Chapter 207: ? The Walking Dead

, Update the latest chapter of this Uchiha Too Cautionary as soon as possible!

After handing over all the things that should be left to Aya Hyuga, Kei Uchiha also relaxed.

It is rare for Uchiha Kei to have such a chance to relax. There are too many things for him to be busy with.

It's just that at this stage, it just happened to give him some free time.

The security department has just completed the reorganization, and Uchihagawa's unit is slightly better.

After all, he got a hint from Uchiha Kai, so he would naturally make some preparations in advance.

Uchiha Chun's luck was not so good. She was inserted by Uchiha Fuyue, and naturally she could not get any care.

At the same time, Uchiha Kai threw the most troublesome and tiring "experimental project" to her.

Obviously 'testing' her abilities.

If you do well, you will stay, and you can keep doing it. If you do not do well, you will be eliminated.

This kind of embarrassment, Uchiha Chun also has no way.

It was she herself who suggested that she wanted to approach Kai Uchiha so that she could find a way to tie this person.

But now she found out that this guy Uchiha Kai completely used her as a tool and a tool to compromise with Uchiha Fuyue.

It is also fortunate that Jun Uchiha took a breath to prove himself, otherwise the task given to her by Uchiha Kai would be enough to persuade an unknown number of people.

This woman is now busy all day long in accordance with Uchiha Kai's request to find suitable people in the clan, and at the same time she is going to visit people from other clans in the village.

As for how her progress is now, Uchiha Qi doesn't care. What he wants to see is not the process, but the final answer sheet delivered by this woman.

"The personnel in Uchihagawa have almost found them, and now many teams have started training."

Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself: "In general, everything is going normal, and I don't know what's going on with Minato Namifeng now."

Since meeting Minato Namikaze last year, neither Uchiha Kai nor Uchiha Fuyue took the initiative to find Minato Namikaze.

In order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, Minato Namikaze will not have too much contact with any family members for the time being, even his former teammates.

It is normal to do so. He has just taken the position now, and the influence of the three generations of Hokage is still there, so he cannot be too eager.

It's just that I'm afraid he won't think that no matter how low-key he hopes for a smooth transition now, in the end, he will only find that he is actually a person who obeys orders.

"Forget it, don't worry about it so much." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "I should also prepare some other things."

When Namikaze Minato feels that it is difficult for him to control all of this, it is very likely that he will communicate with Jiraiya or Uchiha Kai.

It's a pity that Jiraiya has now left Konoha, so the only people he can communicate with are Uchiha Kai and them.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai doesn't need to worry, he just needs to wait quietly.

Waiting for Namikaze Minato to come to the door and find a way to solve the problem.

Now Uchiha Kai has other things to do, that is to find a suitable seedling who is good at learning.

A person with medical ninjutsu ability, Uchiha Kai, does not need too many, but at least there must be a person who can tell the truth.

Although Hyuga Aya is very good and has a good attitude, Uchiha Kai thinks it is better for him to be careful.

Once the two of them had an irreconcilable conflict, causing Uchiha to kill him, he worried that no one would be able to take over the woman's job normally.

Therefore, it is very necessary to have an alternative plan to prevent the release of certain emergencies.

Even if none of these things happened, an extra assistant would be nice.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi simply found a free time, and he planned to visit Konoha's orphanage.

Konoha Orphanage is also a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

Now how Uchiha Qi is not sure, but the future director of Konoha Orphanage is Pharmacist.

And now, it is not clear whether the dean is still the pharmacist Ye Naiyu.

However, people who have walked out of the pharmacist's pocket from here can also see that the standard here is actually not bad.

Innate talent, although to a large extent determines a person's upper limit.

But one thing that can be compared with talent is a person's character and will.

Bloodline and talent are important, but you don't have the heart and will to match it, you can't fully develop your talent, and you are still nothing in the end.

Pharmacist Dou is a person with sufficient wisdom and firm will.

Although he has lost himself, he has such a will to support him, and in the future he will also be the mastermind behind the Fourth World War.

With this in mind, Kai Uchiha set off directly.

He wanted to see if there was any 'gold' worth digging in the orphanage besides the pharmacist's pocket.

Just walking out of the gate of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Kai happened to see Kakashi standing outside alone.

"Huh?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, then simply walked over and said with a smile: "Kakashi, long time no see, don't you have a mission today?"

"Mr. Minato gave me a vacation for a week." Kakashi's voice was a little cold: "I didn't know what to do, so I came to find you."

"Is that so." Uchiha Ki nodded: "How are you feeling in Anbu recently?"

"It's very common, I can only numb myself with tasks." Kakashi sighed: "Sorry, I disappointed you and the teacher, I..."

Uchiha Qi pursed his mouth, and I knew that Kakashi was not so easy to get rid of.

To a certain extent, Kakashi is also a very stubborn person.

In Uchiha Kai's memory, his life has undergone three changes.

His first change was the death of his father.

Kakashi, who was originally naive and romantic, and was extremely proud of his father, had a serious suspicion because of his father's suicide.

He suspects that his father is wrong, and he suspects that what his father taught him is also wrong.

This suspicion caused Kakashi to start a blackening, and this blackening made him unusually cold, ignoring his companions and everyone.

Even Lin, who likes him, can be ignored. In his eyes, there are only tasks, and everything other than tasks can be abandoned!

This kind of change knows the appearance of Uchiha Obito, and there are some changes.

Uchiha Obito is a person who is incompatible with him, and even the two of them are the same as the future Uchiha Sasuke and Naruto, they are simply the opposite two types of people.

But what is interesting is that these two people, who should not be together at all, have developed a deep bond and friendship.

Although after Lin was arrested, the two of them had a huge disagreement, but the blackened Obitozudun really was no worse than Naruto.

That sentence 'Those who break the rules of the ninja world, we call them trash. However, people who don’t know how to value their companions are not even worthless.”

The words "I think Konoha Shirato is a hero" pierced Kakashi's heart deeply.

It can be said that these two sentences made Kakashi's original serious doubts return to his affirmation of his father.

That's why Kakashi did something that "violated the mission guidelines" and ran over to rescue Rin Nohara.

But unfortunately, because of this incident, Kakashi's second transformation began.

Because of his left eye injury, he had a large blind spot of vision, which caused him to react slowly when the boulder fell.

And Obito also gave his 'life' to save him, and gave his left eye to Kakashi before his 'dying', and hoped that Kakashi would protect Nohara Rin forever.

The occurrence of this incident made Kakashi grieved and at the same time, he also had a new goal, which was to 'do his best to protect Rin Nohara'.

It was just a tragic thing that happened. It was really difficult for the person targeted by Madara Uchiha to have a good end. Nohara Rin finally died at the hands of Kakashi.

This incident was a devastating blow to Kakashi.

To put it bluntly, even if it wasn't his reason for killing Rin Nohara, it was devastating to him!

At this time, Kakashi can no longer be said to be a human being. He is almost a pure task tool, a walking dead creature.

But one thing changed him, and that was the death of Minato Namikaze.

After witnessing his teacher give his life to protect the whole village, he also seems to realize something.

That is, he still has something worthy of his protection!

Obito's dream is to become Hokage so that he can protect Konoha.

Nohara Rin died in her own hands, in fact, to prevent the three tails from erupting in Konoha, so as to protect Konoha!

It can be said that his teacher and his companions are all struggling with the same dream, even if they give their lives for it!

With such a crack, coupled with the careful help of Kakashi's former friends, he slowly walked out of the haze.

It was not until he saw himself in the seventh class, the shadow of his team, that he gradually became a normal person.

Kakashi's life is actually really miserable, even if he becomes a normal person, Uchiha Kai also sees the shadow of the former Obito in him.

It can be said that Kakashi is no longer living for himself He is living for his former companion and teacher, and he is living with the will of others.

However, although Kakashi like this is lovable, it really does not conform to the idea of ​​Uchiha Kai.

He didn't want the Anbu Minister he chose to be the shadow of someone, the successor of someone or the will of someone who was acting.

Uchiha Qi felt that he was afraid to do something.

"I understand, Kakashi." Uchiha Ki nodded: "I understand what you mean, it seems that you still can't get out of the haze."

"I..." Kakashi lowered his head: "You know what, Kai. I don't dare to draw the knife now, because every time I pull out the knife, I seem to see blood on the knife. Lynn's blood! I..."

"Shut up." Uchiha Qi interrupted Kakashi's words, and then said calmly: "Come with me, I have something to tell you."
