Chapter 280: Raid

Two days passed in a flash.

In the middle of the night on October 10, the 48th year of Konoha, the afterglow of the setting sun illuminated the entire village.

Uchiha Kai was dressed in a dark battle suit and stood quietly downstairs in the Namikaze Minato's house.

With him were only Uchihagawa, Uchiha Ryukage, and Uchiha Jun.

In the afternoon, Uchiha Kai received a summons from Minato Namikaze, and he immediately knew what the situation was.

However, according to the requirements of Namifeng Minato, Uchiha Kai did not find too many people.

Anyway, their tasks will not go into the enchantment, so it is better to find the captains of the three teams, and then get the assigned tasks and issue them.

Namikaze Minato would not refuse Uchiha Kai to follow him into the barrier, but this time is different, because the three generations of Hokage will also follow.

He knew that Uchiha Kai, who had personally executed Danzo, would definitely not be liked by the three generations of Hokage.

It may even cause the two of them to conflict, so he can only make such a decision.

Uchiha Qi could see clearly that when Minato Minato went downstairs to see him, he even had an apologetic expression on his face.

Uchiha Qi didn't care that much about it, even if he didn't go in, he didn't want to have a conflict with Obito in the first place.

"Qijun, this time the village will trouble you."

Namikaze Minato quietly ran to Kai Uchiha's side and said apologetically while rubbing his head.

"It's okay, after all, it's easier this way, isn't it?"

Uchiha Qi didn't care, then he looked behind Minato Minato and smiled: "Lord Hokage, I think you should go back."

Namikaze Minato could see that Uchiha Kai didn't seem to take this kind of thing to heart, and he was relieved.

Nodding with a smile, he turned and walked towards Kushina.

Sandai Hokage and his wife Biwako and Kushina went downstairs together, but after seeing Uchiha Kai, Sandai Hokage's face immediately became a little gloomy.

In the end, he just snorted coldly and walked to the side.

This scene made Kushina and others a little embarrassed, but Uchiha Kai didn't feel anything.

He really couldn't understand what was going on with the relationship between Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo. It wouldn't be like this if they fell in love with each other, right?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of thing at all.

If it wasn't for Minato Namikaze's invitation, he wouldn't be here at all.

If it weren't for the responsibilities of the Security Department, he would be too lazy to let the Security Department arrange it now.

The ghost knows whether Uchiha Obito will attack the people in their security department. It is not an easy thing to cultivate these members of the security department.

"Minister, what should we do now?" Uchiha Jun suddenly asked in a low voice beside Uchiha Kai as he watched Minato and others leave.

"Normal arrangement is enough." Uchiha said without turning back: "But let all the team members with tasks be prepared for the first level of combat, and those who do not have tasks are ready for emergency battles at any time."

"Yes, Mr. Minister." Uchiha Jun, Uchiha Chuan, and Uchiha Ryukage nodded immediately and replied.

But soon, Uchiha Ryukage seemed a little curious: "Sir, do you think something will happen tonight?"

"For us, boredom is always the best." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "But sometimes you have to be prepared, don't you?"

Boredom is always the best, especially when there is a dangerous mission, Uchiha Kai is the most convinced of this sentence.

Looking at Namikaze Minato and the others who had gradually disappeared from view, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to think about why Sarutobi Hiizan followed suit.

He turned around and left the place directly. The three sub-captains could arrange the tasks themselves, and he didn't need to worry so much.

What's more, he has to prepare, tonight is not a quiet night.


The afterglow of the setting sun quickly sank below the horizon, and the dark night shrouded the whole world.

The moon in the sky emits a dim light, but it can only make people barely see at night.

" hurts..."

A bleak scream came from the cave, and the digital Anbu ninja guarding the entrance of the cave could clearly be heard.

But no one showed a trace of distraction, dutifully watching the outside world.

The sound was blocked after touching the barrier and was not transmitted to the outside world.

Inside the cave, candlelight and fire light illuminate the interior.

Kushina was lying on the rock with a face full of pain, with a thick blanket under her body and a sheet wrapped around her body, she was screaming in agony.

The inside of the cave is very dry, and it can be seen that it has been arranged in advance.

Namikaze Minato kept his hands stacked on top of Kushina's stomach.

Sweat was already on his forehead, and he was working hard to maintain the seal of the Nine Tails.

But seeing Kushina's loud screams, he was still very worried, who was completely inexperienced.

Turning his head, he couldn't help asking, "Lord Biwako, is it really okay? I've never seen Kushina scream in such pain."

Lake Biwa, who was squatting down to observe the situation, nodded: "Don't worry, keep the Nine-Tails seal with peace of mind. The strength of a woman is beyond your imagination."

Hearing this, Minato Namikaze could only nod his head, he really had nothing to do now, he could only hope that everything was fine.

Outside the barrier, Kakashi, who was wearing a mask, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Immediately afterward, he and his team pulled out their weapons, preoccupied with everything around them.

This time Kakashi was not the same as in the original book, he not only participated in the production of Kushina, but he also became one of the guard ninjas.

As the youngest sub-commander in the history of Anbu, his responsibilities are heavy and arduous, and he is also one of the most trusted subordinates of Namikaze Minato.


Kakashi shouted in a cold voice, and the scarlet writing wheel kept looking at the grass and trees around him.

Soon, under the cold moonlight, a figure in a black robe appeared silently in the water.

Kakashi and other Anbu who was in charge of the garrison reacted immediately and surrounded him in the center on guard.

The man in black didn't move, but the more he did, the more pressure Kakashi and the Anbu guards felt.

"who are you?"

Kakashi said solemnly, the ninja knife in his hand was clenched tightly, and the ninja knife appeared on the blue chakra, and he had maintained a posture that he could shoot at any time.

No one answered him, and the people in black surrounded by Anbu seemed to treat him as nothing.

Without paying any attention to his meaning, he just looked up at the cave above indifferently.

When he looked up, Kakashi and other Anbu ninjas saw a mask on his face.

There are some weird spiral patterns in the orange, and only the right eye is left with a mask of hole vision.

Kakashi's pupils suddenly dilated, because he clearly saw that in the exposed right eye, a scarlet eyeball exactly like him was slowly turning!

"Uchiha..." Kakashi felt a little dazed in his chest.

But he was still relatively calm, and he immediately ordered loudly: "Go on, grab him!"

As soon as the words fell, Kakashi turned into a shadow and rushed up, and the ninja sword in his hand hit the man in black's ribs.

Kakashi himself is the one who has been favored by Uchiha, and among his friends there are people like Uchiha Kai.

After he made sure that the person in front of him was also Uchiha, he never thought about killing him.

What Kakashi didn't expect was that in such a short distance, he came to the man in black in less than a second, but the man in black still didn't respond.

This made him a little strange. He dared to care so much at such a distance. Even that guy Uchiha Qi wouldn't do it, right?

But the next moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Kakashi's figure actually penetrated the other side directly, as if there was no one there at all.

"Is this... illusion?" Kakashi froze for a moment, and his face became extremely ugly.

He didn't forget that he had also been hit by the illusion of Uchiha Kai.

At this moment, he even doubted whether the person in front of him was Kai Uchiha!

Just the next moment, let him breathe a sigh of relief.

But it made him feel even more terrifying that something happened, the man in black moved at this time.

With a light turn, his fist had hit the back of Kakashi's neck, causing Kakashi to slump to the ground.

If it wasn't for Kakashi's willpower being strong enough, I'm afraid he would have fainted at this moment due to the strong stinging pain.

"Captain! Quick, rescue captain!"

Anbu Ninja reacted quickly, he roared loudly, and raised his hand, several shuriken were fired.

The rest of the members also shot at the same time, and all kinds of ninjutsu attacked the man in black.

Then all the attacks all fell into the air, for example, the terrifying man in black was accidentally missed.

The man in black looked up, and his blood-red pupils swept over them all coldly.

He ignored Kakashi who was lying on the ground, and walked towards those Anbu ninjas.

Moments later, in a puddle outside the cave, a one-sided massacre was over.

These Anbu ninjas cannot be said to be weak, and they are the elites of each family.

Although Anbu's time is not long, their level is still guaranteed enough.

It's just that they met Uchiha Obito, and when they met Uchiha Obito, whose strength was increasing day by day, it was obvious that their level was not enough.

In particular, Obito's ability to "blind" is almost a common move until there is no suitable countermeasure.

The battle lasted less than a minute in total, the cold moonlight shone down, and the black figures stood alone.

At his feet, Anbu ninjas wearing various masks fell to the ground.

Except for Kakashi, who was still struggling to get up, there were no survivors.

Uchiha Obito raised his head, he didn't look at Kakashi at all, the blood-red Sangou jade was slightly condensed, and he stared at the light passing from the cave above.

He himself didn't know what his words were like when he was about to face his former teacher, but the cold mask revealed boundless indifference in the shadows.

"What the **** are you... Who the **** are you?" At this moment, Kakashi's weak voice suddenly came over: "What is your... purpose?"

"I..." Obito's voice was hoarse and low, indifferent to silence: "Of course I'm here to give you a big gift."

After he finished speaking, he started to step forward, without jumping, he walked into the mountain wall in parallel and disappeared.



Inside the cave, a loud cry of a baby rang out.

Kushina, who had been tense all the time, broke away instantly and was paralyzed on the stone couch like a pool of mud.

Biwako quickly took the child, her forehead still dripping with nervous sweat.

But she didn't care at all at this time, instead she smiled, and she said loudly: "Quick, hot water."

"I.... I know!" Minato Minato Namikaze answered with difficulty, sweat dripping down his face.

In the moment just now, he felt the terrifying and huge chakra of the nine tails rushing up in an instant.

It was like a demon was about to rush out, and all his energy was completely focused on it.

With the change of the seal on the hand and the firmness of the seal, the most violent wave of the Nine Tails was suppressed.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato was relieved.

"I'll go, you take care of Kushina." Hiizan Sarutobi, who was standing outside the door, shook his head, and he said directly to the inside.

"Then trouble you, Miho Hokage-sama." Minato Minato Minato nods his head, this time he is indeed a little tired.

He can only do the task of suppressing the nine tails. After all, Kushina is in production, and others are more taboo about such things.

As a husband, as a Hokage, Naikaze Minato is naturally a part of it.

Watching Sarutobi Biwako and Sarutobi Hiizan walk out of the innermost cave, Minato Minato closed his eyes to relieve the fatigue just now, and then he looked at Kushina.

At this time, Kushina didn't look very good, but it was the first time she had seen such a weak Namikaze Minato.

Touching the cold sweat on his forehead, Minato Namikaze turned his head and said softly to Kushina: "The hardest time has passed, and now we only need to repair the seal of the Nine-Tails. It's hard work, Kushina."

"Thank you, Minato." Uzumaki Kushina's face was still pale, but she showed a happy smile.

The two young people were very affectionate, and at this moment, another baby's cry brought them back to reality.

Sarutobi Hizan and Lake Biwa, who carried Naruto who had been cleaned, and put them in the baby wrap prepared in advance, slowly walked towards this side.

Looking at the baby in her hand, Minato Namikaze felt like a dream.

A huge sense of happiness came to my heart, and then I realized that this little guy is Naruto.

Also, I am a father.

Subconsciously, Minato Namikaze stretched out his hand to take the child, but Lake Biwa directly flashed past him.

Sarutobi Biwako smiled and shook his head: "No, the child has to see the mother first."

"No need to be excited, the child really needs to see the mother first." Sarutobi Hizan sighed, and then he nodded in agreement.

"Is that so..." Minato Namikaze hesitated, but in the end he showed a hearty smile: "I see, Lord Sandaime."

Kushina was lying on the bed, her eyes shifted with the cry.

The young Naruto was placed beside her, looking at the crying child, she gave a gentle smile.

"Naruto... I finally see you..."

"Okay, Kushina, you are still too weak, take a good rest, and the child will be taken care of by us temporarily."

Sarutobi Biwako Biwako smiled and said, "Lord 4th generation, hurry up and repair the seal now."

"Yes." Seeing Lake Biwa holding Naruto and walking aside, Minato nodded.

Sina Toujiu smiled softly, and put her hands together, ready to repair the seal.

"There will be a little discomfort, please bear with Jiuchinai!" He comforted in a low voice, and was about to mobilize Chakra to reset the seal when two screams came.

bang... ding...

The sound of his body falling and the sound of weapons colliding with each other made Minato Namikaze turn around alertly.

The target was a fallen figure, and the vigilant Sarutobi Hiizan.

"Lord Biwako, Lord Sandaime!"

Bo Feng Shui stood up immediately, his eyes locked tightly, and a figure in black robes appeared beside the two.

Naruto, who kept crying, was already in his arms, with a weird orange spiral mask on his face.

His left hand was bluffing, as if he could crush Naruto's head at any moment.

And Sarutobi Hizan seemed to come back to his senses at this moment. Just now, he subconsciously felt the crisis and responded.

But now he is seeing his wife die tragically on the spot, and his emotions seem to be starting to get a little out of control.

"Lake Biwa....Lake Biwa..."

"Lord Sandaime, please calm down!"

Namikaze Minato immediately opened his mouth and shouted, but he himself didn't have much confidence right now.

Because his child is still in the hands of that mysterious man in black.

He knew that he could only think about it calmly and find a way to solve the trouble, otherwise, his newly born child would be threatened!

"Fourth Hokage Wave Feng Minato, leave immediately from Ren Zhuli's side, if you want your child to live."

At this moment, the masked man in black suddenly spoke slowly, his voice was so cold and hoarse.


"The moonlight tonight is really terrifying."

Uchiha Kai looked at the moon in the sky, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a smile.

Then he took out an orange one, with a spiral mask on his face.

The black robe was automatically on his body without wind, and the scarlet writing wheel eye looked so weird through the hole in the mask.

"When did you become so poetic? Also, how did you get such an ugly mask?"

Hyuga Aya followed him and said in a cold voice, "Are you sure you're going to do it now? I thought you were going to make something big."

"The original plan had two sets, but one set was changed."

Uchiha Qiman said indifferently: "Speaking of which, you should have guessed what happened tonight, right?"

"Ah, it should be the wife of the fourth Hokage who gave birth."

Hyuga Aya nodded: "So you plan to make a sneak attack while Konoha's defenses are empty?"

Kushina is not a person who can live easily, her personality is somewhat similar to Naruto.

But she is definitely much more delicate than Naruto.

But even if it is delicate, it is only speculation on people's hearts.

When she was pregnant, she really didn't think that she was the identity of 'Nine-tailed Man Zhuli'.

When I have nothing to do, I always like to go outside. For example, I can often see her on the street.

Or in Uchiha's clan, you can also see her figure.

Therefore, her pregnancy is really not that secret, I am afraid that apart from her true identity is not always known, not many people will not know the fact that she is pregnant.

Even if Hyuga Aya didn't pay attention to the fourth-generation Hokage lady, she knew that Kushina was probably not far from giving birth.

It's just that the current situation has made her a little confused. It's just Mrs. Hokage's production. As for how big it is?

"Are you thinking, why did a Hokage lady give birth, as for such a big battle?"

Uchiha Kai glanced at Hyuga Aya, and immediately guessed what she was thinking.

"Almost." Hyuga Aya nodded: "Will Qi-Jun answer the question for me?"

"Actually, it's not difficult to understand. If you know what Konoha's most important 'weapon' is, you'll probably understand."

At this time, Uchiha Kai was too lazy to hide it.

After he finished speaking, he set his eyes on the forest not far away: "Okay, count the time and they are coming soon, as long as they are still punctual."

Tonight's garrison, it can be said that all informed families will participate, and the Hyuga family will not be left behind.

And the main personnel are the brothers Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Hizaa.

This road is where the Hyuga clan is responsible. With the help of the "traitor" Hyuga Aya, it is really not difficult for him to get the line of behavior of this clan.

Hyuga Aya frowned and seemed to be thinking about something, but she also knew that she probably didn't have much time to think about these issues now.

According to the time, Uchiha Kai will soon meet the rest of the Hyuga clan.

Taking a deep breath, Hyuga Aya expelled all the distracting thoughts in her heart, and the next moment she opened her white eyes.

After glancing around, she immediately closed her eyes: "They have already come, and the estimated time of arrival is within three minutes."

"Three minutes?" Uchiha Kai nodded: "Is it enough for you to evacuate?"


Hyuga Aya said calmly: "I'll wait for you at the next meeting point, but you don't need to endure the sword, are you sure you can use your greatest force?"

"Don't worry." Uchiha Qi turned his head and glanced at the knife hanging on Hyuga Aya's waist, then shook his head indifferently.

"For me, although the ninja sword can provide me with great help, the time I use the ninja sword is still relatively short. I always wanted to give it a name, but I kept forgetting about it."

"Then, let me give it a name." Hyuga Aya suddenly showed a smile on the corner of her mouth: "Instead of letting a guy like you who likes to procrastinate do it, let me help you and wait for you to come back."

"Ah, that's fine too." Uchiha Kai said indifferently, but his voice had begun to change subtly.

His voice is now 10% deep and hoarse, and it doesn't look like a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old boy at all.

At the same time, the chakra on his body seemed to become more cold and evil, and this feeling made Hyuga Aya couldn't help frowning a little.

"Hopefully, you can give it a better name." Uchiha Kai said slowly, "Go on I'll get you what you want."

"Then, just wait for the good news from Qijun."

Hyuga Aya nodded slightly, and then she dodged and left the place.

After Hyuga Aya left, Uchiha Kei stood quietly, adjusting his breathing constantly.

Soon, when he noticed the sound of footsteps approaching him, he slowly opened his eyes.

The scarlet writing wheel eye looked even weirder under this bright moonlight.

The black cloak seemed to be shaking even more at this moment.

The next moment, Uchiha Kai's figure suddenly disappeared in place...


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