Chapter 230: method

Aya Hyuga's experiment requires a huge base to support, which Uchiha Kai very much agrees with.

Taking risks like this depends on the benefits, although the benefits are also very high.

But there is a safer way, so why take the risk?

Anyway, I said hello to the Hinata clan, and Aya Hinata can stay here and don't need to go back.

It's just that she didn't like the dark environment in the basement, so Uchiha Kai could only have someone prepare a room in the security department.

The security department is big enough, and even if Kei Uchiha doesn't go to the security department, Kenta Imai is there to watch, and Aya Hyuga's treatment will definitely not be bad.

As for the fusion of Uchiha Osamu, Uchiha Kai can only wait now.

Although neither of them will stay there at night, Uchiha Fugaku's subordinates will take care of this guy.

They also want to collect the physical data of Osamu Uchiha. Of course, they are also very measured, and they will hand over the records of their actions to Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Fuyue will also have a copy of this action report. Although Uchiha Fuyue has said that he will let Uchiha Qi do it himself, he will also pay attention to this matter.

After all, these eyes are not eyes that consume pupil power, but these eyes can be of the same level as the former Uchiha Madara!

The only pity is that the technique used by Uchiha Kai seems to be too crude.

He actually put two pairs of eyes directly into a person's sockets.

But Uchiha Fuyue couldn't say anything. He promised Uchiha Kai that he would naturally keep his promise.

In fact, he even had some hope in his heart that the eyes would simply fail the experiment, which would save too much trouble.

What Uchiha Fuyue is thinking, Uchiha Qi doesn't know.

He only knew that the fusion speed of the new eyes was really slow and frightening.

Aya Hyuga starts a white eye check every day, and a week has passed.

She didn't even realize that these eyes had the slightest meaning of merging together.

If it wasn't for Kai Uchiha to notice that these two pairs of eyes had some special traction in these eye sockets, I'm afraid he would have called off the experiment himself.

"It seems that you can only try to use the power of the kaleidoscope, and also prompt it to accelerate the fusion."

This fusion speed is really unbearable. It may be that their transplant operation is too crude, causing the eyes to adapt and fuse by themselves.

And Uchiha Osamu has been wiped out of consciousness, so he can't rely on his own will to guide him, he can only accomplish all this through his body's instinct.

After a rough calculation, the speed and time of this fusion will take at least half a year!

In half a year, the nine tails were lifted by Konoha, how could this make Uchiha Kai bear it?

Fortunately, he had an idea of ​​'improving his foundation', and at the same time he hoped that he would not be limited by the problem of insufficient pupil power.

And Hyuga Aya has also completed the preliminary study and research on cell medical ninjutsu, and she can now help Uchiha Kai to improve in this regard.

"After the cells collected from your body and the materials you gave me, your fusion degree can only be considered passable." Hyuga Aya looked at the report in her hand and said expressionlessly.

"I have tried more than a thousand experiments, and the response rate is about ten percent.

The successful fusion is about 40%, and the probability of being backed by your material cells is about 28%. "

"It doesn't look too good." Uchiha Kai couldn't help frowning when he heard Aya Hyuga's experiment report.

"Is there a way to inhibit its phagocytic ability, or to increase the chance of unresponsive effects, and reduce the chance of being engulfed?"

The fusion success rate of about 40% is not too low, but it is definitely not up to the ideal state of Uchiha Kai.

The backlash probability reached 28% to nearly 30%, which made him even more embarrassed.

What about the Senju column cells, which are said to have no side effects?

Well, such a success rate and phagocytosis rate, for some people, I am afraid it has been regarded as 'no side effects'.

Just like Danzo, this guy is a real ruthless person.

His ruthlessness is basically shown in that he doesn't care about the lives of others at all, and this guy is really shameless.

When Yamato was used as a test product, I'm afraid he didn't even have Senshou column ma cells transplanted on his body, right?

The time when he actually transplanted the Senju Hashima cells should be the time when Uchiha was exterminated.

Otherwise, how could he be safe and sound, stuffing a kaleidoscope into his eyes?

And Uchiha Madara is also the same, the place where Obito died is relatively close to him, and it happens to be another Uchiha.

I am afraid that in Madara Uchiha's opinion, it should be an honor for Obito to have half of his body's Senju Hashirama cells.

If it is successful, then naturally everything will be fine, and then find a way to help him open the kaleidoscope.

If you fail, you fail, and it's no big deal.

This can only prove that in this world only he, Madara Uchiha, can control the cells of Senju.

"I'm afraid there is some trouble." Hyuga Aya shook her head.

"The cell activity of the test product you brought is terrible, I have never seen such highly active cells.

And its strength is also a bit exaggerated. It is more than a hundred or a thousand times that of ordinary people. What is it? "

"I can't say for the time being, but I can tell you that the experiment was successful." Uchiha Kai shook his head and said.

"You just said you were in trouble, does that mean you actually have a solution?"

"Fusing through in vitro experiments, and then injecting the successful cells back." Hyuga Aya said directly: "But I can only tell you that this method is extremely inefficient, and your body may also reject it."

"In vitro experiments, are you sending back the successful subjects?" Uchiha Kai frowned.

Indeed, doing so guarantees a success rate.

But from the point of view of efficiency, it is really low and scary.

How many cells are there in a person?

Forty to sixty trillion cells!

To do it one by one, it's just terrible, I'm afraid Uchiha Kai may not be able to complete this project in his lifetime.

As for repulsion, it goes without saying that although they are all cells of Kai Uchiha, these cells have been fused.

His body may not recognize that these 'new guys' belong to Kai Uchiha, so there may be some rejection.

Such rejection may lead to the direct death of those newly injected cells, thus causing Qiu Uchiha to fall short.

"What is the maximum injection volume?"

Kei Uchiha thought about it, although he felt that this method was extremely inefficient, but he was not Obito, he was not sure about his own situation.

"I can try as much as possible. If it is calculated with blood, the effect may be much better, but the repulsion may be greater."

Aya Hyuga thought for a while before saying seriously: "Actually, as long as you pass the first round, your rejection will become lower and lower in the next round, and your body will become more and more able to recognize these new things."

"Then try it." Uchiha Qi sighed: "I hope there are no major problems."

"Finally, I will give you a suggestion, try it once a week, and I will closely observe your situation this week."

Aya Hyuga said calmly, "Don't get me wrong, this kindness won't change some of your views.

But I have to admit that you are the only person I can get rid of my current 'identity'.

My request is always the same, to help you is to help me. "

Kai Uchiha glanced at Aya Hyuga, and then he showed a smile.

It seems that this woman, Aya Hyuga, knows that it is not feasible to play small tricks on herself, and she is now more inclined to use equivalent exchange.

I have to say that the help that Hyuga Aya gave him is indeed worth some exchanges with Uchiha, and Uchiha has really thought about making some exchanges with her.

It's just that now is not the time. When the time is right, Uchiha Kai will tell her something interesting.

For example, on this continent, there is a very interesting place that leads to the moon.

And Uchiha Kai also needs to forge something, to forge something "very historical" to prove that "the Hinata family actually came from the moon".

These things need to be prepared by Uchiha Kai. Only when the preparations are sufficient, Uchiha Kai will let Hyuga Aya know about these things.

Then you can let her find it slowly. When she finds this place, maybe Uchiha Kai's eyes are strong enough.

Although Tenseikan is of no use to Kai Uchiha.

There is an evolutionary direction for the writing wheel eye, and it does not need to be so troublesome.

But it is also from the bloodline of the Dajianmu family, so many things are worth studying.

Just like that huge Tenseigan, the terrifying energy contained in it is worthy of Uchiha's attention.

After nodding to Aya Hyuga, expressing her agreement with her, their first round of experiments officially began.


At the same time that Uchiha Kai started experimenting with himself, on the other side, the three generations of Hokage, Kaoru Koharu, Shimura Danzo and Mito Gate Yan were sitting in an office The four of them can be said to be in control Konoha's political tone for decades, and the four of them are Konoha no matter the past or the present, the real Big Four!

"Orochimaru is a bit too much. If it wasn't for my people who discovered the situation, I'm afraid we wouldn't even know that his base was investigated."

Shimura Danzo threw a report on the table with a gloomy expression: "If I asked him anything, he didn't say anything, Hiizan, is this the good apprentice you taught?"

"If it wasn't for you, how could Orochimaru be involved in this kind of research?"

The face of the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiizhan was also not very good: "And, if it wasn't for you, how could his affairs break out? You dare to say that you do everything? Do you really think we are stupid?"

"Okay, Niizhan, Danzo, you all stop for a while." Xiaochun said helplessly at this time: "After so many years of fighting, now Niizhan is no longer Hokage, you still want to continue? We have to deal with it now. It's very troublesome!"

"That's right." Mito Menyan also sighed: "The matter has passed, then let him go. Now we are going to discuss Orochimaru, the fourth generation. And... Uchiha!"




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