Chapter 245: action

Kenta Imai's words surprised Kei Uchiha, but he didn't say anything.

Everyone has their own helplessness, and at the same time, the pursuit and motivation transformed from these helplessness will become more terrifying.

Kai Uchiha himself is a typical example.

Everything he did was for himself, so that he could survive in that completely predictable, even unpredictable future.

In order to achieve this goal, he has been unscrupulous.

Although he looks gloomy and selfish, when he came to this strange world, Uchiha Keisha couldn't be "generous".

Especially on the battlefield, the feeling of being shrouded in death everywhere made him understand the fragility of life.

His kaleidoscope was only opened because of the extreme fear of being deprived of life!

The same is true for Aya Hyuga. Compared to Kei Uchiha or Kenta Imai, she is probably the purest one.

Although her methods are equally cruel and cold-blooded, her goal is only freedom.

The definition of freedom is very broad, but the value of freedom is very high.

Kei Uchiha still remembers a saying, 'Life is precious, and love is more valuable. For freedom's sake, both can be thrown away'.

Aya Hyuga's actions seem to be in line with those words, right?

Imai Kenta seems to have some interest.

From his tone, Kei Uchiha seemed to feel that he was unwilling to take on certain responsibilities, maybe something like 'family revival'?

But the character of this guy is that you give him the task, whether he accepts it actively or passively, as long as it doesn't endanger his life, he will find a way to complete it.

Unless this task is impossible to complete at all, or it is necessary to complete it.

This is true on the battlefield, as well as in the Guard.

But now he seems a little disgusted, probably because the decision he made is not in line with the leader of his family.

He said that he envied Uchiha Kei's current right to speak, which made it a little intriguing.

A smile appeared on the corner of Uchiha Kai's mouth. He didn't know what the family education of the Senju family was like now.

But he could feel that although Kenta Imai didn't like him, he seemed to dislike Konoha, who was ruled by the three-generation one-line system.

Otherwise, this guy might not be able to cooperate with him. Even if he was forced by Uchiha Kai at that time, he still had some other options.

But his choice at that time was cooperation, which means that he really hated the three-generation series more than Uchiha Kai.

Unfortunately, this is just his own mood, or the general mood of his generation?

Because the three-generation family lost the Qianshou clan, the younger generation basically transferred their disgust from Uchiha to the three-generation family?

"If that's the case, then I'm afraid it will be even more interesting."

A playful smile appeared on Kai Uchiha's face, which both Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya saw.

They don't know what this guy is crazy about.

Although it looks very sunny when he smiles, what this guy does has nothing to do with the sunshine at all.

With the moonlight in the sky, it even seems to be so infiltrating.

However, neither of them was interested in asking Uchiha Kai what was going on, because they were getting closer to a forest.

This forest was when Aya Hyuga was tracking Jiraiya and found a forest where other people came and went, especially when she noticed a strong defensive barrier here.

Although I didn't see Anbu's shadow, I remembered that Jiraiya once stood silently in front of this forest for a long time, and finally left quietly. I'm afraid there is something hidden here, right?

Aya Hyuga wasn't sure if she had found the right place, but Kei Uchiha wanted to come here to see the situation, and she didn't have any good reason to stop her.

She felt that Uchiha Kei definitely had a way to solve these troubles.

After working with Uchiha Kai for so long, she knows some of Uchiha's character, and Uchiha must be prepared before acting.

When they came to the extension of the restricted area divided by the forest, Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai found that a lot of members of the security department had gathered here.

What's more interesting is that some of them are also subordinates of Imai Kenta.

Imai Kenta looked around at these people, and then simply kept silent.

He didn't know his team's action plan tonight at all, which meant that Uchiha Kai simply bypassed him.

But thinking that he didn't come to report at all today, Uchiha Ki, I'm afraid he's doing things according to the worst plan, right?

It's not surprising that he would also choose to be himself.

When the members of the security department saw them coming, they immediately knelt on the ground one by one.

Subordinates respect their superiors, especially their most respected immediate superiors are here, so they are all honest and outrageous.

"Liuying, have you got what I need?" Uchiha Kai asked them to get up, and then his eyes looked directly at Uchiha Liuying.

The deputy captain of the third unit has officially taken office. His participation in this operation is a kind of 'value and trust' expressed by Kai Uchiha to him.

Of course, such behavior can be regarded as a signal to his recommender Uchihagawa.

That is because I trust him very much, and it is because I trust him that I reuse the people he recommends so much.

Uchiha Liuying stood up, and he quickly took out a separate piece and handed it to Kai Uchiha.

"Lord Minister, this is the authorization of the fourth Hokage-sama."

Uchiha Ryukage said softly: "At the same time, the fourth Hokage said that he would dispatch a dark division team to assist, and he also reminded that his teacher may also appear here."

"Jiraiya?" Uchiha Ki took over the document in his hand, but his mind began to think.

Jiraiya may also appear here, so that doesn't mean Uchiha Kai and the others have come to the right place.

After discovering Jiraiya, Uchiha Kei was thinking about how to better determine the location, and even let Aya Hyuga and others follow Jiraiya for a few days, and this place was the most suspicious.

Uchiha Qi asked Uchiha Ryukage to go to Naikaze Minato, in addition to informing him of some things and getting authorization, it was actually to confirm some things.

"It seems that there is no problem." Uchiha Qi put away the document, and then looked at Uchiha Chuan: "What about you? What is the attitude of the patriarch?"

"The patriarch said he understood. He planned to invite the patriarch of Hyuga to come out and chat, only the two of them."

Uchihagawa said immediately, but his eyes glanced at Aya Hyuga inadvertently.

"It seems that this matter will become very interesting." Uchiha Kai showed a smile, while Hyuga Aya was also stunned.

It seems that tonight will be very exciting.

However, how exciting it is depends on their harvest.

It is undeniable that with the last lesson, Orochimaru is likely to move some of his experiments out, but so what?

As long as Kai Uchiha and the others found Orochimaru, and the movement was big enough.

If you can pull out the current four giants of Konoha at the same time, then Kai Uchiha will complete the task!

"I hope I won't be late again this time, well, just hope."

Kai Uchiha touched his ninja bag, which contained a kunai of Minato Minato.

Shaking his head, Ki Uchiha's face became serious: "Inform everyone, you must gather here and surround it. Kenta Imai, Aya Hyuga, follow me."

"Yes! Mr. Minister!" Everyone present said immediately.

Kai Uchiha turned around directly and walked towards the interior of the forest with Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai.

They didn't have any intention to hide at all, so they just walked in swaggeringly.

There is no need for too much communication at all. Both Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya are aware of Uchiha Kai's thoughts.

Especially since they still have the authorization of Hokage in their hands, they really don't worry about causing too much trouble when they come in like this.

"Captain, Jiraiya is here too."

Suddenly, Hyuga Aya opened her mouth and said, her eyes had already turned into white eyes: "He's right next to us."

"Is it okay to have someone to protect you?" Uchiha Qi said calmly.

"Once we fight with Orochimaru, no one can predict the ending. There is a strong man who is one of the three ninjas following us. At least we don't need to worry about dying here."

"Captain, do you think we can find anything?" Kenta Imai also asked in a low voice, "Or, do you think Lord Shidaimu can find anything?"

"The title of captain really fills me with memories." Uchiha glanced at him in surprise, then smiled.

"It's really uncertain whether we'll find something, but we just have to do our own thing.

It's enough to make things bigger.

The mice have all come out of their nests, so isn't it obvious what's in the mouse hole? "

The three of them walked all the way, and when they came to the deepest part of the forest, they saw a hole.

At the entrance of the cave, there is a person who is very familiar to Uchiha and Imai Kenta, Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's face was still pale and gloomy, he looked at Uchiha Kei and the others indifferently and then showed a sneer.

Hinata, Uchiha and Chiju?

This combination is really interesting.

The most interesting thing is that the two people here have had a head-on conflict with him.

Although he kept them alive, he really didn't expect them to come.

"The head of the security department, the squad leader of the security department, and a kid from the Hyuga's house."

Orochimaru licked his tongue: "Interesting, really interesting. I don't know if you guys in the security department have anything to do with me?"

"Of course I have something important to visit Master Orochimaru." Uchiha Kai calmly looked at the tall and gloomy man in front of him.

"The last time I met, I didn't have a good discussion with Mr. Orochimaru, so Mr. Orochimaru left. This time, I want to have a good conversation with Mr. Orochimaru."

"I'm surprised. You survived the last time, but you didn't go to the mountain clan. Are you afraid that some things in your clan will be known to outsiders?"

Orochimaru said nonchalantly, "What about this time? Why are you so sure you can still find something?"

"We don't need to find anything, we just need to communicate with Master Orochimaru." Uchiha Kai's eyes instantly turned scarlet.

"Of course, we also want to visit the laboratory of Lord Orochimaru. We have permission from Lord Naruto."

"Visit and communicate?" The smile on Orochimaru's face became a little brighter: "I see, then, let's start?"

As soon as the voice fell, a few giant snakes appeared beside Orochimaru. They spit out letters and stared at Uchiha Kai and others...

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