Chapter 300: newborn eyes

Although the matter of Uchiha Obito is excusable, although the sins he committed, it can be said that he deserves to die.

Namikaze Minato was also very entangled in his heart. What he and Uchiha Kai said was actually just trying to express a meaning.

That is he hopes that when Obito completes the task and chooses to die, Obito will not be burdened with such heavy sins.

That's right, Minato Namikaze believes that Obito will choose to end all this by himself after completing the task set by Uchiha Kai.

Losing Lin is equivalent to losing everything, and I am afraid that he cannot accept the loneliness of living alone in the world.

And he is still alive, the biggest motivation is probably for revenge, and for redemption.

After he died, when he entered the pure land and faced Lin, he was no longer like a monster who was angry with God, but a real Konoha ninja.

A qualified ninja who chooses to lurk among the enemies for the sake of Konoha and the peace of the ninja world.

Naturally, Uchiha Qi would not refuse. In fact, there were some deviations in the way of thinking between him and Naikaze Minato.

He didn't plan to let Obito die like this.

There have been so many tragedies in the entire ninja world, although Uchiha Kai has never been the savior.

And in a strict sense, he did more bad things than he did good.

But with so many tragedies, why didn't he choose to change it when it was in his own interests?

This is the case with the Uchiha family, so is Namikaze Minato, and so can Uchiha Obito!

"Qijun, when do you think we should fully promote such reforms?"

After the Uchiha Obito incident was over, Namikaze Minato resolutely restrained his emotions and left this incident behind.

"Lu Jiu is aware of our intention, and I am afraid that more and more people will be aware of it. What do you think we should do now?"

"It's very simple, that is to wait." Uchiha Qi thought for a while, and then said.

"Discovering our intentions and not being able to fully guess what we're thinking.

The only thing they could possibly imagine was that the rights of the family ninja would be restricted.

After all, when the third generation was in power, no matter what his specific thoughts were.

He also did improve the treatment of civilian ninjas, but he turned the two groups against each other. "

Although Uchiha Qi is indeed unhappy with the three generations of Hokage, he will not deny what the three generations of Hokage did.

No matter for any purpose, whether it is to stabilize their rights, or to continue the second-generation purpose policy in order to destroy the blood step family.

He did improve some of the treatment of civilian ninjas.

Therefore, even if Namikaze Minato does something, it will probably be understood as improving the treatment of civilian ninjas from another perspective.

If you want to fully promote it, you can't be in a hurry.

Although Namikaze Minato's wish is to achieve equality among the ninjas of Konoha Village.

But in a way, this is also weakening the power of the family ninja.

Because Shangnin has become extremely important, and it also controls the number.

Then those ninjas who struggled harder than you and got enough resources tended to.

Their huge population base will definitely become a nightmare for family ninjas.

Compared with commoner ninjas, family ninjas only have enough resources in the family.

In fact, there are only a few top talents they can come out with, and there may even be none!

But what about civilian ninjas?

With such a huge base there, there will always be some or even more people.

By that time, when the majority of the seats of the ninja are occupied by civilian ninjas, it is completely possible to use the word "doomsday" to describe these family ninjas.

"So in order to avoid the counterattack of the family ninjas, we must take it slow." Uchiha Kai said.

"While canceling the special johnin, strengthen the certain right to speak, you discussed this matter at the meeting, so this matter must be implemented.

It's just that the pace must be slowed down, and some things can't be released all at once. "

"Just follow the plan and start gradually controlling the number of Jōnin." Minato Namikaze nodded, this was already planned.

"Then what's next? Compared with Qijun's mentality, he has already thought about it."

"Almost." Uchiha Ki nodded: "After controlling the number of jounin, it is necessary to let people withdraw their attention from the 'jounin'. The best way is actually in front of you."

"Is it in front of you?" Minato Minato waved for a moment, and then he suddenly thought of something: "You mean... Mist?"

Uchiha Kai nodded with a smile, yes, it's Kirin!

The matter of Wu Ninja can be big or small, after all, it has nothing to do with their Konoha.

But Wu Ninja suddenly "closed the country" will naturally attract everyone's attention.

When closed, there is no communication, and without communication, it becomes mysterious.

Once mysterious, it will cause people's suspicion.

Such suspicions can develop in any direction as long as they control the direction of public opinion.

Especially now that the war seems to be over, but there are constant conflicts everywhere.

What's more, Konoha has just been raided by the Nine Tails, and those who don't know the truth are not exaggerating!

"I understand, I will let the people in Anbu pass some information and guide everyone to think in some directions."

Namikaze Minato nodded: "So, are we going to improve the planning and construction of the Chunin and Genin systems during this time?"

"Of course, compared to Shangnin, Chunin and Genin have less right to speak."

Uchiha Kai nodded: "But you must also give them enough demands and enough hope so that they have a clear access.

But these are all made by you and your staff. "

"A staff group?" Minato Namikaze was stunned, and then he asked, "You mean, the Nara clan want to join?"

"They are so smart, they will naturally think of many things that we can't consider." Uchiha Kai smiled.

"Furthermore, it is unrealistic to cancel and completely suppress the family model, especially the probability of top-level powerhouses appearing in family ninjas is higher than that of commoner ninjas.

What we have to do is to reduce their right to speak, let them know their position and cooperate slowly, so as to finally merge.

More friends, pulling more people into our boat, giving certain benefits and getting certain support, this is what we should do the most. "

Minato Namikaze nodded, and soon he seemed to have thought of something.

"I understand, no wonder you want to come up with the concept of 'speciality'. I'm afraid it's not just the bias of fighting ninjas, but also the idea of ​​​​cultivating this kind of civilian ninjas?"

"Of course, in addition to the captain and mate, a large ship is not only a sailor who is rowing, we also need more people to guide us on the way.

Only in this way, the ship will not easily enter the water, resulting in the final sinking. "


"Lord Ling, it's getting late, aren't you going back?"

In the library of the Hinata clan, Aya Hinata, who had been reading a book seriously, was suddenly awakened by a voice.

Before, she was completely immersed in the book, she was looking for information seriously, and she didn't want to miss any details.

Helplessly raised her head, Hyuga Aya looked at the person who 'disturbed' her.

A middle-aged man in his forties, he is one of the administrators here and a member of the Hinata branch.

The library of the Hyuga clan is also very strange, and the person who manages it in name is the clan.

But in fact, the people who will actually work here are the members of the branch.

And this library has a very interesting unspoken rule.

That is, people who have been separated are hardly allowed to enter and read literature.

It is a common practice of the clan to manage the division by division.

Hyuga Aya has long been accustomed to such a pattern, and she is too lazy to care about these people.

What she didn't expect was that she almost caused trouble when she came here for the first time with permission from Hinata.

Because the administrators guarding this place couldn't believe it at all.

Even the nominal manager, a clan elder, didn't check the facts at all, and he directly refused Hyuga Aya's entry.

Hyuga Aya didn't have the impulse this time, but chose to return and reported the matter to Hyuga Hizu.

As a result, she walked directly into the place in front of everyone, which was considered a slap in the face to all the administrators.

"I said, don't disturb me."

Hyuga Aya raised her head and looked at the middle-aged man in front of her with cold eyes.

But after she noticed the time now, her eyes were less aggressive.

"Is it time to close?"

"Yes, Aya-sama."

The middle-aged man lowered his head slightly, but his expression was not so reconciled.

Hyuga Aya keenly noticed his expression, but she didn't say anything.

In her opinion, this guy may have misunderstood something, or thinks that he is also a 'puppy dog'?

Shaking her head, Hyuga Aya stood up.

She had no plans to put the books on the table back at all, anyway, this guy in front of her would do these things.

Completely ignoring the person in front of her, Hyuga Aya walked towards the door, only to take a few steps before she was stunned.

Because she noticed that in an inconspicuous corner lay a book that looked like it only had a few pages.

Such books are generally difficult to attract the attention of Hyuga Aya, what she is looking for is the history of the Hyuga clan.

History books tend to be very heavy, and you can feel a sense of historical heaviness on your face.

But this time, what Hyuga Aya felt was pondering, the name of the booklet of Bobo was actually 'The Bamboo Clan'.

The Bamboo Clan is actually the current Kaguya Clan.

She doesn't know exactly when the name was changed in history.

But she knows one thing, that is, since this booklet is in the library of their Hyuga clan, does it say something.

For example, the former Kaguya clan and their Hyuga clan were very close, for example, this clan might be the people she has been looking for?

Thinking of this, Hyuga Aya walked over, she felt that she had found what she wanted...


White snowflakes fell from the sky constantly, and the footsteps of winter slowly came to the leaves.

As if overnight, Konoha, which was still blowing in the autumn wind, has been wrapped in a white coat.

Time flies, at this time a year ago, Uchiha Kei was still planning how to make Namikaze Minato sit in the position of the fourth Hokage.

Today, a year later, Uchiha Kai has achieved his goal.

He even pushed Minato of Namikaze to a height that had never been seen in the original work.

The future has become a bit blurry, but so what?

Kei Uchiha should never exist in this world, and his existence has messed up a lot of things.

That being the case, wouldn't it be nice to make the world a little more interesting?

Standing quietly in front of Uchiha Xiu's life-saving capsule, Uchiha Kai looked at the figure inside the life-saving capsule with no joy or sadness on his face.

A year ago, he was preparing to integrate the Eternal Eye, and he started this operation more than half a year ago.

However, the eyes have not been fused until now.

From the time these eyes were born, what kind of 'inhuman treatment' they were subjected to, I am afraid only Uchiha Kei can tell clearly.

These eyes can be said to be seriously 'malnutrition', but their essence has surpassed the kaleidoscope.

I'm afraid the only difference is the increase in the pairing technique, right?

Kai Uchiha wasn't sure about his conjecture, so he had to personally test the strength of these eyes.

"Has Aya Hinata not been here today?" Uchiha Kai suddenly asked Iori next to him, "Has she not been here for a few days?"

"Aya-sensei will still find time to come here during this time." Iori whispered: "It's just that the time is not sure, she should have her own affairs to be busy..."

"Really, Aya-sensei?"

Uchiha Qi turned back and glanced at Iori, and then took his eyes back and continued to focus on Uchiha Osamu.

"It seems that you have a good relationship with her? Forget it, it's your business. Since she's not here, you can act as the recorder."

"I..." Iori bit her lip, she wasn't quite sure if she could do it.

She does have a good relationship with Aya Hyuga.

Because of getting along day and night on weekdays, this sister, who is twice her age, gave her a lot of help.

It can be said that in terms of intimacy, she seems to have a more favorable impression of Hyuga Aya than Uchiha Kai.

Because Uchiha Kai feels too cold to her, although this coldness does have a possible warmth.

But this kind of feeling made Iori feel very uncomfortable. On the contrary, Hyuga Aya gave her a temperature similar to that in Uchiha Kei's house.

In fact, the keen Iori knew that the eldest sister who looked very warm was actually similar to Uchiha Kai internally.

It's just that Iori never expects too much, and even the warmth she looks like will make her feel at ease.

Uchiha Qi adopted her and gave her a home, which made her very grateful, and also in this home, she felt unprecedented warmth.

Just for Uchiha Kai...

She always felt like she couldn't get close, even if she kept trying, she couldn't really do it.

"Don't do too much, after all, you are not Hyuga Aya, you don't have her eyes."

Uchiha Qi said flatly: "I will tell you the data, and then you are responsible for recording, and then hand these things over to Hyuga Aya and let her come to me."

After saying this, Uchiha Kei ignored the little guy.

He walked to the survival cabin and pressed a button at will, and soon the cabin door was opened.

Knotting with one hand, Uchiha Qi calmly looked at Uchiha Osamu who slowly opened his eyes under his control.

This scene made Iori, who was standing on the side, feel an unprecedented coldness.

It's just that Uchiha Kai didn't stop at all. While maintaining the seal, his other hand covered Osamu Uchiha's eyes.

With a slight force on his fingers, when his hand was raised the next moment, there was an extra eyeball on the tip of his finger!

This eyeball is abnormally scarlet, mixed with blood and looks extremely evil.

In particular, the eyeballs have strange ripples, which give people an indescribable sense of fear.

Iori's body trembled a little, and she seemed to be frightened by everything in front of her.

But Uchiha Kai had no intention of taking care of her emotions at all. After putting one eyeball away, he was immediately taken out by another eyeball!

"Let's deal with the situation here." Uchiha Kai said calmly after doing all this: "Hyuga Aya should have taught you how to deal with these things?"

"Yes....but..." Iori hesitated, her eyes circling back and forth on Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Shu.

"What's wrong?" Uchiha Qi frowned: "Can't you do it?"

"Lord Kai, he's still alive..." Iori pointed to Osamu Uchiha, and her body seemed to tremble a little too.

still alive?

Uchiha Qi was silent, indeed, according to his state of life, Uchiha Xiu was indeed still alive.

But according to normal human relations, at this time Uchiha Osamu no longer had his own 'soul'.

He is the kind of person who cannot be awakened, and can be defined as 'dead'.

Turning his head, Uchiha Kai stared at Iori, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Interestingly, this smile doesn't look cold at all.

"Can't you do it?" Uchiha Kai's voice was soft: "Okay, I understand."

After the voice fell, Uchiha Kai also placed the second eyeball, and in the blink of an eye, a kunai appeared in his hand.

And this kunai pierced directly into Uchiha Osamu's left chest!

Osamu Uchiha's body twitched, his mouth opened slightly, and with those empty eyes that were still full of blood, it looked so terrifying.

Iori's pupils instantly dilated, she clenched her hands and seemed to want to scream, but her throat seemed to be stuck by something.

As Osamu Uchiha's body twitching stopped, her hands slowly loosened.

"Since you dare not start, then now..."

Uchiha Qi turned his head calmly to look at Iori, his voice was still soft: "Can you deal with his body now?"

After saying this, Uchiha Qi didn't bother to care about her.

Although he knew that his actions were likely to leave a great haze in the girl's heart.

But Uchiha Kai doesn't care about these things either.

He really didn't think about making this little girl a ninja.

But in this slightly sad world, you don't even have such a mentality, and that really disappoints him.

Uchiha Qi admitted that he had a bad mentality at the beginning.

But it wouldn't be so bad that he couldn't execute such a thing, even if his heart was tumultuous and even nauseated to the point of tumbling in his stomach.

Walking slowly into an open room, Uchiha Kai took out a clean utensil.

Then he looked a little embarrassedly at the pair of blood-stained eternal eyes in front of him.

He found that he seemed to be really relying more and more on the woman Hyuga Aya.

If this woman is here, Uchiha Osamu doesn't need to say anything more about his handling, and even the Eternal Eye doesn't need him to do it himself.

Uchiha Kai is a little strange, what is this woman doing now, he really rarely sees her during this time.

"Really, how do you clean this thing?"

Uchiha Kai was a little depressed, he didn't want to be like Uchiha Madara or Shimura Danzo.

Regardless of whether there is someone else's blood on it, it is directly stuffed into his own eye socket.

"Leave it to me, you will just destroy these eyes." Just as Uchiha Qi was depressed, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, looked at the person who came, and shrugged: "I thought you were planning to quit, what are you busy with during this time?"

The person who came was naturally Aya Hyuga, and Kai Uchiha didn't close the door here.

He was waiting for Iori to come in, but he didn't expect that the person who came in would be Aya Hyuga.

Aya Hyuga walked to Kai Uchiha and directly took over the cleaning work on his hands.

Her technique is very skilled, and it seems that she has already done many similar exercises.

Uchiha Kai didn't need to do anything at all, just looking at her was enough.

"Quit? How is it possible?" Hyuga Aya quickly dealt with these things: "It's just that I have been researching because I found something interesting."


Uchiha Kai looked at the pair of treated eyes she handed over, he nodded and said.

"What kind of information, but you are so addicted?"

"I seem to have found a family that corresponds to the Hinata family." Hinata Aya's voice was flat, but her words made Uchiha Qi stunned for a moment.

However, Hyuga Aya didn't care about Uchiha Kai's reaction, she continued, "Uchiha and the Senju clan are genetically complementary, and I'm also considering whether Hyuga is the same.

You're right, I really shouldn't be using a thousand-handed cell, although I'm surprised it works for me, but I also want to understand one thing.

That is Hyuga, I am afraid that there is such a group corresponding.

So I read the information carefully, and surprisingly I found a group.

I found a group that had close contacts with the Hinata clan a hundred years ago, but parted ways for some unknown reason. "

Uchiha Kai frowned Did this woman really find something?

However, looking at her expression, it should be true, maybe Uchiha Kai's conjecture is still correct.

Even the Kaguya clan and the Hyuga clan were together hundreds of years ago, but were they separated for some reason?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi was a little depressed. If it was really Kaguya clan, could it be that he had to go to Wuyin Village?

"I know, which clan is it?" Uchiha Qi suppressed his inner thoughts and asked.

"Don't worry, there are some things I need to confirm." Hyuga Aya shook her head.

"Let's take a look at the effect of these eyes first. After all, we have spent a lot of time and experience for it."


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