Chapter 257: Ready and Support (for blowing off **** is Yasuo Four)

On the way home, Uchiha Kai couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

The information Namikaze Minato gave him was really interesting.

That is about the introduction of the specific welfare system of the Shangnin, and the specific time for the cancellation of the special Shangnin.

The former was discussed in their previous meeting, and almost all of the Jōnin have enough plans in their hearts.

But they didn't know that Bo Fengshui planned to cancel the special Junin, let alone the specific cancellation time.

It can be said that with this information, Uchiha Kai can make more preparations.

Mastering specific intelligence and specific information is the most unfavorable thing in each battlefield.

"It seems that Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryukage will have to undergo the Jōnin assessment during this time."

Aki Uchiha thought to himself as he walked, "With the Minister of Security as a guarantee, and then asking Uchiha Asahi to modify the number of their tasks, there should be no problem."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi quickened his pace. He needed to go back and talk to Uchiha Fugaku about what happened today.

Konoha is very big. If you walk in it slowly, you may not be able to finish it in a day.

After all, a small Konoha is home to more than 25,000 ninjas.

And it doesn't include those common village names.

If the villagers are counted together, then the total number of residents in Konoha will be even more terrifying.

It's just that Konoha is growing, so for a ninja who is extremely fast and can fly over the eaves, it's actually not too embarrassing.

It didn't take long for the accelerated Uchiha Kai to return to the Uchiha family's clan.

He didn't have any intention of going home at all, so he walked towards Uchiha Fugaku's mansion.

Uchiha Tomigaku, who resigned as the head of the security department, is basically a full-time husband.

Because his wife Uchiha Mikoto's belly is getting bigger and bigger, she has even invited medical ninjas to her home now.

I'm afraid Sasuke Uchiha will be born in a few days.

"Ki-kun." When Uchiha Kai came to Uchiha Fuyake's room, Uchiha Fuyake immediately came out: "Mikoto is resting inside, let's go outside and talk."

"Yeah." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he showed a smile: "How does it feel to be a father again?"

"Full of expectations." Uchiha Fugaku smiled.

"Whenever your child is about to arrive, you will be grateful and excited.

Actually, this kind of expectation is not easy to describe. Qi-Jun can experience it for himself in the future, but speaking of you, you are also fourteen years old, right? "

"Ah." Uchiha Ki nodded, but he seemed to have reacted quickly.

"Don't think about arranging a marriage contract for me. I'm afraid no girl like me can stand it, and I'm only fourteen years old."

Uchiha Fuyue nodded regretfully, he really had such an idea.

But since Uchiha Kei has already said so, he naturally won't force it.

Just let it go, and Uchiha Kei, this kid, has gone to the battlefield since he graduated.

With his current personality, temper, and way of doing things, few girls really can stand him.

Even in order to win over him, there must be a suitable candidate.

Uchiha Jun can do it, but now this woman has completely become this kid's tool, it can be seen that this kid has no idea at all.

Slowly walking to the edge of the pond, Uchiha Kei did not walk into the pavilion and sit down as usual.

He stood quietly by the pool and watched the happy swimming fish in the water, and he smiled a little when he heard the crisp sound of the bamboo tube that filled the water hitting the slate.

"The Fourth Hokage discussed some things with me and told me some things." Uchiha Kai said slowly, "I think we can make some preparations."

"Something was discussed." Uchiha Fuyue's face slowly became serious.

"He took back control of the mission center and the ownership of Anbu from Hokage III." Uchiha Qi crouched down and took a handful of fodder, which he scatters in the pond.

Immediately, everything was peaceful in the pond, the quiet swimming fish began to compete for food, and the calm surface of the pond set off blooming waves.

Uchiha Kei looked at the pool with a playful face, and still said with a smile in his mouth.

"And in the village's government affairs department, I'm afraid he will also eliminate some people and then add some. He asked me if there are any good options and proposals."

"How did Qi-kun answer?" Uchiha Fugaku's face became more serious, and his eyes involuntarily turned to the pond.

"I told him that this was his chance." Uchiha Ki casually threw another handful of fodder.

"He needs more support than our family. And he also needs to cultivate some talents by himself, talents he can trust."

"Indeed, although Lord Hokage of the fourth generation has taken back so many rights, there are too few people he can trust."

Uchiha Fuyue nodded, then he also picked up some feed and sprinkled it into the pond in a similar manner, making the whole fish swarm even more chaotic.

"And it's enough to be able to enter Anbu, and the Ministry of Government also lacks personnel. Is it okay to send one or two people in?"

"You can try, but I don't recommend it."

Uchiha Kai smiled: "Because we had better have a proper understanding, I think the security department is enough, all we have to do is to maintain more relationships with people who enter the government affairs department.

Besides, the security department will have a fourth division. "

That's right, there will be a fourth unit in the security department.

When Kai Uchiha proposed this idea, Minato Namikaze agreed to the proposal with just a little thought.

The Guard already has three divisions, and it is not a problem to have four now.

And now the performance of the security department in Konoha is really good, although there are always many villagers and ninjas who have some prejudice against the security department.

But the change in the security department, Minato Namikaze saw it all.

He believes that more teams like this will only make the village better, and every villager and ninja can be safe and guaranteed.

So Namikaze Minato agreed to this proposal, but he had a precondition.

That is, whether Uchiha Kei is still the head of the security department or not, the reform of the security department and the behavioral norms of the members of the security department must be Uchiha's responsibility.

Naturally, Uchiha Qi will not refuse this. He knows the potential of the Security Department!

"Are there four teams?" Uchiha Fuyue was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "The security department expands the recruitment, tell me what you think."

"I plan to make the radiation area of ​​the security department larger, and the things it is responsible for will become more."

Uchiha Kai looked at the fish in the pond that had already scrambled for food and gradually became quiet and said with a smile.

"Whether something as trivial as a neighbor dispute or something like catching a thief and looking for a spy, it has to become a matter for the security department.

In the future, the ninja army will be external, while the guard will be internal. "

"Such an ambition..." Uchiha Fuyue opened his mouth, but when he saw the calm pond, he finally didn't say anything.

"Ambition is the driving force, what drives us to keep moving forward. To put it mildly, it is called a dream, to put it more bluntly..."

Uchiha Qi turned and looked at Uchiha Fugaku calmly: "That's ambition and desire. That's the nature of human beings. Although they use gorgeous rhetoric to decorate, some things won't change.

But then again, you don't even have the motivation to move forward, how can you do what you want to do? "

Uchiha Fuyue didn't speak, he just nodded silently.

Kai Uchiha's words are not pleasant, but it is the truth.

Whether it is obsession or dream.

In fact, the essence is the deepest desire and ambition of a person's heart.

This is the key to a person's ability to move forward, and the driving force for a person to keep struggling.

Uchiha Fugaku is like this, so is it not like Namikaze Minato?

"I've been taught, Qi-kun." Uchiha Fugaku nodded.

"My ambition, which can also be said to be my dream, is to make the Uchiha family better, integrate into Konoha better, and make the whole family live better.

I have been working hard in this direction, and I have been doing my best.

Qijun, what is your ambition? "

"Me?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "It's very simple, just live.

This is my revelation on the battlefield, I have seen too many deaths.

It also made me realize that if I can't even live, how can I realize my other ideas? "

"Very simple idea." Uchiha Fugaku nodded.

He didn't think that Uchiha Kai's ultimate goal and idea was this, and there would be something wrong.

It can only be said that everyone's pursuit is different, and some people just do it if they don't accept it.

Some people value their ideals more than their own lives.

But more people are like Uchiha Kai, they don't have many other ideas, they just hope they can live in peace.

"Okay, let's not talk about philosophical issues." Uchiha Ki shook his head, and then he threw all the fodder into the pond.

This action suddenly made the fishes who had just quieted down agitated again.

Uchiha Qi clapped his hands and patted off all the powder on his hands before he continued, "By the way, do you already know about the welfare policy of Joinin?"

"Yeah." Uchiha Fugaku nodded, "I said it at the meeting this morning."

"But, I don't think Hokage-sama Shidaimu said that he wants to revoke the special jounin thing?" Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Fugaku and asked in a calm voice.

"Huh?" Uchiha Fuyue was stunned for a moment, and then his face became somewhat inexplicable: "Is this matter settled?"

Uchiha Fuyue knew about this. When Uchiha Kai and Namifeng Minato were talking about it, he was there.

He had long expected that Minato Namikai would do this, but he didn't know when exactly.

"Ah, although it wasn't announced, it told me the exact time." Uchiha Kai still smiled: "So, let some people prepare well."


Konoha's jounin is actually not many.

If you exclude those family patriarchs who basically do not perform tasks or bring students, then this number will be further compressed.

However, it is not too difficult to obtain the position of Jōnin.

For example, Naruto can be appointed directly, or other senior Jōnin can also be recommended.

Both of these are practices that take advantage of special identities, if these two options are excluded.

Then, the only way to advance to Jōnin is to assess and judge the number of tasks.

It's just that after the discussion between these two methods, the promotion condition that the difficulty has increased by at least five times is really not too difficult now.

In the last negotiation between Kei Uchiha and Minato Namikaze, it was clearly stated that they would no longer use the identity of the 'family ninja' as their political identity.

Instead, it is necessary to use the 'ninja level' as a distinction.

Although for the big family, you can still use the rich resources in your family to make you stronger and easier to enter the ranks of the jōnin.

But for those civilian ninjas before, this was an ascending channel to play with beauty.

Once you enter the level of Shangnin, Konoha can give you better benefits and more resources.

Family ninjas are powerful because they have enough resources, such as skills, and other items that can improve the strength of ninjas.

But how could a family be compared to a Ninja village?

Even though each family has its own secret technique, it is poured out of the village's massive other resources.

As long as the civilian ninja is good at using it, it is very likely to defeat a secret ninja.

Ninjas are the existences that cannot be judged by common sense. With such a strong foundation, civilian ninjas have indeed greatly improved their right to speak.

And according to the plan of Minato Namikaze and Kai Uchiha, they originally wanted to further strengthen the voice of Joinin, and they became the top group of Konoha.

However, getting this is not always a good life. If you don't pay, don't think about it once and for all.

That is, after a period of time in the assessment, the unqualified will naturally be brushed out.

This method is not very clever, but it is very suitable for the present.

If the big family wants to continue to climb up, if they want to maintain their current status, they must have enough jōnin.

The commoner ninja wants to rewrite his own destiny, and he must also make himself a jounin.

It can be said that the emergence of this position has greatly enhanced the enthusiasm of everyone.

Although there may be some inevitable conflicts, all ninjas have the same rights and status.

Such conflicts and contradictions are completely reconcilable through some meetings and other means.

With this argument, the value of Junin will be even higher.

And the cancellation of the special jounin will be carried out at the same time as the promotion of the jounin status.

When Uchiha Kai got this news, it was equivalent to giving them the upper hand.

I am afraid that in the subconscious of Namikaze Minato, I also hope that Uchiha Kai and the others will be better.

Because of their cooperation, it can be said that they complement each other.

His superior position is still achieved with the help of Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue, and it is also with them that he takes back his rights!

Uchiha Fuyue knows exactly what he should do, and he also knows that he can't go too far.

He needs to negotiate with Uchiha Qi about a list, a list that is small but can satisfy both of them.


Hyuga Aya stood in her backyard, panting slightly, sweat running down her forehead all the way down her cheeks.

She has been training all morning.

After what happened last night, Aya Hyuga didn't stay in the forest to clean up the body with Kenta Imai.

She simply checked whether all the people who were attacked by Uchiha Kai were still alive, or if they ran away with some book. After some inspection, she turned around and left after confirming that Shimura Danzo was really dead.

Imai Kenta was naturally a little dissatisfied with this, but Aya Hyuga stopped her by saying "I'm a researcher".

Aya Hyuga hasn't been home for a while, and she hasn't seen her family for a long time.

Being able to go home and have a good rest, she naturally won't miss this opportunity.

What's more, she has already done what she needs to do, and she doesn't bother to worry about the rest.

The feeling of my own home is more comfortable than living in the security department, especially the feeling of comfort is indescribable.

"Aya." At this moment, Hyuga Aya's mother suddenly stopped her.

"Mother." Hyuga Aya showed a slight smile: "What's wrong?"

"Don't be so tired. You just came back from the security department. I heard that you guys performed some important tasks last night."

Aya Hyuga's mother came over and touched her hair: "It's time for the training of your security department to end? Didn't you say it would only be a month, how long has it been now?"

"No way, that guy Uchiha Kai is transforming the security department."

Hyuga Aya was also a little helpless: "So those of us who are subordinates can only work harder. Last night was an emergency operation, and there was no notification at all."

Aya Hyuga wanted to tell the truth, but she knew she couldn't.

She can only use this guy Uchiha Kei as an excuse, but I have to say that using this guy as an excuse is really good.

Uchiha Kai not only refreshed the age of Konoha's youngest minister of important departments.

He is also a war hero, a pioneer who took the initiative to change the bad situation of the guard.

Even a family like the Hinata family that hates Uchiha very much has to admit that Kai Uchiha is really powerful.

"Have some respect for your minister, Aya." Hyuga Aya's mother sighed: "No matter how good your relationship is, whether you were teammates or not, he is your minister now."

Good Relationship?

When Hyuga Aya heard this, the corner of her mouth twitched, but in the end she still didn't explain anything.

Nodding helplessly, Hyuga Aya said, "I see, I will respect him a little more."

"By the way, Aya, the patriarch wants you to come as soon as he comes back." Hyuga Aya's mother only revealed her purpose for coming here after she said these things.

"Patriarch?" Hyuga Aya frowned, then she nodded: "I see, I'll go now."

Hyuga Aya really doesn't know what Hyuga Hizu is looking for. This is probably the third time he's looking for him in just a few months, right?

However, Hyuga Aya is not stupid. The incident last night was so big that the patriarch went out early this morning.

If he doesn't ask himself to find out about the situation, then it's not normal.

Thinking of this, Aya Hyuga cleared her mind.

Soon she walked towards Hyuga Hizu's mansion, and it didn't take long for her to be taken into Hyuga Hizu's other courtyard.

"Patriarch." Hyuga Aya bowed very respectfully: "I don't know what the patriarch is looking for from me?"

"Sit down, Aya." Hyuga Hizu nodded, and after Hyuga Aya was seated, he slowly asked, "Can you tell me about your actions last night, the cause and effect.

Also, can you tell me something about Kai Uchiha.

I think, these should not violate your confidentiality regulations, right? "

"Yes, Patriarch." Hyuga Aya nodded.

She could naturally hear that there was something wrong with the tone of Hyuga Hizu's tone.

If it is the way of using orders, I am afraid he will not ask about the 'violation of confidentiality regulations'.

Obviously, Hyuga Hizu also has some taboos on Uchiha Kai and those in the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Kai's current status has risen, and the last time he met with Hyuga Hizu, I'm afraid he also left a deep impression on him.

Coupled with this action, I am afraid that no one dares to underestimate this guy.

And she has the charm of Uchiha Kai, she is much safer now.

Although some foxes pretend to be tigers, Hyuga Aya always believes that she can become a real tiger!

"After taking over the security department, Kai Uchiha found some clues when he looked at the action records of the former sub-commander..."

After thinking clearly, Hyuga Aya began to slowly talk about some things about Kai Uchiha, as well as the causes and consequences of this action.

Aya Hyuga knows very well what she can and cannot say.

But she also made some relatively risky choices.

For example, she told Hyuga Hizu about the fourth unit that Uchiha Kei was still planning.

Hyuga Hizu listened to all this quietly, and through Aya Hyuga's description, an image of the kid Uchiha Kai was formed in his mind.

An image of a calm, intelligent and ambitious young man.

The only difference is that this kid's current strength seems to be the same as his performance on the battlefield.

Hinata Hizu has read Uchiha Kai's action report, and he is still smart and lucky to live to this day on the battlefield.

It's just that at that time, he didn't seem to have any great strength at all.

And all these changes seem to have only changed since the appearance of Shaanyan, and the changes have been very thorough. This guy seems to be getting colder and colder.

"Is that all?"

After Hyuga Aya had finished talking about everything, Hyuga Hiashi shook his head, and he instinctively noticed that Hyuga Aya seemed to have reservations.

"That's all, Patriarch." Hyuga Aya nodded, and then she added: "There are still some things I can't say Because this is in the non-disclosure agreement requested by Uchiha Kai, which restricts me Say something about him and Hokage Shidai..."

"Okay, since I can't say anything." Hyuga Hizu was very satisfied with Aya Hyuga's remarks.

However, he still intends to continue the idea of ​​Aya Hyuga: "Maintain your current relationship with Kai Uchiha."

"Yes, Patriarch." Hyuga Aya lowered her head, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She only knew that Uchiha Qi was involved in pushing Minato Naikaze to the position of the fourth Hokage, but she didn't know anything about it.

She was just testing, testing the bottom line of Sun Xiang's feet.

At the same time, it is also invisible, revealing and elevating the figure of Uchiha Kai.

The taller this guy's figure is, the safer it will be to use this guy's shadow.

"Finally, I'll give you a task." Hyuga Hizu looked at Aya Hyuga calmly: "Go and tell Uchiha Ki and tell him truthfully that I said it."

"Yes, Patriarch." Hyuga Aya nodded.

"Tell him that I hope more Hinata members can join the Guard.

If possible, such as holding some important positions.

Then I will, to some extent, where it is needed, without going against our interests...

Give Uchiha more support. "

......Recommended reading: "Reading Archives 2013"