Chapter 296: alarm bell

They didn't say too much when they met with Minato Namikaze this time.

Except for some of Minato's movements that were detected, everything was fine.

After the last test, Sarutobi Hiizhan also stopped his own movements,

Probably has already figured out the bottom line of Nagao Minato, and he has to gather his own forces well and make some other preparations.

Therefore, no one blocked him in many of the following work, and it can be said that everything is on the right track.

After understanding these contents, Uchiha Kai didn't talk to him too much.

In Hokage's office, even Anbu was all his people, and he left after he came in honestly.

But in front of so many photos of the previous Hokage, saying something not so good always makes Minato Namibe feel weird.

Uchiha Qi also didn't like this kind of environment very much, so he chose to leave after getting four Shangnin certificates.

"By the way, Qijun, the new guard building is ready to start."

Just as Uchiha Kai was about to leave, Minato Namikaze suddenly shouted: "But the ninja from the construction team came to you once, but you are not in the security department.

And they are also very busy, so ask me to bring you a word, if you have time, go to them.

Of course, the design of the new building of the Ministry of Guards also refers to the meaning of your minister. "

"Uh, is that so?" Uchiha Qi touched his chin, and then he nodded: "I see, Captain Minato, I will visit them."

The speed at which ninjas build things is really not comparable to ordinary people.

If it is a wooden house or something, I am afraid they will be more painful, because they do not have ninjutsu like Mu Dun.

But large houses are much simpler, except for the steel bars and foundations of the foundation.

They can do other things through ninjutsu, which can be said to be convenient and fast.

After Uchiha Qi left the Naruto office, he pondered for a while and did not go to the ninja of the engineering team.

The upcoming start of work does not mean that the work will start immediately, and Uchiha Kai feels that he does not need to be in such a hurry.

What's more, the ninjas of these construction teams are not necessarily so professional.

The reconstruction project of Konoha is actually an unusually unfamiliar job to everyone.

For the current villagers, although they all know how many people were killed and injured during the Ninja World War, how many ninjas Konoha lost.

However, the fire of war never really burned into Konoha Village.

The Nine-Tails Incident taught everyone a lesson, and made them understand that the defense in the village must not be taken lightly.

Therefore, the reconstruction of Namikaze Minato has been more detailed planning for each fortification from the very beginning.

The purpose is to prevent the Nine-Tails Incident from happening again.

It is precisely because of those fortifications that the reconstruction of the village has been delayed.

Now let Uchiha Qi find the people in the engineering team, maybe they are building some fortifications.

All the way back to the laboratory, Uchiha inspired Kenta Ii now to sit up and find a corner to practice Chakra.

What just surprised Uchiha Kai was that even if he didn't open the writing wheel, he found that this guy's chakra seemed to have increased a lot.

Probably because he is not quite used to the current situation, his breath is a little unstable.

Such a situation has never happened to Uchiha Kai, so he is not quite sure what happened to Imai Kenta now.

Turning her head, Kai Uchiha came to the room where Aya Hyuga was, and she was comparing the research materials of the second generation with the research materials of Orochimaru.

The second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama can be said to be a legendary scientist.

His information is also of great value, but it is much more difficult to understand the information than what Orochimaru left behind.

I'm afraid this guy never thought of giving this information to other people, even his own descendants.

"Have you found anything?" Uchiha Qi sat directly over: "Is there a big difference between these two documents?"

"Huh? Are you coming back?" Hyuga Aya looked up and glanced at him, then lowered her head again.

"The difference is indeed quite large, but they are all very useful, the main reason is that their research directions are different.

One is to analyze the fusion scheme of the cells, and the other is to analyze the power of the wood escape in the cells.

But generally speaking, these two materials are available in many places and complement each other to some extent. "

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded, then he took out a document and placed it in front of Hyuga Aya: "Although it is at least three months late, I still brought you a birthday present. "

"Is it approved?" Hyuga Aya glanced at the documents on the table, and then showed a smile: "Thank you for the gift, and thank you for remembering my birthday, although it's a bit late. But..."

"Don't be so yin and yang, although you are late, it is also a gift, a gift from your teammates."

"But you didn't ask me if I liked it before you sent it to me."

Uchiha Qi didn't bother to pay attention to this woman at all. This woman is really annoying sometimes.

However, although Hyuga Aya said so, her hands were moving very quickly.

She brought the documents on the table and carefully checked them before putting them away.

Uchiha Kai could only shake his head when he saw this scene.

Through some previous conversations, she also realized some actions that Konoha is going to do now.

It's not clear what it is, but she knows that the identity of Shangnin may become extremely important.

"By the way, I just saw Kenta Imai practicing chakra over there."

Uchiha Kei didn't want to worry about the woman's inappropriate behavior anymore, and he directly asked Imai Kenta's question.

"How is he now?"

"It's okay, but I can't compare to you."

Hyuga Aya put away the document and said: "I don't inject much serum into him, because he is not like you, it seems that he is born with the corresponding suppression of that kind of cells.

But his effect is better than yours, and his absorption and fusion are higher than yours, just in terms of control..."

Having said that, Hyuga Aya stopped, and there is no need for her to talk about the issue of control.

There are clearly visible chakras circulating on his body, I am afraid that everyone can see the problem.

Imai Kenta is afraid that it will take a long time to deal with this problem.

Although Chakra controls this aspect, it won't affect a person too much when it is not related to combat.

It's just that in this situation, the ghost knows when they will face the enemy, and Imai Kenta naturally can't let himself fall behind.

"In terms of control, he needs to solve it himself. No one can help him, but his chakra surge is really enviable."

Uchiha Qi sighed: "Now his chakra size should have increased a lot, right?"

"A third more than before."

Aya Hyuga quickly said a statistic that made Kai Uchiha jealous.

It's just that Hyuga Aya doesn't seem to be optimistic about these data: "To be honest, he is not as good as you. Although your growth rate is low, it is much safer than him. By the way, do you think the Hyuga clan will..."

"This question?" Uchiha Kai frowned.

The meaning of Hyuga Aya is very simple, that is, will the Hyuga clan also have a similar group that restrains each other and suppresses the ability to run wild.

To be honest, Uchiha Kai's understanding of this issue is indeed limited.

He really doesn't know the point of mutual suppression, but if it's the same bloodline power, he still remembers some of it.

If nothing else, Kaguya Otsutsuki, who is the true ancestor of the Hinata clan, has a body that is not an ordinary existence in her white eyes.

Strictly speaking, this kind of power seems to have really formed a clan in the ninja world, that is, the Kaguya clan.

To be honest, the bodies of the Kaguya clan are really strong. Although Kai Uchiha has never met them, he knows something from the animation.

Could it be that the blood of these guys can actually be fused with the blood of the Hyuga clan?

Uchiha Qi touched his chin and thought carefully, this question is really hard to say.

After all, no matter how you look at Kaguya's co-killing ashes, it is an infinitely evolved version of the so-called Kaguya clan moves.

Also, the bloodstain disease of the Kaguya clan broke out more frequently.

Could it be that they did not have another key factor to suppress this bloodline?

After thinking about it, Uchiha Qi felt that he could give it a try. The Kaguya clan might be wiped out in a few years.

The cause of their death was that Uchiha Obito controlled the water shadow, and in order to retaliate against Lin's hatred, he began to expand the blood fog policy left by Uchiha Madara.

As a result, because of this cruel policy, the blood family in Kiriyin Village rebelled and perished one after another.

And the Kaguya clan belonged to the same type that He Taodi would never kill again - they chose a coup and wanted to kill Mizuying.

Needless to say, the final result, the only one left of them was Junmalu who opened the bloodline limit and was regarded as a monster.

Uchiha Qi felt that if he really wanted to find them, then his goal would only be Empress Junma Lu.

Although this kid was kidnapped by Orochimaru, it is not something that can't be done by cutting Hu Orochimaru.

"Your idea is good. I will investigate and follow up the investigation to see which family your Hyuga clan used to be close to."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi raised his head and looked at Hyuga Aya, but he didn't say what he thought at one time.

"And you have to follow up on this matter, after all..."

"I see. It's thanks to you that I now have the right to enter the family library."

Hyuga Aya said with a smile: "Although I don't know if there will be any gains, but we have a better idea."

"It's really a good idea." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then his face became a little serious: "At least this way, you don't have to risk doing some experiments."

"It seems that Qi-Jun really noticed it long ago." Hyuga Aya froze for a moment, then sighed: "Is it because of Immortal Arts?"

"Ah, I don't actually blame you, if I did, I would have said it long ago.

After all, you've helped me so much, and I can understand your resistance and impatience.

But next time, don't take that risk, because you're really going to die. "

"Did Qijun do it yourself?"

"No, curiosity killed you. Plus, things that don't work for you.

I will not kill you unless you betray me. "


A wake-up call to Aya Hyuga is enough, everything must be done in moderation.

Of course, he can understand the urgency of Hyuga Aya's heart.

After all, watching Uchiha Kai pass her experiments, step by step, he became stronger and more incomprehensible.

The anxiety in her heart is completely conceivable.

So she secretly tried to use the first-generation target cells, and Uchiha Kai didn't plan to say anything to her.

After all, she survived without any problems.

And it was a blessing in disguise that she had the ability to use immortal art, which was considered her luck and what she deserved.

It's just that Hyuga Aya's use of this kind of thing will always give Uchiha Kai a discordant feeling.

If Uchiha Kai didn't think about the Kaguya clan, then he would never say anything more.

This woman will continue to experiment, and he will not stop it.

It's just that he thinks of this problem now, so naturally he won't let this woman continue.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what happens.

If there is an irreversible problem, it's a lot of fun.


Day by day, Konoha's forty-eight years have come to an end.

And this year's change is an adventure and a challenge for Uchiha Kai.

Because this year, a lot has happened.

The most typical is that the four generations of the couple who should have died in the fight for Konoha are still alive.

And the three generations of Hokage who should have re-accepted Hokage and became the longest reigning Hokage were hidden at the root.

As for the original owner of Shimura Danzo, he has already died in the hands of Uchiha Kai!

There are many things that Uchiha Kai has changed, but there are also many things that he cannot change.

As Konoha fully escapes the haze of war, perhaps the ninjas have had time to spare, or they are trying to inspire the people.

Konoha also attracted a baby boom during this period of time.

So-called baby boomers are usually caused by exciting reasons, such as good crops, winning wars, etc.

Konoha won the Ninja World War once again, and the ninjas who went to the battlefield to die with the joy of victory disarmed and returned to the field, successfully triggering the second round of Konoha's baby boom.

The first round is also funny, Uchiha Kai was born in that round, and there are guys of the same age as Kakashi and Matekai.

And this time the baby boom is even more exaggerated, because it brought a group of immortal Xiaoqiang, but also brought two people who will surpass the entire ninja world in the future.

Standing silently in a training ground, watching the snowflakes falling on him constantly, Uchiha Qi pulled out his ninja sword, and his eyes turned to Imai Kenta standing not far away.

Imai Kenta, this boy, has been fused and stabilized for so long.

His current situation has greatly improved.

In order to test his current actual combat effectiveness, and to facilitate the collection of data by Hyuga Aya, he invited Uchiha Kai to fight in actual combat.

To be honest, Uchiha Kai is really not interested in such an actual combat confrontation.

Imai Kenta is constantly growing, has Uchiha Kai stopped?

His progress is probably several times that of Imai Kenta!

After a few months, the pupil strength of his eyes had already recovered.

And now he also noticed that the quality of his pupil power seems to have begun to improve.

Not only that, but his chakra has finally changed.

Although the growth rate is still not fast, it has reached the level that only adults can have, and it is still of more types.

Crucially, the quality of his chakra has also improved over time.

Now that Uchiha Kai uses a technique, the power has surpassed many times before.

Although it is still impossible to compare with Uchiha Madara, using a flaming fire can reach the level of fear.

But his techniques are really not something that ordinary people can easily guard against, including illusion techniques.

In addition to improving the quality and quantity of chakras, Uchiha Kai also started to develop chakras with earth and water attributes.

I have to thank the thousand-handed family of Chakra, who is born with two attributes, and Uchiha Qi also got feedback in this regard.

Just want to exercise these chakras to a certain intensity, and try to integrate it is not difficult.

Although Xue Jisuo made him envious, he also knew his talent.

You know, he hasn't made a Chakra of the wind attribute yet.

There are a lot of good things, but there are also some problems.

The only thing that made him a little depressed was that his eyes still didn't reach the level of eternal eyes.

Although it is getting stronger and stronger, there is still a big gap.

But it's enough for now.

He has decided to start trying to transplant the Eternal Eye in a few days, and see the power of those eyes.

Then, he can consider whether to give those eyes to Uchiha Fugaku.

"Are you ready?" Uchiha Qi looked calmly at Imai Kenta not far away, and asked calmly.

"Seriously, it's not a good choice to have me as an opponent."

"But, you are the only opponent I can think of, and at the same time, you can make that woman record data, captain."

Imai Kenta looked a little helpless, but the ninja sword in his hand had already bloomed with blue chakra.

"Please give me more advice, Captain."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kenta Imai's figure had disappeared.

His speed is so fast that people can hardly see his figure.

The extremely fast movement speed did not bring much wind, but in an instant his ninja knife had already slashed towards Uchiha Kai's neck!

It's right to fight in actual combat, but this guy is obviously in a state of 'facing a strong enemy of life and death'.

Although Uchiha Kai's reaction speed can't be said to be the best in the ninja world, it's not even faster than Namikaze Minato.

But with the help of his kaleidoscope bias, he has surpassed the vast majority of ninjas.

His eyes instantly became scarlet, and three hook jades spun slightly in his pupils.

He didn't even draw his knife, and he didn't move at all.

When Kenta Ii's ninja knife slashed on him, the dark chakra had quietly emerged.

Susanoo in the initial state, although he has not become the instinct of Uchiha Kai, but he can already retract it freely!

The next moment, Uchiha Kai's ninja sword was unsheathed.

This ninja sword called Kieyu burst into a blue light, and he had already swung a sword when he locked Kenta Imai.

There are no tricks or bells and whistles, but this knife made Kenta Imai feel the threat of death!

Imai Kenta immediately twisted the ninja knife slightly, just blocking the knife from Uchiha Kai.

Then his body turned slightly to the side and opened up enough, and then he kicked Uchiha Kai hard!

Uchiha Kai raised his left hand, instantly blocking Imai Kenta's kick.

The three gouyu in his eyes spun slightly, and the next moment Kenta Imai seemed to feel a trance.

But Uchiha Kai also let go at this moment, as if he didn't take Imai Kenta in his eyes at all.

This guy, Imai Kenta, seems to be really good at fighting Sharinyan.

At this moment, in Uchiha Kai's eyes, he has already become a water body.

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

Not far away, a water dragon suddenly swept towards Kai Uchiha.

This water dragon looks lifelike, but it is a pity that this level of water dragon bullets is really no threat to Uchiha Kai.

With a gentle pull of the ninja sword in his hand, Uchiha Qi directly ignored the water dragon, and the Shunshu technique came to Imai Kenta's hidden position!

But what made him frown a little, Imai Kenta seemed to know that he was coming, and he had already slipped away, and there was only a soil clone left in place!

However, because of the rush of time, I am afraid that he did not run very far at all!

Uchiha Qi slashed the soil clone into two pieces with one knife, but Imai Kenta appeared behind him the next moment.

In the blink of an eye, his ninja sword had already landed in front of Kai Uchiha.

This time, he also had a different chakra on his ninja sword.

The thick water attribute chakra is like a sharp blade at this moment, which surprised Uchiha Kaito.

"Water Escape·Water Blade Slash!"

Imai Kenta slashed with a knife, and the terrifying power and sharp Chakra eroded towards Uchiha Kai.

But Kai Uchiha's insight is too strong, and his speed is too fast.

One raised his hand, and the cut jade in his hand touched Imai Kenta's knife.

It's just that the power of Imai Kenta's sword is indeed a little stronger this time, which makes Kei Uchiha feel that the power of this guy has really increased.

And his chakra quality has also been significantly improved.

After thinking for a moment, a small smile appeared on Uchiha Kai's face.

The next moment, the azure blue chakra of the cut jade in his hand suddenly stagnated, but the azure blue instantly turned into a black chakra!

This intensity of chakra made Imai Kenta's face change suddenly, and he felt unbelievable pressure!

And at this moment, the dark chakra appeared on Uchiha Kai's body again.

And this chakra suddenly appeared with an arm, and this arm grabbed Kenta Imai fiercely!

"I knew this guy was tough, but it was too tough, wasn't it?"

Imai Kenta cursed secretly, and when he reappeared, he was already on the ground beside him.

And the Imai Kenta in front of Uchiha Kai had already turned into a pile of wooden blocks.

His current chakra has become very strong but this intensity is really far from enough.

He felt that unless he could use the wood escape, or he could use the time-traveling technique like the Fourth Hokage, there would be no suspense in his battle with Uchiha Kai.

"Although the current battle is not even a warm-up level, whether it is for me or for him, but this guy is too exaggerated?"

Imai Kenta sighed silently in his heart, and looking at Uchiha Kei who was standing in the same place with a playful face, he immediately packed up his mood.

"Forget it, I didn't think I could beat it. This guy has always been the most insidious one, so let's try it out."

"Anyway, it would be a pity not to use such a strong hand training tool."


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