Chapter 228: fusion surgery

The experiment started, naturally, the sooner the better.

If it wasn't for the uncertainty when it was time for the Hyuga clan to release them, I'm afraid Uchiha Akiha would have done it himself.

Although the fusion period of Eternal Kaleidoscope is a little long, he doesn't want to miss any point.

Soon, Uchiha Kei, Imai Kenta and Uchihagawa handed over the task, and he brought Hyuga Aya to the underground laboratory.

There are fewer people stationed in the underground laboratory now, and to support Kakashi, it is natural to take some people from them.

However, although the number of people has decreased, the preventive measures in the vicinity have already been comprehensively laid out.

Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyake don't have to worry too much, there will be some people who shouldn't be here, and run into their most secret place for no reason.

After entering the laboratory, the two of them went directly to the room where the brothers Uchiha Osamu and Uchiha Yugi were kept.

The two were still immersed in the nutrient solution of the survival capsule, and it seemed that the two of them were asleep.

After the survival pod was launched, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya carried them out and put them on the bed beside them, and then added various equipment to Uchiha Osamu.

After all the equipment for monitoring vital signs was arranged, Aya Hyuga asked, "Do you want to remove Isamu Uchiha's eyes directly?"

"Well, just remove it." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Be careful not to hurt your eyes, kill him after removing it."

Uchiha Yu's body has almost been studied. He can maintain his vital signs up to now. The biggest and most useful thing is to use it as a container for kaleidoscope writing wheels.

This guy has been completely wiped out of consciousness, it can be said that he is dead in the true sense.

And Uchiha Kai is also considered to have fulfilled his promise with him.

Uchiha Kei didn't bother to find his beloved woman and her family, nor did he do anything to his other family members except his brother.

Uchiha Kei felt that he had done the best of his benevolence and righteousness. If he still exists in the world in such pain, he might as well leave him.

He won't be too lonely on the way to the Pure Land, I'm afraid his brother will be with him soon.

Aya Hyuga nodded, but didn't speak. Uchiha Kai decided that she just had to follow suit.

Bowing her head, a green chakra light quickly appeared on her hand, and then her hand covered Yuchi Uchiha's eye socket.

It's not too difficult to remove the eyeballs, and Aya Hyuga can do it easily without even opening her eyes.

In less than five minutes, the two scarlet eyes with strange patterns were perfectly removed by Hyuga Aya.

Although these eyes have lost their masters, they still have a strange aura, as if looking at them one more time will make people fall into them.

Hyuga Aya's face became a little dignified, and these eyes made her feel very bad.

She couldn't imagine how terrifying someone with such eyes would be.

Taking a deep breath, Aya Hyuga's hand covered with green chakra smeared Yuu Uchiha's artery.

Yuchiha Yu's body suddenly paused, and soon he didn't even breathe.

Uchiha Kai didn't even look at Uchiha Yu's condition, and his eyes were locked on the pair of kaleidoscopes, but now Uchiha Kai seemed to have thought of something.

The fusion of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is the pupil power of one side swallowing the other side.

But whether to retain the power of the other pair of eyes is indeed up for debate.

He found that he seemed to have been missing one thing all the time, and that was that even though Sasuke Uchiha had Uchiha Itachi's eyes, he didn't seem to have used any illusions like Tsukiyo at all.

And Amaterasu's power seems to be due to some 'transcription seal' or some kind of magic.

Is it because Sasuke could use Amaterasu in Sangou Jade by transferring his pupil power, so he retained the ability?

Kei Uchiha was a little unsure, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that there was not much experimental value in this.

These eyes won't be his in the end. If he doesn't keep the pupil technique of the fused party, it will be a big profit for Kai Uchiha.

Although it's a bit of a pity, Yuchi Uchiha enhanced Susanoo's ability.

After all, having that ability can let him know, and then Susanoo's feeling in the future, but it's not his own and it's not necessarily suitable for it.

"And this ability, I am afraid it reduces the use conditions of Susanoo, or in the case of the same power, it enhances the power of Susanoo, and the reference value is also general."

Now Uchiha Kai's Susanoo has developed to the extent that he has reached the second state in the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye state.

In the three-gou jade state, he can barely maintain the first state, but it is still a little difficult.

However, such a state, at this point in time, is completely sufficient.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai simply decided to stop worrying about whether the ability of these eyes is true, and Uchiha Osamu's ability is not bad.

When Uchiha Osamu was forcibly opened his eyes by Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku, the degree of stimulation he received was really not low.

Probably because he knew the truth and the current situation of his younger brother, he was extremely eager to have enough power to kill the two people in front of him.

Therefore, the power displayed by his eyes is very proud and interesting.

One, like his younger brother, is Amaterasu.

This Hitomitsu, which is claimed to be the strongest attack, has never killed anyone.

Huozuoming and Kagutuming seem to be two similar but somewhat opposite abilities.

With the effect of earth life, the flame of Amaterasu becomes plastic.

Sasuke Uchiha is a representative of the users of Kaguchi.

With this technique under his control, Amaterasu's flames are completely controlled and obedient, and can even be used as an earth thorn.

Afterwards, Sasuke cooperated with Naruto and used the 'Light Wheel Jet Black Arrow Zero'.

The ability of Huo Zhaoming is different. Although it also acts on Amaterasu, its effect is to infinitely magnify the power of Amaterasu's flame!

Whether it is the improvement of quality or the expansion of the scope of use, it can be easily accomplished with the cooperation of this technique.

Uchiha Qi knew how terrifying the effects of Amaterasu and this technique were when used recklessly.

In the original book, when Uchiha Itachi faced Sasuke, he used Amaterasu to cover most of the forest.

If you use fire according to your life, I am afraid that the entire forest or even the wider area will not be a problem, right?

"Let Uchiha Fuyake play with fire honestly."

Thinking of this, Kai Uchiha turned to look at Aya Hyuga: "Next is a new transplant. This operation may be a bit complicated, are you ready?"

"I can only say that I will try my best to do it." Hyuga Aya said calmly: "After all, I don't have the opportunity to do eye-changing experiments. It is very difficult to make these two pairs of eyes blend with each other. I have only done it a few times. , succeeded once."

Hyuga Aya is not lying, she really has very little experience and practical ability in this area.

Although Uchiha Kei told her in advance, there are not many practical opportunities for her to come into contact with.

Uchiha Kei nodded, he understood the situation, but he had nothing to do.

Besides, Aya Hyuga's main task is to study genes and cells, and being able to change her eyes is a good result.

"Then let's do it." While speaking, Uchiha Kai also opened his own Shaker: "I will help you, anyway, I have also learned Uchiha's eye surgery, but I don't dare to do such an operation casually. "

"Well, I understand." Hyuga Aya nodded, then walked over to Osamu Uchiha with the pair of kaleidoscopes.

This fusion surgery is indeed very troublesome, and it is not that Uchiha Kai has not thought about it, using the 'transfer seal' to extract Uchiha Yu's pupil power, and then seal it into Uchiha Osamu's eyes.

But as his status rose, he read some family notes.

It's not that no one has tried this, but it turned out to be useless.

The transfer seal can indeed transfer part of the pupil power, even including the ability, but it cannot reach the level of swallowing and fusion.

It can even be said that because of that sealing technique, it became an obstacle to the fusion of pupil power.

But once the seal is removed, it will cause the pupil power to drain, and even cause the ability of the seal inside to explode.

Even if Osamu Uchiha and Yugi Uchiha are brothers, it is a big consideration for such a thing to happen, and Kai Uchiha is not willing to take this risk at all.

This is another reason why Uchiha Fuyue chose to compromise after seeing that he had a kaleidoscope.

Apart from the fact that he might not be able to fight, he knew that Kai Uchiha's eyes did not match his.

Even if he got it, it would be impossible for him to make a qualitative change in his kaleidoscope writing wheel.

As for changing eyes?

What's the use of that?

The power of the kaleidoscope is stored in the eyes, and the body is just a container for the kaleidoscope.

If the eye change was really effective, Madara Uchiha and Izanna Uchiha would have been eternal eyes long ago The two of them drove Gundam together to beat up Senju Hakuma, where is there any mess that happened after that? ?

In other words, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke are the same.

When Sasuke opened the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Itachi told the truth, and then the two exchanged eyes together, where is there so much shit?


However, Uchiha Itachi's heart to beg for death probably will not change, the sins he committed are enough to die 10,000 times!

But now what's going on with this kid, he's not so clear.

Since the last time, Uchiha Kei deliberately told him something from his standpoint and things that his current vision cannot reach, Uchiha Kei hasn't seen him for a long time.

And Uchiha Fuyue was not in the mood to talk about his son, Uchiha Ki naturally wouldn't ask, he really didn't want to see that kid.

Out of sight is calm, as long as he is there, this kid will not think about making any waves.

It's his own decision not to brainwash Uchiha Itachi, because for him...  

Instead of solving the problem from the performance, it is better to solve the problem from the root cause!



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