Chapter 225: ?Join the Guard

"How... how does he behave on weekdays?"

"No surprise, what's wrong?"

"Does he have a fiancée called Hyuga Rin?"

"How do I know? You seem to know the rest of your family very well."

"Then did he get very close to Orochimaru?"

"Do you think people like Orochimaru like him?"


Uchiha Qi rubbed his brows. When he heard the name, he couldn't help but ask a question subconsciously.

After all, the deterrent power of this name is too terrifying, but it is a pity that the development speed of this 'Water Shadow' is too slow.

At least Kai Uchiha still doesn't know how it will end, he has already come to this ghost world.

In fact, he himself knew that he was just overreacting, there were too many people with the same name and surname.

It doesn't seem like a big deal to have a character in Kai Uchiha's memory.

"Looking at your current state, it seems that you have mastered everything you need to master?"

Uchiha Kei shook his head, instead of thinking about these messy things, he was more concerned about what he needed.

"It's impossible to fully grasp it. Those things are too advanced. Although there are clear materials, many things can't be learned and understood just by looking at them."

Hyuga Aya shook her head, and then she put down the test tube in her hand: "But the goal you gave me is very clear, so I made some adjustments, and I learned what we need, so the current progress is OK."


Uchiha Qi touched his chin, and it seems that such a change is not impossible. In fact, Uchiha Kai doesn't need much advanced genetic technology.

It's just that there are some problems with cells. He wants to fuse Bai Jue's cells, so this type of thing must be careful enough.

Danzo and Orochimaru did so many experiments, but only one survived, and that was Yamato in the future.

And the strength of this Yamato is also somewhat indescribable.

The wooden tunnel between the thousand-hand pillars is to destroy the sky and destroy the earth. His purpose is to plant trees and afforestation...

"Is that so? How's the cellular learning going?"

Uchiha Kei stopped thinking about so many messy things, he asked directly, "This time you should also know that I didn't lie to you, right?"

"Indeed, the stronger the members of the Hyuga clan, especially the clan, the more complete their genes."

Aya Hyuga nodded: "Thank you, now I'm only one gene of Hyuga Hizu. If you can, can you try Mr. Nippon's gene?"

It's quite interesting that Aya Hyuga calls the brothers Hinata Hizu and Hinata Nisashi.

She doesn't seem to have much respect for Hyuga Hizu as the patriarch.

But she is also very respectful as a split family, and she is very supportive of the daily difference between the split family.

It's a bit of a pity, it's too early for Hyuga to die, otherwise his son Hyuga Neji wouldn't be so miserable.

Obviously the talent is so good, but at the fastest growing age, there are not enough resources to learn.

"Since you respect him so much, why do you still want his genes? Will you be hurt here?"

Uchiha Qi glanced at her with a half-smile, and then he didn't make any promises: "If the two of them are together on the day I start, I can consider it."

"Are you alone?" Hyuga Aya frowned, "Can your eyes provide that much power?"

"I will naturally think clearly about what I am going to do. Now you should answer my question." Uchiha Kai ignored Hyuga Aya, she didn't give herself an answer.

"With 100% concentration and enough chakra, I can see all kinds of cells." Hyuga Aya also didn't care: "But it doesn't last long, at most five minutes I need to rest for at least a day."

five minutes?

Kei Uchiha thought about it for a while, he felt that the time was a little short, but he could give it a try.

Kai Uchiha remembered that the fusion duration of the Eternal Eye seemed to take at least half a month to a month.

It is acceptable to check it every other day. In Uchiha's opinion, the fusion of two pairs of kaleidoscopes is actually a process of constantly releasing special power.

This process is not only upgrading your eyes, but also complementing, activating or repairing your genes.

According to Uchiha Sasuke's experience, although it is impossible to achieve all-weather high-intensity monitoring, but careful observation once every other day, although the frequency is low, but it seems to be acceptable if it is meticulous enough.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai nodded to Hinata Aya, but he needed more.

"You can try, but I need you to monitor the physical changes of the 'hotbed' at all times." Uchiha Kai's face became very serious: "Also, you need to help me keep checking the genetic changes in his body."

"Yes, I will do these things." Hyuga Aya remained calm: "I won't let you down, help you, and help me to a certain extent. By the way, who is the 'hotbed' you chose?"

"Of course he's the same person as me." Uchiha Kei didn't hesitate at all.

He had already thought about it for a long time, the purpose of this experiment was to serve himself.

Then in order to be closer to his actual situation, Osamu Uchiha, who is naturally the same as his own kaleidoscope bias, is the best choice.

After such a long period of testing, Aya Hyuga's latest report has also been released. The improvement in this guy's physical fitness under the nourishment of the kaleidoscope is really exaggerated.

And this report, Hyuga Aya, made a comparison with Uchiha Kai.

As a result, Uchiha's improvement efficiency was not as fast as his.

This is not to deny Uchiha Kai's talent. In fact, for Kaleidoscope, although the biased improvement they give may not be constant, it is definitely not too low.

And there are also various other factors, such as the length of the body.

Uchiha Osamu is an adult anyway, and his physical development can be said to have reached a peak.

Therefore, such a degree of development, coupled with the increased bias given by the kaleidoscope, is naturally not something that Kai Uchiha can compare to now.

Uchiha Kei is only fourteen years old, and he has just passed his birthday just over a month ago. His growth potential is still very high.

At such a young age, he had such a biased improvement to lay the foundation, and Uchiha Qi felt that his future should be even brighter.

Now that Osamu Uchiha's detection value has been drained, it is time for him to give full play to his experimental value.

"I understand." Hyuga Aya nodded: "When are you going to start, I'll be ready."

"You really need to prepare." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he said directly: "Go back and tell your family and Hinata Hizu, you were invited by me to join the security department."

The security department?

Hyuga Aya was stunned for a moment, and then she frowned.

Joining the Security Department can be said to have both advantages and disadvantages. Basically, doing so exposes his relationship with Uchiha Kai.

But there are also many benefits. At least she has the protection of the security department, and the Hyuga clan may not dare to treat her casually.

But don't forget, the Hyuga clan is extremely conservative, I'm afraid it's not that simple for her to join.

He may even be asked to act as a spy to reveal the internal affairs of the security department.

In the Hinata clan, there are many people who regard the Uchiha clan as enemies and opponents, and even many elders do not like this Uchiha clan.

As a member of the Hinata family, Aya Hinata has been instilled with an idea since she was a child.

That is a member of the Hinata clan, and cannot lose to a member of the Uchiha clan.

This kind of thinking is almost ingrained, especially when their separation is more critical, probably because they are the main combat members.

"It's a good idea, but I think it's hard to get things done." Hyuga Aya thought for a while and said.

"Some stubborn clan elders hate you very much, and the idea that I was instilled since I was a child included 'people who defeated the Uchiha clan'.

Even if they agree, I'm afraid I will be a spy. They will use a caged bird to control me. Do you want me to sell them something? "

"So you have to talk to Hyuga Hizu about this." Uchiha Kai shook his head.

"As the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hizu is very keen on many things, and he knows some things.

As long as you tell him about this, and emphasize "Uchiha Kai and the Fourth Hokage negotiate", then he will become your most solid backing. "

"Is that so?" Hyuga Aya wasn't stupid, she immediately heard something from it.

"You have such a good relationship with the fourth Hokage?

Yes, your actions are so big now, first the reform of the security department, and then the opening of the clan land. Is this a statement?

Let go of your identity and your arrogance? "

"Pride is earned by yourself, not because of your surname." Uchiha Kai said casually, resting his head on one hand.

"Those who rely on 'surnames' to obtain resources and benefits are always just assholes.

Moreover, the ninjas of the blood Ji family may not be different from the commoner ninjas in the future. You should think of a way to become a jounin as soon as possible.

By the way, a friendly reminder, someone from Uchiha has entered Anbu. "

After saying this, Kei Uchiha didn't say more, while Aya Hyuga frowned and fell silent.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and her face became a little more subtle.

There is no difference between the ninjas of the Xueji family and the commoner ninjas, and they will become Jōnin as soon as possible. …

For a while, Aya Hyuga seemed to understand something. If you follow what Kei Uchiha said, I am afraid that something will happen to Konoha in the future. UU Reading

It's just that she is not so optimistic about this matter. I am afraid that many ninjas from the blood family can't accept this kind of thing.

But the Uchiha clan has entered Anbu, this news is worth her thinking.

I'm afraid this is an attitude, a kind of feedback for the support of the Uchiha family?

Thinking of this, Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai, no wonder this guy made a sworn promise that as long as Hyuga Hizu knew about it, he would help him.

Hinata may already know about this, such an opportunity.

He will never miss such an opportunity to connect with the Fourth Hokage!

"It seems that Qi-kun has been prepared for a long time, and I know what I should do." Hyuga Aya nodded: "When I go back today, I will talk to Hyuga Hizu."

"Well, by the way, if you have any trouble, remember to tell me."

Kei Uchiha seemed to have thought of something, and he said, "It just so happens that I also want to see your patriarch. If there is no accident, he will want to see me."

"Of course, such an important thing. How are you going to meet him?"

"Normal posture."



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