Chapter 289: Closing (below)

"She has such a spell in her body...?"

By the end of the screen, Uchiha Obito was completely sluggish.

He murmured softly, the numbness and fear in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

His tears were pouring out even at this moment.

Uchiha Obito does not trust Uchiha Kai.

Although he was slightly grateful that this guy had awakened him, that kind of distrust always permeated his heart.

Therefore, when he saw this memory of Uchiha Kai from the beginning, he thought more that it was fabricated by Uchiha Kai, and showed him what the guy wanted him to see.

How much has been modified here, Uchiha Obito is not sure, and there is no need for him to guess.

All he has to do is to be ready at any time and use his kaleidoscope to break through this illusion.

It's just that he still has a little nostalgia in his heart, maybe he wants to see what Uchiha Kai has prepared, or maybe he is willing to leave here.

It was only when he saw that in the laboratory, Hyuga Aya removed the curse mark on Lin's heart.

He was totally stunned!

After studying for so long, he naturally learned some ways to control people.

Probably because Black never believed that he could persuade others, or had other motives, so he chose some more interesting techniques to teach him.

This incantation technique is one of them!

Uchiha Obito is actually not interested in this kind of thing.

But perhaps considering that he has something similar in his heart, he took a good look at some of this information and remembered some things.

It's just that he never expected that he originally wanted to use these materials to fight the curse of his heart, but he happened to spy on the problem of Lin's heart!

I'm afraid Madara Uchiha didn't expect that the young man who used Chidori in the information that Bai Jue gave him, actually used a knife.

It was even more unexpected that Nohara Rin's body was taken away by Uchiha Kai for experiments, and did not choose to be buried.

As a result, these curse marks were discovered decades in advance!

Uchiha Obito does not believe in Yu, and Chiha Qineng knows these spells in advance.

He is very clear about this illusion, as long as he wants to, he can crack it, and Uchiha Qi has no chance to probe his memory at all.

And this can only show one thing, that is what Uchiha Qi showed him to be true!

No matter how much he hides, no matter what his thoughts are.

But at this moment, what he saw for himself was really what he saw!

"Otherwise? Don't you think that you, who are also a kaleidoscope, will have a chance to detect your memory without knowing it?"

Uchiha Kai's calm voice rang in Uchiha Obi's ears.

The next moment, Uchiha Obito found that he had returned to the previous level of illusion.

Looking at Lin with a warm smile on her face in the distance, she led her to Kakashi and Namikaze Minato by herself.

In Uchiha Obito's mind, it seemed that she was lying on the experimental table again, cold and lifeless.

The next moment Uchiha Obito's fist clenched, he turned to look at Uchiha Kai, his expression full of anger!

"What kind of experiment are you going to do with her?" Uchiha Obito gritted his teeth and asked, "Didn't you strip out the chakra of the three tails? Why don't you bury her?"

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, a look of disdain appeared on his face.

"Even if you want to teach me how to do things, are you a Konoha ninja?

You are not, you are just an undocumented rebel.

Even in the Uchiha clan, I am the head of the security department.

And you are an ordinary jinnin, is this how you face your superiors? "


Uchiha Obito opened his mouth, he really didn't know how to refute Uchiha Kai's words.

At this moment, he really doesn't want to say "I'm no longer a Konoha ninja".

Looking at the past self in the distance, looking at the present self.

Like a mirror, his current ugliness is so clear.

How can I face Lin when I am like this?

How can he go to the pure land to face his beloved goddess after death?

This kind of feeling makes Uchiha Obito extremely aggrieved, and the crimes he has committed are simply monstrous!

"Looking at the one who once dreamed of becoming Hokage, did you feel a lot of emotion?"

Uchiha Qi noticed his gaze, he smiled slightly, and then his face became serious: "However, you still have a chance."

"Chance..." Uchiha Obito raised his head: "What chance do I have? Don't you want to know what I want to do? I'll tell you now..."

"This can be discussed later."

Uchiha Qi directly interrupted Uchiha Obito's words, he really knew exactly what this guy was going to do.

"Take it as redemption, your own redemption."

"Redemption..." Uchiha Obito raised his head slightly, his eyes seemed to flicker.

Uchiha Obito has always been a relatively simple person, he has indeed committed unforgivable sins, and he has indeed caused irreparable damage to Konoha.

But this kid is just a chess piece. It can't be said that the mistakes made by the chess piece can be ignored, but this kid can still do some useful things.

For example, let this guy lurk in the middle of Akatsuki and be a 25th boy with peace of mind——

Anyway, this is the specialty of the Uchiha family, and Uchiha Qi believes in this guy's talent.

Moreover, his ability Uchiha Kai is very optimistic, especially when the two kaleidoscopes are together.

"I don't know if there is still someone behind you, but based on your previous performance, it seems that there must be someone behind you as the tail of the crane."

Uchiha Qi said slowly: "Although there are some coincidences in Nohara Rin's incident, it's not that her incident happened by coincidence, but that I found her curse mark."

"Everything tells one thing.

Nohara Rin may have been calculated, Kakashi is your best friend, and Nohara Rin is your love.

If your best friend kills your loved one in front of you, the thrill is unimaginable for anyone, especially the Uchiha clan. "

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye..." Uchiha Obito didn't know what kind of mood he was in when he said this sentence.

"Ah, yes, I experienced something similar at the time, my teammates tried to protect me..."

Uchiha Qi stopped here: "I don't know what the purpose of stimulating you to open a kaleidoscope is, but don't you think this is a potential huge advantage for you?"

"What do you mean?" Uchiha Obito's expression became somewhat inexplicable.

He seemed to know what Uchiha Kai meant, and his heart seemed to be a little budding.

It's just that his eyes still stay on Uchiha Kai's body.

There seems to be some prayer, some longing, but also hope.

"You who have a kaleidoscope, to a certain extent, you also have power." Uchiha Kai said in a flat voice.

"Nohara Rin's death was designed, so now you who have the power, and you who already know the truth.

Is it okay to do something that disrupts the plans of the people behind you?

It's just that these things need to be taken slowly, to destroy, destroy and even destroy all their arrangements, plans and arrangements together.

Such a thorough blow can be regarded as a kind of revenge, a kind of redemption. "

Uchiha Kai's words, the soft and flat voice, like a demon tempting people, made Uchiha Obito's heart sink.

Uchiha Obito looked at him quietly, he really wanted revenge.

In other words, when he saw Rin's appearance in the illusion, and Rin in Uchiha Kai's memory, he already had such an idea.

Rin, was killed by that **** old man Uchiha Madara!

And the reason for her death was just to enable herself to open the kaleidoscope writing wheel!

However, I am afraid Uchiha Madara would not have thought of it at all.

Not long after his death, the person Uchiha Obito once hated the most would actually become the most important key for him to obtain the truth!

But Uchiha Obito felt that was not enough.

Not only what Uchiha Kai asked him to do, the promises given were not enough.

Also, he didn't trust Uchiha Kai enough.

Even if he believed Uchiha Kai's words, this gloomy guy really made Uchiha Obito instinctively dislike it.

"By the way, the people of Wu Ninja are so cooperative, they even took out the three-tailed seal and put it into Lin's body. I am afraid that the people behind you have a close relationship with Wu Nin. If you don't believe me, you can start the investigation from this aspect."

As if seeing through Uchiha Obito's mind, Uchiha Kai suddenly said.

"Mistyin Village?" Uchiha Obito nodded with a sullen face.

"I will investigate. Even if you don't tell me, I will find them. For example, they are the ones chasing Lin. Besides, I'm already doing it."

"Ah, then do it well." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Also, there is an appointment, do you accept it?"

"Appointment?" Uchiha Obito was stunned, and then he seemed to think of something: "You said..."

"From today, as a member of the Konoha Ninja Village, you will be a member of the Security Department.

Your task is to investigate what the purpose of the person behind you is and what to do.

And to give us information in time, can you do it? "

"As.... a member of the Konoha Ninja Village.... a member of the Guard..."

Uchiha Obito looked at Uchiha Kai, his heart had already moved, but he was still a little hesitant.

He killed several Anbu, and even three generations of his wife.

And he summoned nine tails, I am afraid that his teacher's wife may not be able to live now.

Coupled with the destruction of the nine tails in the village, he couldn't imagine that he was still a member of Konoha.

"I.... can still be Konoha's ninja?"

Uchiha Obito gave a wry smile. At this moment, his heart seemed to have returned to the past, and the moment when he became Hokage kept reappearing in his mind.

"I said yes, you are." Uchiha Kai smiled disdainfully: "The right to speak is the key to deciding whether you are or not, and I have enough right to speak."

"I'll tell you directly, who they are and what they want to do..." At this moment, Obito was moved, and he planned to tell Uchiha Madara's information directly.

"No, the more you talk, the more you reveal.

Your past performance tells me that you are not a qualified ninja to control your thoughts at all. "

Uchiha Qi interrupted him directly: "After all, 'Xian'er, my expectation for you is that you can pass on information.

By the way, you are talking so much nonsense, you should have said something to Captain Watergate. "


"Ah, I understand, I can just ask Captain Watergate directly, you can go back."

As the voice fell, the illusion space was directly broken.

Uchiha Kai's knife was still stabbing Obito, but he didn't do anything.

And Uchiha Obito seized this opportunity and quickly returned to the Kamui space to disappear...


Communication within illusion is actually a fusion of consciousness and chakra.

In illusion, things like time can really be infinitely enlarged and infinitely reduced.

Especially when both of them have kaleidoscopes.

It is true that neither of them has any illusions such as moon reading.

But they have all reached a certain level, and it is not difficult to achieve this step.

The only difficulty is that such illusions cannot really trap the opponent.

Once the other party has an idea, he can directly use his pupil power to destroy this illusion.

And Uchiha Kai this guy is very smart.

He knew what Uchiha Obito's weakness was, and he also knew how effective his illusion was.

Kakashi has been hit by this illusion once, and the specific performance is not bad.

So he decided to use this illusion to deal with Uchiha Obito.

Facts have proved that this technique not only has an extraordinary effect on Kakashi, but also has an extraordinary effect on Uchiha Obito.

"I still have to thank the future Naruto. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't know that Zhenbing in this guy's heart was so fragile."

Uchiha Kai, who was walking home, couldn't help thinking silently.

"But Naruto Uzumaki in the future is the real master of illusion. I have to rely on my eyes to perform it. He can make people hallucinate with just one mouth."

It's really hard to judge how strong Naruto's mouth is.

He felt that that thing was simply a fusion of other gods and moons.

Not only can people be forced to listen to him, but it can also cause people to hallucinate, and finally be changed of their own will.

This kind of ability, I am afraid, can only be achieved by the so-called savior, Uchiha Kai will not think about it in this life.

He hopes that his illusion ability is still simple and practical, just like Uchiha Madara.

Glancing at an enemy causes a deadly stupor, then slashing through it and you're done.

"But the harvest is okay. Although this guy doesn't trust me, I want to see when he will come to me."

A smile appeared on Uchiha Qi's face: "Next time, just give him a document, if he does, maybe he can be cleaned up without waiting for the future.

If you don't do it..."

If he doesn't do it, then Uchiha Kai will naturally not let him go!

With the endorsement of him and the fourth generation, and when he attacked the brothers of the Japanese family, he did something to put the blame on.

And this incident is a coincidence, it can be an opportunity for Uchiha to get out of the soil, and now it depends on whether this guy will seize the opportunity.

If you can't seize the opportunity, then you are really stupid.

After all, some people are really stupid and go away.

"Qi, are you back?"

When Uchiha opened the door, Uchiha Ryoko immediately rushed over: "Are you okay, what happened last night...Are you okay?"

"Ah, don't worry, I'm fine." Uchiha Kai nodded with a smile.

Perhaps after hearing the movement, Uchiha Keisuke walked out with Iori.

Everything that happened last night was horrible.

The huge nine-tailed demon fox rampaged in Konoha, and the countless houses were blown away and collapsed.

Can you imagine what would happen if a person faced such an existence?

Neither of them nor Iori are ninjas, so they also entered the refuge point with the flow of people organized by the security department at the first time.

Uchiha Jun is a very smart woman. She knows that she is short of manpower, and it is impossible to **** them one by one.

Therefore, she also pulled those ninjas who were weak in combat into the team along the way, and made them responsible for the density of the good crowd.

The residents were sent to the shelter safely and quickly without the occurrence of pushing or stamping accidents.

Uchiha Ryoko and the others are safe, but Uchiha Kai, as the head of the security department, naturally went to the front line.

How can Ryoko Uchiha and the others be relieved to face that devil-like nine tails.

"Okay, Ryoko, Qi is already the head of the security department."

Uchiha Keisuke also walked over slowly. He comforted his wife for a while before looking at Uchiha Kai.

"It's fine, thanks for your hard work, Kai."

"The most important thing is that you are all right, I am a ninja." Uchiha Qi nodded slightly.

"I went to have a rest. I was tired all night last night, and I don't feel very good now."

"Come on, the hot water is ready for you, take a good bath and then go to rest."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."


"Damn it, call me Xian'er?"

In a secret cave in the Land of Fire, Uchiha Obito fell on the stone bed and closed his eyes, but his heart was a little bit ups and downs.

Uchiha Kai said "After all, Kenji", he didn't know what was going on at first.

But after thinking about it, he suddenly realized a problem.

That is, 'Xian' seems to refer to IQ, and when I was at the ninja school, I always seemed to have failed in my exams.

Could it be that on your transcript evaluation, your 'virtuous' is the second?

When I think of this Uchiha Obito, I feel a little unhappy in my heart, why is I only second in this aspect of "Xian"?

Is Kai Uchiha a good guy?

Uchiha Obito remembered that when this guy was in school, his performance was mediocre.

He was even kicked over by Akai!

What is the difference between this and himself, why can he become the Minister of the Security Department?

"However, it sounds like I'm not bad now, right?"

I don't know why, but Uchiha Obito suddenly thought of himself.

Excluding the identity of Konoha Ninja, it seems that what he does is no worse than Uchiha Kai.

Sighing slightly, Uchiha Obito was not thinking about this issue.

He knew that since he had accepted this task - although he still needed to investigate, and Uchiha Kai did not give him any documents.

But he has to make some preparations, especially since he knows that he must not reveal his secrets!

He did not do the espionage task of lurking to obtain information, but this did not mean that he felt that he could not.

He has to control his emotions, especially when facing Hei Jue and their emotions, he must not expose them.

One thing he thinks Uchiha Kai said is right, that is to completely destroy their plan and make them feel hopeless.

Then take it slowly, step by step.

He doesn't want to be exposed, and he doesn't want to expose it, because there is also a curse mark placed on his heart.

"However, the control power of this curse seal is relatively small, and it will not affect my judgment and decision-making."

Uchiha Obito is very clear about these things: "But this curse mark can kill me.

I'm not afraid of death, and I may choose to die in the future..."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito opened his eyes.

His eyes dimly looked at Hei Jue, who was bandaging his wound.

"When I investigate clearly, when I destroy Wuyin Village, and when I completely destroy their plan, I will die.

Die as a Konoha ninja who has paid off his merits and completed his redemption. "

"Lin, wait for me..."


"I am back."

Namikaze Minato appeared in his home with some wobbles.

It may be because he is too weak. After he used Flying Thunder God, he would experience dizziness and other situations that should not have occurred at all.

Shaking his head, Namikaze Minato felt that he was right to listen to Uchiha Kai.

This kid always gives irresistible reasons, and at the same time what he does is always so right.

Minato Namikaze sighed a little. If such excellent talents were replaced by the three generations, I am afraid he would not have the opportunity to think that Kazunoha would contribute, right?

And to a large extent, he will be forced to become the enemy.

Namikaze Minato felt a little bad when he thought of Uchiha Kai as an enemy.

Even when Uchiha Kai was regarded as an imaginary enemy, the first reaction in his mind was, this is a dangerous and cold guy!

But in fact, when Namikaze Minato treats Kei Uchiha as a friend, he can't feel the coldness of this guy at all.

Some are just calm and wise.

"Probably, this can only be achieved by looking at the same person from different positions." Minato Namifeng smiled helplessly: "People are always prejudiced."

Walking through the room one step at a time, Minato Namikaze soon saw Kushina, who had fallen into a deep sleep, and Naruto, who was sleeping in her arms without crying or making trouble.

At this moment, there was a warm smile on the corner of Nafeng Minato's mouth. This is the feeling of home, and this is the warmth that a home in his heart should have.

He couldn't imagine how he could live alone in this world if Kushina died.

Likewise, he couldn't imagine what kind of choice Kushina would make if he died.

But no matter what the outcome is, it is their children who will be hurt in the end.

Naruto is the testimony of their love and the crystallization of their love.

This is a gift from God, and it is the person they love the most in their hearts.

They don't want to protect the child all the time, and they don't want to hurt the child anyway.

Gently touching Kushina's cheek, feeling the residual warmth in his hand, Minato Minato's smile became even brighter.

He took off his shirt and then lay on the bed.

His hand wrapped around Kushina's back, and it looked like the two of them were holding Naruto in the middle.

Probably feeling a little hot, Naruto twisted his body.

Then he smacked his lips and turned his entire body to the side of Minato Minato, and then curled up and fell asleep.

Minato Namikaze gently nuzzled Naruto with his head. The little guy seemed to have fallen asleep and didn't move at all, which made Minato Minato Namikaze even happier.

"I will take good care of you." Minato Minato Namikaze whispered: "I will take good care of the village, protect this family, protect you, protect you..."

"Protect, the one I love the most."


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