Chapter 214: ?Orochimaru

, Update the latest chapter of this Uchiha Too Cautionary as soon as possible!

Time passed quickly, and the sky was quietly dimmed. Minato Namikaze approved another document, put it together, sorted it, and prepared it to be handed over to his assistant later.

Looking at the time, he got up and left the Hokage Building. According to his character, he should have worked extra hours, but he couldn't during this time.

When he thought of the reason, he couldn't help but have a happy smile on his face.

It has been more than a month since Kushina was pregnant. Although her appearance has not changed, every time she thinks of it, a sense of happiness fills her heart.

He always felt that Kushina was the best gift God had given him.

From the first time he saw her, the bright red was imprinted on his heart.

He stood up with a smile on his face, but the next second his face became a little darker.

Because of the pile of documents on the table, the first one was rejected, concerning his proposal to reform the Uchiha clan.

Shaking his head, Minato Namikaze looked at the sky, he felt that he should be able to squeeze some time out tonight.


"Captain, I think it's better that we don't get involved in this matter."

On the other side, Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta were walking towards a forest in Konoha, Imai Kenta seemed reluctant.

There are too many forests in Konoha, and I don't know if it's a natural environment problem, or if it was created by using wood dungeons.

This allows Konoha to have vast resources and fertile land, and also allows some people in Konoha to have a good hiding place.

Uchiha Kai has benefited from it, and more people have benefited from it.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head.

"Although the third Hokage has come down, he has maintained this guy, and you probably guessed right, the current situation of the fourth Hokage is not so good.

This time, I got the information and can deal a blow to the three generations of Hokage. Don't you want to give it a try? "

"Of course I do." Kenta Imai couldn't laugh at all, he spread his hands helplessly.

"But this is Orochimaru! We don't have enough information at all, and you haven't called Hyuga Aya, just the two of us, who knows how many subordinates he has!"

That's right, Uchiha Kei and Imai Kenta, the person to look for this time is Orochimaru!

It is also interesting to say that in the afternoon, Uchiha Kai received a piece of information.

It was Uchihagawa's subordinate who accidentally discovered traces of someone's activities in a relatively hidden forest while patrolling.

This discovery surprised them, and at the same time, they planned to check it carefully.

But they found nothing but the skins shed by some snakes.

Their team came back after making no good discovery, and reported the matter to Uchihagawa.

Uchiha Chuan didn't take this matter too seriously at first, and it wasn't until he handed over the job that he remembered and told Uchiha Kai about it.

And when Uchiha Qi heard the news, he didn't take it too seriously at first.

But when he read some information left by Uchiha Fuyue, as well as some action reports of Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya, he found some anomalies.

Although Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya are defeated by Uchiha Kai, and the two of them can basically declare that their future is over.

But their experience in the security department is still good, especially in order to investigate the matter of Uchiha Yu, they really worked hard.

In their action report, Uchiha Kai accidentally discovered that they seemed to have found this forest, but they had not had time to check because of some other things.

After discovering this situation, Uchiha Kai suddenly felt that he had to make sure.

Although he has been avoiding contact with Orochimaru, if he directly caught some evidence of Orochimaru, Kei Uchiha wouldn't mind meeting him.

Maybe he can get a lot of benefits from it.

After all, Orochimaru is a disciple of the third-generation Hokage and a collaborator of Danzo, so there will be a lot of people who catch the bad luck.

However, Uchiha Kai is not stupid, the strength of Orochimaru has always been a mystery topic.

Do you think he is strong? Before he was reincarnated, he could be injured by the three generations of Hokage with a detonating talisman. After he was reincarnated, he was knocked down by an illusion.

But you said he was weak, and Orochimaru's reputation on the battlefield was no joke.

In the original work, the Chunin Exam also resisted the ghoul seal (although to a large extent it was three generations dead).

He had already dealt with Naruto's berserk in Shippuden, but it was conceivable that he was not easy.

And Orochimaru has mastered too many ninjutsu and too many secret techniques.

Even if it is an extremely unstable thing like immortality, he can study it, and I am afraid that he has already gained a good harvest.

When Orochimaru defected, he left a nice 'gift' for Hongdou.

In addition to containing his soul, this gift is also a key to unlock the effects of fairy magic.

Uchiha Qi didn't dare to underestimate Orochimaru, if he didn't care about the reincarnated Orochimaru in the future, but now he really didn't dare.

So when Uchiha Kai decided to investigate, he dragged Imai Kenta directly, whether he wanted to or not.

And for the sake of insurance, Uchiha Qi also secretly asked Uchiha Asahi to inform Uchiha Fugaku, and let him prepare people to support him at any time.

He believed that Uchiha Fuyue would not miss such a thing when he learned that "some evidence of Orochimaru may be found".

But he didn't tell Imai Kenta, because he knew that once he said it, this guy would never take it seriously.

"Also, it's not necessarily Orochimaru's stronghold."

Imai Kenta looked at Uchiha Kai and seemed to have no intention of stopping at all, which made him even more helpless.

"Speaking, the two of us together are not necessarily Orochimaru's opponents, and we are not sure whether the other party has subordinates, if we have, we will be dead!"

"Don't be too pessimistic, I believe in your perception ability." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "And don't you think it's too late?"

Uchiha Kai stopped and pointed to a bush not far from the two of them.

And in this bush, a brown viper with a triangular head was staring at them and spitting out letters.

Imai Kenta turned his head to look, and suddenly he felt his head swell a little.

It appears that the two of them have been spotted, and even their conversation may have been overheard.

Imai Ken too knew that he might not be able to leave today, otherwise the kid Uchiha Kai would not let him go.

"Meeting you is the misfortune of my life." Imai Kenta sighed: "Is there any plan? And we were discovered, are you sure we can still find what we want?"

"I'm not sure if I can be found." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "But if you don't try it, I won't be reconciled, and you won't be satisfied, right?"

Imai Kenta didn't speak, just nodded silently.

Indeed, it has come and it has been discovered.

Then if there is really no gain at all, I am afraid he will not be happy.

Kenta Imai, who was not considered a good person originally, made some determinations this time, but he also knew that he had to be careful.

The ghost knows whether the kid Uchiha Kai will leave him and run away by himself.

Imai Kenta decides that if the situation is real, he has to do it first.

Uchiha Qi didn't know what the kid was thinking, he slowly walked to the snake's side.

Looking down at the poisonous snake, he said, "Won't you take me to meet your master? Or do you want me to find it myself?"

The poisonous snake still stared at Uchiha Kai and swallowed Tunxinko.

It seemed to know what Uchiha Kai meant, and then it swam out and crawled towards the forest.

Uchiha tightened the cloak that hung tightly on his body. Under the cloak, his right hand was already on the ninja sword.

A snake is not enough for Uchiha Kai to feel trouble, he thinks it is the owner behind the snake who is troublesome.

Turning his head, Uchiha Kai glanced at Imai Kenta, while Imai Kenta closed his eyes, and soon he opened his eyes and nodded to Uchiha Kai.

Imai Kenta's current state seems to have entered the battlefield again.

In this state, he is definitely not a reassuring guy, but he is definitely a good fighting force.

Uchiha Kai has known him for a while, and he knows how he should deal with this guy.

If he didn't even have this ability, he would have been overshadowed by these two people on the battlefield.

The base of Orochimaru was deeper than they thought, and the two of them followed the snake for about ten minutes before they gradually saw a basement like an entrance.

And at the entrance of the basement, a man wearing Konoha's signature green vest was standing there.

This person has long black hair, and a pair of long golden pupils, and the corners of his eyes have purple eyeshadow that extends to the wings of his nose.

He has pale skin, and wears blue-blue hook-shaped earrings, and he gives a gloomy feeling just standing there.

This person is Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas in the legend of Konoha.

"It's really interesting, have you all discovered this place?" Orochimaru licked his tongue I wonder what the two senior officers of the security department are looking for from me? I'm so lucky, the head of the security department, came to me with a squad leader. "

"I said I came to you because of Yuchi Uchiha and Osamu Uchiha, what would you do?" Kai Uchiha looked at Orochimaru calmly, and Kenta Imai also closed his eyes at the same time.

"It won't matter, I didn't make them." Orochimaru smiled disdainfully.

"Also, there is no need to perceive, there is no one else here. Or, with my status now, unless it is necessary, no one will come here."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi nodded: "Then I can rest assured. In this way, many things will become easier."

"Oh? It seems that the Minister has other thoughts."

"Yes, I just want to see if there is anything I am interested in in your laboratory."
