Chapter 279: The storm is coming

Time passed without knowing it, and the slow autumn wind seemed to come to an end.

Uchiha Kai stood in the training ground of the security department, looking at the yellowing leaves that were falling, his expression was very calm.

Time has unknowingly reached the golden autumn of October.

In just two months, both Uchiha Kai himself and Konoha have undergone some great changes.

The defection of Orochimaru and the death of Danzo, the combination of these two is indeed like a nuclear bomb, which immediately made the atmosphere in the village and outside the village a little strange.

How much impact Danzo's death has caused, I'm afraid ordinary people can't feel it.

But they found a lot of things in the little details of daily life.

For example, when ordinary ninjas go to pick up a mission, they will be surprised to find that the official who issued the mission they were familiar with has been replaced.

In addition to these superficial ones, there are many hidden, invisible places that have quietly undergone huge changes.

Among them are the Ministry of Government Affairs, and the Anbu, which has been quietly reorganized.

The Minister of State Affairs is still Nara Shikahisa.

This new head of the Nara family seems to have inherited their family's always smart characteristics.

Whether it is the third-generation Hokage or the current fourth-generation Hokage, the final choice is for him to continue to sit firmly in this position.

And according to Uchiha Kai's memory, the smart inheritance of the Nara family seems to continue forever.

The future Nara Shikamaru seems to have already taken this position at an extremely young age.

However, apart from him, everyone in the Ministry of Government felt as if they were walking on thin ice.

Fortunately, the rectification of Namikaze Minato did not involve too much scope, nor did it affect too many people.

He just replaced some, and after being completely loyal to the position of the third generation and its interest groups, he did not continue.

It's not that Namikaze Minato's purpose is to 'stabilize the situation', although he has expressed this to those in the Ministry of Government.

But Uchiha Qi knew that if there was a chance, he would not stop easily.

"To put it bluntly, it's still a short time in the upper position, and there is no sufficient preparation before the upper position, which has led to such an embarrassing situation."

Every leader takes office, in fact, it takes a period of preparation.

Whether it is to cultivate one's own manpower or set goals for the future, these are all necessary.

Namikaze Minato had no such preparation time at all.

At first, he thought that Orochimaru would come to power. Even if he was provoked by Uchiha Qi, he had no experience in this area, which made him seriously underprepared.

Moreover, the handover of rights with the third generation purpose was also unusually smooth. He wanted to continue to use the third generation purpose team but found that others would not listen to him.

And these three generations of purpose team firmly control some positions, so that he has no way to cultivate his own people.

The Ministry of Government is a little embarrassed, but the reorganization of the Anbu is not bad.

main reason. It was also Namikaze Minato who took out some of the Anbu positions and exchanged them to a certain extent.

Anbu is not equal to the Ministry of Government, because the things that the Ministry of Government needs to deal with are completely based on the brain, not on the strength of strength.

There are actually good ninjas everywhere. Although there are very few top-notch ones, Anbu does not need you to be top-notch.

As long as you are trained, abide by the Anbu guidelines is enough.

There is basically only one voice in Anbu now, and that is to listen to the words of the fourth generation of Hokage.

With the troops of Anbu and the privileged department of Anbu, Minato Namikaze has a lot of power in his hands all of a sudden.

Kakashi is also working towards Minister Anbu now, and it can be said that everything is developing in a good direction.

With Anbu on the inside and the Security Department on the outside, Namikaze Minato now has the real basic rights of Hokage.

"If the impact of Danzo's death is invisible..."

Uchiha Qi looked at the members of the security department who had been going on patrol, and thought silently.

"Then, the impact of Orochimaru's defection is visible to the naked eye."

Although Orochimaru's defection was seen as a great deed in the eyes of Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya, he left Konoha only after suffering humiliation.

But some reckonings are true, and they won't happen if they don't want to.

Although Orochimaru seems good to them, Orochimaru has participated in too many experiments after all.

And some of the experiments were for his personal purposes, and for this reason, many of his subordinates were more or less implicated.

Even Minato and Jirai are strongly opposed to such a liquidation.

But in order to alleviate some of the instigated public anger, they also had to deal with some people who were too involved.

All they can do is reduce their crimes as much as possible.

Or find Kai Uchiha, please don't let them be treated badly in Konoha Prison.

In this regard, Uchiha Kai can only agree, he will not jump out foolishly and say Orochimaru's strange words.

After all, he still wanted to make some deals with Orochimaru, and he understood the reason why he would stay in the line of work and meet each other in the future.

Except for the people he has to deal with, he still has a bottom line and leeway in everything he does.

Therefore, the people involved in the Orochimaru incident began to be sent to Konoha Prison in batches.

This also made Kei Uchiha feel a little emotional, and his own manpower was not enough.

The current Konoha Prison is still managed by the Ministry of Guards. His fourth unit has just been approved, and the personnel have not yet been found, which makes Uchiha Qi also very depressed.

In the end, he had no choice but to talk about it.

And Minato Namikaze was also very polite. He found a group of ninjas who had no missions for the time being through the mission department.

Let them assist in the guard duty until Kai Uchiha completes the training of the fourth unit.

Let the ordinary ninjas and the ninjas of the security department stay together more, so that they can get to know each other better, this kind of good opportunity will not be missed by Uchiha Kai, he has no intention of rejecting at all.

These ninjas have been with the people of the security department for a long time, and naturally they will be like the members of the security department until now.

Therefore, through their mouth propaganda, the image of the Ministry of Guards can also be improved.

Kai Uchiha has been doing the job of changing the image, but Konoha is really too big.

Coupled with the previous propaganda by Sandaimu and others, or Uchiha's own death.

There are always many people who still have doubts about the Security Department, and Uchiha Kai will not miss the way to change.

"It's just that the progress of the fourth team is too slow."

Uchiha Kai glanced at the mission ninja who came to report and greeted him, and he responded with a smile.

"The people from the Hyuga clan and those from Qianshou, as well as the newly recruited Uchiha and some civilians, are really worse than the first batch of recruits."

The big waves wash away the sand, the more you go to the back, the more gold it is, it may be all the things you didn't want before.

It's just that Uchiha Kai doesn't have any good choices. As Uchiha, he really doesn't dare to completely strip a team of Uchiha elements.

Although he has gradually faded away the elements of Uchiha, such as the unit of Uchiha Chun.

There were already very few Uchiha members in that team, and even fewer in the fourth team, but he didn't dare to do so if he was completely eliminated.

"Forget it, we still need to do things step by step."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, and then his eyes turned to Hokage Rock in the distance.

"The matter of the security department has been basically dealt with, and the layout of the early stage is almost the same..."

After more than two months of arrangement and preparation, Uchiha Kai has basically figured out some arrangements and arrangements.

Imai Kenta has been out of the security department for a while, and he has started his own work in the mission department.

The person who took his place, finally Uchiha Kai chose Uchiha Ryukage.

Although Fujiu Hangtai has also joined the security department for a while, the performance of this kid is really not as good as Jing Jiantai.

Maybe Uchiha Kai's requirements are too high, anyway, he thinks this kid is not qualified.

Therefore, he simply let this kid take the place before Uchiha Ryukage.

Uchiha Liuying's previous position was very important, but after getting along for so long, Uchiha Kai can be considered to know the character of Fujiu Hangtai.

Maybe he is not very good in terms of ability, but in terms of personality he is very similar to his brother.

Now he agrees with Uchiha Kai, and making good use of this relationship, Uchiha Kai believes that he can make this kid do Uchiha Liuying's work well.

In fact, he did really well.

Uchiha Kai hardly needs to worry too much about the internal problems of the security department, and his own problems have also made a good progress.

Probably after the modification of Orochimaru's data, the recovery speed of Uchiha Kai's pupil power has reached an unexpected level.

two months. He recovered the pupil power that was wasted during the battle with Danzo.

He had expected such a thing, but the speed still surprised him.

With sufficient pupil strength and his growing chakra during this time, Uchiha Kai now really has the confidence to face Uchiha Obito.

He has been waiting for this matter of Nine Tails for a long time, and the event of Nine Tails, which has changed the lives of countless people, is actually a bigger opportunity for him.

He has made so many preparations for this matter, and now he just needs to quietly wait for the outbreak of the Nine-Tails incident.

"Although this kind of fusion has not reached the state I expected, it is enough."

Uchiha Kai slowly walked towards the office in the Security Department.

"According to what the woman Hyuga Aya said, my fusion entry should be 30% now, but even 30% is not bad."

Thirty percent is indeed a good figure, and his experiments have not been carried out for too long after all.

And he has to be affected by some other factors, such as the pair of eternal kaleidoscopes that are about to be born.

I don't know if it's because the new cells are too hated for Uchiha Qi, it has not been fully integrated yet, and the extraction speed of Iori is really slow.

"I hope this girl won't be so kind anymore, that's not what I want."

After entering the office, Uchiha opened his eyes and saw Aya Hyuga who was sitting cross-legged: "After all, she is not who, she is just like this woman..."

Kai Uchiha still remembers that day, after he and Kenta Imai felt a strange chakra, they rushed to the woman's room immediately.

As a result, I saw this woman closed her eyes tightly, and some strange patterns appeared on her face...

Aya Hyuga really made Kei Uchiha not know what to say.

Because she really relied on those notes, without any assistance or other help, she absorbed it by herself and almost turned on the fairy mode!

This kind of thing can be called completely unbelievable, this woman did it.

Although it is almost, because her so-called fairy mode only has fairy chakra.

But she did not fully integrate into her own chakra, which means that it can't exert its combat effectiveness at all, and if it is not well controlled, problems will arise.

In addition, her maintenance time is probably less than a minute.

But how long has it been since Hyuga Aya first came into contact with this information?

Such state, such level, such talent, such luck.

Really scared Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta to death.

But after Hyuga Aya came up with such a place, she didn't hide her cultivation experience.

She is smart and knows very well that if she hides this kind of public thing, I am afraid it will be the worst.

Although her approach was satisfactory, what disappointed both Uchiha Kei and Imai Kenta was—

Neither of them seemed to be able to complete the practice of celestial arts in the same way as Hyuga Aya, or through Hyuga Aya's method.

It can only be said that this thing is really a consideration of talent, Uchiha Qi knows that she has made some 'small condiments', but Uchiha Qi also has it.

The problem is that Kei Uchiha tried her way, and he found that he couldn't do it either.

But it doesn't matter to him, even if he can't practice, he has other ways to gain this power.

Hyuga Aya created the fairy chakra, which is really good news for him!

After all, in this way, he doesn't need to think about what Namikaze Minato, Jiraiya, and Naruto, who can talk about the dead, will be able to extract immortal chakra.

The only disappointment is probably Imai Kenta. He really wanted to cultivate this ability, but he found that he couldn't do it.

Uchiha Qi would not tell him kindly that Hyuga Aya was the key to all this.

"It's so early today?" When Kai Uchiha walked into the office, Aya Hyuga opened her eyes.

"Tell me, are there any arrangements recently? Why has the patrol of the security department become so intense?"

"Of course there are arrangements, but some things can't be said."

Uchiha Qi went directly to his desk: "However, isn't it better to fish in troubled waters?"

"Fishing in troubled waters?" Hyuga Aya frowned, and then she knew what Uchiha Kai meant: "Also, it's October, it's already the time you and I agreed, do you want to do it?"

"Almost." Uchiha Qi nodded: "But I still need to be careful, I don't want to reveal my identity."

The agreement between Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya is to fight the brothers Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Ripa in October.

This matter has dragged on for so long, and the main reason is that Kei Uchiha felt that the time was not chaotic enough.

The real chaotic time should be regarded as the Nine-Tails Incident.

When the big guy like Nine Tails appears, I am afraid that the families in the whole village will not be able to sit still.

Or when Kushina was producing, when these people were doing patrol missions.

At that time, he had the kung fu and ability, and quietly overturned all the Hyuga Sun Foot and Hyuga Sunrise.

The only disadvantage is that these two people can accurately find out who they are, so Uchiha Kai made an extravagant decision.

That is to use Bai Jue's cells to create a mask.

Uchiha Obito wears the mask made by Bai Jue, but he has never revealed his identity.

This probably explains the mask made with Bai Jue's body. Resists the prying eyes of the white eye to some extent.

Facts have proved that this mask still has a certain effect.

Through Hyuga Aya's white eyes, he found that he can indeed resist the peeping of white eyes to some extent, which also made Uchiha Kai feel relieved.

"However, why don't you spray some paint, make it orange and black, and put the blame on someone?"

After thinking about it, Uchiha Kai finally did it.

Anyway, it is not the first time that he has done things that blame others, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is familiar with it.

Everything is ready now, waiting for the day to come, this mask is now stuffed in a sealed scroll by him.

When necessary, he can open and use the mask directly.

Glancing at Hyuga Aya who was thinking, Uchiha Kai smiled, but he soon remembered something.

"By the way, you should stay in the security department recently." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "There are a lot of tasks, and things are very complicated. You can always be ready when you are ready."

"It seems that something big is going to happen."

Aya Hyuga raised her head and glanced at Kai Uchiha: "Do you need to inform Kenta Imai? After all, he has received so many benefits, so he should do something."

"Of course, let him know, just like if I can't do anything, he can do something for me."

Uchiha Qi nodded: "Also, he is actually bleeding heavily. Isn't your gain from him?"

With the addition of Imai Kenta, his various experimental data reports also fell into the hands of Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya.

But the only difference is that Imai Kenta is still in the stage of in vitro experiments.

The serum from Bai Jue's cells mixed with his cells has not been injected into his body from beginning to end.

But they do know that this kid and the white blood cells are really very compatible.

It is many times higher than when Uchiha Kai did the experiment.

Imai Kenta didn't know, Uchiha opened the specific direction and specific process of their experiment.

Therefore, he could only wait for the result silently, and continued to study the information on the immortality written by Aya Hyuga.

Strictly speaking, Imai Kenta is indeed a blood loss.

It's just so far, after that, Uchiha Kai and the others will indeed inject these serums back as needed.

It is good for them that Imai Kenta's strength becomes stronger, especially now that he has stabilized the interior of the Senju clan.

"That's right, but I'm a little curious."

Hyuga Aya stood up and said inexplicably, "Why didn't he change his name and go back? Senju Kenta's name is more interesting than Imai Kenta."

"Who knows?" Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "If you were asked to change your name, to be precise, change your surname, would you change it?"

"Then see, what's changed."


In the golden autumn of October, Minato Namikaze, who has succeeded Hokage for almost a year, has become more and more proficient in handling various things.

Especially after Uchiha Qi destroyed an underground laboratory in Orochimaru, and used this to coerce the three generations of Hokage and others to give up their rights.

Many things in his official business have become handy.

This is probably the first time I have felt what it means to be 'government-oriented' since I became Hokage for so long.

However, his mind recently was not entirely on Konoha's political affairs.

The reason is very simple, Kushina's due date has arrived.

According to projections, she will give birth on October 10th.

This matter is not only a matter of their family, but also a matter of the whole Konoha.

After all, Kushina is the Nine-Tails Human Pillar Force, and the importance of Human Pillar Force does not need to be said at all.

In order to ensure the smooth production of Kushina, Minato Namikaze finally agreed to a suggestion from Hokage III.

That is to allow the three generations of Hokage's wife Sarubi Biwako to participate in the production of Kushina.

After all, this woman is a relatively experienced person.

As the wife of three generations of Hokage, I am afraid she is learning some necessary things.

For example, they all knew that when Ren Zhuli was giving birth, she was the weakest.

One bad move will free the Nine-Tails from the seal, and the consequences will be severe.

And for the arrival of that day, Namikaze Minato also found Uchiha Kilai to discuss.

In the same way, he temporarily put aside his grievances and had a good talk with Hokage III.

Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiizan are now essentially political enemies.

But one thing is undeniable, they are all for Konoha.

No matter if they fight to the death, they can still temporarily put aside some disputes and conflicts for Konoha's safety.

However, Namikaze Minato decided to let the three generations of Hokage follow.

This will naturally not appear, and Namikaze Minato is not in Konoha, so he can take advantage of it.

Just two days before Kushina was due to give birth, Sarutobi Hizan personally brought his wife to visit Minato's house.

The four of them sat opposite each other, and at this time Sarutobi Hizan looked a bit old-fashioned.

After all, in his fifties, even if it was the last glory in his life, he had just experienced a 'tragic' failure.

His attitude towards Namikaze Minato was not enthusiastic, it could even be said to be a little indifferent, but he did not forget his responsibilities.

"Kushina, although I have emphasized it many times, I will repeat it today."

Sarutobi Hiizhan's tone was unusually calm, completely lacking the enthusiasm he had before.

"That is, when the child was born, the seal of the Nine-Tails was the weakest, and this happened to your predecessor, the whirlpool Shuiling.

At that time, the seal of the Nine-Tails was almost disintegrated, and it was only a matter of time before it would become a tragedy.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents during production, you must go to the enchantment far away from the village to produce. "

Uzumaki Kushina nodded solemnly, she already knew this, and she was already mentally prepared.

However, she was also a little disappointed in her heart, because the current three-generation Hokage looks really not as good as before.

She is very smart and can probably guess a lot of things, but she never says these things.

"Don't worry, I'll be by your side when you give birth."

Namikaze Minato looked aside and noticed Kushina's emotions, he immediately grabbed Kushina's shoulder and said warmly.

Kushina glanced at him and nodded with a blushing face.

Sarutobi Hizan didn't seem to see it, and he still said calmly: "The people of Anbu, you arrange it yourself, I hope you have reservations for the security department.

In addition to this, I will arrange for the elite roots to follow us.

But this matter is classified, Minato, as the fourth Hokage, you should understand the importance of this matter.

Be sure to keep the secret, as long as the child lands safely, everything will be settled Three generations of adults, please rest assured, I only have opinions. "Namifeng Minato frowned, his face serious.

The three generations of Hokage's defense against Uchiha seemed to have intensified and became more obvious after Danzo's death, which made Minato Naikaze a little helpless.

But this is the idea of ​​the three generations of Hokage, not his idea.

"That's it for now, Kushina, Minato."

Probably sensing that the situation was not right, Lake Biwa, who had been sitting beside him, also said, "You guys should prepare well in these two days. We will personally take Kushina to the outside of the village in two days."


"Excuse me, Lord Biwako."


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