Chapter 194: ? sincerely

After Kei Uchiha arranged the positions of Kenta Imai and Uchihagawa, he also shifted his focus in due course.

Especially in the past few days, Uchiha Fuyue began to send people to take all the medical ninjutsu materials that Uchiha asked for into their underground laboratory.

Of course, these are only part of it. No matter how hard Uchiha Fuyue is working, many things cannot be found immediately.

However, these materials are enough, and Uchiha Kai also began to prepare for Hyuga Aya to contact him.

However, just to be on the safe side, Uchiha Kei specially asked the guys from the Uchiha Sect to make copies of these materials.

He is still very clear about the reason why eggs cannot be put in one basket.

He didn't want to do so much investment and preparation himself, and it would be really miserable if there was a problem with Aya Hyuga.

So while cultivating Aya Hyuga, Kei Uchiha also decided to make new preparations, that is, to find someone to train him.

Although this person won't have white eyes, not even a scribble eye, but at least Uchiha Keno can feel at ease.

After all, it is a backup plan. If Aya Hyuga is not in an accident and is honest enough, the result of this plan will not be used.

If there is a problem, then Uchiha Kai will not be helpless.

"What's more, a guy like Yaoshidou was born as a commoner. There are too many seedlings in the orphanage. It's not impossible to find a good looking one to try."

Uchiha Kai thought silently.

To be honest, with this idea, it is impossible for Uchiha Kei to not go to find the pharmacist pocket.

But it's almost forty-seven years of Konoha now. Whether Yakushidou, who was born in Konoha's forty years, has joined his roots, Uchiha Kai is completely unsure.

Kei Uchiha remembered that Yakushitou entered the root at a very young age, and was once lost by Danzo's plan, and killed Yakushi No Naiyu himself.

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, maybe this would be a good opportunity.

Danzo must die. He can die in his own hands, or in the hands of any Uchiha, and he can also die in the hands of his own people.

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, he thought this might work.

Even if you can't kill Danzo, at least let Danzo live in the shadow of certain things from beginning to end.

Even if Danzo was killed in advance by himself, can these talents be worth looking forward to?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai decided to give it a try.

He remembered that Yakushi Dou killed Yakushi No Naiyu five years after he joined Gen.

Then, as long as you have a good grasp of whereabouts and information in this area, there is a lot of room for development.

"Master Orochimaru, it seems that I still need to trouble you..."

Orochimaru was able to find Yaoshidou when he betrayed the root for the first time. It is conceivable how vast Orochimaru's intelligence network is.

Pharmacist pocket was betrayed by killing pharmacist Ye Naiyu, so this probably also shows that Orochimaru also has information on pharmacist Ye Naiyu.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but sigh: Orochimaru is really a good person.

Whether it is him or the pharmacist bag he taught and trained, the future will be a master of dream fulfillment.

Moreover, the benefits of intercepting Orochimaru to Uchiha Kai are really unimaginable.


"How is the situation now?"

In Uchiha Kai's underground laboratory, Uchiha Kai quietly looked at Hyuga Aya, whose hands were glowing with green chakra light.

With her eyes wide open, she was repairing Nohara Rin's body.

Although Uchihazong and others did not understand why Uchiha Kai asked them to do this, they honestly copied all the information given by Uchiha Fugaku.

The news of Uchiha Kai's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has not spread, but his current attitude is cautious and satisfactory to Uchiha Kai.

Therefore, after they copied all the materials, Uchiha Kai also found Hyuga Aya.

Hyuga Aya did not reject Uchiha Kai. She was already a little dizzy and dizzy by Uchiha's methods, and she also knew that she was in a weak position in the cooperation.

But no matter what, this is the path she chose by herself, and she also believes that there is no problem with her choice.


Looking at the pile of books on the table, Hyuga Aya also felt a headache.

"I've almost cleaned up those sigils." Hyuga Aya stopped the chakra in her hand, and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"I will repair her broken heart in the next period of time, but you seem to have arranged a lot of work for me."

"The medical ninjutsu information about cells, you can use it in the future, and I can use it too." Uchiha Qi said calmly.

"And I also suggest that you find time to find some information about genes. At least you must be able to understand and observe these things. It's about you and me."

Kai Uchiha didn't joke with Aya Hyuga about this.

Although he did not ask Uchiha Tomitake for genetic medical ninjutsu information, this does not mean that Uchiha Kai does not have some ideas.

There are actually very few medical ninjutsu materials in genetics. If you really want to find the most, you will only find simple introductory materials.

In-depth things, unless they are specially studied, it is not necessarily that anyone can have these things.

Kei Uchiha thinks that perhaps the only person in the entire ninja world who has been involved in this area is Orochimaru!

That's right, it's this great 'Dream Master' again.

Although he is not sure whether he has studied it now, but in the future, he will be involved in the art of reincarnation from the dirty earth, and he is likely to study these things.

If Kei Uchiha wanted in-depth information, he could only find him.

Although these materials are conjectures of Uchiha, but whether it is conjecture or not, Uchiha wants to try.

In Uchiha Kai's view, whether it is Hinata or Uchiha, the road they will take in the future can actually be said to be a road of 'return to the ancestors'.

The current situation of Uchiha and Hinata is actually a manifestation of continuous degradation.

If you want to return to the state of their true ancestors, there are not many ways to go.

The path that Kai Uchiha knows is an evolutionary path, or a path of 'complementing lost genes' and 'activating inactive genes'.

Aside from Kaguya, a terrifying and explosive existence, if the Six Path Immortals are regarded as 100% genetics.

And with the development of Uchiha Madara as a horizontal judgment, Uchiha Kai also has a good harvest.

The kaleidoscope stage, that is, the current stage of Uchiha Kai, should be at 20% completion.

When he obtained his brother's eyes and upgraded to Eternal Kaleidoscope, it should be the 40% stage.

After obtaining the cells of the thousand-hand pillars, the chakras of Indra and Ashura were fused together through fusion, and finally the reincarnation eye belonged to the 60% stage.

When he was completely resurrected and obtained the Immortal Chakra, he might have quietly approached the 80% level.

And when he and the chakra of the nine big-tailed beasts were completely integrated into himself, he also got the fairy feather coat and the fairy tin stick.

Although Uchiha Kei felt that the way he stepped into the Six Paths level was a bit rude.

But this way of tracing back his own genes is totally worth learning from Uchiha.

What's more, needless to say so far, the fusion of the eyes of Osamu Uchiha and Yuchi Uchiha alone can be regarded as a kind of complement of genes, or 'activation of genes'.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai asked Hyuga Aya to do this, and there was no problem at all.

You don’t need to be too profound for the time being, but you can’t understand everything either!

"Genetic medical ninjutsu?" Hyuga Aya's face was a little ugly.

"This is cellular medical ninjutsu. You want me to look at genetics? What are you thinking? How do you plan to let me digest so much knowledge?"

"Looking at cells, naturally I have my purpose." Uchiha Kai said flatly.

"Whether it's what I want to do in the future, or let you observe the changes in Uchiha's body, or the changes in his cells, it's all useful. And genetics..."

Speaking of which, Uchiha stopped for a while, and after some thought, he continued: "As for the genetics, I will be useful to you as well. If you can get your patriarch's...

Genes or cells, maybe you can figure out the difference between you and him, maybe you can complement something. "

"Complete?" Hyuga Aya frowned and seemed to understand something: "You mean, compare Hyuga Hizu through your own genetic differences, and then... find a way to complete it."

This woman, this reaction is really fast!

Uchiha Kai was a little dumbfounded. He just mentioned the beginning, and the woman seemed to realize something.

This method is that Uchiha Kai suddenly recalled a certain vest maniac, and that guy seems to be taking this route.

At the most critical juncture, he directly used the extracted cell genes, and then, with a one-in-a-billion chance, he succeeded and opened the Reincarnation Eye!

Kei Uchiha didn't think that a woman like Aya Hyuga would take such a risk Almost no one can succeed if she is not the son of heaven.

What's more, this woman has already taken so many risks, she will never give her life to this illusory and almost impossible chance of success.

"That's almost what it means."

Uchiha Kei nodded, suddenly he turned his head to look at the clock hanging on the wall, and said thoughtfully, "Then I'll leave it to you, Aya-kun.

More snacks on this matter, after all, it's good for both of us. "

"I understand." Although Hyuga Aya still frowned, she nodded, and then she asked strangely, "It's still early, are you planning to go back?"

"Ah, I plan to go back." Uchiha Ki nodded, picked up his cloak and draped it behind him.

"No way, there is an old guy who wants to talk to me. Although I don't want to see him at all, I can guess what he wants to do, but since he is so eager, I won't let him down."

"Understood." Hyuga Aya immediately knew what Kai Uchiha meant, and she nodded calmly: "Then, I wish Kai-kun a smooth return."


"Of course, we are partners."


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