Chapter 227: start

"Patriarch Fuyue, Minister Qi, it's a pleasure to meet you."

In a tavern in the prosperous district of Konoha, Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku sit in a box, and the one sitting opposite them is Hyuga Hizu.

Hinata Hizu's invitation came much faster than Kei Uchiha imagined. After he left the Hokage office and returned to the Security Department, he received the invitation from the patriarch.

And what's more interesting is that he also invited Uchiha Fugaku.

"Patriarch Sunzu, in fact, strictly speaking, we are classmates, but it's true that we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Hyuga Hizu calmly: "I don't know if the Patriarch Hizu invited the two of us here, is there something important?"

"Don't you know the patriarch of Fuyue?" Hyuga Hizu looked at Uchiha Fuyake with some surprise, and then glanced at Uchiha Kai with some doubts.

He was indeed a little confused about the situation, but Uchiha Fugaku didn't know about it?

No, you should invite a member of the Hinata clan to the security department. As the head of the Uchiha family and the former head of the security department, shouldn't he not know these things?

The most important thing is that Hyuga doesn't think Uchiha Fugaku will really give up the rights of the security department.

I am afraid that the guy who chooses Uchiha Kai is more likely to be used as an agent, right?

After all, Uchiha Kei worked together under his command before Namikaze Minato became the fourth Hokage.

With this level of relationship, decisively ceding the post of Minister of the Security Department to him can be said to be the most positive statement.

Hyuga Hizu was still sighing at Uchiha Fugaku's decisiveness, but now it seems that things are not like that.

Uchiha Fugaku doesn't even know such important things, so does it mean that the agent he chose is unqualified?

"Qijun, do you know what's going on?"

Uchiha Fugaku was indeed surprised, but he guessed that this incident was probably related to the woman Hyuga Aya.

This made him a little worried, after all, the woman Hyuga Aya was the one who walked into their most secret laboratory.

He was a little worried about whether this woman was exposed, which attracted the attention of this guy, Hyuga Hizu.

However, he couldn't jump to conclusions, and he felt that he had better ask Uchiha Kai. like

If things were really that bad, then he might have to cooperate with Kei Uchiha to do something.

"Yes, because I invited Aya Hyuga to enter the security department." Kei Uchiha didn't even need to look at him to know what he was probably thinking.

Therefore, he simply said directly: "I'm afraid this matter will also make the Sunzu Patriarch very embarrassed? Otherwise, the Sunzu Patriarch would not have brought us both."

"Is that so, Hyuga Aya?"

Uchiha Fuyue nodded with an incomprehensible expression, but he was indeed relieved: "In this case, the Sunzu Patriarch does not need to come to me for this matter.

You can totally talk to Qi alone, because Qi-kun is the head of the security department. "

Hyuga Hizu looked at the two in front of him in silence, he felt a little confused now, what is the situation?

Could it be that Uchiha Fugaku really delegated power and completely handed over the security department to this little guy named Uchiha Kai?

Uchiha Fuyue's surprise and confusion just now didn't seem to be pretending.

This made it even more difficult for Hyuga to understand the situation. What's so special about this kid?

"Isn't the Fuyue Patriarch joking?" Hyuga Hizu asked uncertainly, "Such an important thing..."

"It's really important, but as I said, I'm no longer the head of the security department." Uchiha Tomiya smiled and shook his head.

"Sunzu Patriarch, although Qijun is very young, he is a real head of the security department. You don't need to think too much, Sunzu Patriarch."

Hyuga Hizu was completely silent. Uchiha Fugaku's words clearly told him that this kid Uchiha Kai was not an agent or a puppet.

This kid is the head of the security department, the head of the security department who has completely mastered one of the core rights of the Uchiha family!

How can this kid be deceived?

Hyuga Hizu couldn't understand it, but he knew that his ability might not be as good as Uchiha Fugaku, because he might not be able to make such a decision!

"I understand, I'm sorry Minister Qi, this is my negligence." Hyuga Hizu straightened his attitude, he can no longer regard this kid as an 'ordinary person'.

"It's okay, after all, I'm really too young." Uchiha Kai shook his head and didn't seem to care.

What does Hyuga Hizu's words mean, how could he not know?

But so what, he will be even happier when others think about it like this.

When someone shoots a gun in front of him, he will naturally be very happy, so that he will be more stable.

"Does Minister Qi want Aya to enter the security department?" Hyuga Hizu didn't want to worry too much about this matter: "Can you let me know why Minister Qi thinks like this?"

Aki Uchiha had already thought of a countermeasure, he said with a smile, "It's very simple, because Aya Hinata is my teammate.

And I believe that the Sunfoot Patriarch should also know some things, for example, the security department has completely let go of the boundaries now.

We invite everyone who is willing to join and meets our requirements to join. "

"It's true." Hyuga Hizu nodded.

He did know about it, and Uchiha didn't hide anything when he acted, probably it was a means of propaganda.

Her high-profile approach is not only convenient for herself, but also for Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Keiko wanted this woman to do this. What he wanted was to dispel that ingrained stereotype.

The security department is not from the Uchiha clan, but from Konoha.

The members of the security department are not exclusive to Uchiha, but all qualified people can join.

With this premise, Uchiha's work is much easier, especially Uchiha Jun has never visited the Hinata clan.

This also gave Uchiha a lot of convenience. You can't visit the Hinata clan, so I will come in person.

If Uchiha Jun does not do things well in the future, this will also be a key factor for Uchiha Ki to kick her away.

"I'm sorry, it may be because the competition between our two clans is too fierce, so my subordinates don't dare to visit the Sunfoot Patriarch."

Kei Uchiha sighed: "But Aya's ability is very good. As my teammate, I hope to use her to look at it. After all, the white eyes of the Hyuga clan can play a greater role in the security department."

"It can really be of great value." Hyuga Hizu nodded.

She was also a little moved by this olive branch. Although the security department has a very bad reputation, it is also one of Konoha's real power departments.

Especially when Kei Uchiha was a deputy minister and sub-commander, he reformed his sub-unit very successfully, which also restored a lot of the recent reputation of the Security Department.

Hyuga Hizu still cherishes feathers very much. If it is a "reputable" security department, he can indeed consider such cooperation.

It is true that the Hinata clan and the Uchiha clan do not deal with each other, but this kind of incompatibility is instilled in the other members of the family.

This is a battle, a game of family status.

Those who really stand at the top of the family may not have such strong ideas.

"There is one more thing, the Sunfoot Patriarch can understand."

Looking at Hinata's expression, Kei Uchiha knew that the matter was almost over, but he continued to throw a bomb.

"Sir Shidaimu actually supports my thoughts and actions, but because of his status, all he can do is support."

"Does Shidaiime-sama also support Minister Kei's idea?"

Hyuga Hizu's expression became a lot more serious. After thinking for a moment, he nodded: "I understand, since it is supported by the fourth generation, then we are willing to cooperate."

"And because Aya and I are teammates, I plan to put her into a relatively special team, and she may have to undergo a month-long training before joining."

Kei Uchiha continued: "I hope the Patriarch Sunzu can understand."

"A special team?" Although Hyuga Hizu was a little puzzled, he still said, "It seems that Minister Qi values ​​Aya very much, so she will be handed over to you."

Although I don't know what team Hyuga Aya is going to enter, I don't know what kind of training she will receive.

But this kind of win-win approach, Hyuga Hizu really couldn't refuse. The most important thing is that Uchiha Kai actually got the support of the fourth generation of goals.

He didn't doubt the authenticity of this kind of thing. If Kei Uchiha was smart, he wouldn't lie like this. Everyone knows that he visited Hokage 4th today.

If he did such a thing, it would be a huge blow to his reputation, and it would also be a major blow to the Uchiha family.

He is just curious now, what exactly is the Uchiha clan planning to make so many compromises and changes.

That's right, opening the security department and opening up an important right that the village gave to their family is comparable to the product of private rights. This is a compromise and change.

At the same time, he was also curious about what the Fourth Hokage was planning.

All of this is too strange, and Hyuga Hizu thinks it's better for him to do more preparations.

"The biggest possibility is that there is a contest between the fourth and third generations."


"It seems that Qi-Jun has completely solved this problem."

One morning a week later, Aya Hyuga came to the security department to report.

When Kei Uchiha arrived late and took her into the office, Aya Hyuga couldn't help but sigh.

"It's alright, after all, there is support from all sides, and your patriarch also intends to invest." Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "But you I am afraid that the life in the family is not easy, right? "

"Generally, when things are announced, some people see me as a betrayer who is deviant and very hostile. As for who they are, I don't need to say more."

A bit of sarcasm appeared on the corner of Aya Hyuga's mouth: "Some people regard me as a hero of resistance. They are similar to me, so that's probably the case."

"That's okay, anyway, for us, whether we like it or hate it, we are always ourselves."

Uchiha Kei also sighed: "But I'm better than you, that is, I've killed those who hated me, within the clan."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai glanced at Hyuga Aya, and then unconsciously looked at a guy outside the door who was yawning to report.

Aya Hyuga also followed her gaze, but she quickly took it back. She didn't like Kenta Imai very much either.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, the next month will be busy." Uchiha Qi stood up, then looked at her seriously: "Are you ready?"

"Naturally, are you ready, will you start today?" Hyuga Aya withdrew her gaze and asked calmly.

"Well, today."



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