Chapter 253: Is he crazy

A few kilometers away from the forest where the incident occurred, Orochimaru walked forward step by step with a pale face covering his chest.

The current situation is even more serious than when he was blown up by the detonating talisman when he ran away in the original book.

He was injured by Susanoo's terrifying blade and the extremely evil Chakra.

Now Orochimaru is really weak.

In his current situation, if he encounters an Anbu, I am afraid that he may be overthrown.

Of course, this is only possible.

Moreover, few people can explain Orochimaru's ability clearly.

"It's really terrifying, this kind of power."

As Orochimaru walked silently, he couldn't help thinking.

"Uchiha's power is really enviable and gratifying... It's a pity, with only one pair of eyes, there is no way to get a person."

Orochimaru was indeed a little regretful, he couldn't get a member of Uchiha to study.

But he also knew that he probably couldn't think too much about his own situation.

Let's not talk about whether his arrest will lead to any serious consequences. Just his current situation is not optimistic.

With the writing wheel eye given by Uchiha Qi, this is enough for him to do a lot of research.

As for the research results of using a pair of writing wheel eyes in exchange for the cells of the thousand-hand column, it seems that Orochimaru has lost to his grandmother's house.

But the child is not the fish and knows the joy of the fish?

After seeing the potential and ability of Sharonyan, Orochimaru didn't feel that there was any loss in such a transaction.

What's more, Uchiha Kai got the information, which also proved from the side that this guy is probably also an ambitious person.

Such people, they will inevitably have to deal with in the future.

Moreover, Uchiha Qi was able to directly take out a pair of two-gou jade writing wheels.

Does this mean that this guy has done something extraordinary in the Uchiha clan?

"I really didn't see it wrong, Uchiha Kai." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "I'm afraid that the fire in the Uchiha clan was your fault, right?"

I thought so mentally, but Orochimaru's speed is not slow.

Although things were a little off tonight, it was an accident that the gift that was going to be given to Jiraiya was given to Kai Uchiha.

But aside from this accident, Orochimaru has already prepared other things.

His core subordinates were already waiting for him outside the village, and he did not choose to take the rest of them.

People are valued, and it is naturally better for those who are valuable to follow themselves. The ghosts who stay in this village know what they will become.

And those who are worthless, let them stay on their own.

However, Orochimaru also thought very clearly that these people should not die, and at most be deprived of their identity as ninjas.

After all, the current Hokage is the fourth generation, not the third generation of his teacher.

He handed these things over to the fourth generation of the target people, which could be regarded as saving the lives of his subordinates.

It was bad luck to come to this world of suffering.

It would be a pity to return to the Pure Land without enjoying life. …


"Let's talk about it, Orochimaru."

Uchiha Qi stood quietly at the door of the Orochimaru underground laboratory.

After turning his eyes around in front of everyone, he slowly said: "Orochimaru has already left, I have no way to track him. After all, I am not the opponent of Lord Orochimaru. It's just..."

Speaking of which, Uchiha Kai deliberately paused, and he looked at Jiraiya: "It's just that when Orochimaru left, he left some gifts to give to Jiraiya-sama."

"Give it to me?" Zilai was also stunned, and then he asked inexplicably, "Gift? What kind of gift?"

"Kenta, please bring your lord Jiraiya down to have a look." Uchiha Kei didn't say it directly, but looked at Imai Kenta.

"Yes, Minister." Imai Kenta nodded, "Jiraiya, please come with me."

"Wait a minute!" Shimura Danzo shouted with a gloomy expression, "Let my people come down and have a look."

Danzo feels very uneasy right now.

Not only him, but Sarutobi Hizen also seemed to sense that there was a big problem.

Uchiha Kai's performance seemed to be too calm and full.

Did he really get something terrible?

Something that would prove something they did?

There was no need for Sarutobi Hizan to say anything, Danzo had already spoken for him.

All of this is too weird, especially the disappearance of Orochimaru seems to have raised some questions.

There is also the gift left by the Orochimaru that Uchiha Kai said, a gift left to Jiraiya.

It made them all feel that things seemed to be developing in an unpredictable direction.

Danzo wants to figure out what Uchiha's gift is.

Although he knew that once Jiraiya went down, things would probably get worse.

But if no one follows, then they will be more disturbed.

They need to send someone who can deal with unexpected events in time, even if they sacrifice their own lives, if necessary...

It's not impossible to bury this laboratory directly!

"I reject."

Uchiha Qi didn't give Shimura Danzo any chance at all, he looked at Shimura Danzo with scarlet and cold eyes: "As I said, I'm in charge of this place, the previous four generations of Hokage-sama may have some reasons for you, but now you still Is there a reason?"

"Ki Uchiha, you are going too far!" The gloom on Shimura Danzo's face seemed to be dripping with water: "The security department is still Konoha's security department, you..."

"Do as Minister Qi said."

At this moment, Minato Namikaze opened his mouth, and he looked at Shimura Danzo very seriously: "I approved Mr. Qi to become the head of the Security Department, and I gave the order to search this place.

Also, don't forget that I am the fourth Hokage! "

"You..." Shimura Danzo gritted his teeth, he didn't know what to say at once.

The three generations of Sarutobi Hiizan, who had been silent for a long time, also had a gloomy and frightening expression on his face. Is this a complete break?

Is this a complete showdown?

Does this mean that you have provoked a white-eyed wolf to come back?

Also, what is this Orochimaru doing?

It's hard to...  

The more Sarubi Hizan thought about it, the worse he felt, but the more so, the more he had to keep calm.

Nervousness is of no use. Rather than appearing panicked, it is better to remain calm and composed.

This is not only to cheer myself up, but also to cheer up those who follow me.

Now he only hopes that Orochimaru didn't do anything wrong, he only hopes that Orochimaru still remembers.

He remembered that he was a disciple of his Sarutobi Hizen, and he still remembered that he was a Konoha ninja!

However, the three generations of Hokage also looked slightly towards Namikaze Minato.

Although he has to admit that he doesn't like this kid very much right now.

But anyway, he was promoted by himself, and the reason was Orochimaru's human experiment...

"I once made a move to find an obedient person. Although it seemed to be a failure, it also planted some seeds. Maybe now, there are still some unexpected gains."

Sarutobi Hizan thought silently.

"Then, while Mr. Jiraiya is looking for the gift of Orochimaru, I will also tell you what happened to our security department before."

Uchiha Qi saw that Shimura Danzo had nothing to say when Minato Namikaze came forward, and his eyes softened a little: "Aya, come and make a report, report it truthfully, no need to add oil and vinegar."

"Yes, Minister." Hyuga Aya walked out with a smile on her face.

She glanced at Hyuga Hizu, then withdrew her gaze and said loudly: "About a few months ago, Minister Kei and Captain Kenta noticed the traces of some missing persons, and then they conducted a surprise inspection of the forest. …”


"these people...."

When Aya Hyuga was giving a mission report according to the request of Kai Uchiha, Jiraiya and Kenta Imai went down to Orochimaru's laboratory.

This laboratory is full of signs of battle, and there are piles of corpses lying on the passageway at the intersection.

When Jiraiya saw these corpses, his expression was not very good.

He could naturally see that these corpses were killed by soft fists, swordsmanship and Shui Dun, and this seemed to be in line with the style of the girl next to him and the girl from the Hyuga family.

"These people are all unconscious fighting machines, Lord Jiraiya."

Imai Kenta understood what Jiraiya meant, and he immediately said: "Also, please look over here, Lord Jiraiya, some people even have branches growing on their bodies.

And we also found that they all seem to be Konoha ninjas, just need to compare..."

Imai Kenta said that he won't say much anymore, and this kid has always kept a distance from Jirai.

In fact, he didn't want to run down with Zilai at all, even if he knew that Zilai had been following them, and vaguely protected them.

But now the scope of these things is a bit large, and he really can't figure out what he thinks.

However, he doesn't have any good choices right now, so he can only be more careful.

"I see." Jiraiya sighed: "Are they all experimental subjects? Are these all gifts from Orochimaru to me? Then... Orochimaru left, did they leave Konoha? "

"I'm afraid Orochimaru's gift for Lord Jiraiya is here." Imai Kenta pointed to the front.

"We found a lot of information in it before, but there was a sudden earthquake, and Orochimaru once buried a laboratory, so...

Also, Orochimaru may have left Konoha. After we went up, we saw that he had left us a gift that should have been given to adults, and left. "

"Is that so?" Jiraiya seemed to understand what Orochimaru meant.

Shaking his head, his eyes became firmer: "Let's go boy, show me a real gift."

"Yes, Lord Jiraiya." Kenta Imai nodded, "Please come with me."


"These data..."

Zilai also looked at these materials silently.

Especially seeing the changes of each time period and each ninja participating in the experiment in the annotations in these materials.

And whether these ninjas were voluntary or caught, it is clearly written.

What made Jirai even more angry was that there was actually Danzo's signature on it, and even the signature of his teacher, the third Hokage!

It can be said that every name on this is a life, a life that probably no longer exists in the world!

It was so **** and cruel that Jiraiya, who had participated in countless battles, both big and small, felt a tinge of heart palpitations.

This is my own!

Although Jiraiya is full of kindness in his heart, he has never been a Virgin or something like that.

His slaughter is decisive, and Lingli has been reflected in the two wars of the ninja world to the fullest.

He longed for everyone to let go of their hatred, but when he encountered someone who wanted revenge, he would only try to persuade him.

Say what you can say, what else can he do if you can't say it?

But Jirai also has a very obvious characteristic, that is, he will never do anything to his own people.

That's why he was so angry when he saw these documents.

Although he can understand such an approach, is it really good to use his own people as an experiment.

Taking a deep breath, Jiraiya forced himself to calm down, thinking about what to do now.

The 'gift' that Orochimaru left behind made it a little difficult for Jirai to make a decision. Of course, he knew how powerful the lethality of these documents when they were published.

You are welcome to say, all these materials are handed over, I am afraid that the entire upper Konoha will erupt into unbelievable turmoil.

Although he felt extremely dissatisfied with his teacher's actions, he was unwilling to let his teacher carry such a bad name and eventually become the shame of the Hokage of the past dynasties.

The previous two generations of Hokage were considered to be killed in battle. He would rather his teacher died in battle than die in this way.

Now he seems to have some understanding of Orochimaru and why he chose to leave Konoha.

Although Orochimaru has basically taken on the title of Betrayal and Shinobi, it might be better to become Betrayal and Shinobi if he stays here.

Zilai also sighed. He felt that he should do something, at least not to make Orochimaru too uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Jirai also looked at these materials, and finally he made a decision.

"Captain Imai, what do you plan to do with these materials?" Jiraiya asked directly, "Or, what do your ministers plan to do with them."

"If it's the minister, I'm afraid he will want to hand over everything."

Imai Ken was too stunned for a moment, and then his expression immediately became a little wary: "Master Jiraiya, I don't need to say more about this experiment, it needs the remains of the first generation of Lord Mu.

I remember your teammate Tsunade-sama...

And maybe some of the subjects tested were not willing? "

Jiraiya was at a loss for words all of a sudden, this little devil actually used such a method to run on himself?

It's just that Jiraiya was really caught up in this sentence, so he didn't know how to answer.

He suddenly felt that this little devil in front of him was really not cute compared to the little devils he adopted in the Land of Rain.

However, it seems that this is exactly what is not cute.

Can he be seated at a young age as the captain of a division of the security department?

And this kid is teammates with that Uchiha Kei?

"Of course these materials have to be handed over, but I think he will seriously consider it even if he passes the fourth generation."

Jiraiya's face became a little grim: "Hokage is a position that cannot be desecrated, Captain Imai, there are some things we must seriously consider, otherwise..."

Jiraiya didn't go on after he said that, but Imai Kenta looked at him with a strange look.

He really never thought that a guy like Jiraiya could have such a smart head and delicate mind.

And what he said, Imai Kenta had to think carefully.

Indeed, the announcement of some things has had too great an impact on the entire village.

And even some unpredictable turmoil.

Even if this kind of thing is known to the fourth generation, I am afraid he will consider it as appropriate.

Imai Kenta is not a fool, Uchiha Kai supports the four generations of Hokage.

It can be said that the four-generation Hokage high-ranking boy did not know how much effort it took.

Sometimes Imai Kenta also thinks, if he had reacted faster at the time, or if he had looked more deeply.

Is it possible to replace Kai Uchiha and become the most staunch supporter of the fourth generation?

But after thinking about it, he felt that he might not be able to do it.

Because those people in his family wouldn't take such a risk, which made him shake his head helplessly.

No longer thinking about the troubles at his family, Imai Kenta focused his attention here.

How the Fourth Hokage is related to his teacher Jiraiya almost doesn't need to be considered.

Jiraiya can also be said to be not only the teacher of the fourth generation of purpose, but also his life mentor!

If Jiraiya talks about this with Shidaimu, I am afraid Shidaimu will also seriously consider it, and then he will find a way to convince Kei Uchiha.

In fact, the word persuasion is not quite correct. I am afraid that the kid Uchiha Kai will not hesitate to agree.

Because when he came, he seemed to show his attitude, some things don't need to be done too absolutely.

It is enough to disintegrate and destroy the real Konoha power system hidden behind Hokage.

"I will tell the captain about this."

Imai Kenta pondered for a while, and finally he pretended to be helpless and said, "However, how the captain finally decided on this matter, and how the Fourth Hokage-sama decided, I don't know."

"Don't worry, I will try to convince them."

Jiraiya keenly felt that this kid was pretending to be stupid, but he still said seriously: "Also, I think they will also know very well what to do."

"I see." Kenta Imai nodded, "So, shall we go up?"

"Let's go." Zilai also sighed: "I have already selected the information that can be fully disclosed."


"That's how it is, above."

While Kenta Imai and Jiraiya were searching for information, Aya Hyuga also finished saying everything she had to say.

The materials she mentioned were basically the mission report written by Kenta Imai and some dictation from Kei Uchiha.

Obviously, these things are obvious, and this does not achieve the purpose of delaying time that Uchiha Kai thought.

That's right, Uchiha Kei just wanted to delay time until Jiraiya and Imai Kenta came out of the basement.

Aya Hyuga is not stupid. If this kind of thing is left to Kei Uchiha, I am afraid he will finish it in less than a minute.

Afterwards, a group of people confronted each other with swords drawn, and even Sandaimu and Danzo couldn't help but directly order to enter this underground laboratory.

Hyuga Aya didn't know why Uchiha Kai was unwilling to let everyone in.

Maybe this guy thought of something deeper.

So Hyuga Aya simply cooperated with his performance.

The effect is not bad, it may be Hyuga Aya's natural advantage as a woman.

Her mission report is not blunt, and she seems to be able to arouse the emotions of the people present.

At least after she finished the "mission report" that included some of her experiences, many of the ninjas present became incredible.

Of course, more ninjas kept silent, they didn't know what to say.

Only a few ninjas were looking at her with hatred, probably because they absolutely did not believe her words.

She even thought that she was slandering the three generations of Hokage, right?

"This is your report?" Danzo's face was still gloomy.

"If that's the case, it's really disappointing.

Without evidence, your slander alone is enough to send you to jail.

Hyuga's little devil, you have to think carefully. "


Hyuga Aya just opened her mouth to express her position, but Uchiha Kai had already opened it up and interrupted her.

"Threatening my subordinates in front of my face?

Danzo-sama, even if you are an elder, you should remember that we are all serving Konoha. Do you think your identity is above all of us?

And don't forget, I'm the head of the security department! "

"Presumptuous!" Shimura Danzo looked at Uchiha Kai angrily, and then he turned to look at Minato Namikaze: "Fourth generation, is this the Minister of Security you elected?"

Minato Namikaze frowned, he didn't like Danzo's attitude very much.

But Danzo is an elder after all, so even if he doesn't like it now, he can only hold back.

After the explanation of the girl Hyuga Aya, and the previous speech of Uchiha Kai.

Namikaze Minato suddenly realized that things might have taken a big turn for the better.

Although his mission failed, it seems that Orochimaru has done something incredible.

From Uchiha Kai's words, he seemed to feel...

Orochimaru found his teacher, and he left the evidence as a gift to the teacher.

And he finally chose to leave Konoha because of his involvement in this matter?

I have to say that Minato Namikaze and Jiraiya thought of Orochimaru too well.

After all, they don't know the preconditions and factors of Orochimaru.

Minato Namikaze sighed. Just when he was about to say something to Danzo, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the entrance of the underground laboratory.

And Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya seemed to have noticed something, and they both turned their heads to look at the same time.

In the end, they saw Jiraiya and Imai Kenta, carrying a corpse by themselves, and came up with a pile of documents in their hands.

The two corpses are very distinctive, and some buds have grown on their bodies.

Even the one that Jiraiya is carrying, the branches and buds have grown by more than a meter.

Jiraiya and Imai Kenta walked up silently, and then they put the two corpses on the ground.

With the appearance of these two people, everyone present became abnormally silent.

Danzo and Sarutobi Hiizhan's eyes widened even more, their eyes were full of incredible and unbelievable!

how is this possible?

how is this possible?

What the **** is this fellow Orochimaru doing?

Is he crazy?

......Recommended reading: "Reading Archives 2013"

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi: