Chapter 197: ? Exterminate (middle)

Uchiha Shin's house set in a bamboo forest has been a quiet and fascinating place for many years.

But today, this place seems to have changed, and the strong chilling aura seems to have spread through the room towards the outside.

In a certain room in this house, five corpses fell to the ground.

They were all killed by one blow, and the initiator of all this was pinching a Uchiha ninja, making him unable to move at all.

The other Uchiha ninjas seemed to be frightened by him, and they didn't dare to attack at this time.

They really couldn't forget that Uchiha Kai, who was like a fluttering butterfly, regarded fighting as an art, and every movement was extremely simple and natural!

This figure in a black battle suit was engraved in their minds like a dream, making them terrified!

Uchiha Kei ignored the others, his eyes fixed on this guy, and soon a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Elder, are these your only means?"

Uchiha Kai suddenly stretched out his free hand, picked up a teacup on the table and placed it beside him, then his face showed a little cruelty.

"If that's the case, then I would like to thank you. Because..."

Speaking of which, Uchiha Kai suddenly stopped, and he got stuck in the eye socket of this Uchiha ninja controlled by him!


With a little bit of force, blood suddenly flowed from the corner of this guy's eyes, and the screams rang out at this moment.

All Uchiha's ninjas trembled a little when they saw this scene, and they clenched their weapons involuntarily.

When Uchiha Kai's hand was raised, a scarlet eye was on his hand.

Calmly put this eye into the teacup, and Uchiha Kai put his hand on the other eye.

Following the same method, he took out the other eye, and Uchiha Keicai used a little force to make this guy shut up completely.

"Their eyes are all good materials." Putting this eye into the teacup, Keicai Uchiha raised his head slightly.

"Izanagi, you have heard of this ninjutsu compared to the Great Elder, right?"

"You **** bastard..." Uchiha Shen took a deep breath, and his eyes turned scarlet: "These are all your clansmen!"

"Yeah, but so what?" Uchiha Ki stood up slowly, his eyes deep and cold.

"They are all my enemies, including you. Don't forget, you are the ones who do it first, so please die, everyone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Kai rushed into the group of Uchiha ninjas with a flashing technique, and his dark skeleton arms emerged from behind him.

With one punch, a Uchiha ninja flew backwards before he could react.

Under the tremendous force, the several companions behind him were all crushed.

The huge impact made them smash the wooden house continuously on the way to fly upside down, until they broke through the last floor and flew to the courtyard and stopped.

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill this demon!"

There were only five or six of Uchiha's ninjas left at this time, and they were all frightened by Uchiha Kai's means.

If it wasn't for the order of the Great Elder, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to take action lightly.

But now they know better that if they don't kill Kai Uchiha, then this guy will definitely kill them all!

In the face of fear, they didn't dare to hold back at all.

But Uchiha Kai's speed is too fast, they can't touch this guy at all!

"I'll borrow your knife to use it."

Shaking round eyes turned slightly, and a Uchiha ninja holding a knife was stunned in place.

The long knife in his hand was easily snatched away, and blood spattered.

After getting the ninja sword, Uchiha Kai was more efficient and even more desperate!

Facing an enemy several times his size, Uchiha Kei showed his ease even in this small space.

No matter anyone's attack, he is directly aware of it, dodging it, and even counteracting it!

But his attack, even if someone can see the route clearly, but there is no way to defend or dodge!

In less than a minute, the few remaining Uchiha ninjas were eliminated by him one by one.

The sharp ninja knife was slowly pulled out from the abdomen of a Uchiha ninja, and Uchiha Kai slapped the blood on it.

Ignoring the Uchiha ninja who was slowly kneeling on the ground, his eyes were locked on the elders not far away who had basically left the battlefield.

"Looks like you only have one card left." Uchiha Kai revealed a mocking smile.

"To be honest, I didn't intend to do anything to you at all, because this is Uchiha Fugaku's work, not mine.

But you chose me. I have to say that you really chose the wrong person. "

"Ki Uchiha, I admit that I misunderstood, but do you really think you are going to win?" Uchiha Shen's eyes were scarlet as if blood were about to overflow.

"Indeed, it looks like I have only one person to use now.

But as long as you block you, it won't take long for the ninjas of the clan to come over!

Do you know our strength within the family?

Do you think that you can fight against two-thirds of the elite of the family? "

"Just give it a try."

The sneer on Kai Uchiha's face was even more obvious, he looked around in disdain and said.

"And I don't think a rat hiding in the gutter can really stop me and kill you all.

So, goodbye everyone, I hope that after reincarnation, your eyes on choosing enemies will become better. "

Shut up, Uchiha Kai directly raised his foot and walked towards these so-called elders.

Just taking a step forward, he suddenly felt a dangerous aura coming towards him!

Uchiha Kai frowned, although in his opinion the man in black who attacked him before was the rat who had been hiding in the gutter, insidious and shameless.

But once a ninja is careless, he will lose his life. Uchiha Kai has never been a careless person!

Almost as soon as he felt the danger, black chakra appeared on Kai Uchiha's body again.

The sturdy skeleton arm cooperated with the skeleton on his body, and immediately protected him firmly!

Kei Uchiha doesn't plan to continue playing in this small room. Although it is convenient for him to catch mice in this room, isn't he a moving target?

The hands quickly formed the seal, and Uchiha Kai's chakra quickly gathered.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

At the moment when this gloomy black-clothed ninja slashed Susanoo on Uchiha's body, Uchiha's technique was ready!

Under the control of Kai Uchiha, a huge fire dragon madly headed towards the black-clothed ninja through Susanoo.

This black-clothed ninja seems to have expected it, because his sneak attack has failed before, and now he is more testing and understanding the information of Uchiha Kaiju.

Although Uchiha Kai's sudden attack was somewhat unexpected, he didn't particularly care.

He is an assassin, but he is not without the ability of frontal combat. Every ninja has excellent frontal fighting ability.

Assassination and sneak attack are just auxiliary methods, which allow them to effectively deal with their opponents.

In this extremely narrow space, there are not many hiding places for him. In theory, he has more choices in the open space, but he knows that he cannot do that.

Because Uchiha Kai will definitely let him kill Uchiha Shin when he is lurking, this is not what he wants to happen!

"Be careful!"

Those elders also noticed Uchiha Kai's approach, and immediately shouted, and then they each used their own methods to quickly leave the house.

After all, they used to be famous ninjas. Even though they have grown older, they will not easily forget their previous skills!

The scorching fire dragon rampaged through the house, igniting everything it passed.

Uchiha Qi looked at the people who were evacuated from the house, and as he snorted coldly, the fire dragon exploded!


A violent explosion resounded in this bamboo forest. In the Uchiha clan's clan, all those who did not go to work or rest today felt the explosion.

Looking at the rising black smoke and the location of the black smoke, they suddenly realized something.

Because that is where the Great Elder lives!

The wind was blowing gently, and Uchiha Kai slowly walked out of the burning wooden house.

Snowflakes kept falling on him, but none of them really touched him.

Glancing left and right, he quickly found the body of the man who took his weapon.

This person is lying quietly in the snow now, obviously he was affected by the fire dragon of Uchiha Kai.

Walking slowly, Uchiha Ki picked up his ninja bag and hung it on his waist. At the same time, he also took out the ninja sword that Kakashi gave him.

When the long sword was unsheathedUchiha Kai seemed to feel the emotion of the sword.

This is a very subtle feeling, like a good friend who has been reunited for a long time.

Uchiha Kai showed a smile. In his previous life, he heard people say that knives and swords have feelings for their users.

Uchiha Kai actually doesn't believe this. In his opinion, weapons are just weapons, but now he seems to feel this mysterious and mysterious connection.

The chakra in his body surged slightly, and soon the ninja sword in his hand burst into a blue brilliance.

It seemed that Uchiha Kei even heard a slight sound from the knife, which made him feel very interesting.

"When all this is over, I should also give you a name. If I hadn't forgotten about this..."

Uchiha Ki murmured to himself, and then his eyes locked on the masked ninja in black, who also held a ninja sword in his hand.

This made Kei Uchiha feel even more interesting. He stretched the knife forward a little, and Kei Uchiha took a fighting posture.

Since you want to try knife skills, let's come, but...

"I'm a ninja..."


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