Chapter 252: confrontation

Although Uchiha Kai's words seemed a little obscure, they were actually very straightforward.

Yes, the three of them are grasshoppers on the same rope.

No matter what the purpose was, when they attacked Orochimaru, it was probably unavoidable.

Just like on the battlefield.

Uchiha Kaikai is the most important one to be attacked, but none of them may be innocent.

When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent.

This sentence is actually very meaningful, and it is also in line with their current situation.

What they have done is to trigger a huge avalanche.

This avalanche may cause drastic changes in the entire Konoha.

And of all the people involved in this incident, none of them can really escape.

If you win, everyone will benefit. If you lose, don't even think about getting ahead.

Aki Uchiha has heard a saying that war is bloodshed politics, and politics is bloodless war.

In fact, he doesn't really agree with this sentence, in terms of the world and environment he is in now.

Once the political struggle here fails, the outcome will be very ugly.

It's not just a matter of dying alone.

It is very likely that you and your family are ambitious people because of those in power.

As a result, you directly died of a 'hukou book'.

Seeing that Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya were so conscious, Uchiha Kei was a little relieved.

Changes in things are often beyond your expectations, just like this time.

Originally, they were looking forward to waiting for the fourth Hokage to get the evidence, they just needed to stand in line.

But they didn't expect that the evidence was directly delivered by Orochimaru.

On the other side of the fourth generation, I am afraid there will be some troubles.

According to Imai Kenta's perception, the three generations of Hokage kept all the guards out and did not let them in.

Then who will take over the material and where will it be, which makes it a little interesting to ask.

As for what it will be like by then, I am afraid that none of Uchiha Kai and the others dare to imagine.

Not long after the three of them discussed it, they saw the forest that had been scorched to the ground, and a few figures appeared not far away.

The area around Orochimaru's underground laboratory is actually the safest place.

Because the surrounding trees have long been cut down.

The burning of flames requires fuel, and the best fuel in the forest is naturally these trees.

Probably this is also for fire prevention, so there is such a similar design.

Soon, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan rushed to the door of this laboratory with a group of people.

Looking at the two large snakes on the ground that were burning with the smell of flesh, and then at Kiha Uchiha, who seemed to be intact, his brows became even tighter.

He didn't see Orochimaru, and he couldn't feel the gloomy and even hopeless chakra before.

There are only three goblins here, three goblins from different families but all belong to the security department.

"Where's Orochimaru? What the **** happened here?" After a long time, Hizan Sarutobi asked in a deep voice, "Also, do you guys know where this place is?"

Sarutobi Hizan's voice was a little indifferent, and even sounded a little angry.

Such an attitude immediately caused those ninjas who followed him to keep their eyes on Uchiha Kai.

Sarutobi Hizan was indeed a little angry, but his anger was born of Orochimaru.

This guy has disappeared inexplicably now. Could it be that he lost to this kid?

Or did something go wrong?

But he wasn't particularly angry. On the contrary, this was an opportunity worth taking advantage of, if the Danzo thing was reliable.

"Lord Hokage, Orochimaru has already left." Uchiha Qi took a step forward and bowed slightly before speaking.

"As for where this place is, I know very well, very clearly. Besides, I also have the search warrant given to me by the four generations of Hokage."


Sarutobi Hizan frowned, he didn't realize what it meant by leaving.

But he didn't bother to worry about this issue, his eyes became extremely solemn: "Even if there is a four-generation search warrant, it's not a reason for you to do whatever you want.

I think everyone present is very curious, what exactly is this place for? "

Having said that, Sarutobi Hizan glanced at all the ninjas present, and finally turned his gaze to Shimura Danzo.

Some things are better explained by this person hiding in the dark.

In this way, it can also express an attitude of 'this is the right thing in the first place, and I don't bother to explain too much'.

Shimura Danzo noticed Sarutobi's attitude, and he immediately took a step forward.

However, he still stayed half a step behind Sarutobi Hidden.

"This is a secret laboratory in Konoha." Shimura Danzo said loudly: "This was originally a secret belonging to Konoha, but because of these guys..."

Said that Danzo deliberately paused here, and at this time, many ninjas had begun to whisper, and even many people had begun to scold Uchiha Kai and others.

Because of what they did, they completely destroyed a secret laboratory in Konoha.

It's hard to say whether the contents of this laboratory will be exposed or not.

However, the ninjas of those big families basically did not speak, they were still watching all this.

They always felt that something was not quite right, especially since the fourth Hokage hadn't appeared yet.

"This base studies some forbidden techniques, some acquired from other villages. In order not to expose them, we set them up here."

Shimura Danzo took a look at the reactions of the people around him before continuing: "The research on these forbidden techniques is for us to better learn and even master them.

Even if we can't grasp it, we can think of ways to deal with it through these studies, but now..."

"Are you finished, Danzo-sama?"

Just when Shimura Danzo was about to name Uchiha Kei and others for the second time, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly interrupted him.

"The existence of the security department is to protect the safety of the village and to investigate the crimes hidden in the village.

If it weren't for the scary things happening here, I'm afraid Minister Qi and the others wouldn't come here either. "

"Sir Danzo, I think we should listen to Minister Qi." Hyuga Hizu sighed slightly, and he also said.

In fact, he also really wanted to quietly watch the result and make a choice.

But Hyuga Aya stood there, even if she was just a branch, he couldn't do anything about it.

This girl entered the security department with his consent.


Shimura Danzo glanced at Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hizu, and then showed a disdainful smile on his face.

"Listen to this guy's explanation? This guy destroyed the important laboratory in the village, and I'm afraid he also attacked the Orochimaru stationed here. What else is there to explain for such a behavior?"

Shimura Danzo said righteous words, and the subordinates behind him also came out of the shadows one by one.

Namikaze Minato has not appeared yet, and Danzo knows that this guy is still dealing with those seals.

The seal he left came from the first Hokage, and it has been improved by many ninjas and Orochimaru who are good at sealing.

It is simply not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Namikaze Minato is really good, but it's only good.

Feeling the 'key' that was connected to the seal, he knew that this kid didn't even get half of it.

As long as this kid doesn't appear, then in this place, they have the most power!

"I think we should listen to his explanation."

At this moment, Jiraiya, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "He has a search warrant for Hokage, which means that Hokage has approved this matter, and...

The current Hokage is Minato, and I'm also curious about where Orochimaru went. "

Jiraiya's sudden speech made Shimura Danzo look gloomy.

He originally planned to let this matter come to an end, and then slowly liquidate the others.

But now, he knew that something was about to be pulled out again.

Although he is very confident, it will all turn into a farce.

But some things leave some impressions or seeds, which is not a good thing after all.

Glancing at Sarutobi Hizan, who closed his eyes and said nothing, Shimura Danzo knew that he might be unhappy right now.

Therefore, he decided to directly characterize this matter!

"Hmph, what's there to explain?" Danzo Shimura said with a cold face.

"Even if they have to explain, they will have a better place to explain, and I believe that everyone will have a satisfactory answer by then!"

"Does Danzo-sama plan to send us to Anbu for trial? Or... the place you control?"

Uchiha Kai suddenly raised his head, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Everyone is a Konoha ninja, what can't you say?

Also, Danzo-sama isn't Hokage, right?

You made a decision so quickly. Could it be that the search warrant of Lord Shidaimu has no effect on you? "

"Fourth Hokage-sama's search warrant is naturally effective, but where is the fourth-generation head now?" Danzo's eyes were a little blank.

"Ki Uchiha, you destroyed one of Konoha's core laboratories, what else do you have to argue?

Could it be that you want to say that below this, Orochimaru is actually conducting human experiments? "

"Huh? How did Danzo-sama know?" Uchiha Kei stared at Shimura Danzo.

"Or, did Danzo-sama actually participate in it?

Indeed, our security department found out after investigation that a missing person was brought here, so here we are, and...

Everything below is very surprising! "

Shimura Danzo looked a little dangerous, and Uchiha Kei seemed too calm.

Are you pretending to be mysterious, or struggling to the death?

Or, is there really something here that I haven't had time to clean up?

Thinking of this, Danzo Shimura made a subtle gesture.

Then he slowly said: "Hmph, pretend to be a ghost, then let the old man send someone to investigate in person, and then come to a conclusion!"

"This can't be done, Danzo-sama." Speaking, Uchiha Kai's eyes turned scarlet again, and Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta also acted defensively.

"Everything is still to be said when the Fourth Hokage arrives."


Danzo's face is now gloomy and terrifying, and Jiraiya is still one of the legendary ninjas of Konoha.

His hidden status, as well as the status of the three generations of Hokage disciples, can indeed be discussed with him.

But what is Kai Uchiha?

The head of the Konoha Security Department?

Konoha Joinin?

These so-called identities are hardly worth mentioning in Shimura Danzo's eyes.

What's more, this guy is from the Uchiha clan, and Danzo doesn't like this guy from the bottom of his heart.

"Are you trying to disobey my order? Kai Uchiha?"

Danzo's expression was a little gloomy. He deliberately did not look at Jiraiya, but confronted Kai Uchiha aggressively.

"Have you not figured out something? The security department belongs to Konoha instead of Uchiha! The fourth generation is absent, we are the decision makers, are you planning to resist the order?"

"Sorry, the search warrant was given to me by Lord Shidai Hokage. I am only responsible for Shidai Hokage."

The ninja sword in Kai Uchiha's hand has slowly turned into a deep blue: "Especially Danzo-sama, you said that this is Konoha's secret laboratory.

However, the results of our investigation have already exceeded our expectations.

I can only report this matter to the fourth generation, I am sorry, Danzo-sama. "

The words of Kei Uchiha and Danzo Shimura made the clan ninjas present, especially most of them at the clan leader level, realize that this is really wrong!

They don't know what Uchiha Kai found, and this matter has little to do with them.

They also don't care about the fate of this guy Uchiha Kai, because they belong to various families, and they only protect their own interests.

The confrontation between Kai Uchiha and Danzo has already shown some things from the side.

That is, I am afraid that Danzo, who represents the interests of the third generation, is having a violent conflict with Uchiha, who seems to safeguard the interests of the fourth generation.

This discovery made them feel even more headaches, and they even regretted why they came over.

Because they can't pretend to be tortoises at all now, they can't stand in line according to the trend of the future situation!

They are really bored now, why do they have to run over when they have nothing to do?

In other words, when they learned that Hokage III came directly, why did they rush to follow?

There is one sentence that Uchiha Kai, this little bastard, is right.

That is, the current Hokage is the fourth generation, and it is the Namikaze Minato!

Although the third Hokage has maintained a very high power, he is already the previous Hokage.

"It looks like you don't intend to be obedient anymore." Danzo's eyes were very dangerous.

But his tone was a little regretful, and some righteous words: "I said it very clearly, if the fourth generation is not present, then we have the ability to deal with it.

Here we take over, if you have something to tell us when you go back. "

"Lord Danzo, we should be waiting." Jiraiya frowned.

They knew the situation of their disciples, but he didn't expect that his teacher, Danzang and others would completely ignore his disciples!

Is this really Hokage?

Is this really the Hokage they dreamed of when they were young and fought for it?

Zilai was also a little angry, and his tone seemed a little stiff.

But Danzo just glanced at him, and then his eyes were on Uchiha Kai.

The third Hokage Sarutobi Hiizhan just glanced at him calmly, and then said nothing more.

"Jiraiya, the current task should be to find out the extent of Uchiha Kai and the others' damage to this place."

Danzang said: "Fourth generation comes over, we will give him an explanation, just as we also hope to get an explanation from him. But the top priority is to deal with the situation here first."

This reaction made Jiraiya very disappointed. He originally planned to hide it, but now he felt that he should say something.

Taking a deep breath, Jiraiya said in a deep voice, "Sorry, I always feel that since there is a new Hokage.

This little guy is following the orders of the Fourth Hokage, so the right to handle it is not with us.

And before that, I need to make sure of a few things. "

After saying this, Orochimaru completely ignored Danzo's face, he walked up to Uchiha Kai and asked, "Is Uchiha Kai right? Can you tell me the purpose of your coming here, and what about Orochimaru? ?"

"Jiraiya." At this moment, Sarutobi Hizan suddenly said, "That's it, we will find out his purpose and the whereabouts of Orochimaru."

"This..." Jilai also frowned, and finally he could only shake his head.

"I think it's up to me to handle this matter." At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in the forest.

When Sarutobi Hizan heard this voice, his expression changed slightly.

But then, a sneer appeared on his face.

Shimura Danzo is also almost in sync with him. At this moment, the expressions of the two of them are so consistent.

Hearing this voice, Jirai was slightly relieved.

He naturally heard who the owner of this voice was. This was his disciple and Konoha's fourth-generation Hokage Nami Feng Minato!

This guy is finally here, this guy is finally here!

Although Jirai didn't know what he was going to do, he didn't know the result of what he did.

But he finally came anyway.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Minato Namikaze walked over to Kai Uchiha with a dignified expression on his face. He sighed softly, "Because I was dragged down by some things, so..."

Speaking of which, Minato Namikaze unconsciously looked at Shimura Danzo.

In the end, there was no way to get rid of that seal, Namikaze Minato.

And even if Kushina came, that sealing technique might not be able to be broken.

Because that seal requires a special 'key'!

It's not that Namifeng Minato didn't think about bringing those documents over, or expose it directly in front of him.

But he knew that he really couldn't do it.

As Hokage personally attacked an elder's site, especially where it is defined as the 'core of Konoha' area, where countless secrets and intelligence are held.

I am afraid that those big families also know the existence of that place.

But they are not willing to offend and provoke, maybe there are some of their shameful things stored there!

And it's useless to say such things. Who knows what kind of documents they will take out?

As for bringing those documents out?

It's even more impossible. He couldn't tell how many dangerous things were in the document box.

The only thing he can be sure of is that once he tries to get them all.

I am afraid that the sealing technique will break out directly, and then these documents will be directly destroyed.

Namikaze Minato seemed to realize that they underestimated these old guys a little this time.

Especially when there were so many present, and there were actually many patriarchs of the ninja clan.

It is conceivable that these guys made various predictions and then directly took advantage of this matter.

Kai Uchiha's idea was right, very good and correct, but there was a problem with Namikaze Minato himself.

This leads to what they may do, completely become someone else's wedding dress.

Nafeng Minato is also a little helpless in his heart now, he can only find a way to see how much he can keep and how much he can keep.

"It's alright, Hokage-sama." Uchiha Kai smiled: "It just so happens that I have something to report."

Kai Uchiha saw that Chuan Feng Minato's face was not very good, he was sure that what Orochimaru said was true.

He also didn't expect that Orochimaru's improved sealing technique would be so effective that Minato Namikaze was powerless.

It's just that the third generation and the others probably didn't expect that one of their most trustworthy points had a big problem.

"Oh?" Minato Namikaze's expression became a little weird.

Didn't this kid see his current situation?

Looking around, Minato Namikaze hesitated a little, but in the end he nodded: "Minister Qi, please tell me."

"That's it." Uchiha Qi slowly walked to the entrance of the laboratory, blocking it as if it were nothing.

"Our security department has investigated and found that Mr. Orochimaru is doing some research with some people, and this research project is probably beyond everyone's imagination."

"Hmph, open mouth."

Shimura Danzo's eyes were full of disdain, and his voice was unusually indifferent: "Then, please also ask Minister Qi to talk about what research Orochimaru is doing? But there are some things, I need to remind you..."

Speaking of which, Shimura Danzo paused for a moment: "You can't talk nonsense. Anything and accusation requires evidence. I will remember everything you say."

"Thank you for your kindness, Danzo-sama." Kai Uchiha's voice was unusually calm.

"As the Ministry of the Guard, of course we know these things, and I will show you the evidence.

According to our investigation, we found that....

Lord Orochimaru is researching and experimenting with the cells of the original Hokage-sama with some people, and those who are missing are their test objects! "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden silence in the scorched forest.

Just a moment a violent noise broke out!

The people present were all ninjas, and even some of them were not very intelligent.

But they also know what the test product means, what the cells of the first Hokage mean!

Unbelievable, unbelievable, all kinds of voices came out from the crowd.

On the contrary, the people of the blood family seem to be relatively calm, but the anger in their eyes has been burning faintly.

Today you can work on the first generation, will it come to us in the future?

Sandai Hokage sighed, he felt that he overestimated Kei Uchiha and others.

Although the publicity of this matter had an impact on him, what about the evidence?

What about the evidence you said?

Orochimaru's disappearance now does make him feel bad, but as Danzo said.

Orochimaru, or Konoha's Orochimaru.

Danzo's face was still cold, and he shook his head disdainfully: "To slander Konoha's high-level officials like this, he really deserves to be Uchiha.

Then, what about the evidence? The old man has never heard of such a thing. You need evidence for saying such a thing. "

"Evidence." Uchiha Ki nodded: "I said I would show it, but before that..."

"Let's talk about it, Orochimaru."

......Recommended reading: "Reading Archives 2013"