Chapter 281: 9 tails (top)

Outside Konoha Village, in the cave produced by Uzumaki Kushina.

The candle lights illuminated the inside of the cave extremely brightly, and the masked man in black embraced the newly born Naruto, threatening Minato Minato.

Looking at the man in black quietly, Hizan Sarutobi's heart had already ignited a raging anger.

This period of time seems to have become his most declining period.

The betrayal of the disciple, the fall of the best friend, the loss of the right.

All this made Sarutobi Hizan in his fifties a little tired of dealing with it.

Fortunately, he still has a wife, a wife who loves him deeply.

It's just that now, his wife was killed in front of him, and heaven and man are separated forever in front of him!

Such pain, such pain, and the hatred that this brought, almost devoured Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Sarutobi's blue veins burst out. If it wasn't for his rationality, he would not have completely swallowed him up. I'm afraid he wouldn't care about Naruto Uzumaki.

He just wants revenge now, he just wants to kill the man in black with the **** mask in front of him!

Namikaze Minato's face was also very solemn, but there was more confusion in his heart.

On this special day tonight, whether it is the enchantment class or the perception class, it can be said that they are all out.

Even the barrier here has been re-arranged, and how did this guy in front of him pass through the barrier here unknowingly?

Such a barrier is really not something that ordinary people can master and break through. This is the seal of the Vortex Clan.


At this moment, Kushina who was behind Minato Namikaze suddenly let out a cry of pain.

A black seal emerged from her abdomen, and the operation began to spread on her body at an extremely fast speed.

"No, the seal of the Nine-Tails hasn't stabilized yet..." Minato Namikaze turned around and gave Kushina a worried look.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato knew that he must not delay.

He must find a way to solve the current problem as soon as possible, otherwise...

The child couldn't help but say that once the Nine Tails got out of trouble, the crisis that Konoha would cause to Konoha was unimaginable.

And with the escape of Nine Tails, his wife, Kushina, may not be able to survive.

This is simply a tragic tragedy, Minato Namikaze doesn't want such a thing to happen to their family who can just enjoy their family.

But the masked man holding Naruto was not ready to give him any chance: "I repeat, the fourth Hokage, leave Ren Zhuli's side."

This time, with the opening, a Kunai appeared in his hand and pointed to Naruto's forehead.

Obviously, he seems to have made up his mind. If Minato Namikaze makes any rash moves, he will directly kill the kid in his hand.

" calm down..."

Namikaze Minato said anxiously, but his eyes seemed a little stray, and he wanted to find a suitable shot.

The masked man's voice was low, and he seemed to see through Minato Namimo's thoughts: "I'd better tell you this to yourself, I am very calm now."

While speaking, he suddenly abandoned Naruto in his arms, jumped up by himself, and stabbed the kunai in his hand upwards.

"Naruto!" Kushina shouted, her voice full of anxiety.

Then in an instant, a golden light flashed, and the strike that should have been guaranteed to stab the air.

The masked man's eyes moved back slightly, and he said with admiration: "As expected of a golden flash, but what are you going to do next?"


Namikaze Minato let out a puzzled sound, and instantly found that the detonating talisman attached to the swaddle had begun to ignite, and it would explode in the next second.

Namikaze Minato suddenly felt a little cold sweat on his forehead...


"who are you?"

In a forest in Konoha, Hinata Hizu and Hinata Nisashi led a group of Hinata ninjas and looked at the person standing in front of them with their backs to them.

The man in front of him was wearing a black robe, without any clan emblem or logo.

He didn't carry any weapons, so he couldn't tell who this guy was.

The man in black seemed to hear their voices, then turned around slowly, revealing the orange mask with a weird spiral on his face.

"I..." The man in black said in a hoarse and low voice, "Just a passerby."

"Writing wheel eye..."

Hinata Risari was keenly aware of the scarlet eyes under the mask.

He immediately opened his own eyes: "Uchiha's people? What's your purpose in stopping us? And..."

"And there's something wrong with my mask?"

The man in black had an unusually strange voice, and seemed to laugh: "Ah, you can say whatever you want, but I'm afraid I need you to leave something behind."

Speaking of this, the man in black - Kai Uchiha suddenly took out a kunai.

He didn't plan to waste so much time with the Hyuga family!

Seeing the man in black suddenly rush over, the ninja of the Hyuga family immediately assumed a fighting stance.

Although it is not clear who this guy is, the pair of writing wheels have exposed a lot of problems.

The overwhelming number of ninjas in the Hinata clan did not think they would be worse than Uchiha, and they even regarded Uchiha as an imaginary enemy.

This time, such a guy appeared, and they would not easily miss it anyway!

It's a pity that they misestimated Kai Uchiha's strength, and they also looked up to their own strength.

No matter how many they are, even if they are doing their best, they will still suffer in the face of the gap in nature!

When Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Nisaki didn't move for the time being, Uchiha Kai didn't have any pressure on these ninjas of the Hyuga clan at all.

He even clearly felt that many of these people did not have the smell of blood, which meant that they had never been on the battlefield!

Without the slightest bells and whistles, Uchiha Qi turned around deftly, avoiding the chakra-carrying fist of a Hinata ninja, and the kunai in his hand stabbed into his ribs.

Quickly bowing his head to avoid the attack of a Hinata ninja, the Kunai in his hand quickly pulled out and brought a smear of blood.

This smear of blood splashed directly into the eyes of a Hinata ninja beside him under his control.

Suddenly the guy screamed because his vision was blocked, and the next moment he was kicked away by Uchiha Kai!

With the continuous fusion of those serums with the body, Uchiha Kai's writing wheel eyes not only have basically recovered his pupil power, but even his basic insight has also improved by a huge span!

Almost at a glance, he has seen through the route of these Hinata ninja attacks.

However, he was still very measured, and he never thought about killing these people.

He just knocked down these Hinata ninjas one by one and made them incapacitated.

This seems to be a simple statement, but it requires extreme control of the attack.

Can not be heavy, heavy will kill them.

But it can't be light, it will only cause trouble for yourself!

However, under the operation of Uchiha Kai, this complicated matter was almost completely completed.

He is like a black butterfly, just relying on physical skills to deal with these Hinata ninjas, almost no one is his enemy of unity!

The scarlet three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes slowly turned in his eye sockets.

The next moment, the last ninja to attack him suddenly froze.

Uchiha Kai punched him directly in the chest, and the Hinata Ninja fell to the ground without even screaming, and then fainted.

The real fight lasts less than a minute.

In less than a minute, Uchiha Kai has completely overturned ten Hinata ninjas.

Raising his head, looking at Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Risami who opened his white eyes and focused on him, Uchiha Kai suddenly chuckled.

The two of them haven't made a move until now, probably because they realized that they didn't kill him?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai didn't care what they did, because it was just an appetizer.

"It seems that it has been so long, have you seen any information?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head and asked with interest: "Except, I didn't kill a killer?"

"You're very strong, and you have a writing wheel." Hyuga Hizu frowned.

"I don't know who you are, whether you used the transformation technique, and your mask also covers your face. But you have some scruples. You should be from Konoha, right?"

"It's better if you can think like this." Uchiha Qi's hoarse voice seemed to be mocking.

"Just pretend I'm Konoha's Uchiha.

By the way, let's go together, just now, I haven't really felt the fun of fighting.

have to say...."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Kai's voice paused a little.

Then his hoarse and low tone instantly became extremely gloomy, as if the air space was frozen by this cold breath.

"You Hyuga clan, the current combat effectiveness really disappoints me."

Uchiha Qi said calmly: "I hope you two brothers can really give me some fun, will all die here."

Such a gloomy and cold atmosphere suddenly made Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Ripa feel unbelievable pressure.

The battle of this guy just now has already opened their eyes.

The kind of physical technique that has no extra actions at all, and every attack is simplified to the extreme but just right.

This is already beyond their understanding of Uchiha to a certain extent.

Even if this guy didn't use ninjutsu, he didn't use any illusions.

Just relying on a pair of writing wheel eyes and physical skills, he easily defeated so many Hinata ninjas.

This guy is terrifying to the extreme.

Silently put on a fighting stance, and the chakra of the two of them also improved to the extreme at this time.

In the face of such a thorny enemy, they really did not dare to be slighted in the slightest.

Uchiha Kai looked at the two of them and twisted his neck at will.

In the next moment, he had already disappeared in place, and the blinking technique, which was almost at its extreme, even left an afterimage on the spot.

The sharp kunai with the sound of breaking the wind has already sounded behind Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Nisari...


Minato Namikaze noticed that the detonating talisman under his swaddling clothes was lit, and his anger soared at this moment, but he was still calm.

Years of tempering on the battlefield, let him know clearly that the more the crisis, the less panic.

He almost figured out how to do it in the fastest time possible.

With the situation at stake, Minato Naikaze calmly started!

Holding up Naruto with his left hand, and tearing off the swaddle with his right hand like lightning, the technique of Flying Thunder God was activated at the same time.

At the moment of the explosion, he had already rushed out of the wooden house with Naruto in his arms.

In the firelight, the wooden house behind him instantly shattered.

Minato Namikaze rolled under the impact of the aftermath, and he worked hard to protect Naruto in his arms from harm.

Looking up slightly, he found that it was already a wooden house on the edge of Konoha Village.

There are still flying thunder **** Kunai scattered underground, and it is with these that he can teleport instantly.

Konoha, after all, is his home court.


Being held in his arms, Naruto who felt the violent shock and the chill of the night suddenly burst into tears.

Namikaze Minato smiled when he heard such a cry, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's great, Naruto wasn't hurt, um..."

Only then did he feel the pain in his feet.

Looking down, he saw a wooden thorn piercing his ankle fiercely.

He pulled out the wooden thorn expressionlessly, and his face became a little stern.

He was forced to use Flying Thunder God to teleport here, but in this short period of time he has analyzed a lot of things.

The opponent's target is obviously Kushina!

"I was transferred from the mountain, and I must rush back immediately."

Minato Namikaze completely ignored the pain in his feet and stood up.

"Although the third generation is still there, but... we still have to speed up, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

As his thoughts turned, he did not have any extra actions, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, in Minato Namikaze's own home, a figure holding the child appeared instantly.

A specially made kunai hangs upside down from the ceiling.

Before he could do any extra action, Minato Namikaze put Naruto into the baby's soft sleeper that had already been prepared.

He didn't say anything, just glanced at the ill-fated child silently, then felt Kushina's position and disappeared instantly.

"It's safe here, Naruto. I'll be back soon..."


Outside the village, outside the cave where Kushina had produced.

The black seal text appeared like a chain, connected to the surrounding stone pillars, and the weak Kushina was trapped in the center.

At this moment, she was gritting her teeth, trying her best to suppress the rioting nine tails in her body.

In front of her was a mysterious person shrouded in black robes, and the strange pattern mask revealed boundless coldness under the moonlight.

"What do you...want to, huh!"

Kushina asked weakly, and sweat kept dripping down her face.

But she did not forget her duty as a ninja, she wanted to inquire about information.

"Three generations.... three generations of Hokage, he..."

"Obviously, pull the nine tails out of your body and destroy Konoha."

Uchiha Obito said calmly: "As for the three generations of Hokage? Don't worry, he can't die, I won't allow him to die like this. And, instead of caring about him, you should be more concerned about yourself."

"What did you say?" Kushina asked in disbelief.

Wearing a mask, Obito said to himself: "Using a technique carved anywhere to achieve a jump-like transfer in space, this is the so-called flying thunder **** technique.

Among the sealing techniques on your body, there are spells left by Minato Ninikaze, which are equivalent to being protected all the time on weekdays.

But now that he has been transferred away, and you are in the weakest state, I have been waiting for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a long time. "

"Now, relax, everything will pass in an instant." Uchiha Obito said in a low voice, the three hooked jade in his right eye slowly rotating.

Looking directly at Uzumaki Kushina's pupils, Madara Uchiha's technique of controlling the nine tails, which he inherited from the past, was used by him for the first time, and instantly invaded Kushina's consciousness space.

"who are you?"

In Kushina's consciousness space, a huge demon fox was bound to a red fireball.

Facing the sudden discovery of the figure of a man in black in front of him, it made an unhuman voice.

Uchiha Obito didn't answer it, but let his Sharinyan and Kyuubi's pupil look at each other.

In an instant, the fox-like pupils began to dilute.

The pattern of Sangou jade slowly emerged and gradually became clearer.

The flames began to pass, the chains of restraint were broken free, and the seal became shaky in an instant.

"Come out, Kyuubi!"

Uchiha Obito gave a light drink, his writing wheel eyes condensed, and the chakra of the whole body was mobilized, echoing the chakra of the Nine Tails.

A painful cry came from Kushina's mouth, and a layer of rich red chakra appeared on her body.

Immediately afterwards, a mass of deep rich red chakra rushed out from her abdomen.

Hate, blood, terror, malice, hatred, destruction...  

All the negative emotions you can think of can be felt in this chakra.

In a moment, a nine-tailed demon fox landed on the ground and roared in the sky under the moon.

Under the terrifying chakra, the earth seems to tremble...



Uchiha Kai kicked Hyuga Risaki with one kick, and at the same time his scarlet writing wheel eye locked on Hyuga Hizu who was attacking from the flank.

Immediately, the substitute technique broke out, and the soft fist of Hyuga Hizu, which contained azure blue chakra, hit Uchiha Kai's body.

Only in the white eyes of Hyuga Hizu, he clearly saw that what he hit was just a wooden block.

He had never seen such a fast and dazzling substitute technique!

Although he didn't fight this unknown Uchiha with a mask for a long time, he found that this Uchiha was so freehand from the beginning to the end.

It was as if he had seen through everything.

It's just that this **** Uchiha seems unusually arrogant, and he doesn't bother to use any escape technique at all.

As if Hinata was good at Taijutsu, he deliberately used Taijutsu to deal with Hinata's ninjas!

But what makes Hyuga Hizu feel a little frustrated is that even if this guy only uses physical techniques and three-body techniques plus instant body techniques, the two brothers can't do anything about him.

That speed is so fast that people can't imagine it, the reaction nerve is completely unimaginable.

There is also insight far beyond the Uchiha he is familiar with, all of which make Hyuga Hizu feel strange.

He even had a feeling like 'This guy shouldn't be Uchiha who lives outside the village'.

Because in the village, he really doesn't think anyone has such a level.

No matter how deep he hides, he doesn't think Uchiha's most powerful Uchiha Fuyue can reach this level.

And Uchiha Fuyue is good at the use of magic!

"Who the **** are you?"

Forcibly turning around, Hyuga Hizu dodged the attack from Uchiha Kaicong behind him.

But he didn't dodge, Uchiha Kai's lightning-fast kick.

On the way to fly upside down, Hyuga turned around forcibly to stabilize herself.

Soon he saw that when his younger brother attacked the man in black, he was deftly dodging the punch containing the blue chakra.

Then the moment his younger brother used Huitian, the man in black had already grabbed his younger brother's hand.

At the same time, it was another kick that kicked his younger brother to his side.

At this moment, Hyuga Hizu couldn't bear it anymore, couldn't bear the arrogant posture of Uchiha in front of him, couldn't bear such a teased battle.

He would rather die than face such an endless and extremely humiliating battle.

Standing in the distance, Uchiha Kai seemed to feel the emotions of Hyuga Hizu, and he also stopped his footsteps and stood there quietly watching this guy.

It's just that his heart is also a little unhappy, this kind of battle is really not what he expects.

Obviously he has a bunch of abilities that he can use, but when he thinks of his 'Thunderbolt Sword Technique' that has basically been spread in Konoha.

And if the Chakra, who used the fire escape by himself, was recognized, he would be a little helpless.

Most importantly, his Susanoo was used to cover some of his mouth and eyes.

As a result, he doesn't even dare to use it now, which is why he basically hasn't used much ninjutsu until now.

He really has no idea of ​​playing with the two people in front of him, and the strength of these two people is indeed very strong.

Uchiha Kai is basically dealing with it with all his strength.

If it weren't for the fact that he was too familiar with Hyuga Aya, and also learned a lot about the soft boxing of the Hyuga clan through Hyuga Aya, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to lift such weights.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai looked at Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Risari who had stood up, and he took out a new kunai from the ninja bag.

The previous one had already been interrupted by these two.

The power of the soft fist of the Hyuga clan is really not to be underestimated, and Uchiha Kai didn't fight with the belief that he was going to kill them before.

But it's different now, Uchiha Kai may still not kill the killer, but he won't have any hesitation anymore.

The longer it drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for him.

Thinking of this, the blue chakra slowly emerged from the kunai in his hand, and his eyes became even colder.

"Me, I belong to the Uchiha clan..."

Uchiha Kai's voice was cold and low, and as his voice fell, his whole body had come to the side of Hyuga Hizu, and the kunai in his hand pierced his chest!

"Be careful!"

Hyuga Risari reacted to it He immediately shouted, and at the same time his Bagua Zhang also overtook Uchiha Qi.

Hyuga Hizu also sensed the crisis at this moment, and he immediately wanted to use Huitian to block Uchiha Kai's offensive.

It's a pity that the expression on his face became extremely ugly when Hyuga Hichai waved his palm.

He clearly saw that the man in black was using the double technique at this moment.

His body has sprung out from a strange angle, and Kuwu stabbed towards the sunbae ruthlessly!

And Hyuga Hizu changed his face at the same time, because he found that his mind was full of the scarlet three-goose jade writing wheel eye, and an indifferent and hoarse voice.

"I need to lend you something, don't worry, I won't kill you..."


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