Chapter 209: ? 1 request, 1 request

, Update the latest chapter of this Uchiha Too Cautionary as soon as possible!

After an illusion turned Kakashi over, Uchiha Kai immediately revealed his kaleidoscope writing wheel.

And once again filled Kakashi with an illusion.

Uchiha Kai has done less research on illusion during this period, but this does not mean that his current level of illusion is inferior.

On the contrary, his current level of illusion is really good.

Although most of them are practical illusions, they are simple and practical, and the effect duration is not strong.

But it can make people peep into the true self everywhere in the heart, and the unique illusion Uchiha Kei will also be.

What Kakashi used this time was a new illusion that Uchiha Kai improved.

These are all used by him to open a writing wheel for those who he thinks are valuable, just to see the effect on Kakashi, and also to see if it can help Kakashi.

"I hope it's all right."

Looking at Kakashi, who was standing still with his head lowered, Uchiha Qi sighed.

Then he pulled the ninja sword back into its sheath and walked towards the orphanage by himself.

He can't be sure when Kakashi wakes up, but this doesn't prevent Uchiha Kai from doing other things, such as him looking for a suitable person.

It didn't take long for Uchiha Kai to come to the door of the Konoha Orphanage. At this time, a group of children were playing happily at the door of the orphanage.

It's just that when they saw Uchiha Kai, they all stopped involuntarily.

Uchiha Kai was very clearly aware of vigilance in their eyes.

It seems that over the years, there are probably not many people who disturb their peace.

Many people and families like to select suitable seedlings from these orphans, and then bring their roots to deadpool training.

Now these little guys will be frightened when they see strangers. After all, the companions who left with strangers have never come back.

In fact, Uchiha Qi himself missed a point, and that was his own reason.

Although he is only thirteen or fourteen years old, he has experienced too many battles.

Even if he stood there quietly, it would give people a very uncomfortable feeling.

How could that kind of chilling breath be tolerated by ordinary people?

The people who come into contact with him have been on the battlefield, or those whose status is lower than him, naturally don't think there is anything wrong with this.

But these children don't know him, and children are always more sensitive than adults, how can they bear this feeling.

"Hello, Mr. Ninja." At this moment, a middle-aged woman rushed out of the orphanage's room: "I'm sorry I'm late, do you know what happened to Mr. Ninja here? ."

This middle-aged woman was a bit fat, and she almost subconsciously stood in front of all the children.

Probably trying to block Uchiha Kai's sight and protect them all.

It's a very simple approach, which probably has something to do with her being an ordinary person who hasn't received ninja training and doesn't have chakra in her body, right?

And there are traces of foam on the woman's hands, which should be washing these children's clothes or something.

It can be seen that she is very responsible, and it also reflects that she likes these little guys very much.

"My name is Uchiha Kai, I'm sorry to bother you." Uchiha Kai was still very disciplined, although his ninja status allowed everyone here to be honest and obedient.

But he has decided to let the Uchiha family integrate into Konoha. He naturally has to lead by example, even if he pretends to be his best.

Unfortunately, when he said his name, the middle-aged woman seemed to become a little disturbed.

Obviously the surname Uchiha put a lot of pressure on her.

"Uchiha..." The middle-aged woman took a step back unconsciously.

But soon she realized her rudeness, she stabilized her emotions before continuing: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency Uchiha, I..."

"It's alright, if my visit bothers you, then I will apologize." Uchiha Kai's voice was still calm: "May I ask who you are..."

"My name is Teak Kyoko, and I'm the director of this orphanage." The middle-aged woman, Teak Kyoko, bowed slightly to Uchiha Kai.

"Hello." Uchiha Qi nodded: "I'm sorry to bother you, but I remember the director of the orphanage, isn't it Ms. Ye Naiyu?"

Although Uchiha Qi couldn't figure out the time, he did know where the pharmacist Ye Naiyu went, but he still asked this on purpose.

The pharmacist Ye Naiyu is actually quite famous in the Konoha ninja system, and the title of "Walking Miko" will appear even in some rosters of the security department.

Unfortunately, she was with the wrong person back then.

And one step is wrong, and even she can't do it if she wants to quit the ninja system.

"Sorry, Ms. No Naiyu is no longer the dean here." Teak Jingzi sighed: "So I took over as the dean here..."

"You seem to be very afraid of me." Uchiha Qi asked knowingly: "Do you often have people looking for trouble with you?"

"It doesn't count, it's just...hey..." Teak Jingzi hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Uchiha Kai nodded understandingly. It is true that some things are not so easy to say, especially when it comes to some secrets of Konoha.

Although Yoko Kyoko is not a ninja, it doesn't mean that she doesn't know the purpose of those masked ninjas coming here, what is the purpose of bringing the children here.

It is because she knows that she will feel uncomfortable, because she knows that these children may never come back.

"I understand." Uchiha Ki nodded: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned your sadness."

"It's okay, we are used to this kind of thing." Teak Jingzi shook his head helplessly.

"After all, they are all poor people, without the support of their parents, Konoha is their home.

Some of them need to work for Konoha to ensure continued subsidies and supplies here, they just made a choice. "

Teak Kyoko's words were very calm, but how could Kai Uchiha not hear the desolation in the calm?

But this is the fact, the fact that cannot be changed.

The village or Sandai and Danzang don’t want to keep you in vain, you need to give something to let more people like you survive.

In fact, according to Konoha's finances, it is completely possible to supply this orphanage.

But unfortunately, Konoha needs these 'rootless duckweeds' to pay, and they need these people to do more dangerous things.

And these orphanage members have no right to choose at all. They can only wait to die, or they can only be honest and obedient.

"Sorry." Uchiha Kai said apologetically again before sighing: "Ms. Jingzi, in fact, I'm going to disappoint you this time. I'm afraid I'll take one of them too."

"Is that so..." Yuki Jingzi couldn't see any emotion, but her voice became a little indifferent.

"I don't know what this Uchiha Your Excellency is going to do with this child? Are you trained to be a killer? Or a dead servant who worked for you?"

Teak Jingzi's words are a bit harsh, but I have to say that some big families do choose some orphans.

Then train them to be loyal family killers, or deadpool.

This is not surprising at all, sometimes in the eyes of these big families, their clansmen are still very valuable, but these orphans are very cheap.

Just teach them and feed them, and these costs are enough to buy their lives.

It is difficult to say whether there are such people in the Uchiha family. Although Uchiha Kai has never met, it does not mean that there are none.

Although Uchiha Qi sympathized with them, he knew that such unspoken rules were really difficult to break.

Every world has some subtle rules, and the survival of orphans is really not as good as imagined.

Especially in a world where war could break out at any time.

Once a war occurs, there will inevitably be many orphans, and these orphans can only rely on others to survive.

If you are lucky you can live well, if you are unlucky, you are really unlucky.

The dream of becoming an ordinary person has turned into a luxury.

"I don't need to lie to you. If you go to the village to buy some necessary items, you can ask for the name 'Uchiha Kai'."

Uchiha Qi sighed, and then he said seriously: "Killer, I don't need it, I have more than 100 ninjas under my command who will serve me.

Deadpool, I don't need it either. I've been on the battlefield for seven years. I'm afraid many so-called deadpool have not started as cleanly as me. "

"So, what exactly do you want these children to do?" Teak Jingzi frowned, and then she laughed mockingly.

"Are you going to pay for them to study and become a useful person, working for Konoha?"

"No, they will work for me, and I only need one person." Uchiha Kai didn't care about Yukiko's attitude.

He glanced at the child behind the woman, and then slowly said: "As for what I'm going to do, don't ask, it won't do you any good.

You know need to know, I need a smart kid, an obedient kid. "

"Is it something shameful again?" Teak Jingzi shook his head helplessly.

"You ninjas have always been on top.

Indeed, we cannot resist, nor are we qualified to resist.

However, I just want you to grant me one request, just one. "

Uchiha Qi looked at this woman calmly He could see the sadness of this woman.

It's just that even if she doesn't want to, she knows that she can't argue with Uchiha Kai.

She is not the pharmacist Ye Naiyu, she does not have the qualifications and ability to do these things.

In fact, even the pharmacist Ye Naoyu has surrendered, but the object of her surrender is the sinister and evil guy Danzo, who surrenders is the true core rights of Konoha.

"Please speak." After a long while, Uchiha Keicai nodded.

"I hope to treat him or her as a person, not your slave, nor your tool." The corners of Yukiko's eyes seemed to be wet: "There is only one request, only this one."

"Rest assured, he or she will not be my tools or slaves. They will be a human being, a normal person who can come back to see you often.

But I also have a request, that is, I want the best! "
