Chapter 226: ?Meet

It's not a big deal for Kai Uchiha to tell Aya Hyuga some information, he can even tell Kenta Imai if he wants.

In fact, he does have this idea. As collaborators, it is natural to show each other's abilities.

Of course, there is also the most crucial factor, that is, these two people are very reliable people.

They know what they can take out and tell others, and they can't talk nonsense if they are killed.

Trust is really unfamiliar to them. The only thing that drives them is either the same dream or the same interests.

In Uchiha's view, it is impossible for Hyuga to not notice that a new person has entered Anbu.

Even he couldn't be unaware of the current predicament of the Fourth Hokage.

Standing in line is a serious issue. Although Hyuga Hizu will not throw all the chips in the fourth generation, she can use the point of Hyuga Aya to express some kindness.

I am afraid that this guy is also waiting, waiting for who will win in the confrontation between the two generations of Hokage.

Hyuga Hizu's approach is right, the family size has reached a level, and there is no crisis in the Uchiha family.

He could naturally sit on the Diaoyutai and wait for the result, but Hyuga Hizu would never dream that the fourth Hokage would play so big.

After Uchiha Qi was too lazy to guess and knew the truth, he had other things to do.

For example, he was going to meet the fourth generation, a formal meeting, rather than sneaking in the woods.


"Absolutely not!"

In a small conference room within the Hinata clan, an old man who looked about fifty or sixty years old let out an angry shout.

Not only him, but there are also many old people around him who are about the same age as he is constantly nodding.

Hyuga Hizu is still very calm. He knows that he will encounter such trouble, and this is not the first time he has encountered such a problem.

The so-called clan elder actually exists to limit the rights of the clan chief.

A good patriarch can lead the family to prosperity, but a bad patriarch can lead the family into the abyss.

As long as it is a relatively large clan, the position of clan elder will be set up to limit the clan head.

Not only the family, but even the village has the same setup, and Hyuga has long been used to it.

But this time, he won't be so easy to compromise. He knows the reason why these clan elders refused. In fact, it is the sequelae of Hyuga Aya's last intra-clan confrontation.

"Nothing is absolute." Hyuga Hizu said calmly: "Although Hyuga Aya is separated, she has the right to choose."

"Speak these words to the people who separated from the family, and don't say these unnutritious words with us."

An elder from Hyuga shook his head: "I know you have plans to invest in the fourth generation, but Aya Hyuga is not a good choice.

Even if you have such an idea, it is better for you to choose a clan than a family. "

"But our head of the Konoha Security Department only recognizes Aya Hinata." Hinata Hizu was still expressionless.

"Also, Aya Hyuga and Shidaimu have performed missions together, and their relationship is even better.

Now that Uchiha has made such a big move, it is obvious that what information they have obtained has also been recognized by the fourth generation. If we don't find someone to follow up, we will fall behind. "

"That shouldn't be a family split, let alone a family split that doesn't stick to the dogma." The Hinata clan elder didn't intend to back down at all.

To a certain extent, his insistence is not unreasonable. Indeed, even if he wants to follow up with the four generations of Hokage, it is more appropriate to choose a clan.

This is also an expression of respect, after all, that is Hokage.

Although Uchiha is involved, what about for profit?

They didn't pay attention to the woman Hyuga Aya. At first, it was because this woman was a separate family, but now it is because this woman violated the creed of the Hyuga clan's family separation.

The creed of the Hyuga branch is to protect the members of the clan, and even die for them!

Hyuga Hizu frowned. To be honest, Hyuga Hizu didn't like to always separate the sect family from the branch family.

In his opinion, the Hinata clan should be a complete ethnic group.

Instead of being split into two people with the same surname, but with mutual hostility and hatred.

The relationship between him and his younger brother is a bit bad now, obviously they have a good relationship.

But since they understood what a 'caged bird' is, their relationship has started to deteriorate, and now there is nothing but apathy.

"However, she is a member of the Hinata clan, and she has the same blood that has been passed down from the same ancestors as we do!"

Perhaps thinking of the issue of Hyuga's daily gap, Hyuga's face became unsightly: "Don't go too far, it's his own problem that Hyuga's air skills are not as good as people.

Aya Hyuga stayed on the battlefield for seven or eight years, and she still survived. She is stronger than Sora Hyuga! "

"Patriarch..." The face of this Hyuga clan elder became a little ugly. Not only him, but the other clan elders also didn't look good.

"Actual combat experience, combat skills, these are all qualities that a ninja must have. Hyuga Kongkong has strength, but he doesn't know how to use it at all. Is this the genius of our Hyuga clan?"

Hyuga Hizu ignored the ugly faces of these clan elders: "Now the head of the Konoha Security Department is Kiha Uchiha, and he has a good relationship with Aya Hyuga, so this matter is left to Aya Hyuga.

And I heard that Uchiha Kai went to the Hokage office. "

"Even if it's Hokage, you can't put your hand into the Hyuga clan!" An old Hyuga clan's face was a little angry: "Lord Patriarch, we are the Hyuga clan!"

"Indeed, but don't forget that we are also Konoha ninjas. I will meet Uchiha Kei, and this matter is settled. Instead of continuing to dwell on these things, it is better to think about how to teach your descendants."


"Minister Qi, why are you here?"

In Naruto's office, Minato Namikaze looked at Uchiha Kei with a strange look. He didn't expect Uchiha Kei to visit him like this.

However, Namikaze Minato is also an actual ninja. During this time, he also learned a lot from the Naruto position. This kind of struggle is no worse than on the battlefield.

If he can control his words and deeds and his expressions, if he can do it well, he just thinks he is on the battlefield.

Especially in this office, hidden in some dark corners, there are other people.

"Fourth generation Hokage-sama." Uchiha Kai looked calm, looking like a pure subordinate seeing his superior.

"Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for a while, anyway, we used to be teammates." Minato Namifeng smiled kindly: "But you have been very busy these days, I can understand that the work and changes of the Security Department are very good, continue come on."

"I understand, the fourth Hokage-sama." Uchiha Kai bowed very respectfully.

The two looked like a pair of qualified superiors and subordinates. The only thing worth remembering is that they performed missions together on the battlefield.

And Uchiha Kei looks very cold, because he is too respectful, but Minato Minato is very enthusiastic, which is in line with his usual image.

I have to say that the battlefield really tempers all aspects of a person, and the two of them behaved like movie kings, making people unaware of their actual relationship at all.

"Hokage-sama, this time I came to see you because I wanted to ask you for a favor." Uchiha paused before saying, "Hyuga Aya is my teammate, and as a Hyuga clan, Baiyan can stand in front of the guards. More help from the Ministry. So..."

"Do you want Aya Hyuga to enter the security department?" Minato Minato Nakaze was stunned, he really didn't expect that Uchiha Kei was looking for him.

In fact, the Uchiha family is indeed gathering people from various families, hoping that some of them can join the security department.

This thing didn't go very smoothly, because they were basically looking for people from small families, and they didn't even visit the Hyuga family.

And the person who went to deal with this matter, the name seems to be Uchiha Jun, who is now a sub-commander of the 3rd Division of the Security Department.

In fact, Minato Minato is not very interested in these things, but these information will be delivered to his table as soon as possible.

Letting members of the Hinata clan to enter the security department, Minato Minato is in favor of this matter, but he also knows that it may not be that easy.

The relationship between the Hinata clan and the Uchiha clan is also clear to Namikaze Minato.

In addition to the 'racial segregation' policy implemented by the three generations of Hokage, I am afraid that these two pupil family members are not very good at dealing with them.

Although Minato Namikaze also knows that he is not very good at meddling in the affairs of the blood family, but Kai Uchiha himself came here, and he should make some comments.

"Although it's a little embarrassing..." Minato Naikaze touched his head: "But I support Minister Qi's idea I'm afraid I can't make any guarantees..."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have the support of the four generations of Hokage-sama." Uchiha Kai showed some smiles: "I think Patriarch Hinata is waiting to see me, so I will retire first."

"Minister Qi, do you need me to come with you, or write a letter to bring you there?" Minato Minato Namikaze was a little uneasy, and he asked.

"Thank you Hokage-sama for thinking of your subordinates." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Let this matter be left to subordinates."

After speaking, Uchiha Ki bowed slightly, then turned and left.

Minato Namikaze didn't say much, he sat quietly in the office, and he sighed slightly after Kei Uchiha left the office.

Bowing his head, Minato Namikaze continued to read the document, but he was a little unhappy in his heart.

From the beginning to the end, Anbu was 'protecting' him in the office. The head of the security department talked with Hokage, and they didn't choose to leave!

This kind of thing made Minato Namikaze very dissatisfied, but he also knew that he had better not speak up now.

Everything has just begun...


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