Chapter 235: The mark of the bane of the tongue

Uchiha Kai's Susanoo, in the state of kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, has reached the second form.

But unfortunately, Uchiha Kai has never had the opportunity to use this power.

Not having an opponent to judge strength is a major reason, although it's pretty good in terms of destructive power.

But what he needs is not pure destructive power, but its comprehensive combat power.

Now, this Anbu of the Youru clan has given Uchiha Kai a chance.

Of course he knew that this Anbu would definitely not be sent by Namikaze Minato, so there was only one result.

That is the three generations and others, who may want to know about Uchiha Fuyake, and Uchiha Kai is an agent in their opinion.

Tracking an agent is naturally an excellent choice, especially since the agent won't have the same terrible protection measures as the master.

Normally, such an understanding is correct.

But it is a pity that they met Kai Uchiha, a Uchiha who also has a kaleidoscope writing wheel!

You Rulongma quietly looked at the black giant in front of him.

The face of this giant is extremely clear, like a Rakshasa in the temple, ferocious and terrifying, making people feel terrified at first glance.

And the chakra it emits is even more gloomy and cold to the extreme. It is a destructive chakra, and it is also a chakra that makes people feel hopeless!

You Ru Malone knew that he might be in big trouble this time, but what he decided would never change, he had to try it.

But before he tried, he had to do one more thing.

That is to pass on the information collected before, because he knew that he might die here.

"You still want to pass on information?" Suddenly, Uchiha Kai said, "Do you use your bug? Do you really think I can't see what you are doing?"

"...You are very powerful and terrible." You Rulongma did not remain silent this time.

He bent down slightly and made a gesture of attacking.

"Is this your last word?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head.

"Although I have twenty minutes to play, I think it's better to send you on the road earlier. I hope you won't be alone on your way to Huangquan."

As soon as he finished speaking, the scarlet eyes of the pitch-black Susanoo suddenly burst into a dazzling brilliance.

The sturdy arm drew out the long knife behind him almost instantly.

Suddenly, the earth shook!

This terrifying knife caused a huge airflow, as if the knife air visible to the naked eye, directly flattened the trees in its path, and at the same time left a long mark on the ground!

When You Ru Longma saw this terrifying scene, he immediately chose to avoid it.

It's just that he didn't have time to move, and he suddenly found that the speed of the terrifying blade gas suddenly increased sharply!

The blade, which was originally extremely fast, exploded with incredible speed at this moment!

You Rulongma's mind went blank, he had no idea what was going on.

Between the light and flint, he already felt a little coolness in his body, and he was also lifted up high.

He seems to realize that he has been tricked, and he is faced with...

It is a **** of death!

Uchiha Kei stood quietly in the same place, and soon the dark Susanoo on his body began to dissipate, and there was a line of blood and tears in his left eye.

"It's still a bit reluctant."

Uchiha Qi rubbed his left eye: "To put the effect of 'Leap of Time' on Susanoo of such strength, it's really terrifying for me to consume a lot..."

That's right, Uchiha Kai immediately used the power of his left eye after Susanoo swung the sword.

Although he felt that at such a speed, the Anbu of the Youru clan would definitely not be able to escape.

But he didn't want this guy to have a chance at 1 in 10,000. He had seen the use of Hitomi and Susanoo in the original book, and he wanted to try it himself.

In the end, he found that he seemed to overestimate the endurance of his eyes, and it seemed normal to think about it carefully.

The Susanoo in the second stage is already a half mature Susanoo!

Except for the lack of armor and legs, everything that should be available is already there.

Not everyone understands this forbidden technique as well as Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha does not need eyes to complete Susanoo!

Uchiha Qi started well, although he couldn't start Susanoh without relying on Sharinyan.

But he can use the initial version without consuming pupil power, and even the first stage can barely.

Each stage of Susanoo's improvement is a huge improvement.

As the power increases, the burden on Kai Uchiha also increases.

Under such circumstances, when using pupil technique, it can be said that the consumption increases geometrically.

He wiped away the blood left in his left eye, and Uchiha Kai walked to the Anbu of the Youru clan.

This guy has been completely smashed to pieces by Susanoo's sword energy. The most disgusting thing is that the worms in his body are mixed with blood and broken internal organs.

"The vitality of these insects is really strong. Are there still so many surviving?"

Although Kei Uchiha was also a little nauseated, he still checked the Anbu of the Youru clan, especially the note.

He saw with his own eyes that this guy wrote something.

As for the identity of this guy, Uchiha Kei is also curious.

It's actually not too strange for the Youru family to enter Anbu.

They all have a strange personality, not indifferent, but they always give people a feeling of being undisturbed by strangers.

They always like to wear sunglasses and use hoods, they like to hide themselves very much, and their abilities are also very suitable for gathering intelligence.

With the cooperation of the Shaker, and the use of Fire Dun to clear up some bugs, he finally found the note.

It's a pity that the note can no longer be read.

It completely turned into a pile of shredded paper, which made Kai Uchiha a little depressed.

With a helpless sigh, Uchiha Qi directly took a torch, and the corpse was burnt with bugs.

Anyway, I can't find anything anymore. Leaving the corpse here will only cause trouble. It's better to just destroy the corpse and destroy it.

If you hit Susanoo with the knife, unless it's Tsunade......

No, the corpses have been smashed to such an extent that Tsunade can't stand it either.

Unless it's Senju Hashirama, I'm afraid whoever changes it will have the same result.

But if it really is Senju Hasuma, I'm afraid this guy fights back casually, and Uchiha Kei will go to Huangquan Road to report.

Returning to his laboratory, Uchiha Fuyue sent all the ninjas stationed here to gather nearby. Obviously, they all discovered what happened just now.

Uchiha Kai said what happened just now with a cold face, and then ignored them.

These guys are still very reliable, they don't need him to say too much, they all know what they should do.

And looking at their appearance, it seems that they also realized the seriousness of the matter, and they immediately went to deal with the matter that should be dealt with.

Uchiha Kai didn't bother to care about them either, so he walked back to the laboratory.

Aya Hyuga has already sterilized all the blood used in the experiment, and prepared all the necessary tools.

"Let's see the results." Uchiha Kei didn't say much nonsense, he walked directly to Aya Hinata and picked up his sleeves, revealing the place for the skin test.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem." Hyuga Aya took a closer look, although she said, "By the way, just now you..."

"That's my eye technique, it's a forbidden technique." Uchiha Qi explained casually.

If Aya Hyuga hadn't peeked, then Keikai Uchiha really didn't believe it.

The woman obviously knew this too, so she asked directly.

Aya Hyuga nodded, the chakra giant just now not only gave You Rulongma a huge shock, but also gave her a great shock.

That kind of chakra that has been completely condensed into essence, the knife that shakes the earth.

Aya Hyuga fully believes that if such a technique is used on anyone, if it is not avoided in time, there is probably only a dead end!

However, this technique should have many limitations, and at the same time, the consumption should be very large.

She saw it with her own eyes just now, and Uchiha Kai left a line of blood and tears in his left eye.

As for why Uchiha Qi used this technique, she didn't feel too surprised. After all, the effect of such a technique is still to be seen.

I'm afraid Uchiha Kei is also doing some small experiments.

It's just the appearance of this technique and the horror of this technique that made Aya Hyuga even more afraid to think about it.

It's too terrifying, and it's too strong!

At the same time, Hyuga Aya was also a little excited.

Uchiha's eyes have such power, so what effect will Uchiha's opening of the more advanced eyes of the Hinata clan have?

"That Anbu seems a bit strange." Shaking her head, Hyuga Aya stopped thinking about these questions.

Her work has just started, and with reference to Uchiha Kai, she is on the right path. She still needs to continue to wait and study.

"Something strange?" Uchiha Qi looked at her curiously: "Why is it strange? By the way, can we conduct experiments?"

"There's no problem with the experiment, but I can only say it's a try, because I've told you before whether it's effective to perform a skin test with blood."

Aya Hyuga thought for a while: "As for Anbu just now, there seems to be a curse mark on his tongue. This is the first time I've seen with a curse mark on his tongue?" Uchiha Qi wrinkled. raised his eyebrows.

Is it the mark of the bane of the tongue?

So, this guy is a root?

That Danzo guy is staring at me?

Kei Uchiha had some uncertain thoughts, and he seemed to recall something.

It seems that when Danzo went to let Yakushi No Naiyu come back, he had two guards by his side.

One is Orochimaru, and the other seems to be a member of the Youru family.

He couldn't remember what his name was, but now it seemed that Danzo was staring at him.

"It's kind of interesting, don't go to Uchiha Fuyue to find me here. Forget it, I'll find him to settle accounts sooner or later."

Uchiha Qi thought about it, and simply ignored these things.

Moreover, it will never be too late for him to take revenge!

Even if he can't kill him, Uchiha Kei will never make him feel better.

Thinking like this, Uchiha Kai also asked Hyuga Aya to start a trial experiment, but all of this is based on Hyuga Aya's ability to handle the crisis...



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