Chapter 264: good news and bad news

After finishing his work in the security department, Imai Kenta dragged his tired body back home.

He hasn't felt so tired for a long time since he got off the battlefield.

In fact, he also knew that he was not tired because of his body, but because of mental fatigue.

Anyone who fights for a whole night of broken corpses will feel unbearable.

Although Kenta Imai has long been used to this kind of thing, his adaptability is good.

The other ninjas in the security department were already tired and paralyzed.

"Fortunately, I'm also a squad leader. Otherwise, I don't even have to rest, and I have to continue on duty. That's really bad luck."

Back at home, Ken Imai took a good bath.

After all the **** smell and all kinds of messy odors were washed away, he calmly lay on the bed and rested.

Recalling everything that happened yesterday, Imai Kenta found that he didn't seem to have any sleepiness at all, because his mind was full of yesterday's memories.

He still remembers the experimental subject in the underground laboratory that contained a strong aura of life but had no consciousness.

I still remember the documents and materials, and I still remember the god-like Chakra giant Uchiha Kina.

"Like a god? Forget it, this guy is almost like an evil spirit!"

Imai Kenta shook his head. He felt that such a lofty existence as a **** really couldn't match up with this guy Uchiha Kai.

No matter how you look at that thing with dark eyes glowing red, it has nothing to do with the gods.

However, it is so similar to Imai Kenta's memory of the evil ghost.

With a sigh, Kenta Imai closed his eyes and forced himself to stop thinking.

By blocking these messy thoughts, he can sleep peacefully.

It just backfired. Imai Kenta just closed his eyes when there was a knock on his door.

He could only helplessly get up and see who was bothering him early in the morning.

In the end, Kenta Imai was helpless because he was looking for an elder.

A person who has a good relationship with him, a person who has taught him a lot of ninjutsu since childhood, can be regarded as his enlightenment teacher.

"Uncle Shinya, good morning." Although Kenta Imai was not very happy, he still maintained enough respect.

"Kenta, Shojin-senpai is looking for you." Akira Ma also nodded. Like Imai Kenta, he was not a person who used Senju as a surname.

"Grandpa Xiangzhen?" Imai Ken was too stunned for a moment, then he seemed to understand: "Did it happen last night?"

"Well, the Fourth Hokage held a meeting this morning, and Takuma attended the meeting."

Akii Shinya said, "I'm not a shinobi, I don't know exactly what happened.

But after Tuozhen reported the matter to Senior Xiangzhen, let me come to you. "

Imai Kenta nodded, although he is quite confused now, but thinking about it, it has nothing to do with what happened yesterday.

Thinking of this, Kenta Imai sighed.

He knew that he probably wouldn't be able to rest properly. In fact, he planned to write a report and submit it when reporting such a thing.

But now it seems that I don't need to think so.

I'm afraid the fourth generation said something again, which made the senior Senpa Shojin so anxious.

Kazu Mingjing also said that after he found out, Imai Kenta put on clothes and walked towards Chiju Shoma's house.

Although he had not slept all night, he had gone through a battle, and he was very tired after a busy night.

It's just that this level of fatigue is a lot worse than on the battlefield. Imai Kenta is fully capable of remaining rational and calm to face these things.

And Kenta Imai also felt that it would be better to see each other, so I could also talk about the issue of choosing the personnel of the fourth unit that Uchiha said.

It didn't take long for Kenta Imai to arrive at Shojin Senju's residence.

Looking at the quaint wooden house, Kenta Imai didn't know why.

He used to feel that the place was not bad, but now he feels that it is full of decay.

Taking a deep breath, Imai Kenta immediately removed the thought from his mind.

No matter what, Qianju Sho is really his elder, no matter what, this old guy is also the actual speaker of the Senju clan.

"Grandpa Shoma." Kenta Imai bowed respectfully and honestly to Shoma Senju.

"Sit down." Qianshou Xiangzhen nodded slightly: "Did I tell you too?"

"Uncle Shinya only said that Uncle Takuma attended the meeting of Lord Hokage for the fourth generation." Kenta Imai nodded and said.

"Well, that's enough." Chiju Sho looked at Imai Kenta calmly: "Tell me about the mission this time, and Shimura Danzo..."

Imai Kenta nodded, he knew that this matter could not be escaped.

It's just that he was a little curious about what meeting the Fourth Hokage held.

However, he knew that it would be better to ask later about this matter. For now, let's talk about what the old senior wants to know.

So Imai Kenta simply told everything he did yesterday. As long as it doesn't involve too many secrets, Imai Kenta said it wouldn't be a big deal.

After a lot of effort, Kenta Imai explained everything that happened last night.

He said it in great detail, including the battle and the information they found, as well as the decision Jiraiya made.

However, Imai Kenta is also very clear about the transaction between Orochimaru and Uchiha Kai.

And Uchiha Kai is also doing some similar experiments, he didn't disclose it at all.

Qianshou Xiangzhen listened very carefully. When he heard that Jiraiya decided to preserve Hokage's reputation, his expression was a little complicated, and he seemed a little sad and a little relieved.

However, after hearing that Imai Kenta, Uchiha Kei, and that branch of the Hyuga family killed Shimura Danzo together, his face became a little happy again.

The guy Shimura Danzo, Chiju Sho is really familiar with it.

He knows how hateful this insidious guy is!

Now that this guy is dead, how could Chiju Sho really be unhappy?

He originally thought that he would not be able to see the death of this guy, but he really did not expect such a turnaround.

"Not bad." Qianshou Xiang nodded with satisfaction.

"Those who disturb the rest of the ancestors must die!

Although it was that kid Uchiha who was in charge, you did a good job of participating in it.

It's a pity, Hiruzen Sarutobi is Hokage..."

Imai Kenta didn't speak, he just lowered his head and maintained a respectful attitude.

At this time, he didn't know what to say, especially the old man in front of him seemed to be caught up in his memories.

Imai Kenta knew very well that it was better for him not to disturb him.

However, he hoped that the old man would not fall into memory for too long, but he was really busy all night without a rest.

Fortunately, Qianshou Xiangzhen seemed to have heard his heart, and it didn't take long for him to wake up.

"When you get old, you will always fall into memories involuntarily." Qianshou Xiang really smiled, his attitude was much better than before, I don't know how much better: "Good job, by the way, what about Danzo's corpse?"

"I was taken away by Uchiha Kai, and now it may be in the hands of the fourth-generation Hokage-sama." Kenta Imai lowered his head and said calmly: "Uchiha-ki will also report this to the fourth-generation Hokage-sama."

"Well, although it's a pity that he couldn't bring it back, I can only hope that he won't be buried as a hero."

Qianshou Xiangzhen shook his head: "However, I don't think the Fourth Hokage would make such a mistake. After all, he was declared a traitor in front of so many people."

"Yes, I'm afraid Danzo won't have a chance." Imai Kenta nodded, then his face became a little serious: "By the way, Grandpa Shozhen, I don't know about the formation of the fourth unit of the security department..."

Imai Kenta knew that Sho Senju really hated the Uchiha family, so he simply didn't mention the name when it came to the security department.

Although he didn't want to ask that much, Chiju Shojin said that he would be in charge of the list.

Imai Kenta can only ask him, Imai Kenta is a little curious.

What kind of list has this guy prepared, and what kind of people are in this list?

How many of the people who trained with him back then would enter the security department?

"This matter, you don't need to worry about it anymore."

What Imai Kenta never expected was that Sho-chan Qianju didn't take this matter to heart at all: "There is no list, and there is no need for this list."

"Grandpa Sho...." Imai Kenta's pupils dilated a little, but he never expected to get this answer!

Qianshou Xiangzhen, actually changed his mind directly, he actually turned his face directly?

Does this old man ignore his current situation at all and do things according to his own ideas?

Imai Kenta's face turned cold. This answer really wasn't a good answer. He really couldn't understand how Qianshou Sho had changed his mind again!

"Don't worry, you can also prepare to leave the security department."

Qianju Sho really didn't care about Imai Kenta's face at all, and he continued: "Namikaze Minato looks very capable, and this time he won't budge. I think he has already got a lot of what he wants."

"But..." Imai Ken too frowned.

"Since he got what he wanted, there must be enough vacancies in many places!"

Chiju Sho-san interrupted Imai Kenta before he could finish speaking.

"So, get ready, and then enter the vacant department.

You belong to the Senju clan, and you need to get rid of the influence of the Uchiha clan.

Cut off outsiders' judgment of your 'dependence on the Uchiha family'. "

Speaking of which, Qianshou Xiang really paused, and his expression became a little excited: "This is an opportunity, a huge opportunity! An opportunity to make the Qianshou family stand up again!"

Seeing Chiju Shoma so excited, Kenta Imai lowered his head and remained silent.

He knew how much the older generation hated the Uchiha family, but they didn't even know now how strong this guy Uchiha Kai has become!

Not only is he extremely politically sensitive, his conspiracy methods are also extremely terrifying, not to mention his strength.

What's more, this **** guy has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and Imai Kenta has never been able to forget that earth-shattering knife.

It is completely conceivable that when Kai Uchiha becomes angry, what kind of disaster will it be for him!

"A person who dares to kill his fellow clan in the village may avoid trouble and do as little as possible, but I'm still in the security department!"

Imai Kenta's face became more and more ugly: "The Uchiha clan's fire was definitely not easy, if the matter is so urgent, then this guy will never mind doing it once!

It looks like I'm going to be really bad..."


"In other words, have you changed your mind?"

In the security department, Uchiha Qi looked at Imai Kenta coldly. He really didn't expect that he would be released as a pigeon.

And to be more serious, Uchiha Kai can be said to have been betrayed, and the person who betrayed him was still his collaborator.

Although Kei Uchiha didn't think there was anything wrong with the decision of the "housekeeper" that Imai Kenta said.

But the problem is that if you waste so much energy, is it just to let you take advantage of it for nothing?

Is it to let you know so many things for nothing?

Imai Kenta knew that he was wrong, and his face was a little gloomy. He could also be counted as a victim of this incident.

The most important thing is that Qianshou Xiang really made the decision to push him into the abyss!

Qianju Sho-jin is afraid that there is a huge deviation in his understanding of Uchiha Kai.

In his heart, Uchiha Kai is just a chess piece for Uchiha Fuyake.

But in fact, this kid is a poisonous snake at all. Whether it was intentional or intentional, Sho-ma Chiu directly made Kenta Imai's situation very dangerous!

"It's not that I changed my mind." Imai Kenta can't laugh anymore: "it's that the speaker in my family changed his mind. As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't make such a decision that would kill me."

"Who are you talking about?" Uchiha Kai crossed his hands to support his chin, and he looked at him quietly.

"Yes..." Imai Kenta was about to say something, but there was a knock on the door of the office.

Uchiha Kai frowned, he remembered that he had explained to Uchiha Chuan.

At this time, it is best not to be disturbed by anyone, unless it is something important.

Could it be that there is something urgent?

Kai Uchiha couldn't think of it for a while, so he simply let the knocker come in.

In the end, what he didn't expect was that the person who came was actually a woman like Aya Hyuga.

This is all right, their team of 'abnormal people' gathered directly.

"Tell me, what news do you want to bring me." Uchiha Qi rubbed his eyebrows: "I hope it's not a bad thing."

"It seems that Qi-kun is very distressed. Isn't the news that Kenta-kun brought back?"

Aya Hyuga glanced at Kenta Imai, and then she looked at Kai Uchiha: "Don't worry, I'm not here to bring you bad news."

"I hope, your patriarch is looking for you?" Uchiha Qi seemed to have guessed something: "Tell me, what did you say, and what did your patriarch say."

"I explained the previous report in more detail, as well as last night's events, and some information about you."

Hyuga Aya said calmly: "Also, I revealed a little about your relationship with the fourth generation, but more let him guess.

I don't have anything I shouldn't say. He asked me to give you a word. "

Aya Hyuga quickly explained the general situation, while Kei Uchiha listened quietly.

The woman Hyuga Aya still knew where her bottom line was, and she said everything she could.

He didn't say anything that shouldn't be said, but he was not very satisfied with the handling of the Fourth Generation's purpose.

Hyuga Hizu is the only person in Konoha who doesn't regard himself as a **** of Uchiha Fugaku.

The purpose of her doing this invisibly elevated him a lot, which is not what Uchiha Qi hopes.

Shaking his head, Kei Uchiha didn't bother to think about these things.

He probably guessed the purpose of Hyuga Hizu, probably hoping for greater cooperation, right?

Sure enough, Aya Hyuga said directly: "He said he hoped that more members of Hyuga would become members of the security department.

If he can, such as holding some important positions, he will give more support to Uchiha to some extent, in some places where he needs it. "

"Looks like good news." Uchiha Ki nodded: "This is much better news than someone gave."

"It seems that the news that Kenta-kun brought back is really not ideal." Hyuga Aya nodded, but she didn't show much emotion.

"Give me some more time." Imai Kenta suddenly became more serious: "Give me some more time to deal with these matters, and I will give the minister a satisfactory answer."

"Really?" Uchiha Kai looked at Imai Kenta in front of him and touched his chin involuntarily.

Then he nodded: "Okay, I'll give you some more time. But don't take chances..."

Speaking of which, Uchiha Kai didn't say more.

Although it made him feel very uncomfortable to be put together, he didn't feel too angry.

He doesn't know what the Qianshou clan is like now, but he can guess.

I'm afraid two different ideas, old and young, are colliding with each other, right?

The youth represented by Kenta Imai, and the older generation Qianshou represented by the man who speaks, is there a collision of ideas and ideas?

Kai Uchiha could see that Kenta Imai's resistance to the Uchiha family was not high.

His disgust is more towards the high-level Konoha, those interest groups headed by the above three generations.

As for what the older generation Senju looks like, you can almost see what Senju Tobirama did back then.

I'm afraid they also count the death of Senju Hasuma on the Uchiha clan who stayed in Konoha.

They don't need to think much about the disgust and resistance of the Uchiha family.

If Imai Ken is too successful, then everyone will be happy.

Such success naturally means that Uchiha will probably have one more ally, and one more ally is much better than one more person who obviously hates you and opposes you.

At this stage, Kei Uchiha feels that the value of Imai Kenta's status as a "civilian ninja" has almost been drained.

Relying on this identity, he has absorbed a lot of civilian ninjas.

Even if Imai Kenta changed his identity, it wouldn't have much impact.

If it fails, then it's no big deal, Uchiha Kai will let these people see their means!


"Do you think Imai Kenta can succeed?"

In Uchiha Kai's underground laboratory, Hyuga Aya asked curiously while helping Uchiha Kai prepare the medicine.

After Imai Kenta left, they also left the security department and came to the underground laboratory.

Although I got Orochimaru's scroll, Hyuga Aya didn't have time to pay attention to it.

Moreover, in the current situation of Kai Uchiha, it is necessary to continuously inject something similar to serum. Once it stops, the ghost knows what it will look like.

"I don't know, but no matter what the result is, we can only take one step at a time."

Uchiha Kai shook his head: "It's you, take more time to read the information on Orochimaru."

"I know, you don't need to worry about that."

Aya Hyuga walked to him with the needle tube, and then began to look for the location of the injection: "By the way, my eyes, how do you understand?"

"Blind eyes?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "I have already had people investigate and collect some things, and we have really found some things, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just too fantastical, it made me hesitate whether it's true or not."

Kai Uchiha's voice was very calm, and he couldn't tell that this guy was lying.

Of course, according to Uchiha Kai's understanding, he wasn't lying at all.

It's just another way of expressing, telling Hyuga Aya something.

Kei Uchiha has been thinking about when he wants to reveal something to her.

And he also needed to prepare some related props, but this matter was delayed, and he was still very busy with his work.

It's just that Aya Hinata asked this time, so he didn't mind saying anything.

As long as the topic is sufficiently mysterious and ambiguous, so that Aya Hyuga can't tell if it's true or false, then it's enough for him.

When Hyuga Aya heard Uchiha Kai's words, her brows could not help frowning.

However, her hand was still very stable, and she still helped Kai Uchiha to inject the serum well.

Probably more and more times, Uchiha Kai found that this time the injection basically did not feel the same, he has become more and more used to these serums.

"What kind of fantasy method, talk about it." Just as Uchiha Kai felt himself, Hyuga Aya's voice came from one side.

"Originally, I wanted to be in the investigation for a while, but since you asked, let's talk about it."

Kai Uchiha rubbed his arms, stared at Aya Hyuga and said, "Some of my more secretive subordinates found some interesting things during their follow-up investigation."

"Like?" Hyuga Aya frowned, she really didn't like Uchiha Kai's appetizing way of speaking.

"For example, the Hinata clan seems to have come from other places." Uchiha Kai's expression became extremely serious.

"My people have found something, something that proves you are outsiders and those things are being repaired.

But I also asked other people to read and consult some materials, and they were surprised to find that the Hinata clan did not exist in the ninja world.

Until you suddenly appeared hundreds of years ago, and often emphasized some ridiculous things. "

Kai Uchiha is basically talking nonsense now, he knows shit!

The Uchiha family has a lot of records, but the older records were all taken away by Madara Uchiha.

Kei Uchiha had no way of finding out about these things, but he felt that there might be some similar information in the Hinata clan.

He just revealed a few things, and he didn't need much. It was enough for Aya Hyuga to have a seed.

If she really found something in the Hyuga clan, it would be interesting.

"Suddenly appearing in the ninja world? Ridiculous?" Hyuga Aya frowned: "What kind of look?"

"According to the data, there is a guy with white eyes who once said that his name is Da Jianmu, and... he is from the moon."

The corners of Kai Uchiha's mouth drew some arcs. The cake was already drawn. It just depends on how the woman, Aya Hyuga, reacts.

Sure enough, Hyuga Aya was stunned, two words were constantly spinning in her mind.

Dajianmu, and from the moon...

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