Chapter 206: ?Report

Uchiha Kai's words made Hyuga Aya really stunned.


In particular, the 'materials' that Uchiha Qi helped her choose also made her feel that she could not refuse.


Hyuga Hizu, this is the head of the Hyuga clan!


If he is used to make a comparison, then I am afraid to a large extent, it can prove whether Uchiha Kai is lying!


Uchiha Kai's words are actually very simple, that is, to help Aya Hyuga to attack Hyuga Hizu.


At the same time, from Hyuga Hizu, she got some materials that she needed to study.


These materials can be blood or part of the body of Hyuga Hizu.


These materials allow Aya Hyuga to compare her genes to determine whether the theory that Uchiha used for her is correct.


It can be said that doing so is very risky, but Uchiha Kai seems to have the ability to do so!


Hyuga Hizu is not the kind of person who won't leave the house. He also has things he needs to deal with every day.


And the easiest person to figure out his route is Uchiha Kai at this time.


The Security Department is not only the only department with authority to protect Konoha's internal stability, but it is also the most powerful department with the largest number of people.


To a certain extent, he can be regarded as an intelligence department.


Just need to figure out the route of Hyuga Hizu, find a relatively remote place, or evacuate the surrounding crowd in advance, Uchiha Kai can launch an attack!


As for the finishing work, I'm afraid Uchiha doesn't need to worry about it. He has such a close relationship with the fourth Hokage, and at the same time he has a close relationship with the Uchiha clan's patriarch.


With the help of these two people, he doesn't need to worry about being exposed at all.


And this guy is also the head of the security department. He can choose a death row prisoner at random and use it as his scapegoat!


Hyuga Aya took a deep breath, and she was really moved: "I understand, but this will take time, and I'm not ready for many things.


Therefore, your new eye plan also needs to be postponed. After you merge, I am worried that my level will not meet the requirements, which will cause a lot of trouble. "


Although Hyuga Aya is heartbroken, this woman is still very attentive and careful.


She knows that at her current level, I'm afraid she can't support this experiment at all.


Therefore, she prefers to spend some time to wait, after she has prepared what she needs to prepare, she will choose the time to act.


She is most worried about Uchiha Kai now. She is worried that her strong partner can't wait that long.


After all, this kind of temptation is really hard to bear.


"No problem, and I don't want you to do things too badly because you are in a hurry."


Uchiha wasn't too surprised, but he still reminded: "But there is one thing I have to remind you, you don't have much time.


After all, I wasn't the only one staring at the finished eyes. "


"Is Uchiha Fuyake?" After all, he was a smart person, and Hyuga Aya thought of something at once: "So, how much time do we need?"


"Up to eight months." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and gave an answer.


In fact, eight months later is the time when the Nine Tails erupted.


According to Uchiha Kai's idea, it is best to solve these problems before the nine tails erupt.


If not, then Uchiha Kai will use other people's eyes to solve these problems.


However, this kind of thing needs to be hoped by Uchiha Kai as much as possible not to happen. He prefers that he has such power, rather than relying on other people's eyes to achieve that level.


Besides, Uchiha Kei didn't think that he could use his own skills just like Uchiha Madara by plugging his eyes in.


It took Kakashi so many years to get used to the writing wheel before he used the ability of Obito's eye.


Look at this guy Danzo. He has the cells of the thousand-handed pillars, and he got the eyes of Uchiha Shisui. As a result, after so many years, he can't use any 'Bie Tianshen'.


Even if it is due to talent, Kai Uchiha feels that unless his understanding and research on Sharinyan has reached the pinnacle, he cannot achieve this step.


Obviously, Uchiha Qi obviously couldn't reach this step. He didn't want to put on new eyes at that time. As a result, his strength was not as good as his own eyes because of his incompatibility.


However, it is also beneficial to have new eyes, that is, he can use the pupil power of those eyes unscrupulously and use Susanoo's ability.


"Eight months? It's really nervous enough." Hyuga Aya frowned, but she soon gritted her teeth and made a decision.


"Four months, give me four months, I will solve this problem!"


"Okay, you need to cheer up."


Uchiha Kai nodded. If this woman can really reach the minimum standard in four months, then many things for Uchiha Kai can be advanced.


"No problem." Hyuga Aya nodded: "In four months, I will help you solve your problem in four months, but..."


"I'll also help you solve the problem of Hyuga Hizu to prove that I didn't lie to you."


Uchiha Kai nodded: "Actually, you can also verify some things through my experiments.


After all, we are all a pupil family, and many things can actually refer to and learn from each other. "


Hyuga Aya nodded, she did have such an idea.


Through the story of Kai Uchiha, I can learn from my future path and choices.


Similarly, she also needs the 'materials' of Hyuga Hizu, and she needs these materials to make a horizontal comparison.


Come to distinguish yourself from the best elite of the clan, how big the difference is.


With Kai Uchiha's assurance, Aya Hyuga was also relieved, she now felt that she had more motivation.


In fact, at first, she thought that Uchiha Kai asked her to study these complicated and cumbersome things, but in fact, she wanted her to enter the field of medical ninjas completely.


Thus, from a front-line fighter to a ninja with little fighting ability, this is a disguised weakening of her.


After all, she can be considered to have mastered some of Uchiha's secrets, and as a strong side Uchiha, naturally, he must make good use of everything.


But now it seems that although Uchiha Kai is using her to help himself.


But this guy doesn't understand that it takes something to make her cooperate better.


Hyuga Aya breathed a sigh of relief, the result made her feel at ease, and she planned to work hard.


For her own sake, for her own future, this is the purpose of her cooperation with Uchiha Kai.


Kai Uchiha said it well, they are indeed a kind of person.


It's just that Kai Uchiha has more extraordinary talents, abilities, and more extraordinary means, that's why he has today's achievements and status.


"I understand, then I'll leave first." Hyuga Aya got a satisfactory answer, so she naturally didn't want to waste time.


Her task is very heavy, and she still needs to learn more materials to make up for her shortcomings.


"Well, by the way, you can come here by yourself in the future. You need more information and some necessary experiments, and here are the equipment for you to do the experiments, and the materials you need."


Uchiha Ki nodded, and then said, "I greet the people who will be here, they won't stop you.


But if you want to come over, you must make sure that you are not being followed, especially your Hyuga clan. "


"I see." Hyuga Aya nodded, this proposal was very beneficial to her, and she naturally wouldn't refuse: "It's you, didn't your patriarch turn against you because of my existence?"


"He won't do this, and he will even completely ignore your existence." Uchiha Kai shook his head indifferently.


"Actually, in the entire laboratory, except for you, everyone else belongs to my subordinates.


Actually, even you are not my subordinate, but you are closer to me than they are. "


Uchiha Kai is telling the truth, and he is not worried that these things will be known by Hyuga Aya.


On the contrary, he felt that Hyuga Aya should have also noticed some problems.


Although the people here are very obedient and respect Uchiha Kai.


But the obvious sense of distance can be felt by anyone who is not a fool.


Uchiha Kei doesn't think Hyuga Aya is a fool, so she perceives that everything is very normal.


After all, Kei Uchiha didn't have time to win over so many subordinates.


"I see. It seems that my collaborator brings you a lot of convenience." Hyuga Aya sighed, and then she became a lot more serious.


"I see, you are indeed much better here than other places. I will also pay attention, I don't want to be finished."


"That's good." Uchiha Ki nodded.


"I'll give you a piece of advice, in fact, you don't need to keep your eyes on Hyuga Hizu when you collect materials.


There are so many clans in your family, and I remember that you will also hold a test activity to test the strength of each clan, right? "


"Yes, I have to say that this is a good idea." Aya Hyuga nodded, and she instantly understood what Kai Uchiha meant.


The members of the Hinata clan's clan are not many, but they are definitely not too few.


And these members of both the clan and the branch will be excellent research materials.


You don't need to do anything to them, just beat them up during the competition, it's better to beat them to the point of vomiting blood.


Then find a way to collect the blood, and extract the components she needs from the blood for comparison, which can also be regarded as one of her goals.


Obtaining the samples required for the experiment from more people has a better guarantee for the correctness of the experiment.


Experiments, after all, require huge data support.


"As long as you agree." Uchiha Ki nodded: "By the way, when you are leaving, remember to deal with this report, there are some things I don't want more people to know about.


Even if he and I belong to the same family. "


"No problem, Qi-kun." Hyuga Aya smiled and took the report in her hand: "I won't let this report appear. No one can see this report, no one."

