Chapter 224: ?Preparing the experiment

With this meeting with Minato Namikaze, there are too many things to be confirmed, and the harvest is too great.

Kei Uchiha knew that in the future, Konoha would probably have nothing to do with the original book at all.

But so what?

It is the biggest change that Namikaze Minato is alive.

As for the reform plan, it was proposed by Minato Namikaze, and no one will know where he came up with such a set of reforms.

The most cooperating is the Uchiha clan, and the chief of the Uchiha clan is Uchiha Fugaku.

It can be said that there is no shadow of Uchiha Kai at all, but there are his shadows everywhere.

He seems to be a non-existent or unattractive person, but in fact he is a person who can affect the core characters and even make them change their thoughts and positions!

Actually, when it comes to politics, Kai Uchiha realizes that his understanding and comprehension are not as good as those of Sandaimu.

They are real human beings. Without any instruction, they thought of cutting the village horizontally by safeguarding their own interests, and then profiting from it.

Maybe they didn't realize how powerful what they did was.

Of course, they don't know either. In fact, what they do is sometimes quite vulnerable.

After all, the time is short, and many things are not perfect.

The most important thing is that they don't realize what their "political enemy" is.

With Namikaze Minato, a 'pure' person with 'dream and belief' who joined the chess game.

Many things can be changed and many things can be improved.

Uchiha Kei also took advantage of his belief and let him find a way to change the current situation of the village.

There are many ways to obtain benefits, and it mainly depends on how you want to do it yourself.

In the past, because identity politics was defined, stereotypes were fixed.

Many activities, thoughts and actions are actually bound in a small 'identity'.

But the future is different. When the identity system that has been clearly divided inside the village goes bankrupt, the village becomes a big dye vat again.

Then, if you hide it here, you can find a way to get more.

"Actually, it's the kind of model that the third generation came up with, and it's easier to make money." Uchiha Qi sighed.

"Unfortunately, an identity politics has completely defined an ethnic group and created a stereotyped bad impression. There is really no way to change it."

After the negotiation with Naikaze Minato this time, both Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku clearly felt that the fourth-generation Hokage's attitude towards the Uchiha family has become better.

Also, after learning a lot of things, the fourth generation of Hokage became a little tougher.

In just one week, he asked Uchiha Fuyue to give him someone.

Inserting some unknown people into Anbu, and they are also members of the Uchiha clan, this approach has already shown a certain degree of bias.

However, these things have nothing to do with Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Fugaku has shown his enthusiasm in this regard.

Although it is just a group of 'mercenaries', it can be regarded as opening a new channel.

What Uchiha Kai is more concerned about is another interesting thought.

That's why Minato Namikaze actually revealed the fact that Kushina was pregnant.

This is extremely important news. Even after Kushina couldn't bear the boredom, she went to find Uchiha Mikoto, and the Uchiha family knew about her situation.

But that's later, let's talk about it now, and it can be seen that Namifeng Minato's trust in them.

After getting this news, Uchiha Kai also promised to strengthen the patrol around the fourth generation, but Minato Namika refused with a smile.

Uchiha Kei didn't care either, he now had a clearer time, and he felt that he should speed up too.

Time has unknowingly reached April, and there are only six months left for Uchiha Kai.

In six months, he needs to get the Eternal Eye out to be safe.

At the same time, he also needs to further 'self-upgrade'.

Although Kai Uchiha's current kaleidoscope consumption is minimal, the main reason is that he doesn't open his eyes for a long time, and he is also very 'thrifty and housekeeping' when using it.

But he couldn't even use his own abilities with all his strength. A little use made him feel distressed, which really made him not so comfortable.

"Although Susanoo is already being developed, and the development effect is good. However, the art that is unique to his eyes is still very attractive."

Uchiha Qi secretly thought: "Especially the so-called 'full version' of the art, I wonder if I can get it?"

He has a lot of doubts in his heart, but he will still do what should be fought and worked hard.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to spend so much effort to capture Osamu Uchiha and Yuu Uchiha, and he was even discovered by Fuyue Uchiha and Aya Hinata.

From the current point of view, it seems that everything is fine, but it is not clear what will happen in the future.

Uchiha Kai also doesn't have any good choices. Now that the interests are still in the same direction, there is still room for them to cooperate.

But in the future, their interests will change direction, resulting in irreconcilable contradictions...

"Then you can only find a way, or solve it by yourself. Therefore, improving yourself is the most important thing, and there is almost no one."

With this idea in mind, Uchiha Kai also needs to speed up.

He wants to prepare to arrange the fusion of two pairs of kaleidoscopes, and at the same time, he also wants to check the progress of Aya Hyuga.

This woman, Aya Hyuga, was banned for the entire month of April. The main reason was that she was too cruel to Hyuga Sora, and she directly sent the boy to the hospital and has not yet come out.

In fact, it is common to get injured in battle, but the target of her ruthless attack is somewhat wrong.

That is the grandson of a certain elder. She is a part of the family. She is so cruel to someone who is almost a 'master'. Naturally, she can't escape punishment.

I'm afraid she was taken care of even though she was grounded.

Hyuga is not stupid. Aya Hyuga used to be in Minato Namikaze's team. He would never miss such a relationship.

Otherwise, the treatment for this woman would be so simple.

In a place where the branch family will die, how can you expect the Zong family to treat the branch family well?

When she came to the laboratory, Aya Hyuga was already comparing test tubes one by one, and it seemed like she was doing some experiments.

Having not seen this woman for a month, Uchiha Kai found that this woman seemed to have become colder, but he didn't care too much.

The woman Hyuga Aya has always had the same impression on him.

When we first met, this woman was very disdainful of herself.

Kei Uchiha still remembers that kind of hostility and indifference in his eyes.

"You've been banned for another month. It seems that you are still being taken care of by your family." Uchiha Qi found a place to sit down.

"But the punishment for hurting such an important person is just that. It seems that your patriarch takes good care of you."

"Qijun is joking, it's no fun to play stupid, it's just that the patriarch has seen my value. Anyway, I have also done tasks with the fourth generation."

Hyuga Aya said with a blank face: "As for punishment, I had expected it. After all, I'm just a branch family. It would be strange if people from the sect were injured if there was no punishment."

"But you also got what you wanted, didn't you?"

Uchiha Qi tilted his head and looked at the test tube that Hyuga Aya was holding in her hand and the row of test tubes placed in front of the table, which seemed to prove her gains during this period.

Although Hyuga Aya has been grounded for a while, the progress of her collection has not stopped at all.

During this time, I'm afraid she has really worked hard. There are at least seven such test tubes on the table, and they are all marked with the abbreviation of the name and some numbers.

Uchiha Qi took a test tube and looked at it, and he could easily interpret some of these materials.

After all, it was about his future and life, so he had to be more careful.

"The special gene sequences of your Hyuga clan are thirty-three groups?" Uchiha Kai looked at it and put down the test tube: "The higher you go, the more difficult it is, and the fewer people can activate it, is that what you mean?"

"Have you read these materials too?"

Aya Hyuga looked back at Kei Uchiha, and then said affirmatively: "That's right, Kei-kun is so concerned about his own safety, it's impossible not to pay attention to and learn some introductory things. You are also afraid that I will lie to you, right?"

"That's right." Uchiha Kai didn't mean to deny it at all.

"You're also guarding against me, aren't you? We all know some things, and there's really no need to put them on the table.

Unless one day you really don't defend me, maybe I will really accept you. "

"Who knows about this kind of thing in the future?" Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai flatly.

"Actually, I'm more inclined, when I don't defend you, it means I'm worthless.

At that time, I, who had so much information about you, probably attracted not your acceptance, but your slaughter? "

Uchiha Kai shrugged, this woman is sometimes too pessimistic.

But it is undeniable that what she said is true to some extent.

If this woman has no value, I'm afraid Uchiha Kei may not be able to let her live in peace.

As ninjas, especially the ninjas who have done so many things.

In fact, they have already made their own psychological preparations for the worst, and at the same time try their best to avoid these terrible things from happening.

Hyuga Aya originally went to Uchiha Kai when she was forced to do so After that, she hoped to use Uchiha Kai as a bridge to freedom, but now she knows that she can't be in Uchiha. Kai hand over the wind and waves.

Because Uchiha Kei's eyes with strange patterns told her that any wishful thinking would make her doomed.

Fortunately, she still has white eyes. These eyes that originally made her love and hate have become her biggest protective umbrella.

"Only seventeen to thirty-three are active."

Stop thinking about this topic. The relationship between him and Aya Hyuga is too complicated. If you think about it too much, it will only give you a headache.

He simply set his sights on this test tube: "It hasn't been activated from one to sixteen, what level does it belong to?"

"Very mediocre, quite mediocre." Hyuga Aya was also not interested in continuing the previous topic, she knew that she still had many opportunities.

"My activation sequence is from fourteen to thirty-three. In fact, most of the members of the Hyuga clan are similar to him, but he is more unlucky to have a match against me."

"Oh? Is that so? What's this kid's name?"

"You should know him. He is your classmate. His name is Hyuga Kyou."

Hearing this name, Uchiha Ki's hand suddenly trembled...


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