Chapter 290: restructuring plan

Early the next morning, Uchiha Kai came to the Hokage office.

After a good rest at home for a day, he originally planned to go to the security department.

Now, even if he doesn't come to the security department to report, the three sub-commanders can help him solve a lot of work.

But as the head of the security department, especially when such an important thing happened, naturally all kinds of important work have to be done.

It's just that Minato Minato is obviously more anxious than he is, and he wants to hold a meeting to discuss post-war reconstruction and so on.

As a Hokage, such a disaster happened in the village, and he could take care of his own health there.

When Uchiha Qi came to Hokage's office, he was stunned to find that he was the last to come.

And all the people present are the ministers of various departments, as well as the patriarchs of various families!

Uchiha Qi walked in a little embarrassedly, then found where Uchiha Fuyue was and sat down.

To be honest, he wasn't really interested in such a meeting.

Especially participating in this kind of village reconstruction meeting, Uchiha Kai is even more lacking in nature.

Although he has never seen a pig on a tree, he has seen a lot of things after eating pork for so many years.

Some things really just need to be copied.

But there are a lot of things involved here, the most typical of which is the distribution of interests.

The damage to the leaves is not too big, but this time there are naturally many areas that need to be improved.

After the improvement and rest, many things will be reshuffled.

For example, how should the new streets and streets be laid out, what family is stationed here, how to develop the economy of this area, and so on.

He is just a minister of the security department, not a family patriarch or something.

Therefore, Uchiha Qi simply kept silent throughout the whole process and left it to Uchiha Fuyue to take care of it.

Uchiha Fuyue looks full of energy and Yu Xuanang, although it is not clear how his eyes are worn out, but at least everything seems to be normal now.

And because of his performance last night, plus Namifeng Minato also got certain rights, and began to try to implement his original policy of 'integrating Uchiha into Konoha'.

The Uchiha family really got a lot of benefits.

Compared with the original work, because of the Nine Tails Incident that led to the death of Namikaze Minato, the Uchiha family was directly kicked to the edge of the village.

Now they are assigned to the core area of ​​the village, which is still some distance away from Hokage Rock.

But it is a coincidence that the street is going to be rebuilt here, which can link the various locations of Konoha.

Uchiha Kaito's reaction to this is relatively bland, while Uchiha Fuyue is not happy.

"Lord Hokage."

It was just that Uchiha Kai, who had been silent all the time, seemed to have thought of something, which made him suddenly speak, who was not planning to speak.

"Sorry to interrupt everyone, I have some small thoughts, I don't know..."

"Just say it directly, Minister Qi." Minato Namikaze was still pale, but he seemed to be in a good mood.

"If Minister Qi doesn't say a word at such a meeting, it really shows that we have a problem."

Namikaze Minato's words caused everyone present to look at Uchiha Kai.

They all know that the relationship between Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato is very close.

Many ninjas who were on the front line on the night of the Nine Tails Incident knew that Uchiha Kai was the one who did the most decision-making that night.

Even the fourth-generation Hokage Nami Feng Minato listened to the proposal of the youngest minister when choosing to seal the Nine-Tails.

It is conceivable that this kid's status in the minds of Namikaze Minato is in the end.

And the strength of this kid has been recognized by almost everyone present!

The strength of the two brothers, Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Ripa, is considered a very powerful existence in Konoha.

However, the two of them were placed by a masked person using only physical techniques.

Although the Hyuga brothers felt embarrassed about this, they did not hide it.

No one knows what their purpose is.

And the two of them also briefly narrated the last battle of Kai Uchiha and the battle of the man in black.

In fact, even if they don't say that everyone can feel it, the feeling of shaking the ground and the mountains can be imagined how terrifying it is!

With such a powerful and intelligent person, everyone present was thinking in their hearts, how to get closer to him.

It is a way to go through Uchiha Fuyue, but the haze when the three generations of Hokage took power still has some influence on them.

The second is that Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Kai seem to be on the same level. It is difficult to say whether Uchiha Fuyue will have any good results.

The best way is actually to go along with some of this guy's proposals that won't undermine their interests.

He had been silent before, giving them no chance at all, but now something seems to have changed.

"That's right, Hokage-sama."

Uchiha Kai really didn't plan to speak, but after he noticed these new distributions, he immediately thought of something.

"In fact, I have been thinking about a problem, that is, the place where the security department is placed is relatively far from the village.

In this way, many emergencies cannot be dealt with in time, such as the Nine-Tails Incident this time.

I wasted a lot of time sending people to evacuate the residents. "

"Indeed, the location of the security department is a bit far."

Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Kai. He hadn't figured out what this kid meant for a while, so he simply asked, "I don't know what Minister Kai has planned."

"I hope to choose a relatively suitable place to set up a branch of the security department in the four directions of Konoha."

Uchiha Qi said calmly: "In this way, my four teams will be stationed in those branches, and each of their teams will be responsible for the management of an area. In this case..."

"In this way, when a crisis occurs, we can quickly mobilize and respond, and the garrison unit is only responsible for one area, which can also reduce unnecessary time consumption, right?"

Naikaze Minato immediately understood Uchiha Kai, and he even made an inference: "In this case, the medical department, the task department, etc. can also be set up as branches!"

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"We could also have a changing of the guard system, where they would move around every once in a while, to keep them from doing something bad in the area.

Moreover, it can also promote their internal competition. During their stationing, they can compete to see who is in charge of the best and most stable area. "

Uchiha Kai's words made Minato's eyes light up, which seems to be a very good measure.

It is true that in this case, the rights of the Ministry of Guards will be greatly enhanced.

But doing this can make Konoha stable, why can't he choose to do it?

Namikaze Minato felt that, in fact, it was not that Sandaimu did not think of this plan when he was in power.

Just as he thought, doing so would greatly enhance the rights of the Security Department.

According to the thoughts of Sandaimu and the others, I am afraid they will never allow such a thing to happen.

And departments such as the Ministry of Guards are suppressed in this way, so they will not consider other departments.

Balance is the most important thing.

The Second Ninja World War ended, and the third generation of Hokage was reforming. He did not dare to provoke the Uchiha clan.

Finally, he stood on his heels and survived the war, and he was going to complete a series of reforms.

When his strategy of dividing different ninjas by identity politics was realized, the footsteps of the third ninja war came again.

During the war, he didn't do stupid things, so he continued to maintain a balanced attitude to face Uchiha.

Not only Namikaze Minato thought of this, who didn't think of the other ninjas present?

The identity of the ninjas who can enter this venue is not low, and their IQ is also not low.

Uchiha Kai put forward this suggestion, which is indeed good for Konoha.

But it is undeniable that this kid is secretly further expanding the scope of the security department.

But the fourth generation seems to have no intention of vetoing, and even he seems very satisfied.

This could not help but make the ninjas present believe that this is a signal!

Immediately they started thinking, what other parts could be split.

Then place the directions in the four areas of Konoha, and they can relate to them.

As a result, after thinking about it, they were stunned and found that there really seemed to be no departments!

They basically have no right to speak in the medical department, and very few of them work in the medical department.

The mission department is fine, but the head of the mission department belongs to the Nara family, which requires them to work together.

Ninja School....

Forget it, this doesn't need to be considered at all, I'm afraid this thing is really hard to move.

So the biggest profit from such reforms, no matter how you look at it, is the Ministry of Guards.

Many ninjas looked at each other, and he suddenly thought that Uchiha Kai had already made the next move?

In today's security department, the personnel composition is extremely complex.

Civilian ninjas, Uchiha ninjas, ninjas from various families, and even Hinata ninjas, who they usually do not deal with very much, entered.

It can be said that this is also a signal, a signal that 'the security department is Konoha's security department, not Uchiha's security department'.

Probably because of these signals, Namikaze Minato agreed to this proposal almost immediately.

"It's a mistake, you shouldn't have dealt with it like that in the first place." The patriarchs of many families thought in distress.

They faced Jun Uchiha's visit at that time, and indeed prepared some family members as investments.

It's just that the intensity of their investment is obviously not keeping up with the current changes.

Who knew that the Uchiha clan would actually produce such a little guy, a powerful little guy with a clear mind and a lot of skills.

"That's right, Director Qi." Just when the clan chiefs were secretly distressed, Minato Minato Nakamo spoke again: "So, in this way, are there enough people in the security department?"

Is it enough?

Hearing this sentence the eyes of the patriarchs of those families lit up, this is a good opportunity for the fourth generation of Hokage to come to the door.

"There will indeed be a shortage of people." Uchiha Qi seemed to have guessed what Namikaze Minato meant, and he nodded directly.

"In the future, the headquarters of the Security Department will only be responsible for administration and research, and other matters will be handed over to the subordinate branches for management. At that time, there may be shortages of people everywhere."

"I see, then I allow you to expand the staffing of the Guard."

Minato Namikaze laughed: "By the way, the headquarters of the Security Department, where do you plan to set it up?"

"I haven't thought of it yet."

"What do you think about the vicinity of the Hokage Building?"


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