Chapter 198: ? Extermination (below)


In the patriarch's mansion not far from Uchiha Shenzhulin, Uchiha Jun opened the door of Uchiha Fugaku's room, and then half-knelt on the ground.

Uchiha Kai was invited to the home of the great elder Uchiha Shin, although Uchiha Kai didn't tell them about it.

But he walked over so swaggeringly, I am afraid that few people would not know.

Uchiha Fuyue has been paying attention to this matter, but he did not support it either.

It is impossible for Uchiha Kai to fail. This is Uchiha Fuyue's perception of this thirteen- or fourteen-year-old boy.

This is not because he has confidence in Uchiha Kai, but because he has this confidence in Kaleidoscope Shaker!

And Uchiha didn't tell him about it, so the only explanation is that Uchiha may have his own ideas.

What Uchiha Fuyue has to do now is to pay attention to the dynamics of good things, and wait for Uchiha Kai to end when it is almost over.

Or maybe he made too much noise, and he needed to stop some people.

"What's the situation now?" Uchiha Fuyue has been staying in the house, he doesn't know what's going on outside.

"I'm afraid the battle between Kai-sama and the elders and others is almost intensified." Uchiha Jun lowered his head and reported truthfully.

"Furthermore, Lord Qi has already set the first elder's house on fire, and now many clan ninjas seem to have reacted, and they have already moved in that direction."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Fugaku sighed, and now it seems that he is going to prepare for the second item.

"I understand. You go and notify the people in the security department, remember that it is Kai's detachment, and let them pass quickly. At the same time, I gave my order, and I can't help but let anyone pass by."

"Lord Patriarch, I hope to get your forgiveness." Jun Uchiha lowered his head even lower.

"I have given such an order in advance, and I have mobilized the patrol team within the clan to block all those who approach."

Uchiha Fuyue was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became a little complicated. He didn't know whether he should be happy or angry.

It took him a long time to shake his head. This woman, Jun Uchiha, has overstepped her authority, but she did the right thing.

In the past, this woman would also do things that she judged right, and Uchiha Fuyue didn't blame her either.

And now, Uchiha Fugaku felt that he didn't have to react too harshly.

Probably because there have been a lot of fights recently, which made him a little too sensitive about power matters, which made Uchiha Fugaku sigh helplessly.

"You just need to make a plan, I trust your judgment." Uchiha Fugaku rubbed his eyebrows: "Get ready, let's go too."

"Yes, the patriarch." Uchiha Jun stood up, but she seemed a little worried.

"Master Patriarch, about Master Qi...

I don't know if the patriarch has any new plans, for someone like Lord Qi, the patriarch should draw him more thoroughly, otherwise..."

Uchiha Jun's words did not continue here, but her meaning was also very clear.

Like Uchiha Kai, today he can cooperate with the patriarch to exterminate the chief elder.

So in the future, will there be the possibility of dealing with Uchiha Fugaku for his own benefit?

Uchiha Fuyue was stunned for a moment, and then became a little amused. Who knows the true relationship between him and Uchiha Kai?

Whether Uchiha Kai will deal with him, this makes Uchiha Fuyake not so sure.

But as long as their cooperative relationship remains good, he doesn't think such a thing will happen.

Possibly considering some possibilities, he still asked curiously, "Oh, what are your thoughts?"

"Lord Patriarch, please send me to his team." Jun Uchiha seemed to have already thought of a countermeasure, she said directly.

"I believe that with my ability, I should be able to gain the trust of Lord Kai. Whether it is monitoring or guiding from all aspects, I think I am competent."

"Send you there?" Uchiha Fuyue looked a little inexplicable.

Seriously, he really doesn't think Uchiha Kei is a person who will be influenced by others.

He sighed: "Let's talk about this. The most important thing for us now is to deal with the things in front of us."

"I understand, Lord Patriarch." Jun Uchiha nodded: "But I hope the Patriarch will seriously consider my suggestion, Lord Kai, he is too dangerous."



The ninja swords crossed and made a crisp metal symphony, and then Uchiha Kai and the masked black ninja pulled away from each other.

Uchiha Kai looked at this guy with a slightly gloomy look.

After some competition in swordsmanship, it can be said that Uchiha Kai has put everything he has learned into play.

And with the insight of the Kaleidoscope Shaker, it can be said that his swordsmanship has reached a terrifying level.

It's just that he was surprised to find out, whether it was himself or the masked ninja in black.

As long as the two of them make a slight difference, they will immediately end up with a tragic death on the spot. It is really dangerous.

The most important thing is that although Kai Uchiha was unscathed during a series of swordsmanship competitions, he has done his best.

The insight of this masked man in black is also very terrifying, and it seems that he has reached the limit of Sangouyu.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to rely on his sword skills and this insight to fight with Uchiha Kai to this level.

It can be completely believed that it is already a clear thing to say that Uchiha Kai is inferior to him in terms of swordsmanship.

With the benefit of the feedback from the kaleidoscope writing wheel, coupled with such terrifying insight, a tie can already prove his strength.

However, this battle should also be over.

Although Kei Uchiha wasn't worried about other clansmen running over, he didn't plan to really kill them all.

From the very beginning, his target was only the leaders of these 'hardliners'.

In Uchiha Kai's view, the threat of a leader is much more terrifying than that of thousands of clansmen.

These leaders can order those tribesmen to wear kimonos and resist peacefully without weapons, but what about the other way around?

Can they also be ordered to wear combat uniforms and bring weapons to resist violently?

And these leaders have a complete program and requirements. He knows what they want, what they can give up, and what they must not give up.

This kind of cohesion, this kind of thinking, and this kind of appeal are definitely not something that Kai Uchiha can tolerate!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai also decided not to play anymore.

With the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, unless he really doesn't want to win and wants to die, he really won't lose to a Sangouyu!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai revealed a sneer.

He, who has already fallen behind in this battle, is naturally not stupid enough to fight with this guy.

After all, he's a ninja, not a samurai!

Facing his ninja sword, which locked him tightly, Uchiha Kai immediately began to quickly seal the seal.

Seeing Uchiha Kaijieyin, the man in black with his face flashed a cold light in his eyes.

With his feet on the ground, he stomped heavily on the whole person, and moved towards him like a gust of breeze.

Although Ninja was carried by him upside down behind his body, Uchiha Kei didn't dare to be careless.

As far as this guy's sword technique is concerned, it doesn't matter whether the sword is in the front or the back.

As long as he wants to, his knife will appear where it should be.

Although his movements were fast, they were not as fast as Uchiha Kai's hand.

The speed of Uchiha's printing is no joke.

In the blink of an eye, Uchiha Kai completed the seal.

Facing the masked man in black who was rushing towards him, he immediately unleashed his ninjutsu - Huo Dun · Fire Dragon Flame Bullet.

The three fire dragons suddenly spewed out of Uchiha Kai's mouth, and then they attacked the masked black-clothed ninja from the left, center, and right directions.

At the same time, Uchiha opened his eyes and closed his eyes, and his chakra began to gather in his eyes.

He didn't believe that such a level of ninjutsu would do any harm to this guy.

Sure enough, this guy turned around lightly to avoid a fire dragon.

Then Ninja slashed, cutting a fire dragon in half!

In the end, he accelerated a little, avoided the last fire dragon, and the whole person had come to Kai Uchiha!

At this moment, Uchiha opened his eyes, and strange chakra waves radiated from his kaleidoscope.

The masked black-clothed ninja is very focused, and his Shakers are also highly resistant to illusions.

But the illusion that Uchiha Kai has prepared over time is really not something he can easily restrain!

Especially, the illusion that Uchiha Kai uses is not a simple illusion, and that kind of illusion will only make him a little distracted, right?

A black screen that is as deep as a black hole and can absorb any light.

As the kaleidoscope in Uchiha Kai's eyes turned slightly, they spread from all around.

Soon, they gradually formed a semicircle, completely covering the area with the black-clothed ninja as the center. UU Reading

Covering the earth, covering the sky, covering the moonlight, covering the stars, everything is an absolute darkness that cannot be forgotten.

This sudden scene surprised the black-clothed ninja a little, because he found that his wheel-writing eyes couldn't see through it at all!

However, it is the man who can draw the same level with Uchiha Ki with the help of three gouyu and superb swordsmanship.

The black-clothed ninja didn't feel any fear of the sudden appearance of the black screen and the temporary loss of his vision. He didn't even hesitate a bit instinctively.

At the moment when he lost his vision, he still used the last sight he had to see Uchiha Kai's position.

Coupled with the instinctive intuition and some skills similar to listening to the position, he even continued to attack Uchiha!

The sword in his hand sometimes attacked Kai Uchiha like a violent storm, but in the end he was still a ninja, not a pure samurai!

Looking at his crazy attack, Uchiha Kai looked at him calmly and indifferently.

In a staggered interval, Uchiha Kei and he slashed three times at each other in a hurry like lightning.

However, his attack route has been seen through by Uchiha Kai, but he can't see anything...


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