Chapter 234: congratulations

It was successful. Although it has not undergone specific experiments, it is indeed successful on the surface!

Kai Uchiha feels that today's mood is really like a roller coaster.

He didn't feel like he wanted to go to the toilet, but he felt a lack of oxygen.

He seemed to understand somewhat why a guy named Fan Jin, whom he had studied, went crazy.

This kind of feeling was so exciting that it was hard to say, he only felt that his heart was beating a little too much.

Taking a deep breath, looking at the vessel in front of him, Uchiha Qi thought for a moment before asking, "Can this thing be used for a skin test?"

"A test for allergic reactions and negative effects?" Hyuga Aya thought for a while: "I don't know either. There is only blood type matching. It seems that there is no such test as a skin test, but you can try it."

"Then do a skin test." Uchiha Kai said directly, "As long as it doesn't have too much influence on me."

Hyuga Aya nodded, and then began to prepare for the skin test experiment.

Although she didn't know whether the skin test was effective or not.

After all, this thing is a bit beyond her knowledge, but there will be no problem trying it.

After extracting some serum, after sterilization, she took out the sterilized blood with a syringe, and then walked slowly to Kai Uchiha's side.

"I hope it works, otherwise I don't know how to deal with it."

Aya Hyuga said while helping Kei Uchiha with the skin test: "Also, remember to have someone clean up the flies here. It seems that there are too many today."

"Too much?" Uchiha Qi was stunned, and then his face became a little weird: "How did you deal with Uchiha Yu's body?"

"It wasn't me who dealt with it, it was those people who dealt with it." Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kei: "But as far as I know, it was burned and clean."

"Is that so, are you sure it was discovered today?" Uchiha Kai lowered his head, looked at the syringe Hyuga Aya pulled out, and asked calmly after looking at his arm.

"Yes, it's today." Hyuga Aya nodded, and the next moment she rolled her eyes: "About a kilometer to the east, there is only one person. If there is no accident, it is the Youru family."

Uchiha Ki nodded, then stood up and walked outside: "How long?"

"twenty minutes."

"Make the preliminary preparations first. Let's disinfect everything. It doesn't matter if you need it. I'll be back in 20 minutes."


Youru Longma is one of Danzo's most loyal subordinates. He joined the root very early, and he was not the one who was forced to join.

He feels that the roots are very suitable for him, and some concepts of the roots are also very suitable for him.

His respect for Danzo has reached a fever pitch.

A few years ago, because he had a mission in hand, he did not follow Danzo to the Land of Rain to perform the mission.

Even if Danzo was the only one who came back that time, he really wanted to participate. In his opinion, Danzo was the one who supported his beliefs!

This time, Danzo gave him a task to monitor a kid in the Uchiha clan, whose name is Uchiha Kai.

You Ru Longma knew about this kid. Before collecting information about him, he knew that this kid was the head of the security department.

I'm afraid not many people in the village don't know about this.

However, Yuru Ryoma didn't care about the identity of this kid. After some understanding, he basically determined that this kid was Uchiha Fuyue's puppet.

This kind of thinking is very common in the village. Although everyone doesn't talk about it, who can believe that a kid can really control the security department?

Although he didn't pay too much attention to Uchiha Kai, Yuru Ryoma still carried out the task seriously.

As a ninja, it is their duty to take every task seriously.

As a root, the mission given by Danzo is the mission they must complete.

The Youru clan are very good at using bugs, these bugs are their best combat weapons and perfect infiltration tools.

You Ru Longma is an elite member of "Root", and his intrusion technology is also very prominent among the Anbu in all dynasties. It is conceivable how terrible his ability to collect information is.

After several days of observation, he found that something seemed wrong.

Because the entire security department seems to be the hall of Uchiha's words!

This made him realize that I am afraid everyone has misunderstood Uchiha and Uchiha Fuyake. Maybe Uchiha is really capable and powerful?

And he noticed that Uchiha Kai often left the security department and disappeared, which made him think there might be some problems.

He decided to follow Uchiha Kai, but when he came to this forest, he found that there were a lot of arrangements, and even some sealing techniques to prevent others from entering.

This discovery made You Rulongma realize that there might be some secret hidden here, otherwise it wouldn't be like this!

You Rulongma decided to go in, to investigate what was hidden inside.

He didn't choose to go back and report directly. He hoped to get more information and let Danzo know everything here.

He is very careful. After several days of research and investigation, he has figured out the number of patrols here and the arrangement of some defenses.

However, the layout here is very terrifying, no matter how powerful he is, he can only get close to the destination for about one kilometer.

Deep down, I'm afraid he will be discovered.

The least noticeable bugs are the ones that are almost invisible and hard to spot.

Yuru Ryoma thought the same way, but he wasn't sure where Uchiha was going.

Therefore, he decided to use some extremely common bugs, such as flies, at the same time as using those extremely tiny bugs.

Maybe some people will check those very small but uncommon things, but the most common ones are often not taken seriously.

Waiting quietly, when the first bug came back to report, You Rulongma found that he didn't seem to think too far.

Uchiha Kai really has a secret, there is a huge underground laboratory in that place.

And that place does have the function of preventing insects.

It's just that things like flies also exist in that place, so everything is fine.

Yuru Ryoma was constantly collecting information. He knew that Kai Uchiha seemed to be doing some experiments, and he also found out that Osamu Uchiha was in it through the bug.

"But it looks like a big problem has gone wrong. I'm afraid Uchiha is also the one who started it."

You Rulongma wrote the information he learned on a piece of paper: "As for Kai Uchiha's experiment, it's a pity that he crumpled the report into a ball, and the flies couldn't open it at all.

But that's enough, he should actually be doing cell experiments or something. "

After You Rulongma wrote everything down, he then took a seal, and the writing on the piece of paper immediately disappeared without a trace.

But just when he was about to summon a psychic beast to send this note to the root, he, who has been a fighter for many years, suddenly felt a strange crisis!

Almost instantly, You Rulongma completed a knot seal.

When he appeared on the branch beside him, he clearly saw that where he had stayed before, the worm clone had been cut in half with a knife, and the slashes made those worms burn.

Obviously, this knife is not ordinary, even from a long distance, he can feel the thunder attribute chakra on the knife.

"Ki Uchiha?" You Ru Ryoma could basically tell who the person was.

Only two people really use this kind of sword technique, Konoha, one is Kakashi who has entered Anbu, and the other is Uchiha Kei, the head of Konoha's security department.

Obviously, the only one who appeared in this place was the head of the Konoha Security Department, Uchiha Kai!

He raised his head slightly, and sure enough, You Ru Longma saw a boy in a black combat uniform standing there.

The ninja sword in his hand also bloomed with blue chakra.

"Anbu? And the Yuru family?" Uchiha Qi looked at the Yuru Ryoma calmly: "Who asked you to come?"


Yuru Ryoma didn't speak, he looked at Uchiha Kai silently, but he was thinking about how to get out of here.

And, how to defeat Kai Uchiha and take him out of here!

For Anbu ninjas, exposure is equivalent to the failure of the mission, and it is acceptable if there is valuable information later.

But for the root ninja, failure is equal to death, and the only remedy is to come up with more valuable information!

Uchiha Kai is obviously researching something, and this matter also concerns Uchiha Osamu.

Obviously, this guy framed Orochimaru at the beginning, which is a good piece of information.

If Uchiha Kai can be subdued and brought back for investigation, then many things can be tried to salvage.

For their root ninjas, they don't care about the duties of the Minister of the Security Department at all.

Especially when they have determined that the target is hiding something and may create something dangerous.

Taking a deep breath, You Rulongma started to see a lot of bugs on his body. He has already expressed his attitude!

"It seems that I did the right thing."

Uchiha Ki nodded: "Obviously you all treat me as a puppet, but that's fine. Although there will always be some minor troubles, it won't be a big trouble."

While speaking, Uchiha Kai's scarlet writing wheel began to slowly change, and in the blink of an eye a pair of strange triangle-shaped diamonds appeared in his eye sockets.

At the same time, dark chakra also appeared on his body.

This kind of chakra is so cold and suffocating that as these chakras continue to spread, a giant with dark eyes radiating scarlet appeared on him.

This giant is covered in bones all over his body, but with the outbreak of Uchiha Kai Chakra, the foundation of the skeleton is slowly covered with meridians and flesh and blood, and soon it is wrapped in a coat-like chakra.

Most importantly, a pitch-black ninja sword appeared in the giant's hand!

"It happens that I haven't tried this intensity yet. Congratulations, you have become the first person."



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