Chapter 246: Unknown power

Orochimaru's intelligence and ingenuity can be said to be the number one in the entire Naruto world.

There's nothing wrong with even getting to the top.

If Uchiha Kai is so obvious, if he still can't hear it, then he is not Orochimaru.

Uchiha Kai came to him this time, indeed to find something related to his experiments.

But he didn't believe that this kid would not think that he would move his laboratory.

Then there is only one result, Uchiha Kei is deliberately provoking things.

He hopes to make this matter a big one, and everyone who picks it will pay attention to it.

It's just, is there really such a need to make things bigger without results?

Then there is only one result, that is, Uchiha Kai's target is not him.

Or it seems to be aimed at him on the surface, but in fact it is aimed at dealing with some people behind him.

This kid is very hidden. Everyone thinks that this kid is the agent of Uchiha Fugaku, but Orochimaru has never thought of it this way.

Orochimaru has not forgotten that day, the dark chakra body on Uchiha Kai's body.

That terrifying, suffocating, substantive Chakra.

This kind of strength, plus now this kid has taken the position of the Minister of the Security Department.

There are also some of his performances on the battlefield. After a comprehensive analysis of Orochimaru, he got a result that no one else dared to think about.

That is the kid in front of him. He is not a puppet of Uchiha Fuyue at all. He might even control Uchiha Fuyue!

Uchiha Fuyue still remembers what Orochimaru did before, but everything changed when the kid returned.

Uchiha Fugaku also seemed to have changed a person, and began to make drastic reforms.

The first and last two practices really made Orochimaru feel interesting.

His teacher Sandai Hokage also noticed this, but the experience of long-term solidification and reconstruction after the war.

And Hokage's choice and some unethical experiments, so he didn't have the experience to pay attention to these things.

Even if he paid attention, he just regarded this as a signal expressed by Uchiha Fuyue.

A signal that moved his heart, but violated the teachings of the second generation of Hokage.

Orochimaru always regarded himself as a bystander. He naturally saw it more clearly, but he didn't tell his teacher.

He already has higher pursuits, and Konoha is like a cage binding his hands and feet.

He wanted more, but was trapped by all kinds of morality.

And he also felt that his teacher seemed to be old and corrupted by power.

This is not what he wants to see, what he wants to see more is the young and energetic Sarutobi Hizen.

The Sarutobi Hizan that he most wanted to challenge, but he never saw it again.

At this time, Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiizan were already somewhat detached.

Uchiha Qi looked at the two giant snakes calmly, and the next moment his ninja sword appeared in his hand, and the blue chakra bloomed on the ninja sword.

Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, and then said calmly, "I'll deal with Orochimaru, you go down and clean up."

"There's no need for that." Hyuga Aya also rolled her eyes: "Although it's blocked by some seals and barriers, all you can see is a cloud of fog, but the captain doesn't think there should be nothing underneath."

"Let's deal with Orochimaru together." Imai Kenta's voice was also a little cold, and the reflection of the ninja sword in his hand showed a hint of luster.

"Are you worried that I will collapse the lab again?" Orochimaru licked his tongue.

"Don't worry, it won't happen this time. Besides, if you don't go down and take a look, how do you know there's no gain?"

Orochimaru's voice is hoarse but full of magnetism, such a voice is full of temptation.

The three of Uchiha Kai frowned at the same time. They were not quite sure what Orochimaru meant.

This guy, Orochimaru, behaved too strangely, and his previous actions were also very strange.

You can't judge at all what is the real purpose of what he does.

It seems to be a decision made at will, and it seems to be a choice made after careful consideration.

"Follow the order." Uchiha Ki's tone also became indifferent, and he was already in a state of battle.

"This..." Imai Kentai hesitated for a while, and finally gave Uchiha Kei a deep look: "Yes, Captain."

Aya Hyuga didn't speak. She just glanced at Kai Uchiha and followed Kenta Imai to get ready.

As long as Uchiha Kai and Orochimaru start, they will enter this underground laboratory as soon as possible.

Uchiha Kai's eyes were slightly blank, and the next moment he moved directly.

He has never played against Orochimaru, and he doesn't know what the current situation of Orochimaru is, but this does not prevent Kei Uchiha and Orochimaru from having a good fight.

Uchiha Kai's speed is extremely fast, even if he didn't use the telekinesis technique, it only took him less than a second to appear in front of Orochimaru!

With a blue chakra ninja knife, he slashed directly at Orochimaru's neck.

He didn't even look at those two hideous giant snakes.

Orochimaru was extremely fast. Facing the knife from Uchiha Kai, he evaded with a slight deflection.

Then he jumped back and opened his mouth, a long sword quickly stretched out into his mouth, Orochimaru picked up the sword and blocked Kai Uchiha's next strike.

"A very good knife, the same material as White Fang's."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, and his long golden pupils were full of interest: "It was given to you by Kakashi? I heard that you and Kakashi use the same sword technique."

"Ah, he really gave it to me." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "It's a pity that my swordsmanship has never been very popular, but it's enough to deal with most ninjas."

"Yeah, God's gift, writing round eyes."

Orochimaru's long golden pupils seemed to show some interest: "Unfortunately, some limitations make it difficult for me to handle, and some ideas also make it difficult for me to realize."

Uchiha Kai frowned, what does this mean? Is it too much for this guy to say such things to himself, and is it too inappropriate? It's a pity that there is not so much time for Uchiha to think slowly now. He is now facing Orochimaru who is almost at his peak! Orochimaru's body suddenly twisted in a strange way, and the next moment, his feet kicked directly at Uchiha Kai like an iron whip!

Uchiha Kai's reaction speed was extremely fast. He saw Orochimaru's attack clearly, and he immediately turned sideways to avoid Orochimaru's kick.

Then his blade turned and slashed towards Orochimaru's chest at an extremely strange angle!

Orochimaru's body once again showed inhuman flexibility, just like a snake, it suddenly stretched and then bent one after another. He instantly avoided the knife from Uchiha Kai.

But in the next second, Orochimaru's body seemed to become stiff, and his long golden pupils also appeared in a trance at this moment.

Uchiha Kai cut off his head with one knife, then jumped back to avoid the giant snake's attack.

After coming for a certain distance, he immediately formed a seal on his hands, and a powerful chakra boiled inside him!

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

Uchiha's speed of opening the seal is very fast, and he can't even see too many steps. A ninjutsu has been directly completed by him.

Three turbulent huge fire dragons spewed out of his mouth, and the fire dragons with raging flames flew towards the two giant snakes.

The movements of giant snakes are very sharp, but their size is too large, which also causes them to have no space even if they dodge!

In just a moment, the two giant snakes were ignited by the three fire dragons, and the hoarse screams suddenly sounded in the forest.

And this fire completely burned the nearby woods, the raging flames began to spread outward, and the violent smoke began to rise continuously.

"Do you know that famous quote from Konoha?" Suddenly, Uchiha Kai said.

"As long as there are leaves flying, the fire will burn.

The shadow of the fire will illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout.

Although I can't see the new shoots now, the shadow of the fire is sure to shine on the village. "

"Isn't Minister Qi a new shoot?"

Orochimaru's voice sounded slowly, and slowly, he rose from the ground.

"But with your fire, you're keeping someone out."

"Ah, yes, Lord Jiraiya." Uchiha Ki nodded calmly.

"It's just, why does Lord Orochimaru think that I can't deal with you?"

"Hahahahaha." Orochimaru suddenly laughed.

"That's right, Minister Qi's strength is really interesting, and it's also a mystery.

I won't forget the chakra that is like a substance, but I'm just curious.

Minister Qi believes in the fourth generation so much, surely he will find something? "

Uchiha Kai frowned, and the next moment his face turned gloomy.

Uchiha Kai's trouble with Orochimaru was to get everyone's attention.

He even attracted the mouse hiding in the basement and the 'highly respected' third-generation Hokage!

The purpose of this is to give Namikaze Minato some time to deal with some things in the future.

For example, go to the root to take a good look, the secret information that was placed in the root, the information about human experiments!

But when Orochimaru said this, Uchiha Kai had to guess.

Did the three generations transfer or seal these materials?

Or, because of their last raid, Sandaimu and the others were like frightened birds, and they directly destroyed all the information about this project?

If it's a seal, it's fine, it's all within Kai Uchiha's expectations.

If it is destroyed, then he will lose more than the gains, and it is also destined to become a farce tonight!

"They destroyed the data?" Uchiha Kai's mind quickly turned around.

He was even thinking about using the power of the kaleidoscope to persecute Orochimaru, but before that, he still needed to make sure of some things.

"No is still at the root, but don't be buried any deeper, I am also involved in it."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, and then he made a mark on his hands, and the fire in the forest became even bigger.

"In this way, no one will disturb us."

"It looks like it's sealed, so it won't have much impact." Uchiha Kai nodded.

However, he frowned. He seemed to feel more and more that his guess was correct: "However, what do you mean, Orochimaru?"

"It's not interesting, I prepared a gift for Minister Qi." Orochimaru said indifferently, "I originally wanted to give it to that idiot Jiraiya, but now I have something more interesting."


Uchiha Qi clenched the ninja sword in his hand, he didn't speak, but he basically determined what Orochimaru meant.

"Actually, there is no need for the fourth generation to be too troublesome. Everything you want is below." Orochimaru continued.

"But before that, you have to satisfy me with one thing. I want to see a power, a legendary power."

"Kaleidoscope? Sure enough..." Uchiha Qi sighed and closed his eyes slightly.

When he opened it again, his eyes had turned into a pair of strange triangle-shaped diamonds!

"Experience the unknown power at will, but you will die, Orochimaru."
