sixth elder.

They are all people who have worked hard for the Uchiha family, and they are all people who hold the same belief and want the Uchiha family to stand on the top of Konoha.

At the same time, they are also the people who despise Konoha's other ninjas and clans the most.

Their belief is that Uchiha is the strongest, and they believe that they are lions whose interests have been eaten away by Konoha.

"Elder, is there any news about this child Xiu?" After taking a sip of tea, the second elder asked with a sigh.

The Uchiha clan has a total of six elders, but the tough "hawks" occupy four seats.

It is conceivable what the current internal situation of Uchiha is like.

When the Uchiha family is forced into a desperate situation in the future, I am afraid that there will be no seats for the "Doves", and only a few scattered people are left to fight.

It is somewhat ironic that the vast majority of people in the Hokage Law are the winners, but this law has become a joke within Uchiha.

The really powerful ones are those lonely people, like Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, whose views almost no one agrees with.

But if you look at this matter in the general context, Uchiha is always just a family, and Konoha is the place to accommodate this family.

The Uchiha clan has always been in a minority position, and it can only be said that this was a victory for the betrayer, a bloody, shameful victory that affected countless innocent people.

"Not yet, but I suspect... This matter may have nothing to do with Orochimaru."

The elder Uchiha Shen sighed: "According to some information, the night Xiu disappeared, he followed Uchiha and left. It is said that Uchiha sent him a letter.

On the same day, Uchiha Yan and Uchiha Akira were also missing. "

"The first elder suspects that this is a good thing Uchiha did?" The sixth elder frowned: "Uchiha, this **** who eats inside and outside, he is standing with Uchiha... the patriarch, you say, will it be? ..."

"There is a possibility, and the probability is not small." The fifth elder was relatively calm: "After all, the patriarch has been fighting against us recently, and he has also snatched a lot of things, especially in the security department."

"I really didn't expect that this indecisive and very controllable patriarch has grown up."

The first elder, Uchiha Shin, picked up a teacup in his hand and played with it. After a while, he spoke slowly.

"Growing up is a good thing, but if you go the wrong way, you must correct it. I think our patriarch is now on a path that is not in line with the interests of the Uchiha family. What do you think?"

The second elder, the fifth elder and the sixth elder heard Uchiha Shen's words, and couldn't help but stunned, and then the expressions of the three of them became abnormally serious They can't dismiss the patriarch, this is Uchiha This has always been the rule of the family, this has always been the rule of all families.

However, they could disobey the order of the patriarch. Madara Uchiha ordered the entire clan to follow him and leave, but only a very few were willing.

The disappointed Madara Uchiha finally left everyone behind, including those who wanted to follow him away.

Patriarch, it's not necessarily right!

"We are willing to listen to the dispatch of the first elder." The three elders just thought for a moment, and they immediately made a statement.

"Very good." Uchiha Shin smiled a little: "But before we fight back, I need to see someone."

"Is it Kai Uchiha?"

"Of course, I want to see what kind of magic this kid has to actually make our patriarch grow.

I have heard of his potential. If he can join us, I can not pursue the issue of Yuchi Uchiha and Osamu Uchiha... It's just that I don't pursue it. If he doesn't agree..."

Speaking of which, Uchiha Shin didn't continue to speak.

I don't know when, quietly behind him, a masked ninja in black has appeared...


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