Chapter 214: ominous foreboding

, Update the latest chapter of this Uchiha Too Cautionary as soon as possible!

Namikaze Minato was sitting in his office, looking at the pile of documents on the table, he sighed helplessly.

After succeeding Hokage, Konoha did not change too much.

Many things cannot be decided by Minato, and many things cannot be changed by him.

There is also a group of elders at the highest level of Konoha. There are only four elders in this group, but this person has the ability to veto him!

The issue of the Uchiha clan he proposed was dismissed, the investigation of Orochimaru was dismissed,

Even Anbu, an institution completely subordinate to Hokage, has no control over him.

This made Namikaze Minato realize that what he was most worried about had happened.

The three generations of Hokage have not completely surrendered their control.

He used the excuse that Minato Nami is still young and doesn't have enough experience to control such a big village, and cooperated with his old classmates to still firmly control everything.

Namikaze Minato can only act like a puppet, signing the resolutions they agree to and vetoing the resolutions they veto.

Moreover, he must also be very humble and ask the three generations of Hokage beforehand, which will gradually stabilize his position.

Namikaze Minato also thought about it, after all, he was only a junior, and he was only twenty-four years old.

Although the golden glitter is famous, some big clans in Konoha may not buy his account.

When dealing with some sensitive issues, I still need three generations of Hokage to come forward.

But Anbu's problem, and the reform of the Uchiha clan that he had advanced many times, made him realize that he was really just a puppet who was tied.

"And Danzo, and his roots. I didn't expect that there were so many intricate things inside Konoha. I didn't expect Hokage to be like this..."

Sitting blankly at the desk, looking at the pile of documents on the table, Minato Namikaze couldn't help sighing inwardly.

But he was measured, and he didn't rashly touch the 'follow' belonging to Danzo, and he also knew that he was not qualified to touch it.

Danzo is Konoha's old-fashioned force. Even when the third Hokage is in power, he can only restrict him in certain aspects, or it is intentional.

Because now the three generations have abdicated, the "root" has become their own interests.

It is still an important tool for attracting interest groups to move closer to them, rather than their own.

In early spring in March, although the weather has begun to warm, there is still a chill.

Sitting in the Hokage Building, Minato Minato didn't feel how cold his body was, but his heart was the coldest thing he felt.

He seems to feel that his original enthusiasm is dissipating, which is not a good signal, and it is even less the signal he hopes to face.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the office, which made Minato Minato come back to his senses.

When the person who knocked on the door came in, there was a slight smile on Minato Namikaze's face,

This man is his disciple, Kakashi.

Kakashi's situation has improved now. It is no longer the same as before, like a walking dead zombie, which makes people feel strange and scary.

He now has the breath of a living man, and a firm will.

Namikaze Minato doesn't know what happened, but he knows that Uchiha Kai did it all.

This made Naikaze Minato even more grateful to Uchiha Kai, and at the same time he felt that Uchiha Kai asked him to arrange Kakashi into Anbu in advance, which was really a step in the right direction.

Kakashi is Minato Namikaze's only confidant in Anbu, and he is also the backbone who can help him secure Naruto's position in the future.

Although his status is very embarrassing now, he is just a newcomer.

But Minato Namikaze felt that if Kakashi tried his best, he would also think of something.

Maybe Kakashi can indeed play an important role in the future, but this future makes Namikaze Minato a little confused. When is the "future"?

"Teacher, this is the mission report." After Kakashi came in, he didn't call Hokage the same as before, but as if he was back a few months ago.

"Well, you did a good job, Kakashi, and you're recovering well." Minato Minato Naikaze briefly flipped through the report, and finally shook his head.

"Not long after the war between Yannin Village and Yunyin Village ended, the major countries are now exhausted, and Yannin and other villages have also signed an armistice agreement with us, but everything should not be taken lightly.

This year is my first year as Naruto, and I don't want any trouble.

Therefore, the safety of Konoha is even more important, and the danger must be stifled in the bud, understand! "

"Yes, teacher! I will go back and tell them." Kakashi nodded.

Although Kakashi is still very young, he is also keenly aware that Anbu does not seem to have a very harmonious relationship with his teacher.

There seems to be a barrier between his teacher and Anbu, preventing them from contacting each other.

Because of his identity, Kakashi slowly became a microphone between Anbu and Hokage.

He entered Anbu before the fourth generation was elected, and it can be said that the people of Anbu trusted him.

At the same time, he is a disciple of the fourth Hokage, and Hokage also trusts him.

"Very good, you go down first." Minato Minato nods with satisfaction: "Remember to meet your friends more, you are much better now than before."

Namikaze Minato finished saying this with a smile, then lowered his head and continued to process the documents.

Just a moment later, he unexpectedly felt that Kakashi hadn't left, and he raised his head in confusion.

"What's the matter, Kakashi?"

Kakashi hesitated a bit, thought for a while and said, "Teacher, I seem to find.... Anbu and you...."

"Don't worry about these things, Kakashi." Minato Namikaze interrupted Kakashi in time: "Some things..."

Suddenly, Minato Namikaze stopped his words, and he started to think.

Namikaze Minato is not a man of fate.

He dreams of being a Hokage, he dreams of conveying his ideological value through Hokage, and he dreams that everyone can accept his and his teacher's ideas.

For this reason, he is willing to cooperate with Uchiha Kai and the others, because he has a dream, because he does not want his teacher to be disappointed.

Now his situation is indeed very difficult, and even he has some signs of 'disillusioned', but this does not mean that he wants to give up.

Kakashi performed well in Anbu, and because of Uchiha Kai, Kakashi returned to a normal person.

Therefore, he also began to have some friends in Anbu, such a wonderful position, such a wonderful identity, it is impossible for Namifeng Minato not to think about doing something.

Having been on the battlefield and participating in the negotiation between Konoha and Iwa Shinobi, he is naturally aware of the actual cruelty.

He knew something had to be done, and he wasn't one to be kidnapped by morals.

"Kakashi, some things are complicated, more complicated than you can imagine."

Minato Namikaze thought for a while before he continued. He seemed to have made up his mind: "I'm afraid, I need your help, Kakashi."

"Teacher, please speak." Kakashi lowered his head directly.

"I believe you feel it too, and now there is someone blocking me and Anbu."

Minato Namikaze's voice became very low: "I know who these people are, I am afraid that many of Anbu are their people. I hope you can find out, those people belong to them."

"I understand, teacher." Kakashi's voice also became a little deep: "I will investigate clearly, the teacher is the real Fourth Hokage!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Kakashi agreed directly.

He knew that he was probably caught in the power struggle between his teacher and some forces.

But Kakashi still has no turning back. He is a disciple of the fourth Hokage, and Namikaze Minato is one of the people who helped him the most.

If he had to make a choice, he would naturally stand on the side of Namikaze Minato.

The most crucial factor is that Kakashi still remembers his father's death.

"I understand, Kakashi." Minato Namikaze nodded.

"But you have to remember that if you are caught, don't follow up.

Your safety comes first, and you are now my only disciple. "

"I know the teacher." Kakashi said seriously.

"Actually, I can also find someone to help, Qi is very good in all aspects.

And he is already the Minister of the Security Department, I believe that there is a lot of information for me on certain matters. "

"Is it Qi-Jun?" Minato Namifeng was stunned, and then he nodded: "I understand, Qi-Jun is an excellent person."

Namikaze Minato suddenly realized why he didn't go to Uchiha Kai to discuss it?

Wasn't the position of Hokage that he and Fuyue achieved through the efforts of him and Fuyue?

And Uchiha Qizao predicted a long time ago that he might become the puppet of the three generations of Hokage.

So, does it mean that they already have such an expectation, so does it mean...

Are they ready for this too?

Namikaze Minato suddenly found that he had always had a reliable ally in Hokage, an ally who supported him.

The embarrassing position of the Uchiha clan and the past performance of Namikaze Minato brought them together.

If his current situation is not good, I am afraid it will not be a good signal for Uchiha Kai and the others, right?

And Uchiha Qi is so smart, Uchiha Fuyue dared to give him the entire security department, and explained a lot of problems.

Whether it is forced to compromise, or something else, it all shows the ability of Uchiha Kai!

"By the way, teacher, there is one more thing I want to tell you." After receiving the affirmation of Minato Namikaze, Kakashi also wanted to leave.

But then he thought of something, he decided to talk to his teacher.

"What's the matter?" Minato Namikaze had probably figured out some things, which made him feel better: "Tell me about it."

"Teacher, during the Spring Festival Night Festival, that is, the day after Teacher became Hokage, I went to worship Obito and Rin that night, and placed Lily in front of their tombstones.

But when I went to worship again not long ago, I found that other people besides me seemed to have been to the tombs of the two of them, no…

To be precise, I have been to Lin's tomb. It's not a big deal, but I don't know why, I feel a little uneasy in my heart, and I always feel that I should tell you about it. "

"Kakashi, being observant is a good habit of ninjas, but don't make your nerves too tight. Lin and Obito are heroes who sacrificed for the village. It's normal for someone to worship at this time of the Chinese New Year. Don't think about it. too much."


But I always feel that there is an ominous premonition, teacher...