Chapter 210: ?Iori

, Update the latest chapter of this Uchiha Too Cautionary as soon as possible!

"Look at what you look like now..."

"Kakashi, I believe you will solve your own problems..."

"Come on, you bastard..."

"We've always been with you..."

Several voices have been echoing in Kakashi's mind. These voices gave Kakashi great encouragement and gave Kakashi an inexplicable power.

Kakashi already knew that he was probably caught in an illusion.

But he was not angry, and he didn't want to blame Uchiha Kai. Instead, he now hopes to stay in this illusion for a longer time.

But he also knew that he was going to leave this illusion.

Because he has recognized his own heart, he already knows what to do.

"I'm afraid, as I am now, if I really go to the Pure Land, Lin and Obito will not like me, let alone agree with me."

Kakashi muttered to himself, then he opened his eyes instead.

As his eyes opened, the voice in his mind slowly disappeared.

But all this has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

At this time, his eyes were calm, but there was no sense of indifference to life.

Even the scarlet writing wheel didn't feel like the ghost of **** before.

He seems to have slowly recovered from a walking dead monster to a 'normal person'.

"Such a feeling..."

At this moment, Kakashi seemed to find that his spirit, energy, and spirit had changed for the better. Listening to the chirping birds, he seemed to be able to feel the breath of life.

Instead of being the same as before, such a sound would make him feel disgusted.

Because of such a thing full of vigor and vitality, he instinctively made him feel uncomfortable.

Raising his head, Kakashi looked at the bright sunshine and the lush forest, and he suddenly realized that the world was still so beautiful.

The sky is still so blue, and the sun is still so warm, but before he closed himself up, he couldn't see all of this at all.

"It's so beautiful..."

Kakashi said something in a low voice, then he lowered his head and involuntarily held the ninja sword hanging from his waist.

Gently pulling out the knife, he seemed to hear a crisp cry from the ninja knife in his hand.

Maybe it was the friction between the blade and the scabbard, but Kakashi really felt a feeling that he had never felt before.

That is a different kind of emotion, it seems that the knife in his hand is more closely connected with himself at this moment.


Suddenly, Kakashi stopped the movement of his hands, because he noticed that someone was walking in his direction.

However, Kakashi did not put on a posture of fighting, because he knew that the person who came was probably his good friend.

It was the one who helped him change from a 'monster' to a 'normal person', and that was Kai Uchiha.

Sure enough, just as Kakashi thought, Uchiha Kai came over, but there was a child by his side.

"Yo, are you awake?"

Uchiha Kai saw Kakashi who was a little stunned, and felt a little bit of the change in his aura, and he nodded with satisfaction.

It is no longer the kind of undisguised coldness, no longer the feeling that there is no living breath at all.

Although there is still a cold feeling, at least there is some anger, which makes Uchiha Kai somewhat satisfied.

Not only is he satisfied that Kakashi has become a 'human', rather than a 'dead man' who has no self-judgment and choice, but he is more satisfied with his illusion that the effect seems to be pretty good.

Moreover, Kakashi's recovery helped him to clarify his mission and direction in Anbu, and it gave Uchiha Kai a bigger bargaining chip in the face of Namikaze Minato.

"Ah, I woke up." Kakashi nodded: "It started to feel like a nightmare, but I soon discovered that this was the most wonderful dream, thank you, Kai."

"Don't thank me, thank yourself." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "If you can't make it, then you're gone. So there's no need to thank me, just because you still have light in your heart."

Uchiha Kai didn't seem to care about Kakashi's thanks.

But Kakashi decided that if it wasn't for Kai Uchiha, he would inevitably fall into the darkness and would never be able to extricate himself.

He knew his own situation, but at that time, he still completely lost his faith and belief.

It's purely a person who wears the body of 'Kakashi', but has no real soul.

Shaking his head, Kakashi suddenly turned his gaze to a child beside Uchiha Kai.

It was a girl who looked like she was only seven or eight years old. She was a little afraid of people, but her big eyes made Kakashi remember this girl.

The clothes on her body looked a little worn, and there were many traces of being mended.

And this little girl also has some calluses on her hands, and it can be seen that she often helps others.

Kakashi was a little confused, who is this child?

Just after a little thought, he immediately came to a conclusion that this was a child from an orphanage.

"This is..." Kakashi looked at Uchiha Kai with some doubts.

"Oh, she." Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "Her name is Iori, she has no surname, she is a child from an orphanage."

"Is it really an orphanage..." Kakashi nodded: "Be kind to her, a child without family protection is especially pitiful in this era."

Obviously, Kakashi also knew how tragic the fate of the children in these orphanages was, and he saw such people when he was in Anbu.

Combined with the life situation after his father's death, he can understand the feeling of loneliness, he can appreciate the desolation without the protection of family.

But Konoha's approach is not wrong. In fact, it is not just Konoha, almost all Shinobi villages treat orphans in the same way.

Not everyone is Naruto, and there are not many orphans with special status like Naruto in the entire ninja world.

"Don't worry, she is neither a tool nor a slave, she will be a valuable person." Uchiha Qi spread his hands.

"Or, ninja. But I don't expect her to do any tasks. For me, my subordinates and even you can help me in many things. I have enough positioning for her, so don't worry."

"You guy..."

Kakashi seemed to be recovering well, and he showed the kind of dumbfounded expression he wouldn't have shown at all.

But soon he became a lot more serious: "Well, if you need anything, I will help you."

"Let's talk about it, you are not even my opponent now, how can you help me?" Uchiha Qi shook his head: "But congratulations, you can face up to your own problems, and you have picked up the knife again, I think you will come here this time. There will be new gains."

New harvest?

Kakashi glanced at the ninja sword in his hand, and he seemed to remember the special feeling before, the feeling of feeling the emotion of the sword.

Holding the ninja sword in his hand, Kakashi deftly put it back into the scabbard, and he suddenly had an impulse.

He wants to go back quickly, he wants to try this kind of connection, he has a feeling that this kind of connection between people and the knife will make him gain even more!


"You live here in the future, just clean up."

Taking the little girl Iori back to his home, Uchiha Kai discovered for the first time that his small house was a little small.

There were only three people living in the past, and he didn't feel much.

And because he is out performing tasks all year round, he seldom comes back and naturally has no feeling.

But now that the war is over, it is impossible for Uchiha Kai to stay outside as before.

Especially when he brought someone back, he suddenly realized that the place seemed a little small.

This made Uchiha Qi begin to wonder if he should get a bigger house too.

Although I can barely clean up the living environment for four people, it looks very crowded.

And Uchiha Kai's current identity is no longer the marginal person he used to be.

He is the second most powerful figure in the Uchiha clan, and he even holds an authority like the Ministry of Guards in his hands.

Even if he doesn't care about his living environment, his subordinates will definitely have some concerns.

Uchiha Kai's current living environment and his identity really don't match at all.

"I see, I'll clean up this place."

Iori didn't seem to care that much. What she was more worried about was her hesitation about her future: "I don't know, what this lord wants me to do, and I will be here in the future."

"All you have to do is study. Of course, it's better if you have time to help." Uchiha Qi said calmly.

"Besides me, there are two people living here, Ryoko Uchiha and Keisuke Uchiha, my... elders.

But your main task is to study, to study the information I gave you.

Of course, you have to take a look first, if you don't understand, I can help you find a teacher. "

"Study?" Iori nodded: "What kind of content do I need to learn?"

"Medical knowledge." Now that he's home, Uchiha Kai doesn't worry so much.

He said directly: "I need you to learn about medical ninjutsu Although you will not work in the medical department in the future, you will also have a decent job.

You study five days a week, and you can go back to the orphanage on Saturdays and Sundays, which is a rest time for you. "

In fact, Uchiha Kai really wants to say that you study six days a week. After all, Uchiha Kai came here in his previous life.

But after thinking about it, Uchiha Qi thought it was okay.

Learning is something that requires interest and self-initiative. If it is forced, then the girl may not learn anything.

After so many years of coping with exams, he knew very well that many things he had not been interested in studying in his previous life had been forgotten after the exam.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen to this girl. From a certain point of view, this girl was still very important.

"Come on." Uchiha Qi patted her on the shoulder: "Maybe, you can become the pride of your place in the future."
