Chapter 233: unexpected discovery

Kai Uchiha did make a good deal.

Aya Hyuga, who has white eyes, has solved so many problems for herself. Such a deal is really hard to find.

And this woman is very reliable at the moment.

It only took a few days for Aya Hyuga to put a report in the hands of Kai Uchiha.

In the past few days, Uchiha Kai didn't have to use his own serum that was fused with white cells.

He hopes to get a more detailed information to make a decision.

"The experiment report has come out." Hyuga Aya looked tired, but she was still relatively energetic.

"The experimental report is not too ideal. It is still a thousand points of experimental subjects, and this time there will only be two results. You have to be mentally prepared."

"Only two results?" Uchiha Kai reported the results, and suddenly he frowned and glanced at the flies flying in the sky.

No one likes flies, this kind of thing is just annoying.

But Kai Uchiha doesn't have time to pay attention to this **** bug right now.

Bowing his head, Uchiha Kai began to read the report, and this report made Uchiha's head a little big.

Because there are actually only two conclusions in this report, and the speed of the effect is also very fast.

Twenty percent of the cell samples were successfully fused, 10 percent did not respond, and 70 percent had serious negative reactions!

No wonder Aya Hinata said there were only two outcomes.

10% unresponsiveness is basically negligible, the 20% success rate, and the scarlet 70% failure rate.

It can basically be shown that this is a failed experiment!

Kai Uchiha is a little confused about the situation. What is this situation and why does it happen?

Is it because of mismatch, or some other reason?

"Why is this happening?" Uchiha Qi frowned: "It's too exaggerated to have a high failure rate."

"Because those cells are of a higher level than you." Hyuga Aya said calmly.

"In addition to this factor, there is another key factor, which is that these cells do not match you.

Or they don't match your eyes, they are activated by another pair of eyes. "

Activated by another pair of eyes?

Uchiha Kai sighed, he understood what Hyuga Aya meant.

At the same time, he also probably guessed why it was not a kaleidoscope of close relatives, and there was no way to integrate it.

To be precise, it's not that they can't fuse, but that the special power generated after fusion doesn't match this kind of cell.

The result of this is failure, and higher-level cells engulf lower-level cells, and then continue to grow.

And these cells don't match your body, causing more cells in your body to attack it.

It will eventually lead to various negative conditions in your body, and even the worst may collapse directly!

Such an intense negative reaction, the mildest one would probably cause blindness in both eyes, and the more serious one would naturally be death!

This is simply not acceptable to Uchiha Qi.

Strictly speaking, Bai Jue's cells should be considered more advanced cells, but it has a higher success rate and is fused with Uchiha Kai's cells.

The product of successful fusion may also cause some negative reactions in Kai Uchiha's body.

But these reactions are only low-intensity reactions, and the negative reactions of this thing can be said to be high-intensity or even strong reactions.

Uchiha Kai shook his head, he felt unusually unwilling.

You have already come this far, why is this still happening?

After this period of experiments, the good news and bad news are still within an acceptable range.

The current results can directly declare an experiment bankrupt.

What if there is a successful product?

Do you have to wait a lifetime for it to merge?

Uchiha Kai can't afford that much.

"Looks like it's my imagination." Uchiha Kai revealed a wry smile.

"Without blood relatives opening the kaleidoscope to fuse, there is no way to solve these so-called high-level cell phagocytosis, it's just a dream, I thought I found a new key..."

"Feel sorry."

Aya Hyuga looked at Uchiha Kai from the side, but she could understand Uchiha Kai's feelings.

It's just her character and her relationship with Kai Uchiha, so she is destined not to say anything comforting.

Uchiha Qi casually rolled the report into a ball and threw it into the trash basket. He turned his head and planned to leave the laboratory, but he was stunned as soon as he lifted his foot.

High-grade cells?

White cells are also high-grade cells, and the cells produced by the kaleidoscope are also high-grade cells.

Since leukocytes and their own cells have been fused and have successful products, can these products be fused once?

"You said, if I take these cells... and fuse them with my cells that have been successfully tested..." Uchiha Kai turned his head and looked at Aya Hyuga with uncertainty.

"You mean that the second fusion is injecting into your body?" Hyuga Aya was stunned, although she began to think seriously.

After a long time, Aya Hyuga raised her head: "I'm not sure, because there are no specific experimental results, but theoretically it's worth a try."

Hyuga Aya really thinks it is worth trying in theory, these cells are not compatible with Uchiha Kai's cells.

One is the level of cells, and the other is these cells, which were not guided by Uchiha's eyes.

The second problem is a problem that cannot be solved, but the first problem seems to be something that can be tried.

The white objects that Kai Uchiha gave her are too high and too exaggerated.

In her opinion, this thing is higher in quality than the cells extracted from Osamu Uchiha's body!

Then these cells were successfully fused with Uchiha Kai's cells, and the success rate is not too ugly.

At least it's stronger than the second experiment, I don't know how many times.

Then, use the product that has been fused with Uchiha Kai cells, and then fuse with this cell.

It not only retains the characteristics of this kind of cells, but can even rely on the kind of white cells to suppress them, while maintaining the characteristics of Uchiha Kai cells.

In this case, even if Kai Uchiha's body had a negative reaction, it would only be at a low intensity level.

Thinking of it this way, Aya Hyuga finds that she can really give it a try!

"Then give it a try!" After hearing Aya Hyuga's explanation, Uchiha Qi directly gritted his teeth and said, "We've already come this far. If you don't try it, I really can't accept it!"

"No problem, it just so happened that I have already extracted new cells today, so I can try it now." Aya Hyuga nodded: "What do you plan to do with the products of those experiments?"

"Let's put it in together." Uchiha Kei said with the idea of ​​not wasting: "It's not much anyway. If it's troublesome to separate, it doesn't matter if you just give up."

"Then give it up temporarily. Separation will take at least several days." Hyuga Aya thought for a while: "I can try the experiment now. It's a pity, if it fails, the blood will be wasted."

It's a pity to waste it. After all, Aya Hyuga has spent a lot of energy on this.

However, in order to ensure a better experiment, she doesn't care about this waste. Although she is wasting time and effort, it is Uchiha Kai who is really worried.

Thinking in her heart, Aya Hyuga directly took out the successfully fused serum of Kai Uchiha from the freezer, and after some thawing, she started a new experiment.

There is nothing to help Uchiha Kai in the experiment, he can only wait for the result silently.

Raising his head, he found that there seemed to be flies constantly circling here, which made Kai Uchiha a little irritable.

He is not surprised that flies will run into here. His underground laboratory is not comparable to that of Orochimaru.

The environment here is relatively humid and not too ventilated, and it is impossible to breed these things.

Orochimaru was funded by the village, so he didn't lack money to carry out these infrastructure constructions. His laboratory was completely expanded from his own secret base in the past.

The most important thing is that there is probably a corpse here, right?

How Uchiha Yu's body was disposed of? Uchiha Kai didn't ask too much. He couldn't ask about everything.

Quietly waiting for Aya Hyuga's experiment, this time the experiment seemed to be a bit outrageously fast, and it only took less than an hour for Aya Hyuga to look at Kai Uchiha with a strange look on her face.

This expression made Kei Uchiha unsure of her attitude. Now he suddenly has a strange feeling of waiting for the results of the exam to be announced.

"I have to say, your luck is really good." Hyuga Aya looked at the blood in the vessel, and then sighed.

"The success rate is as high as 77%, and the rest are not considered failures, because those cells produced by Osamu Uchiha were swallowed up, and it can only be said to be an ineffective reaction."

"Seventy-seven percent?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, although there was an incredible expression on his face: "Isn't it? So tall? Is there any problem?"

"You don't need to doubt my conclusion." Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai: "Of course, you can continue your experiment if you're worried. It just takes more time, but it's more secure~www.novelhall. com~ What's the specific situation?" Uchiha Kai was very curious, he looked at the blood in the vessel a little fascinated.

"Your cells and the cells of the white matter fuse with each other, which can be regarded as an advanced level.

When they are all advanced cells, they have a certain effect, and even a special power has emerged.

It's very faint, but you can still feel it if you feel it carefully. This force makes them attract each other and finally merge with each other. "

"A new power? Attracted to each other and merged with each other?"

Uchiha Ki murmured to himself that he felt that he had indeed found a way, a real way out!

Taking a deep breath, Kai Uchiha forced himself to calm down.

Looking at the blood in the vessel, Kai Uchiha asked in a deep voice, "What would happen if I injected it into my body? Are your previous conclusions still valid?"

"Effective, there are your components in these cells, I am afraid it is inevitable to have a negative reaction, but these components that belong to you should have a good adaptation." Hyuga Aya thought for a while and said.

"Is that so..." Uchiha Ki nodded: "It seems that this result is a success..."



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