Chapter 295: 3 Road to Giants (Part 2)

That's right, Uchiha Kai's eyes are indeed on the three giants who are now Konoha's only remaining fruit.

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan's practice of 'moistening the rain silently', as well as his old-fashioned control of the security department and the medical department.

It all made Uchiha Qi understand that he would not give up so easily.

How to let this reveal flaws, this is a troublesome thing.

Because this can only wait silently, or Uchiha will take the initiative to create opportunities for him.

But after revealing the flaw, how to catch this flaw and cooperate with what kind of people to kill this flaw requires Uchiha Kai and the others to prepare themselves.

It is not easy to become the Big Three, because it depends on the interests of those in power.

Obviously, Uchiha Kai and the others are in a very delicate era.

I do not deny the means of Namifeng Minato, and I have the confidence and the means to do it all.

However, Uchiha Kai's stalking from it unexpectedly gained his huge trust.

Although it can't be called absolute, it is already far ahead of others by many times.

And being 'bewitched' by Uchiha Kai, Namikaze Minato embarked on a path to confront the three generations of Hokage.

In this way, he naturally has no way to inherit the interest group created by the three generations of Hokage.

It can be said that Namikaze Minato really doesn't have any 'good cards' to play right now.

The absolute support of the Uchiha family, coupled with the help of Uchiha Kai to help Namikaze Minato draw a hidden thousand hands.

Incidentally, it also led to a half-assistance, and the position is not very obvious, but at certain moments, he can support Uchiha.

It can be said that the basic plate of Namikaze Minato was created by Uchiha Qi single-handedly!

But obviously, this is not enough, it is far from enough!

If you want to go further, then Uchiha Kai and their bodies will become larger.

The only ones that meet the standard are probably only the Uchiha clan.

Under the construction of Uchiha Kai, the Security Department has basically formed a trend of expansion.

As long as it continues to move forward steadily, and at the same time, Uchiha Kai continues to have more voice, then it is just around the corner to become the "only law enforcement standard" in Konoha Village.

Kei Uchiha wants to master the 'army in the village', then Kenta Imai, who he hopes, is the throat of the Senju clan to master the tasks in the village.

Imai Kenta is just getting started, it's still early.

But it is undeniable that as he continues to move forward, he will inevitably gain more right to speak in his family.

In addition, there is a small and medium-sized family that still misses the majesty of a thousand hands. As long as he does not touch the interests of too many people, he will be able to do this sooner or later.

I am afraid that the only one who makes Uchiha Kai a little regretful is Hyuga Aya.

As a branch of the Hinata clan, she does get stuck in the throat, which limits her future achievements.

However, Uchiha Kai does not regret helping her, let alone cooperating with her.

If it is a clan, I am afraid he will not have the idea of ​​agreeing to cooperate at all.

Because it may be difficult for them to achieve a common interest drive, without a common goal, how can it be possible to cooperate?

It's just that the owner's throat is stuck, so take the hand that's blocking the owner's throat away.

Or, forcing the owner of these hands to make certain concessions to some extent!

Whether Hyuga Aya can get rid of the shackles of the caged bird, Uchiha Kai is actually beating drums in his heart.

You can draw a cake, but it is really difficult to find this cake.

So he has to think of something else.

And the last thing he wanted and had to think about was to kick Aya Hyuga and turn his head to cooperate with Hyuga Hizu.

But this is all in the future, and it's not worth thinking about so much now.

What's more, it's not necessarily better to cooperate with Hyuga Aya.

"Ki-kun, it's dangerous for you to think like this." Hyuga Aya frowned.

"The Big Three are indeed very tempting. But who are the Big Three in your mouth? Is it us?"

"That's right, it's us." Uchiha Qi nodded seriously.

"In fact, you all know the size of the security department that I control in the future.

Although Jian Taijun is still in its infancy, a secret and huge family like the Qianshou Clan has a very high value even if it is in decline.

And you..."

"I'm just a branch." Hyuga Aya laughed.

"It seems that Qijun has given me great news this time. Are you confident in my future experiments?"

"Don't you have confidence?" Uchiha Qi said calmly.

"You have confidence, or you have imposed a 'win' belief on yourself, why don't I trust you?"

Although the psychology does not think so, but no matter how you say it, Uchiha Kai will never show any attitude.

He had to keep Hyuga Aya in this state.

To be honest, Tenseisen didn't want to appear.

But the caged bird was broken, and he was happy to see it.

Because Hinata Aya is free, although it will bring a great impact to the Hinata family.

But he is very clear about how strong the fighting power of the division is, and he prefers to have a relatively strong ally.

"So, what do you want me to master?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head: "Ministry of Government? Ministry of Finance? Or..."

"The medical department." Uchiha Qi gave her an answer directly: "I hope you have mastered the medical department."

The medical department is the lifeblood of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

With this medical department, a large wave of Konoha ninjas can be absorbed fiercely.

What ninja doesn't worry about getting hurt without healing?

Which ninja wished that he had come back alive, but died because he could not be treated?

The Medical Department was originally rejected by Sarutobi Hizan, but was established by Tsunade's strong proposal.

Now it has become the best card in Hiruzen Sarutobi's hand, and the most feared card by Uchiha Kai.

Coincidentally, Hyuga Aya has now begun to learn and develop in this direction.

Although she is not a professional medical ninja, as long as she operates reasonably and uses some means, it is not impossible for Hyuga Aya to get this minister's post.

Who has stipulated that the head of the medical department must be an extremely powerful existence in medical ninjutsu?

Although Tsunade is off to a good start, it is not impossible to change all this.

Kai Uchiha has always felt that high medical ninjutsu is indeed a good thing.

But as the minister of the Ministry of Health, more should be planning and managing the Ministry of Health.

Instead of encountering any seriously wounded, you have to go off the field and deal with it yourself.

Reasonable allocation of resources, reasonable management personnel.

And find a way to preside over the research and development of new medical technologies, or preside over the development of new drugs, this is what a qualified minister should do.

"But Captain, the medical department is something that Hokage III will never let go of."

Imai Kenta shook his head, and then his eyes turned to Hyuga Aya's forehead: "And, are you too anxious to start now?"

"So we just made plans in advance and prepared ourselves mentally." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently.

"My hands-on time is not that fixed, because some things are beyond my control.

But I can deliberately release something when we are ready, so that some people can make some mistakes themselves. "

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya looked at each other, and then they both nodded silently.

Neither of them were stupid, they both knew what Kai Uchiha meant.

Indeed, according to the current situation of the three giants, I am afraid that they will really bite like fish.

It's just how big the bait on this hook is, it depends on how Uchiha Kai designed it himself, and they won't think much about it.

But they were indeed aroused by Uchiha Kai. If they can really achieve which step, it will be a great improvement and help for them!

"Will the Fourth Hokage-sama agree?" Imai Kenta asked uncertainly, "If we settle the three, but we ourselves..."

"The story of the brave man who slaughtered the dragon, but turned into a dragon in the end?" Uchiha Kai smiled.

"First of all, I was worried about myself becoming the dragon, so I found you two.

Power cannot be overly concentrated in the hands of one person, separating them while we support only that one.

This is the safest and most stable, which is why I dare to do it and want to do it.


Having said this, Uchiha Kai stopped.

There are some things he can't say much, especially since the scope of this matter is too large.

It can be said that except for a family like him who has prepared in advance, other ninja families will be more or less affected.

Thoroughly integrate Konoha and use ninja levels to divide horizontally.

This is really not an easy thing, because it touches the interests of many family ninjas!

Uchiha Qixin had already made enough plans, and he also made a lot of preparations in advance.

But these things are only known to the Uchiha clan, and others can really be said to know nothing.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai was not thinking too much about this issue.

The development of some things is the choice of society, and it is also a human choice.

Maybe he will reveal some later, but definitely not now.

Raising his head, he looked at Kenta Imai and Aya Hyuga, who were slightly puzzled, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Sorry, there are some things I can't say too much." Uchiha Qi tapped on the table.

"After all, the scope involved is too large, and the scope of the impact is also very wide. Before you have absolute certainty, saying something is just causing trouble for yourself."

"We know." Although Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta had some regrets, they didn't ask too much in the end.

However, Hyuga Aya remembered something: "By the way, you said that you want to apply for Junin for me, but with your relationship, this document has not been released yet, is it related to this matter?"

"Very keen, it does matter." Uchiha Qi didn't deny it, he nodded and said, "It's a birthday present for you, although it's a bit late, but I can guarantee that it's in your hands."

"Besides the matter of Joinin, I'm more concerned about another point, Captain." Kenta Imai seemed to have reacted.

"I would like to ask, if I become the head of the mission department, who should I recruit."

"In Konoha, all ninjas who meet the standard. It is all, there is no family requirement, only..."

"Requirements for ninja level..."


Some words are almost here. As for how much the two people understand, Uchiha Qi is too lazy to guess.

The formation of the "Big Three" is actually a division of power control.

By mastering key departments, you can enhance your voice.

But this step is to be done, and to cater to the reforms proposed by Uchiha Kai.

Then there are still some things that need to be further improved.

For example, the ninja level regulation within the department, the control of the power structure.

And a key point, that is the personnel component absorbed.

There are a lot of layouts that have just been reformed, or that the news has been obtained in advance.

What's more, Uchiha Kai didn't reveal much. If they couldn't understand it to this extent, Uchiha Kai didn't have any good solution.

As for the so-called Big Three, in fact, it is not only about power, but also about strength.

This strength includes family strength, as well as personal force.

A ninja is a killing tool after all, and people without strength can't control those powerful subordinates.

In fact, for Kai Uchiha, power is a good flavoring agent, and a tool that allows him to obtain more resources and maintain rationality.

Character distortions brought about by the growth of power are not uncommon, but it is what Uchiha Qi needs most to not be distorted in such an environment and to maintain sufficient rationality.

He knew very well that he was indeed close to Danzo in some ways.

But one thing is that he is different from Danzo, that is, although he is a little twisted, he has not been swallowed up. He has always maintained a human nature.

Otherwise, he can completely improve himself, and let the fourth generation keep the pace of the third generation, and he will definitely gain much more benefits from it than now!

But he didn't, and the taste of power is really addicting.

But relying too much on power and forgetting the essence of a ninja is not what Uchiha wants.

It can bring a sense of peace to oneself, and at the same time there is enough that one cannot ignore it.

At the same time, it is enough for him without affecting the interests of those in power.

"So the power is divided into three parts, not in the hands of one person. Whether it is for outsiders or for Minato Namifeng, it is enough."

Uchiha Qixin thought silently: "And the three of us have enough rights and support him, maintain his basic plan, and stabilize the shock caused by the change, it is completely enough."

However, Uchiha Qi also knew that these were just his ideas.

The specific operation also depends on the strength growth of these two, as well as the subsequent reforms promoted.

But it is also necessary to say hello in advance and prepare them in their hearts.

Although the plan may be broken by reality at any time, but you are not prepared at all, how to face the future situation?

But no matter what the future holds, they still have more important things to do now, which is to improve themselves.

It took some time for Imai Kentai to fully recover, but just when Uchiha Kai was about to see his actual performance, Namifeng Minato asked Kakashi to call him over again.

What makes Uchiha Kai a little depressed is that once Kakashi is alone with him, his expression looks a little....


Uchiha Qi himself was a little depressed, he didn't meet Kakashi for some time.

And this guy is also busy now, but this kind of gaze doesn't seem right?

"I said, what's the situation in your eyes?" Uchiha Qi asked a little depressedly: "I won't let you go unless you give me a reasonable explanation."

"" Kakashi said to him with some hesitation, and then he immediately changed the subject: "It's just that I haven't seen you for a long time, and it feels like you've become stronger again."

"Really?" Uchiha Qi glanced at the guy suspiciously, and nodded until the guy broke out in a cold sweat.

"Ah, it's definitely improved. How about you? How's it going? And what about Anbe?"

Uchiha Kai shouldn't actually ask these questions, no matter how you look at it, it's a bit beyond the boundaries of his power.

It's just that Kakashi doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with this.

He is very clear about the relationship between Uchiha Qi and his teacher. In addition, there are Uchiha members in the Anbu. Uchiha Qi really wants to know some things are really very simple.

He took the initiative to ask himself, and also let Kakashi know that he did not probe Anbu by other means.

"It's okay, after all, there are so many tasks in Anbu, and I have made a lot of efforts to go further. I should be much stronger now than I used to be."

Probably talking about business, so that Kakashi is not so embarrassed, and his chatterbox is also opened.

"As for Anbu, it's almost integrated now.

The running-in is in progress, and Minister Qianyue is also doing the handover work, but the specific handover time has not been set. "

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded.

"It seems that you have to work hard. After the handover of Minister Anbu, the vacancy of the Minister will be vacant. Captain Watergate and I both hope that you can take that position.

Whether it's for me, the Uchiha behind me, or the people who united with us Uchiha to support Captain Watergate, I look forward to your performance. "

"I know." Kakashi is not stunned, after all, how can people who can be the sixth generation of Hokage in the future be stupid.

"It's just that the pressure you put on me is too much, right?"

"Where does the motivation come from without pressure." Uchiha Qi patted his shoulder, then looked forward.

"Come on, Kakashi, we still have a long way to go.

And, in the future, you may find something more interesting, but only if you stand high enough. "

"Well." Kakashi's face was a little stiff, and he quietly leaned his body back.

Fortunately, Uchiha Qi didn't see his movements, and then he said slowly: "I know, there is pressure to be motivated, and I won't let you down."

It is true that there is pressure to be motivated, and no matter who is growing up, it cannot be smooth sailing.

For example, the current Uchiha Kai, I am afraid that few people can say clearly what he experienced on the battlefield.

The same is true for Kakashi, who lost his parents when he was a child, and then lost his closest companions and friends.

Without such pressure and sadness as the driving force for growth, they would not be where they are today.


Kakashi glanced at the person in front of him, and he felt that he was under a lot of pressure from other aspects...


"Qijun, this is the roster of the Shangnin report you applied for, and it has been approved."

In Naruto's office, Minato Minato put the four documents in front of Kai Uchiha with a smile on his face.

Uchiha Qi glanced at it, and it was obvious that these four documents were submitted by him, and the people he nominated for assessment had reviewed the documents.

Uchiha Kai nominated a total of four people, namely Hyuga Aya, Imai Kenta, Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage.

Although Kenta Imai has left the security department, as an old boss and a teammate, he still has the right to nominate in this regard.

"Thank you for your hard work, Captain Minato." Uchiha Qi picked up the four documents and put them away: "After dealing with it for so long, I think I have encountered some troubles, right?"

"I did encounter some troubles." Minato Namikaze nodded: "Lu Jiu found me a few days ago and... After doing some testing, he found the clue very keenly."

As soon as Uchiha Kei heard the name of Nara Shikahisa, he probably knew the reason.

Nara Shikahisa is the one with the highest IQ level in the entire Hokage animation, or in the manga.

Of course, he will be replaced by his son Nara Shikamaru in the future.

But that's because he was killed by the ten-tailed beast jade. If you really want to say it, it's not necessarily who is stronger and who is weaker than the father and son.

And, as the Minister of State Affairs.

I am afraid that Nara Shikahisa has been watching all aspects of Namikaze Minato's movements, and he has given some advice and help, so he found that it is really not difficult to understand.

"Captain Minato, what did you tell him?" Uchiha Qi frowned slightly: "Or, what did he notice?"

"Because I asked them to integrate the special roster, many people have discovered this, but he is the only one who is very keen."

Minato Namikaze smiled, and then explained: "Combining with a meeting I held before, to test their questions about the promotion of the Jinnin, he probably guessed something.

And he's very smart, he came with Ding Zuo..."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded.

Qiu Dao Dingza is an old teammate of Namikaze Minato, and only Zhuludie will support him with this relationship, but their position has not been completely determined.

But this time...

Uchiha Kai suddenly laughed: "They made a choice, right?"

"Well, that's true." Minato Namikaze touched his yellow hair.

"They did reveal this, and to be honest I'm very happy, after all, the pig, deer and butterfly...

But I didn't say too much, because I'm not sure about your attitude. "

Namikaze Minato is still very cautious, he does worry about something else.

For example, he is not sure how clean the relationship between the three Zhuludie and the three generations is.

Also, how many things did they perceive.

And what the Uchiha family will think if he speaks out, these are things he has to consider.

One cannot be ungrateful.

The help the Uchiha family has provided to him is too great, and he can sit so firmly now, and he himself knows who is helping him.

It's impossible for him to turn around and say "Uchiha a group of pink-eyed ninjas" after he has mastered Naruto's authority now?

Namikaze Minato thinks he can't do it, and his bottom line doesn't allow him to do it.

"Since you didn't say it, then don't say it for the time being." Uchiha Qi thought for a while, and then explained.

"When a slap is in the air, others will be worried and jealous.

Once it really falls, others will know the attitude and strength of your slap.

It's okay to reveal a little bit, but don't say everything, let them figure out and guess for themselves, but don't let them go astray.

These three companies of Zhuludie will be of great help to you in the future, so let them know a little about the inside story.

With enough arrangements, in the future when you push all this, they will have a greater heart of gratitude. "


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