Chapter 288: Closing (top)

"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

Minato Namikaze panted hard, he felt very tired.

He knew that this might be the medicine of Qiu Dao's family, and it began to have negative effects.

In fact, such a negative effect did not have much impact on his follow-up, but now it is a little more important.

Minato Namikaze didn't use Ghoul Seal to split the Nine Tails, he had to do it all himself.

Fortunately, because of the Danzo incident, he spent some time on the sealing technique, otherwise he wouldn't think he could accurately divide the nine tails.

However, even if the nine tails are controlled by Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Kai together, they are like a cat.

But such precise segmentation and seals still exhausted Namikaze Minato.

Even though his chakra has been replenished, he now has a negative feeling. It is conceivable that his consumption is huge.

He knew that he had to continue to persevere, and he had basically completed the most difficult part.

According to what Uchiha Kai said, he first cut the nine tails in half.

This is relatively simple, he doesn't need to consider the ratio of the nine-tailed yin and yang chakra at all.

He directly sealed the half cut by the nine tails into Kushina's body, and the rest only needed to be firmly sealed by Kushina himself.

Although Kushina is weak, this little thing is completely fine to her.

I'm afraid she can't stand the complete tailed beast, and there's no way to stabilize the seal.

But with only half of the tailed beasts, it might not be too difficult for her.

It's just that Kushina's situation has begun to improve, and the situation on Uchiha Fugaku's side is not much better.

He has locked the Nine-Tails firmly for so long, and even if there is help from Uchiha Kai's shadow clone, he will not feel well.

Seeing his increasingly pale face and the blood that kept flowing from the corners of his eyes, Minato Namikaze knew that he could only speed up.

Splitting the nine tails is the easiest, and the hardest thing comes.

That is, it is necessary to precisely cut the nine tails and divide the remaining half of the nine tails into two attributes!

The Yin attribute corresponds to the spiritual aspect, and the Nine Taibo Feng Minato of this attribute can deal with it by himself.

And the nine tails of the yang attribute, which are weaker to Naruto's spiritual erosion, are naturally sealed in Naruto's body.

After some careful exploration, Namikaze Minato started again when Uchiha Fugaku couldn't take it anymore.

Precisely divide the nine-tails, and quickly and quickly seal the half-body of the nine-tailed yin attribute in his body.

Namikaze Minato suddenly felt a sigh of relief, but the exhaustion that followed made him feel a little dizzy.

The only good news is that Uchiha Fuyake seems to be feeling a lot less pressure.

Although the pitch-black giant of Kai Uchiha's shadow avatar seemed to have shrunk, it also gave Minato Namikaze a little room to breathe.

Looking at the same Kyuubi whose size had shrunk by an inexplicable amount, Minato Namikaze gritted his teeth.

"Only one last step remains, and it is the most critical one."

Minato Namikaze gasped for a moment: "You can definitely do it, come on, Minato Namikaze!"

Don't worry about the commotion of the Nine-Tails who just entered the body, and don't strengthen the seal of the Nine-Tails in the body.

Minato Namikaze struggled to resist the discomfort, quickly knotted and patted the ground lightly, and a baby altar with burning candles appeared.

Holding Naruto, who was still crying, on this altar, Minato Namikaze showed a little warmth on his face.

Touching the baby's slightly plump face, Minato Naikamo pushed him away.

"The next step is still the gossip seal."

Namikaze Minato thought silently: "And in order to be more stable and used in the future, some necessary things must be added."

Thinking of this, he slowly folded his hands together, and opened his hand to the side with the seal change: "The art of psychic!"

In the white smoke, a strange cross-legged toad appeared.

The toad's belly is like some kind of folded scroll, which looks funny.

The moment the toad appeared, he quickly looked at the audience.

He soon noticed Minato Namikaze's exhaustion and Kushina's weakness.

Especially after seeing the nine tails, and Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Kai, who controlled the nine tails, his expression seemed a little panic.

"Nine tails? Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye? And Susanoo?" The toad shouted in disbelief, "What the **** is going on?"

Minato panted with exhaustion: "Toad Yin, I'll tell you the specific situation later, but now I'm going to give you the sealed key for safekeeping and take it to Miaomu Mountain, okay?"

"Is this.... Nine Tails' sealing technique?"

Toad glanced at the scroll in front of him, and finally looked at the baby lying on the altar, and finally nodded.

"I understand, I will do it. It seems that there is a big problem this time, but I didn't expect to see the legendary Kaleidoscope Sharinyan and Susanoo. It's incredible."

"Please." Minato Namikaze didn't want to talk to him too much, and after a simple thank you, he locked his eyes on Naruto.

Naruto, although it may not be fair to you to do this, your mother used to come here like this.

But your future life will definitely be better than your mother.

Because I will protect you as I protect your mother.

Also your mother will protect you, you will be our greatest pet!

With a smile on his face, Minato Namikaze put his hand on Naruto's stomach, and then whispered.

"Gossip seal!"

With a powerful seal technique, Naruto's abdomen appeared with a seal pattern that spread rapidly.

The powerful force condensed the nine tails into chakra and threw them into Naruto's body...


"You....what nonsense are you talking about!"

Uchiha Obito looked at Uchiha Kai in disbelief, and his body seemed to tremble even more.

He really couldn't believe what Uchiha Kai said. He subconsciously thought that Uchiha Kai was lying to him, tricking him to stop and kill him!

Because Uchiha Kai has no idea what their plan is and what their purpose is.

I'm afraid this guy just simply thought that he was blinded by the anger of revenge.

In this way, naturally there is no idea of ​​figuring out their intelligence.

But soon Uchiha Obito felt that something was wrong.

He seemed to have a voice in his heart, very quietly but firmly telling him that what Uchiha Kai said was probably true!

These two complicated voices kept stirring in his mind, which made him feel extremely struggling and uncomfortable.

He didn't dare to imagine what a terrible sight it would be if all this was true.

He couldn't even imagine what he had done.

"Can't believe it?" Uchiha Qi glanced at him calmly.

"Yes, after all, this is probably too cruel to you.

Just have you figured out one thing, that is why I lied to you?

What qualifications and worth do you have that are worth deceiving me? "

Uchiha Kai's voice was so calm, but his words were full of holes.

Fortunately, he was facing Obito in the illusion, and Obito was so restless that he couldn't think carefully.

If there is a black side in the normal world, I am afraid that Uchiha Kai's words will be pierced directly.

Not to mention anything else, the messy things that Uchiha Obito thought about in his heart, those self-denial contents, are very likely not to appear.

No one is a fool. Although Uchiha Obito is a general existence like "Xianji", he has never experienced the years when he was in power in Wuyin Village.

But as a ninja, even if it looks simple, not everyone is Naruto Uzumaki...

Well, this guy is actually similar to Naruto.

But Uchiha Kai just seized his weakness, and then took advantage of his deep feelings for Nohara Rin, and told the truth directly.

One can imagine how much impact this has on Uchiha Obito!

"I still can't trust you."

After a long time, Uchiha Obito raised his head: "Indeed, you are right.

That's right, everything I've done is evil, and I've attacked Konoha, and I'm afraid I'll never face Lin again after I die.

But what about now? Why should I bear such loneliness, why should I bear such despair, the world has long been desperate!

You kill me, yes, I am indeed not your opponent, kill me, maybe I can save something. "

"Ah, maybe it is, the world is really desperate."

Uchiha Ki nodded, then he sighed.

"I've been on the battlefield for so many years, and I've known for a long time what this desperation feels like.

But I don't want to kill you, what you're doing now, where I last saw you gave me a very uneasy feeling, I want to find out what you're doing. "

Rather than waiting for others to react, it would be better for Uchiha Qi to act first, which would give Uchiha Obito a magnanimous feeling.

Uchiha Obito couldn't help but stunned when he heard his words. The next moment his face suddenly changed. At this moment, he seemed to feel that his IQ had returned to normal.

But Uchiha Kai didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and the scene around him changed abruptly under Uchiha Kai's control.

Uchiha Obito suddenly found that he became the first perspective of Uchiha Kai.

From Uchiha Kai took the mask and rushed to the battlefield to see Uchiha Obito.

After Uchiha Kai defeated Obito and put away Nohara Lin's body, he went for revenge.

Uchiha Obito watched all this quietly.

Fortunately, Uchiha Kai was not stupid enough to let him hear his own voice, otherwise things would have gotten worse.

After skipping the 'revenge' section in the cave, the picture quickly came to a basement.

It is still the first perspective of Uchiha Kai, and there is a woman beside him.

Uchiha Obito remembered that the woman's name was Hyuga Aya, who was this guy's teammate.

And on a laboratory table is the pale, lifeless Nohara Rin!

"This is... Rin Nohara? How is she?"

"Of course it's her. Or else? Do you think it's Uchiha Obito? Sorry, I don't have the time to dig him out. I'd rather burn him with a fire."

"As expected of Qijun's style."


"By the way, I also discovered something. When I repaired Nohara Lin's body, I found that the chakra of the tailed beast brought her great activity, which was beyond my expectations."


"By the way, there is one more thing I need to explain to you."

"What's the matter? Did the damage caused by Kakashi's knife make you completely powerless?"

"That's not the problem. I seem to have found something not quite right on her heart, something similar to a curse mark. I remember you said in your report that she was once captured by the mist ninja? "

"Well, so it is. It seems that she can't kill herself, and because of this curse mark, she can only head towards Konoha.

So she chose to die under Kakashi's hands, but she didn't explain these circumstances, can't she tell? "


The light of the morning sun shines above the leaves, and a new day comes as usual.

But Konoha Village did not usher in a morning of laughter as usual.

Today, the village is filled with grief.

Countless villagers who lost their homes opened their eyes numbly and looked around at a loss.

They hoped last night's experience was just a nightmare.

But obviously, they were disappointed.

Anger filled their hearts, and a burst of anger came out. It was the **** nine tails that caused this tragedy.

For the villagers of Konoha Village, although the previous ninja wars were tragic, they did not burn the fire into the village.

For ninjas, the battlefield may be more sad, but for these ordinary villagers.

This time, the Nine-Tails Rebellion caused a bloodstain in their hearts.

Three generations of Hokage set off from the medical department to the Hokage Building early in the morning.

His injury was not serious, and Uchiha Obito didn't hit him hard, probably because he thought it would be a waste of time to entangle with him.

But Sarutobi's life without death was not easy, and his face was also very ugly.

Because not only was he injured, but his wife was also killed that night.

Everything that happened last night made his nerves, which were already a little fragile because of the Danzo incident, devastated again.

Although the nine tails were sealed in the end, he had to figure out what was going on.

Especially when he learned that Uchiha Fuyue had a Kaleidoscope Shaker, his heart became even more irritable.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, this is the forbidden power of the Uchiha family.

And having this power is equivalent to being able to control the Nine Tails!

Although he also knew on the way back, the nine tails were controlled by Uchiha Fuyue Uchiha Qi together, and completed the seal together with the fourth generation.

But this couldn't change the anger in his heart and the extreme suspicion.

"Three generations of adults."

Just as Sarutobi Hizan was thinking about these messes, a shadow with a mask suddenly appeared in front of him.

"It's Kakashi."

Hiruzen Sarutobi glanced at him, and immediately recognized who this person was in front of him: "It seems that your recovery will be wrong, is there something wrong?"

That's right, the Anbu in front of Hokage III is really Kakashi.

Uchiha Obito didn't hit Kakashi hard, it just made him lose his combat effectiveness at that time.

After being rescued by the third generation, he returned to Konoha.

It's just that he doesn't have the technique of flying thunder gods, and the destruction of the nine tails makes him have to spare a section of the original path.

After returning to Konoha, he was stunned to find that the battle had been transferred, and he had no chance to see his teacher at all.

However, he also did a lot of things within his power, such as cooperating with members of the Security Department to search and rescue the wounded.

Although Kakashi took Sarutobi Hiizan's words to heart, it was also selective.

For example, "they are all Konoha ninjas", this sentence he kept in mind.

As for the phrase 'you can't trust Uchiha', he didn't care at all.

Kakashi is a Konoha ninja, but he is a Konoha ninja who follows his teacher and trusts his teacher extremely.

He is not a Konoha ninja subordinate to the third purpose.

His own teacher trusted the Uchiha family, and he naturally chose to stand in the same camp as his teacher.

And he himself is full of good feelings for Uchiha.

Whether it was Obito who sacrificed his life to save him, or Kei Uchiha who pulled himself out of the abyss, these two are the people who changed his life.

How could he change his stance because of a few words from Hokage Sandaime, and doubt the Uchiha clan?


"Wait a minute, Lord Sandaimu."

Looking at Hokage III who wanted to move forward into the office, Kakashi reached out and stopped him.

"Fourth generation Hokage-sama is inside, and he said, 'No one can enter'."

"What's the meaning?"

The face of the three generations of Hokage suddenly became more ugly, and then he asked with an angry smile: "Anyone? Isn't even the old man missing?"

"Sorry, Hokage-sama Sandaime." Kakashi lowered his head slightly.

"Fourth generation Hokage-sama is dealing with important matters. Now all the Anbu in the room have come out, and no one can enter."

"Who is he seeing now?" Hokage III frowned, "How many people are there."

"There's only one person." Kakashi thought for a while, and finally said slowly: "It's the Minister of Security."


"Qijun, is everything you said true?"

Minato Namikaze sat on the chair, looking a little shocked and a little bit incredible.

His face is pale now, and he doesn't look very good.

But he still insisted on sitting here to deal with these things.

"Yes, you have repeated this sentence many times."

Uchiha Ki nodded, and then sighed helplessly: "And I think you should go back and have a good rest now, the nine tails in your body are constantly making trouble, right?"

"Hey, I also know what I should do now."

Namikaze Minato patted his head in distress: "But, the village is like this, can I just ignore it?"

Uchiha Kai didn't speak, he just quietly looked at the Namikaze Minato in front of him.

His face was extremely calm, but his heart was a little excited and happy.

Fourth Hokage and his wife Uzumaki Kushina finally survived this incident!

Although Uchiha Kai only relied on the shadow clone, he participated in the sealing ceremony.

But his influence has already penetrated into the entire 'Nine-Tails Incident'!

Without the Danzang already in the underworld blocking the way, the security department dispatched collectively.

Although there is still a detachment doing the work of evacuating civilians, the main force has already gone to the front line to deal with the nine tails.

Although there are some misunderstandings, for example, the three generations of Hokage actually accompanied Nafeng Minato and the others to help deliver the birth.

I'm afraid he also knows that even if Minato Naikaze is not there, he can't lead Konoha big and small things like before.

Moreover, there are a large number of members of the security department in Konoha, so it is better to leave than to stay in Konoha.

A large number of people from the security department fought on the front line, while another group of people began to rescue ordinary civilians and ninjas who were incompetent at the first time.

It can be said that this has greatly improved the prestige and favorability of the Security Department in Konoha.

Of course, it also angered some young ninjas.

Especially the young ninjas they drove away on the front lines.

It's just that no matter how you look at it, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and those young ninjas will naturally understand their approach in the future.

In addition to this, there is another most critical factor, which is the existence of Uchiha Fuyake.

This guy has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. It can be said that if he made a move in the original book, I am afraid there would not be so many troubles.

However, in the original book, he had no chance at all.

First of all, his relationship with the fourth-generation Hokage is limited to the husband of his wife's best friend, not as close as he is now as a partner.

In such a relationship, without sufficient stability, he is naturally reluctant to expose himself.

The second point is that the fourth generation of Hokage and the third generation of eyes are very close.

It can be said that in the original work, he believes that the fourth generation of Hokage is the continuation of the third generation of purpose.

Although Namikaze Minato is different, it's just that, he can't take risks.

But it is different now. With the intervention of Uchiha Qi, the relationship between the two of them has undergone a qualitative change.

It is clear that Namikaze Minato is indeed changing the existence of the Uchiha family, and the Uchiha family has this other kaleidoscope.

And the pair of eternal eyes that are about to be born, Uchiha Fuyue can gamble!

So he took action, and with the cooperation of Kai Uchiha, he controlled the nine tails honestly.

Let Namifeng Minato be separated smoothly, and finally sealed into the bodies of their family of three.

However, the current situation of Uchiha Fuyue seems to be a bit bad, and he has now returned to the clan to rest.

Of course, Kai Uchiha wasn't sure what exactly this bad situation was.

Ninja will always keep one hand, and Uchiha Kai's current situation is not so good, and he has no plans to break the contract.

Namikaze Minato survived, and many things in the future will become a little blurry.

Having more powerful people around is a must.

But there must be a premise before that, that is, Uchiha Kai is not afraid of them.

Obviously Uchiha Kai already has a way, all he needs is time.

Looking at the somewhat embarrassing Namikaze Minato in front of him, and seeing the result that he had prepared for so long, a smile appeared on the corner of Uchiha Kai's mouth.

"Go back. The security department in the village has a security department. How to coordinate various departments has a government affairs department. I think Minister Lu Jiu can handle these things well."

Uchiha Qi looked at the exhausted and pale Minato Minato and said: "And I have already called the medical department to notify them. I am afraid they have already taken action, so there is no need to worry."

"Hey, I know what you mean, but..." Minato Namikaze was a little embarrassed: "But, is it true?"

"Of course it is true, there is a huge organization behind that guy, and their goals are very complicated.

But how exactly needs to be investigated, but it is certain that they seem to be interested in tailed beasts. "

Uchiha Qi had some helplessness and repeated his previous words again.

"And that member of the Uchiha clan I defeated him, although he was rescued at the last moment, but I left behind an illusion.

This illusion will make him regularly submit some information we need... Please, Captain Watergate, how many times am I repeating this? "

"Sorry, I'm really..."

"Go back to me immediately, or I will visit the patriarch's wife and ask her to come to your house."

"Qijun, you..."

"Do you want your child to die sadly because of his father's overwork, and have no father's love since he was a child?"


Walking out of Hokage's office, Uchiha Kai and Kakashi said hello, and then walked towards Uchiha's clan.

Looking at the bustling crowd on the street and the slightly sad crowd, Uchiha Qi sighed and decided to stop watching.

Kai Uchiha has seen too many scenes like this.

He still remembered that on the battlefield, he passed a small village chief who had just been affected by the war.

There are corpses all over the place, the living people in there are walking dead, and everything in there is insensitive.

In comparison, Konoha at this time was enveloped in a sad atmosphere, but there was still hope from beginning to end.

With this hope, they will not be numb, they will work hard to convert their sadness into motivation, and they will stand up and rebuild their homes better.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but think of Uchiha Obito and everything that happened last night...


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