Chapter 232: good news and bad news

The four giants of Konoha are plotting how to deal with the fourth Hokage, while Kei Uchiha is busy with his own experiments.

After 4,800 milliliters of blood was drawn by Aya Hyuga, it took Kei Uchiha some time to recover.

Fortunately, for the in vitro cell fusion experiment that Aya Hyuga is going to do, Uchiha Kei is not worried about what will happen to him.

It's just that it takes a long time, and it's more difficult than she imagined.

Therefore, it took almost two weeks for her first experimental materials to be released.

The situation is even worse than the last time. This time, the probability of being invalid has not increased, but has dropped a lot, while the probability of being swallowed has increased.

This result made Kei Uchiha a little emotional.

Fortunately, I don't have the confidence to think that I have the same luck as Obito's son.

Otherwise, I'm afraid Uchiha Kai has turned white now, and even has branches growing on his body, right?

It took almost two days or so to eliminate those that failed, and as much as possible to eliminate products that did not produce results.

In the end, from the 4,800 milliliters of blood provided by Kai Uchiha, there were only less than 200 milliliters left.

"The most important thing is, what effect these things can have in my body, and whether I can survive in the end is a question."

Kai Uchiha was also quite helpless. He knew that his body might be repulsive, and it might even make him weak for a while.

But the key question is whether these cells can survive in the end really needs to be considered.

After all, they are no longer the pure cells of Senju, they are the products of fusion with Uchiha Kai cells.

And their number is too small. Compared with those cells in Kai Uchiha's body, they are really a drop in the bucket.

Cell fusion is really not good news.

But the changes on the other side gave Uchiha Kai some reasons to be happy.

That is Osamu Uchiha's kaleidoscope, and now it has begun to merge with Yuji Uchiha's kaleidoscope.

It was discovered by the woman Hyuga Aya, even through the thick gauze and the cover of her eyelids.

But this woman's white eyes can see what she wants to see directly through these things.

Those two pairs of eyes have begun to merge with each other.

Although the degree of fusion is probably less than 5%, these two pairs of eyes are already glued together.

According to Hyuga Aya's dictation, the two eyes have been closely integrated, and it seems that a unique force is pulling them closer.

What surprised Aya Hyuga most was that the fusion of these two pairs of eyes did not damage either eye, as if they were naturally together.

"Has the inspection report come out?" Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Osamu lying on the instrument and asked softly.

"Come out, the genetic aspect is still the eye aspect." Hyuga Aya stood beside Uchiha Kai, her voice a little cold.

"Let's talk about what you think is the most useless result first." Uchiha Qi thought for a while before speaking.

He didn't expect that this kind of experiment would have good results from the beginning, so he simply listened to the bad first to prepare him mentally, so that he would be more comfortable listening to the good results.

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed, because the results this time are not bad." Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai, and then said.

Her words made Kai Uchiha startled for a moment, and then he couldn't help showing a slight smile.

Are all good results?

It seems that his luck is not bad this time!

Turning around, Uchiha Kai looked at Hyuga Aya.

He was a little curious about the good result that Hyuga Aya said. He really needed some good news to cheer him up.

Aya Hyuga didn't ask Uchiha to wait. She said directly, "Through my observation and the comparison of the genetic samples from his body over the past few days, your guess is completely correct."

Aya Hyuga tried her best to use the simplest tone to make Kei Uchiha understand what she said.

Uchiha Kei is not stupid, he already knew what was going on after Hinata Aya's explanation.

Kai Uchiha's conjecture and method of use can basically be concluded to be correct. The fusion of these two pairs of eyes has already explained everything.

And the fusion of these two pairs of eyes has begun to produce a special power.

This power is somewhat similar to Chakra, but it is not like Chakra.

And under the action of this kind of power, some special cells began to appear in Uchiha Osamu's body in a small amount.

Aya Hyuga is able to target these cells with her white eyes.

It's not how powerful her white eyes have become, but this kind of cell is too special, and it seems to contain a unique and strange power.

Under the action of this kind of cells, Uchiha's gene class seems to have also undergone certain changes.

The place that was not activated seems to have started to react, and Hyuga Aya also found some interesting things.

"It seems that Osamu Uchiha's genetic chain is incomplete." Aya Hyuga said calmly.

"I looked at Osamu Uchiha's gene sample, the cells born with this power, the genes in his body began to become more and more obvious.

There were a lot of things that I extracted that I couldn't see, and I also found that there seemed to be broken marks at the very front of his genes. "

"Have you found any break marks..." Uchiha Kai looked at Hyuga Aya with some surprise.

"Yes." Aya Hyuga nodded: "I don't know if it's his own problem, or....because I only have a sample of him, and what I said is only what I saw."

It seems that Osamu Uchiha's genes have become obvious, or they have been repaired, but in fact, it should be the function of those special cells.

It is not surprising that Uchiha Kai arrives with a break.

The gene chain of the Uchiha clan is really incomparable to that of the Hinata clan.

The family is still intact, but Uchiha's has long been torn apart.

To be precise, it should be that Otsutsuki Yui has mutated here, and then the bloodline and genes have split.

Didn't Indra and Asura from a thousand years ago inherit one of the characteristics of this six-path immortal?

"If you can say something like this, I'm afraid you have done a comparison."

Uchiha thought about it, but said in his mouth: "Otherwise you wouldn't have such a conclusion. I don't blame you. It is inevitable to eliminate the problem, but tell me in advance next time."

"I see." Hyuga Aya didn't deny it, she nodded.

"The one who did check on you, not only you, but also Yuu Uchiha's me.

I found that you are all hidden and cannot be explored, so I will say this question. "

Uchiha Qi sighed: "Your idea is not wrong, I have known this problem for a long time.

You can say it to prove that you really want to help me, or that after helping me, I hope I can fulfill my promise.

Don't worry, I will fulfill my promise, otherwise I won't tell you so many things, and I won't let you touch so many things.

Not to mention going to the Hyuga clan to be a dignitary with much fanfare. Your worries are too much. "

Hyuga Aya nodded, but she didn't speak.

Indeed, Uchiha Ki doesn't seem to mean to perfunctory her, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do such a swagger.

The cooperation between them can be said to be shady, because if either party has a problem, both of them will suffer.

However, Uchiha Kei put their relationship in the sun through another means, which is also a protective measure for Hyuga Aya.

Once something goes wrong with her, especially if something goes wrong with Kai Uchiha, then Kai Uchiha will never be able to escape.

Such an approach will only bring trouble to Uchiha Kai, but it gives her practical protection.

Aya Hyuga knew that she had probably already proved her worth, otherwise this fellow Uchiha Kai would never have done this.

Aya Hyuga has indeed proved her worth. The information she has now and her white eyes are what Uchiha Kai needs.

Although he has new preparations, it is just preparation.

This girl, Iori, is indeed the best and smartest one in the orphanage.

But she is indeed too young, and her foundation is too poor.

Even if Hyuga Aya has no foundation in medical ninjutsu, she is a ninja, a ninja of the Hinata clan.

Hinata's fighting style is destined to have a deep involvement and contact with the human body.

And they still have white eyes, plus Aya Hyuga is already smart, so she can meet Kai Uchiha's requirements so quickly.

"It seems that your family's genes are true..." Hyuga Aya gave Uchiha Kai a thoughtful look, but she didn't say much.

"It should be, but there are also remedies." Uchiha Kai said directly: "By the way, can the special power in your mouth be extracted?"

"I'm afraid not. That kind of power is a little weird. I don't have such technology and sealing technique."

Aya Hyuga shook her head: "Even if there is a sealing technique, it may not necessarily be successful. Although it is very similar to Chakra, it seems to be somewhat different from Chakra."

Uchiha Kai frowned, this is not much good news.

Is this thing similar to the yin escape produced by a kaleidoscope?

The yin in the kaleidoscope is the special power produced by emotions There seems to be no good way to extract them.

It's just that they have come this far, how could Kai Uchiha be willing to stop like this?

After thinking about it for a while, Uchiha Kai seemed to understand what Hyuga Aya meant.

"Could it be that it's a cell again?" Uchiha Kai asked tentatively.

"Yes, that special power cannot be extracted, but cells are indeed real."

Aya Hyuga nodded: "And that kind of cell actually already contains these special powers. Although the number is not large, it is much better to extract and try it out than you think about extracting those powers individually."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi sighed, then he nodded helplessly: "Then let's do the experiment, it's still an in vitro experiment, let's check the actual effect."

It seemed that this was the only way to go, and Uchiha Kai suddenly felt a little emotional.

He asked Aya Hyuga to learn the medical ninjutsu of this kind of cytology, originally just for the cells of Bai Jue.

I really didn't expect that even the product of Eternal Eye can be used now...



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