Chapter 229: Cell experiments

The difficulty of transplanting these eyes is really beyond the belief of Kai Uchiha and Aya Hyuga.

It took four hours, four full hours, for the two of them to complete this **** operation.

And they all felt exhausted after the operation.

Kei Uchiha is okay, after all, he is only doing some auxiliary things, and he can try to help when Aya Hinata is the most tired.

On the other hand, Aya Hyuga was really exhausted. She kept her eyes open the whole time and kept her focus at all times.

Uchiha Kaito could clearly see that her back was soaked through.

But this woman gritted her teeth and completed the operation without moving.

This operation can be said to be relatively successful, although the entire operating table looks bloody.

But anyway, I can tell from Aya Hinata's white eyes that the connection of the optic nerve transplanted this time is no problem.

And although the two eyeballs were stuffed together, there was no damage.

As long as there are no problems with these two points, then it can be considered a success for Kai Uchiha.

In fact, Uchiha Kai has always been curious, what is the situation of Uchiha Sasuke?

Obito's ability in the late stage is good, but is it possible that this guy has also learned medical ninjutsu?

It seems that this 'Uchiha Kenji' is really not as bad as he imagined, at least in terms of medical ninjutsu, Uchiha Kai is really a little confused.

After resting for about an hour, Hyuga Aya opened her eyes again to observe.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem. Maybe it's because the brothers are blood relatives. The two kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes are accommodated in one eye socket, and there is no rejection at all."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki stood up and took a seal with one hand.

Soon Uchiha Osamu opened his eyes, but what followed was blood gushing out of the corners of his eyes.

And the two eyeballs in his eye sockets are also covered with bloodshots, and the two different patterns are also very strange.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Kai seems to feel a strange power brewing.

This scene looks very strange, even if Uchiha is used to seeing blood, he will feel disgusted, and Hyuga Aya is even more dazed.

"What are you doing?" Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai inexplicably.

"Check the condition of your eyes." Uchiha Kai was also a little strange: "What's wrong?"

"The eye has just been transplanted. If you want our four-hour results to be scrapped like this, then go ahead."

Aya Hyuga didn't look at Kai Uchiha with a cold face. She always felt like she wasted four hours.


Uchiha Qi silently withdrew his hand, and Uchiha Osamu's eyes also closed: "Why are you still standing there, stop the bleeding!"

Hyuga Aya was too lazy to pay attention to Uchiha Kai, stood up and walked in front of Uchiha Osamu, and then a green chakra appeared on her hand again.

When Ouchi Uchiha's eyes were no longer overflowing with blood, Hyuga Aya took a piece of gauze and covered his eyes, probably to prevent light leakage and better allow them to fuse.

"Don't do such a thing again." After Hyuga Aya had done all this, she raised her head.

"If you want both pairs of eyes to be scrapped, then you can just crush them. Why do you do that?"

"It's my problem." Uchiha Kai shrugged: "I'll pay attention to it in the future. By the way, I felt a strange force just now, you should have noticed it too, right?"

Aya Hyuga nodded: "Yes, it should be the resonance of these two pairs of eyes. However, I haven't found that they have begun to merge. Can you be sure that you are doing the right thing?"

How do I know, am I going to say I just try it?

Uchiha Kei did not answer this question, and nothing like that was ever described in the original work.

He can only make choices and judgments through his own thoughts and some 'books' he has read.

In his thoughts, two approaches are actually the most worthy of consideration.

One is to put two kaleidoscopes into the same eye socket and let them merge with each other.

And the other one is to find a way to come up with a technique, a technique that can completely extract the power of a kaleidoscope.

Thoroughly extract the power of the kaleidoscope to make it abolish, and then infuse these powers into another pair of kaleidoscopes.

This method is relatively extreme, but it is a relatively easy and safe method. Unfortunately, Kai Uchiha has no such rigid conditions at all.

"Transcribing Seal" may be used for development and research, but the problem is that after getting this surgery, Uchiha Kai found that he didn't seem to have any direction for development at all.

Because this technique can indeed extract pupil technique, but this technique also has an upper limit, that is, the pupil power it can hold seems to be so much.

Uchiha Qi thought of a lot of ways, but he didn't solve this problem.

In the end, he could only give up this idea, and instead used the most simple, time-consuming, and extremely controversial and uncertain method, which was the first method.

"I can only say that this is all I can think of. There may be better ones, but I don't have the energy and time to do these things."

Uchiha Qi sighed helplessly: "Can you estimate how long it will take for this fusion?"

"There's no way to estimate. I'm not from your Uchiha clan, and I don't believe that you don't have an estimate yourself." Hyuga Aya shook her head, she would not make such an evaluation.

"Yes." Uchiha Ki nodded: "By the way, let me tell you, Hyuga Hizu's hands-on time should be in October. He has seen me recently, let him cool down first."

"Okay, you make the decision." Hyuga Aya had no objection.

Uchiha Kei only needs to do what she promised her, although the materials in her hands are enough to prove that what Uchiha Kei told her was correct.

But with one more material, one more certainty. Naturally, she would not refuse such a thing.

As for the follow-up way, Aya Hyuga has not figured out a way to solve this.

But one thing she can be sure of is that she will never try to use gene regulation or something.

This way of repairing and activating genes is painful, and the mortality rate is even more frightening.

Through this period of study, she naturally knew these things.

Paying attention to and being careful about various possible situations and taking precautions in advance is a habit that this woman has developed for many years.

When she was learning cell medicine ninjutsu and gene medicine ninjutsu, she kept an eye on it.

For example, be careful where this guy Uchiha Kai will pit himself.

"By the way, how's your cell medical ninjutsu study?" Just as Hyuga Aya was thinking, Uchiha Kai suddenly asked, "Can you do basic experiments?"

"Basic experiment?" Hyuga Aya came back to her senses and gave him a strange look: "Okay, what kind of experiment do you need me to do."

"Cell fusion experiment." Uchiha Kai said calmly.

"I need to check, what is the success rate of fusion between an unfamiliar cell and my cell, what is the probability of lesions, and the probability of death... What is the probability of death?"

Uchiha Kai spoke very calmly, but his heart couldn't help but feel a little hot.

It's been so long, since he has obtained the white cells for so long, he has been patiently not merging.

Although there is Uchiha Obito as a precedent, and he remembers that Shirai's cells can almost be called the cell body of Senju Hashima without any side effects.

But when he thought of the whitish half of Uchiha Obito's body, and the head portrait on Uchiha Madara's chest, he forcibly held back.

It also takes time to cultivate a usable medical ninja, but fortunately he still has time for him to consume, so he can wait patiently until now.

And now, he's going to start testing those cells, and he's going to do better!

He didn't want to be Obito, or Orochimaru's white person didn't look like a person.

I don't even want someone's face to appear on my chest inexplicably.

"It's fine if it's a woman, but there's a man's face... I'm not Madara Uchiha!"

"Other people's cells fuse with yours?" Just as Uchiha Kai's heart was shattering, Aya Hyuga's voice brought him back to his senses: "What are you going to do?"

"One research, one experiment. Can you do it?" Uchiha Kai looked at Hyuga Aya calmly.

"This experiment is very important, to me.

Actually, I don't plan to take it out so soon, I plan to finish studying what the eyes are saying.

But now I've changed my mind, because it also seems to be laying the groundwork for me. "

That's right, Uchiha Kei did change his mind.

His original idea was to follow the path of Madara Uchiha and follow his successful experience step by step.

But just now, after seeing the terrifying eyes of Osamu Uchiha, he seemed to realize a problem.

It's not that Obito's path that first integrates the power of Qianshouzhuma is not enough to improve the writing wheel.

But it is impossible for Obito to have an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel!

According to Uchiha Kai's previous method of activating the gene for Uchiha Madara, or repairing the gene, not getting the Eternal Eye is actually a part of the gene deletion.

Obito was so bad after he merged with the ten tails, he was almost swallowed by the ten tails.

But Uchiha Madara doesn't have such a situation. I'm afraid the gap in the middle is the missing, or the problem caused by the gene that is not repaired and activated, right?

"You can try it, but I can't guarantee success." Hyuga Aya thought for a while and nodded.

"However, are you sure that the materials you need are enough? If the materials are not enough, I will carry out batch testing, I am afraid I can't guarantee it."

"There are enough materials, you can rest assured, I have already prepared." Uchiha Qi smiled.

More than enough materials?

He has two white bodies, not to mention Uchiha Kei also thought of a question.

Since your kaleidoscope has an acceleration state, can you make these eternal eyes catalyze faster?



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