Chapter 208: ?We have been guarding you

Uchiha Kai took Kakashi all the way towards the Konoha Orphanage.

The location of the Konoha Orphanage is actually quite remote. After all, it is all war orphans.

These war orphans may or may not be from Konoha.

Such a situation can easily be caused. There may be foreign spies among these orphans.

Therefore, in order to prevent micro-duplication, Konoha's orphanage naturally cannot be built in the central area of ​​Konoha.

And this area is also the place where the security department needs to focus on inspections.

Although Kai Uchiha has never been here, he has also paid attention to these places when he was researching the route of Yuu Uchiha before.

So this place is definitely not unfamiliar to Uchiha Kai.

Looking at this lush and lush forest, he also imagined that this place would be an ambush field, and it would be a very good choice.

It's a pity that a guy with such high power as Yuchi Uchiha doesn't come here at all.

Uchiha Kai also has nothing to do.

I really didn't expect this place to come in handy now.

This is a good place for Uchiha Kai to say or do something to Kakashi.

When the two of them were about to arrive at the Konoha Orphanage, Uchiha Kai suddenly stopped.

Almost in the blink of an eye, his ninja sword was unsheathed.

With the scarlet eyes and the azure blue ninja sword, the terrifying explosive force is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to react to.

But Kakashi is not an ordinary person, he has been in Anbu for a while.

Kai Uchiha could see that even when he was resting, his spirit was highly concentrated.

This may be a common problem that he has been in Anbu for a long time, or it may be that he has just entered Anbu, and he is not able to retract it freely.

Sure enough, Kakashi avoided the attack of Kai Uchiha almost immediately.

Almost subconsciously, he raised his forehead guard, revealing the writing wheel eye hidden in it.

When Uchiha Kai saw this scene, he immediately launched an attack again.

Of course, he still has to keep his hand, otherwise Kakashi really won't be able to hold it for long.

Kakashi was a little embarrassed by Uchiha's sudden attack. He pulled out Kunai to resist desperately, but there seemed to be some confusion in his eyes.

"Where's your knife, Kakashi?" Kiha Uchiha asked flatly after kicking Kakashi away.

"If you face me in this state, then your vacation will probably be extended for a long time.

Even, you will never be a ninja again. "

After saying these words, Uchiha Qi directly attacked.

Kakashi kept staring at each other, which gave Uchiha a chance.

Although Kakashi's writing wheel eye is also a kaleidoscope, Kakashi's surname is not Uchiha after all!

A strange chakra suddenly appeared in Kai Uchiha's eyes, and the next moment he was already rushing to Kakashi's side.

At this time, the blue ninja sword had a jumping arc, and Kakashi knew that it was probably Lan cut.

Suddenly, Kakashi felt that he was in a trance, which made him immediately realize that he might have been hit by an illusion.

It was only when he released the illusion that he clearly saw that the blue Chakra knife had already cut across his neck.

At this moment, Kakashi felt only a trace of pain, paralysis symptoms appearing all over the body, and...

A sense of relief that came from within.


"Kakashi? Kakashi?"

After an unknown amount of time, Kakashi suddenly felt a familiar voice coming from his ear.

Kakashi felt a little puzzled, what happened to him?

Suddenly he felt a headache, and touched his head subconsciously. Kakashi suddenly remembered a lot of things.

Including Uchiha Kai's ruthless drawing of the knife to him, and the ninja sword that he gave to Uchiha Kai at the last moment, exuding a bright blue light.

"Looks like I'm dead..." Kakashi muttered to himself, "It's not a shame to die on the weapon I gave to Kai."

Kakashi didn't mean to blame Kai Uchiha.

In his opinion, Uchiha Kai just used a relatively extreme method to help him out of the predicament.

It's just that I'm afraid Uchiha Kei didn't expect that his desire to resist would be so low.

In other words, Uchiha Qizhen is worthy of being Uchiha Kai, the new generation of the Minister of the Security Department. I am afraid that anyone with such strength will be difficult to resist, right?

"Kakashi! Kakashi! Wait for us."

Suddenly, that familiar voice came to Kakashi's ear again, which made Kakashi very puzzled.

Touching his swollen head, Kakashi stood up, his pupils dilated immediately.

Because he saw that Lin was pulling Obito and running towards him.

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, and then he almost subconsciously reached out his hand to hold the two of them.

But soon Kakashi was shocked to find that the two of them seemed to be looking at him with a little fear.

"They didn't come to you."

Just when Kakashi was stunned, a voice suddenly sounded behind him, a voice exactly like himself!

Kakashi turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw a self, a more youthful self.

Standing beside this 'self', there is also a smiling Namikaze Minato.

It's just that Minato Namikaze didn't look at him, as if the corners of his eyes were still a little disappointed.

And Kakashi keenly felt that this 'self' was very different from him.

Because he sensed a vitality in this 'self'.

A vigorous vitality, like the rising sun, makes people addicted, which is completely different from the current Kakashi.

"Have you noticed?"

The younger 'Kakashi' wore a mask, but his eyes were a little disdainful: "The way you look now is really disgusting, as if you have no goal, no faith, and a walking dead monster. "

"Really..." Kakashi's voice was a little cold, but there was guilt and helplessness in this coldness.

He has indeed changed. With the death of Obito and Rin, the goal he had originally constructed has been lost, and the defense line that had been thawed in his heart was almost closed again.

He lowered his head and looked at the combat uniform on his body. This was Anbu's combat uniform.

Kakashi wears them subconsciously even when he is resting.

This can also be regarded as a manifestation of him closing himself, a manifestation of severing ties with himself in the past. . . .


Just when Kakashi was lost in thought, suddenly, the younger 'Kakashi' punched him.

Kakashi didn't react at all, or he didn't plan to react at all, he was directly knocked to the ground by this punch.

Silently rubbed his face, it was very painful.

This kind of real pain has made Kakashi unable to distinguish whether he is in an illusion or is really in the pure land world.

"Look at it." said the younger Kakashi.

"Look at you now, what kind of you are now!

Are you still you now?

Is he still the one that Obito and Rin trusted?

Or, are you still human? "

Kakashi turned his head to the side, and where he fell, there was a puddle of water next to him.

Looking around, Kakashi saw a person with cold eyes in the reflection of this pool of water.

The indifferent look in his eyes as if seeing everyone dead made Kakashi's heart palpitate.

Especially the scarlet writing wheel eye made him look like an evil spirit crawling out of hell!

Kakashi was stunned. It was the first time he had seen such a self, such a terrifying self.

Those terrifying eyes, that are like the night, can't see the breath of the direction, the kind of walking corpses that seem to have no soul and body.

For the first time, Kakashi began to realize that he was no longer who he used to be, and this is definitely not the self that Obito and Rin knew!

"Do you know? You are no longer the same you." The younger 'Kakashi' said disdainfully.

"Now you, Obito and you will only be afraid when they see you. They won't recognize you at all, because you are no longer the Hatake Kakashi they know well."

"I..." Kakashi held up and stared blankly at the reflection in the water, at the familiar and unfamiliar figure.

"Kakashi?" Suddenly, Rin Nohara's voice rang in Kakashi's ear.

Kakashi raised his head and looked at Rin Nohara, who was a little scared, but the brown eyes were full of tenderness and worry.

"Rin..." Kakashi didn't dare to look at her, he lowered his head in shame: "I'm sorry...I..."

"Kakashi is just in trouble. I believe Kakashi can solve these problems." At this moment, the fear in Lin's eyes seemed to disappear.

She showed a gentle smile: "Kakashi has always been the best, although I'm sorry to burden you with such a heavy burden.

However, I believe that Kakashi will overcome and find himself, right? "

"Hmph, you nasty bastard." Obito also walked to his side at this time His expression seemed a little disdainful.

"I gave you my eyes to let you see the future instead of me, and let you help me protect Lin and the things we cherish.

But the way you are now, you may not look like the you I know, and you don't look like the one I identify with! "

"I'm sorry...Lin...I'm sorry...Obito..."

Kakashi seems to feel that something in his heart is broken, he seems to understand a lot of things, he seems to feel the will of Obito and Rin!

"Kakashi." At this moment, Minato Namikaze also came to his side.

He gently patted Kakashi on the shoulder: "Qi said something to you, do you remember?

The so-called ninjas are a group of people who endure humiliation.

A strong ninja is not about how strong he is, but whether he can carry the will of his dead comrades and live alone in this world.

You are not alone, you still have many friends, Qi, Akai, Hong...etc. They are all your friends. "

"You're not alone, Kakashi. We've been watching over you..."



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