Chapter 212: ? to please

, Update the latest chapter of this Uchiha Too Cautionary as soon as possible!

"Are you all ready?"

In the Hinata clan, almost all the young people stood quietly in a vast training ground.

Hyuga Hizu stood at the front and looked at these young people.

Within the Hyuga clan, there will be a big test every once in a while.

Use this to test the strength of all the clansmen.

And this kind of test has also become an opportunity for many family members to show themselves, especially for the members of the separated family, this is an opportunity to climb up.

Hyuga Aya was also standing in the team, but she deliberately hid herself at the back. Essentially, she didn't like this kind of competition.

She, who had already seen through the essence of the Zong family and the family separation, knew very well that no matter how hard the family separation was, as long as there was this caged bird on their heads, their identities would not be changed.

Simply put, it is from a 'slave' to a person more appreciated by the 'slave owner', who can then look after more 'slaves'.

And such people are the most disgusting.

It is often not the "slave owner" who oppresses the "slaves" the most, because for the "slave owners", the "slaves" are their private property.

Protecting one's private property is a rational act, but the person who looks after the 'slave' does not.

They were originally 'slaves', and they were also within the protection of 'slave owners'.

And in order to show their 'superiority', they will try their best to express themselves and get the appreciation of the 'slave owner'.

The result of this is that everyone is obviously of the same identity, but as the former companion of the 'slave', in order to distinguish their former identity, it is really ruthless to start.

But sadly, such people are actually the loneliest.

They have turned their backs on their identities and cannot get recognition from the 'same class'.

In the eyes of 'slave owners', they are always just 'slaves'.

Poor people have something to hate, and in turn, hateful people have something to hate.

It's not that the branches of the Hyuga clan can't see these clearly, but they have no way to change and resist it.

Hyuga Aya is a person who is driven mad by such a clan and family division system, and she is probably not the first person who dares to kill the clan.

Calmly glanced at the people who were full of excitement and eager to try.

Hyuga Aya's heart was a little sad, but more of a sneer was indeed disdainful.

"It's a bunch of ignorant people. Slaves are always slaves. If you want to break the cage of fate, you still need to rely on your own efforts, not the appreciation of the slave owners."

Hyuga Aya closed her eyes, she didn't want to see those people who made her feel ridiculous, but they were very sad.

For her own destiny, for her own freedom, she has taken a firm step, and she does not hesitate to cooperate with a cold viper.

In fact, she also knows that Uchiha Kai is a poisonous snake, so what about her?

In fact, she is not much better, no matter how high-sounding the reason is, what she does is always the road towards darkness.

But she didn't regret it, because she decided on this path, and it was probably the only way she could choose.

"Sure enough, I and Uchiha Kai are indeed very similar."

Thinking silently in her heart, she opened her eyes and looked at Hyuga Hizu, who was lining up to practice against.

Hinata Aya's eyes were a bit aggressive, maybe she thought it was wrong.

She immediately lowered her head, but her heart couldn't be calm.

Hyuga's foot is her goal, a goal that Uchiha Kai promised him to achieve, a goal that he used as a basis for comparison with himself.

The training activities are proceeding in an orderly manner, and Hyuga Aya is also waiting quietly, and she is expecting that the object of her fight will be a member of the clan.

This kind of adversarial training test is actually very random.

Hyuga Aya couldn't guarantee whether the person she met would be the clan or the branch, but she didn't care that much either.

If it is the Zong family, then it is naturally very good, even if she will pay some price, she will get the other party's genes.

If it's a split, it doesn't matter.

It is just possible to use these objects of training to establish an image.

A person who will not be merciful when he makes a move, is ready to be beaten and vomit blood when he starts with her, or prepare to vomit her blood.

Such an image can help Hyuga Aya solve a lot of trouble, although this may make her reputation in the Hyuga clan even worse, but does Hyuga Aya care?

She doesn't care, her current reputation is bad enough, Hyuga's death really left a big shadow.

"The next group of opponents, Aya Hyuga, and Sora Hyuga. Get out!"

At this moment, Hyuga Aya suddenly heard her name.

Soon there was some commotion among the young men as Hyuga Hizuzu shouted his name.

Many people began to whisper, and the main topic revolved around the death of Hyuga.

Hyuga Aya completely ignored these things, and she simply walked out.

She has seen such scenes many times, and the only thing she is interested in now is her opponent.

I have to say, she seems to have good luck this time.

Her opponent, Hyuga Sora, was a member of a clan, and her father was powerful and participated in the Second Ninja War and the Third Ninja War.

His ancestors were the old man who entered Konoha with Senju Hashirama, and it seems that he made a lot of reputation in the first ninja war.

It can be said that this guy's background is very good, and it is said that he is also a genius of the 'Hyuga Clan'.

It is said that at only fifteen years old, he has been able to use the Eight Trigrams 128 Palms proficiently.

As for other soft boxing techniques, I am afraid that he has already mastered it proficiently. It can be said that this is a terrifying and powerful opponent.

However, Hyuga Aya didn't care too much. The ninja really doesn't mean that the more you master, the bigger your chakra, the more powerful you will be.

Although Hyuga Aya hated war, she hated the feeling of walking on the tip of a knife.

But she also has to thank the war, because the war has taught her so much.

"Are you Hyuga Aya?"

When the two of them walked to the center of the training ground, Hyuga Sora suddenly asked, "I heard that because of your fight with Hui, his confidence was severely damaged, so he committed suicide?"

"Probably." Hyuga Aya said calmly: "Maybe it's unacceptable, let's be defeated by a split family."

"I really can't accept it. If it were me, I would kill myself." Hyuga Sora suddenly laughed: "After all, it's really shameful to lose to you."

"If you lose, will you commit suicide?" In the face of such ridicule, Hyuga Aya remained calm, but she did not admit defeat at all.

"It's just you? A person who lives on the battlefield, although he was called a genius before, but your title of genius has turned into a shame."

Hyuga Sora smiled disdainfully: "Then, let me see how you can please me."

After finishing speaking, the two received a seal of opposition at the same time to express their attitude of 'this is just a confrontation'.

But both of them knew that the next battle would definitely not be a 'harmonious and friendly' battle mode.

Almost at the same time, both Hyuga Aya and Hyuga Sora opened their eyes, and the next moment they were fighting together.

It has to be said that Hyuga Sora's level is still enough, and Rouquan is lightly lifted under his control.

The hands covered with Chakra can accurately cover Hyuga Aya's acupuncture points with almost every stroke.

But Hyuga Aya's performance is definitely not bad, and even her performance is a little sideways even for Hyuga Hizu.

Maybe the fighting on the battlefield is really very experienced, and every time Aya Hyuga dodges, there will be no unnecessary movements, and every time she can accurately avoid the hands of Hyuga Sora.

And Hyuga Aya didn't have no counterattacks. Although her counterattacks didn't have any rhythm, it could even be said that there was no complete soft boxing at all.

But every shot seems to be able to make Hyuga Sora's most dangerous attack come to nothing.

No matter how much you study, the chakra is huge, and it really doesn't have much use for Hyuga Aya.

Practical experience is the most valuable asset.

How to take advantage of one's own strengths while eliminating one's own weaknesses and at the same time eliminating the enemy's strengths, this time is the true essence of the battle.

The battle between the two did not last very long. From the perspective of the scene, it seemed that Sora Hyuga had the advantage, and he beat Aya Hyuga so that he could only dodge and retreat continuously.

But none of the people present were blind, and they all clearly found that Hyuga Sora did not pose any threat to Hyuga Aya at all.

The most important thing is that in such a high-intensity battle with various soft fists, Hyuga Sora's Chakra consumes very quickly and is a bit scary.

On the other hand, Hyuga Aya, although she is also consuming chakra, her chakra still maintains a level, and the speed of consumption is really not fast.

"Is this woman too scary?"

"It can only be said that he is indeed a person who has lived on the battlefield for so long. Such sufficient combat experience is really remarkable."

"No wonder Hyuga Hui committed suicide, the Zong family lost to the branch family, hum..."

"Don't talk about it again, I'm afraid Hyuga Sora will also lose."

While the two were fighting, the other young people of the Hinata clan couldn't help but whispered.

Although they all have some taboos on Hyuga Aya, they also have to admit that Hyuga Aya is indeed very powerful.

Especially the members of the split family, some of them hate Aya Hinata very much, because they feel that Aya Hyuga has taken away their chance.

And some people are very grateful to Aya Hyuga, in their opinion this woman is their hero, a hero who can challenge or even defeat the clan!

The battle continued, and Hyuga Sora became more and more impatient, and he also sensed that something was wrong.

He really didn't expect that this woman who seemed to be unable to fight back in a decent way would actually push him to such an extent.

However, Aya Hyuga is still calm Keeping a calm attitude and fighting is also a valuable experience learned on the battlefield.

The more anxious the enemy is, the more beneficial it will be to her.

Sure enough, the speed of Hyuga Sora's palm began to slow down, and Hyuga Aya also accurately caught this.

"What do you think of this pleasurable way?"

Hyuga Aya suddenly said something to Hyuga Sora, and the next moment her counterattack began, and she saw blue chakras suddenly appear in her hands.

Taking the initiative to attack, Hyuga Aya blocked Hyuga Sora's palm.

The next moment, her fist full of chakra bypassed Hyuga Sora's defense and hit her chest!


With a scream, Hyuga flew upside down, and his mouth spurted out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

Some of these blood, some accidentally, fell on Hyuga Aya's white clothes...