Chapter 231: Whose Konoha is Konoha

Is the Orochimaru thing really that easy to let it pass?

Obviously, the three generations of Hokage can't.

After all, this is his favorite disciple, a disciple who has been given high hopes by him.

Danzo can't either!

Yes, he admitted that he did some bad things before the Orochimaru election.

But what does that look like to him?

Who is not a Konoha ninja, who is not a Naruto?

Some small means are just necessary actions to achieve the goal, and didn't he also support Orochimaru after that?

But how did Sarutobi Hiizan do it?

I would rather choose a Namikaze Minato, this inexperienced person.

He is also unwilling to choose and recommend his old friend, who is the most suitable person to sit in the Naruto position!

Danzo has always believed that he is the most suitable person for Hokage's position.

It was only after hesitating for a second back then that he ended up where he is now.

It's true that he and Sarutobi Hizan are friends, but friends are private relationships, and they don't represent their current status.

Danzo wants to be Hokage and wants to be Hokage, so he can do whatever he can.

And now, it seems like an opportunity.

"The Orochimaru thing can be left aside for the time being. Everyone knows about that experiment. I just picked the one who I think is the most suitable."

Danzo said coldly with a stern face: "Maybe something went wrong, but the most important thing in front of us now is not it, but the fourth Hokage. Hizan, the heir you chose is really good."

Danzo's words made the third Hokage frown.

This guy obviously wants to get rid of what he has done with 'already passed'.

Sarutobi Hiizan was very dissatisfied with this shirking of responsibility.

However, he also knows that now is not the time to be tangled up in these things, because Minato Namikaze's recent actions are too big.

In fact, Hiruzen Sarutobi doesn't object to the actions of Minato Namikaze. What young man doesn't have some ideas of his own?

A little more experimentation is no big deal.

Although he would not delegate power to Minato Namifeng, this did not prevent him from appreciating this young man's courage to try.

But there's nothing wrong with you trying. Why do you want to hang out with those Uchiha guys?

He has seen the actions of the Uchiha clan during this period of time. Ever since the little guy Uchiha Kai became the deputy head of the security department, he felt something unusual.

The deputy head of the security department had been idle for so long, and there were many people in the Uchiha clan who were watching over that position.

How could the shrewd Sarutobi Hizan didn't know that this was Uchiha Fugaku who was deliberately hanging everyone with ideas?

Giving you a direction to fight, but not telling you how to fight, this technique Sarubi Hiizan himself will use.

After the kid Uchiha Kai came back from the country of grass for the second time and started to enter the security department, the three generations of Hokage seemed to understand Uchiha Fugaku's thoughts.

I'm afraid Uchiha Kai is already on the same front as Uchiha Fuyue, and then paid some price to master the entire security department.

It is said that the disappearance of Yuchi Uchiha and Osamu Uchiha has something to do with them, right?

Of course, this is just his conjecture. If it is, then it can only explain what happened inside Uchiha.

If not, then let Uchiha not make trouble.

He hadn't seen Orochimaru for a while, and he wasn't sure whether Orochimaru really did this type of thing.

So pretending to be stupid is a good choice.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to directly apply this matter to the Uchiha family, he will never miss it.

Under the leadership of that Uchiha Kai, his team has undergone tremendous changes, and it seems to have become more integrated into Konoha.

This kind of thing made the three generations of Hokage instinctively feel that something was not good.

The most important thing is that this kid's strength seems to be a little scary.

According to Minato Namikaze's report, he knew that this kid once defeated Loess.

But he felt that it was loess careless. After all, loess almost killed this kid a few months ago.

And the character of loess is relatively....

More honest, if that kid from Uchiha plays some tricks, it's hard to say that the weak can defeat the strong and defeat the loess.

But after going through that incident, he didn't dare to think so, because that day, the two sub-commanders of the security department were all sent to the hospital.

In the report submitted by Uchiha Fugaku, there was a sudden increase in the number of ninjas in the prison.

Obviously, Uchiha Kai did something to those people, and he won a big victory!

In addition, there was a fire in the Uchiha clan that made him feel that something was wrong...

It can be said that there are too many problems within the Uchiha clan.

But as Naruto, you can't put your hand into the ninja family at will.

The three generations of Hokage naturally followed this principle, and he didn't know what was going on inside Uchiha now.

What made the third generation even more vigilant was that on the day the fourth generation came to power, Uchiha Kei became the Minister of the Security Department inexplicably!

This seems to be a signal that Uchiha Fuyue is freeing his hands and feet, ready to deal with some things.

That's right, his view is the same as that of Hinata, or almost the whole Konoha thinks the same way.

Although Uchiha Kai is very strong, he is Uchiha Fugaku's agent!

What Uchiha Qi did was actually what Uchiha Fugaku asked him to do.

Otherwise, why was this kid able to control the entire security department so quickly?

Otherwise, why is this kid able to perform without hindrance, what he did in the team?

Obviously, this is supported by some people, and Sarutobi Hizan doesn't believe that this kid can think of doing this on his own.

If this is the case, Sarutobi Hiizan will at most pay more attention.

However, after Uchiha Fugaku swaggeringly submitted documents, hoping to let the Uchiha family enter Anbu, Sarutobi Hizen began to be vigilant.

But this time, the fourth generation Megami Kaze Minato did not hesitate at all, especially since Kakashi had just been promoted to sub-commander by him.

It was too late for Sarutobi Hizan to refuse, but Minato Namikaze had already agreed, and those people had already entered Anbu to report.

The occurrence of this incident made Hijen Sarutobi extremely vigilant, and it was precisely because of this incident that the four of them gathered here.

Konoha is so stable now, it is their efforts that they have it, and they are the real controllers of Konoha.

However, their minds are still sober, they do not regard themselves as the founders of Konoha, and it can be seen that Senju Tobirama's education is still successful.

But they only have feelings for Senju Tobirama, and that's what happened to the others.

"How is your root now?" Sarutobi Hizan thought for a while, then raised his head and looked at Danzo seriously.

"I know there were some problems with your roots before. I don't want to ask, and I'm not interested in asking. I just want to know how it's doing now."

"Except for Uchiha and Hinata, some other families have more or less allocated some places."

Danzang didn't hide it either. He said coldly, "But there are only a few that can really be used. I didn't recall the people I sent out. The best ones are the Youru Longma from the Youru Clan."

"Don't move those who stay outside. I'll give you a month for the rest."

The third Hokage's voice was very calm: "I don't care what method you use, in a month, I need a group of people you have trained, and I want them to enter Anbu."

Danzang was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face.

It seems that this old friend of mine is ready to wrestle with the fourth generation.

There is a rift between the younger generation of Hokage and the older generation of Hokage, which is the first time in the history of Konoha.

Even now, there are only four generations of Hokage.

But in any case, if there is a problem, there is a problem, which is a good thing for Danzo.

Because he absolutely believes that the three generations of Hokage can win in this kind of struggle.

I have been fighting against the three generations of Hokage all my life and have never won.

A fledgling kid, how could he have played three generations?

Danzo is thinking now, he has already started to think about the purpose of the fifth generation!

Minato Namikaze has no hope of winning.

He has to face not only the three generations of Hokage, but also three elders. How could he possibly win?

Danzo felt that the only thing he had to pay attention to was the three generations of Hokage.

He had to be careful when the fourth generation of eyes stepped down, and the third generation of Rijian would directly choose to take office.

"No problem, one month is enough, I will let them know who they are and what they should do." Danzo was happy, but his expression was still flat.

"Very good, and also, let your best person investigate Uchiha Fugaku..."

The three generations of Hokage thought for a while, and finally he changed his mind decisively: "No, go investigate Uchiha Kai and follow him to see if you find anything."

Uchiha Fuyue is still the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and a member of the top Konoha clan.

Following this person rashly is likely to cause unnecessary disputes.

Kei Uchiha is different, although in terms of position, he is already a member of the senior management of Konoha.

This kid is only fourteen years old, and he already holds the position of Jōnin, and he has also become the head of the security department!

But he is just an agent, the agent of Uchiha Fugaku.

Not to mention the trouble of following this kid, maybe you can get some useful information.

"Ki Uchiha? No problem!" Danzo nodded with a smile: "It's just Nisaki, you suddenly put so many people in, aren't you afraid that the fourth generation will refuse?"

"He refused to come, because he wouldn't know about it at all." Hizan Sarutobi looked calm.

"Even if we know, we have already completed the deployment.

He asked Kakashi to sit on it, didn't he just want to investigate who was ours?

Let him know then that the entire Anbu is ours! "

Having said that, Hiizan Sarutobi stood up, lit the pouch in his hand and took a deep breath.

After a long time, he slowly blew out the smoke: "Let someone prepare some interesting rumors, Danzo, you are familiar with these things.

Also, get in touch with some of the families that are close to us to see their attitudes.

Finally, to see if there are any suitable Uchiha people, we need to know what happened in Uchiha. "

"We got it, Hizan." Koharu and Mito Kazuo nodded immediately: "We will take a serious look at his future proposals to see if there is anything interesting."

"Okay, let's do it." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded and walked out with his pipe.

"It's okay for a young man to work hard, but he has to stop in moderation. He hasn't adapted to the current rules, so he's going to find a thread, which is really naive."

"It's better to give him an education, let him know whose Konoha is Konoha."



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