Chapter 301: The disappearing black flame

Since Hyuga Aya doesn't want to talk about it for the time being, Uchiha Kai will not be entangled in this aspect.

If Uchiha Qizhen guessed correctly, then they may really want to focus on the island that has moved to the island, and will be violently retaliated by Uchiha Obito.

In the end, the Kaguya clan was completely exterminated.

If Hyuga Aya finds this information, I am afraid this woman will never suppress her inner restlessness.

At that time, I am afraid she will try her best to get the genes of those Kaguya clan.

To be honest, if it were him, he would definitely not miss it.

In fact, Uchiha Kai is considering whether to let Uchiha Obito sneak into the Kaguya clan's clan, and then take Junmalu away?

However, this idea was only revealed in his mind, and it was directly denied by him.

The ghost knows whether Hei absolutely knows that the so-called Kaguya clan is actually a branch of Otsutsuki.

But the possibility of knowing is definitely the greatest. After all, this guy has been in the ninja world for thousands of years.

The reason why I chose Uchiha was probably because there was no such thing as Hyuga in the ninja world at that time.

They haven't returned to the ninja world at that time, have they?

Moreover, he provoked Indra and Asura, and made the relationship between Uchiha and Qianshou worse, so he saw hope.

He knew that he only needed to continue to succeed sooner or later, so he didn't choose to reach out to the Hyuga clan?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai didn't think too much about these things.

He didn't want to expose it with soil, and such small precautions had to be done.

If he really set his own eyeliner in the Kaguya clan, and Obito ran over and took someone away, he would definitely be able to catch the current situation with his perception.

At that time, Obito would not be able to explain where the people he took away went. I am afraid that the two will be separated from the virtues for the first time, and Uchiha's plan will be exposed.

But Obito didn't make a move. Do you expect Konoha Anbu, who was hiding in the village of Kiriyin, to make a move and break through the obstacles to capture Junmalu?

"Is it possible that I have to go to Wuyin Village in person?" Uchiha Qi thought disdainfully: "Forget it, let's see the situation when the time comes, anyway, the trouble has never stopped."

Uchiha Kai, who was too lazy to think about these things, took a deep breath, and Hyuga Aya had already helped him clean the pair of eternal eyes.

And she also found some sterilized clean utensils, which are used to store Uchiha Kai's eyes.

At this time, Hyuga Aya had come to his side, and green chakra appeared on her hand. Obviously, she was preparing to help Uchiha Kai remove her current eyes.

"Are you ready?" Hinata Aya asked.

"Also, what happened to Iori? When I came, I saw her tearing up and dragging Osamu Uchiha's body out."

"It's nothing, just a little disappointed." Uchiha Kai shook his head.

"Kindness is a good thing, but it would be foolish to give away one's kindness regardless of the crowd."

"What a poor girl." A smile appeared on the corner of Hyuga Aya's mouth, and her hand had already covered Kai Uchiha's eyes.

"Although you have given her warmth, you have also given her a harsher winter, which doesn't match the tenderness you show in the outside world."

"Although I want to say, thank you for diverting my attention." Uchiha Qi frowned.

"But please help me to stop the bleeding first, you really didn't make me feel pain, but I can still feel the wetness on my face.

Finally, when everything is over, I will erase her memory of this time. "

Hyuga Aya did not answer, but carefully placed one of Uchiha Kai's eyes in the vessel.

Then he took out a handkerchief and helped Uchiha Kai wipe the blood and tears on his face.

Maybe she also felt that it would be a good thing for this girl to erase all the memories of this time?

However, this matter has nothing to do with Hyuga Aya, and she will not express any opinions.

After the blood on Uchiha Kai's face disappeared completely, she took a step back.

And Uchiha Kai also closed one eye and picked up the eyeball of an Eternal Eye on the table.

Gently pressing the eyeball into the eye socket, Uchiha Qi silently activated a technique unique to the Uchiha family.

In just a moment, Uchiha Kai felt that the eyeball melted into his eye socket and began to connect with the blood vessels in his eye.

Soon, under the guidance of Chakra, such a **** was automatically completed in his eye socket.

Uchiha Qi suddenly felt a different chakra spread from his eyes.

This power that did not belong to him made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Frowning, Uchiha Kai controlled his chakra to fight this force.

Perhaps it was because Uchiha Kai had Bai Jue's cells in his body. He felt that although this chakra was repelling him, everything was under his control.

Slowly, Uchiha Kai began to burst out with more powerful chakras.

As his chakra erupted, he clearly felt that the foreign force in his eyes was being pressed to death, and there was no room for him to turn around.

Soon, Uchiha Kai began to try to control these forces.

Although these forces are very resistant to Uchiha Kai, their resistance seems to have no effect at all.

It didn't take long for Uchiha Kai to feel that he seemed to have completely controlled this force!

Slowly opening this eye, Uchiha Kai felt that there seemed to be some blood overflowing from the corner of his eye.

However, his sight quickly returned to normal with several turns under his control.

At this moment, Uchiha Kai seemed to feel the terrifying power hidden in this eye.

And at this moment, this eternal eye resonated a little with him.

Uchiha Qi clearly felt the strength of this eye, the ability of this eye, and the terrifyingly high-quality pupil power in this eye!

The Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker and Kaleidoscope Shaker are indeed two-dimensional existences!

Even if this eye is a little 'stunted' by Uchiha Kai, its high-quality terrifying pupil power is really not comparable to Uchiha Kai now.

"Fortunately, I made it stunted, otherwise I'm afraid it would be really troublesome."

Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself: "Although it is terrible now, the feeling it gives me is still acceptable."

Comparing the two eyes in his own eye sockets, Uchiha Kai already has a lot of answers.

Although his eyes are not as good as Eternal Eyes, there is a gap in both quality and consumption capacity.

But such a gap seems to be constantly being smoothed out, and Uchiha Kai's eyes can't be regarded as an ordinary kaleidoscope.

Such a gap is not too exaggerated as he imagined, and it is completely within the scope of his consideration and acceptance.

"The most important thing is that it doesn't seem easy to control these eyes."

Uchiha Kai felt the resistance from these eyes and thought silently.

To control a writing wheel, especially a kaleidoscope or even an eternal kaleidoscope, this is not something that can be used by just plugging it in.

Looking at Kakashi, you can think of some clues, although a large part of the reason for this guy is that he does not have the blood of the Uchiha family.

But his negative effects are also very strong.

Uchiha Qi felt that he could master this eternal eye so quickly.

To a large extent, he originally used the cells it split, as well as the white cells that were very capable of suppressing the power of the Shaker.

"Danzo can put Shishui's eyes in the sockets, probably the main reason is that the cells between the thousand-hand pillars are suppressing the negative effects.

But this kind of repression also prevented him from fully exerting the ability of that eye. "

Uchiha opened and closed his eyes and thought silently.

"And Uchiha Madara is different, he has an extreme understanding of the wheel eye, and secondly, he also has cells in his body.

So he can use Obito's eyes directly, and do what Kakashi can't do - open up the space directly.

Although I can't compare to him, my configuration is not bad, and it is not difficult to control this eye.


Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai's open eternal eyes suddenly had a wave of fluctuations.

Then the fluctuation became stronger and stronger, and soon blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes again.

And not far from him, a black flame appeared out of thin air!

The terrifying and dark flames burned wildly, as if to devour everything.

Only as Uchiha Kai slowly closed his eyes, the terrifying flames began to dissipate.

Very obedient.

"This is...."

Aya Hyuga watched Uchiha Kai's operation, especially the flames that suddenly appeared but disappeared quickly, she asked in surprise.

The dark flames just now made her feel an indescribable fear.

If such a flame falls on a person, I am afraid that the attacked person will be directly burned to ashes, right?

"That's Amaterasu, an ability of this eye." Uchiha Qi wiped the blood from the corner of his eye.

"Check my body with a white eye, especially the changes that this eye has brought to my body. Give me a copy of the data when the time comes."

"I know..." Hyuga Aya nodded, and she had already opened her eyes as she spoke.

"This eye is really terrifying. The quality and quantity of chakra it overflows is completely incomparable to your other eye. This kind of eye..."

"Ah, this is the eternal eye." Uchiha Qi sighed: "This is also the eye I am currently pursuing."

That's right, this is the eye that Uchiha Qi is currently pursuing, an eye that can maximize the power of the kaleidoscope writing wheel!

Feeling the power of the real Eternal Eye, even if it is an underdeveloped Eternal Eye, this makes Uchiha Kai have greater expectations for his pair of evolving eyes.

Such power is indeed fascinated, but no matter how fascinated he is, he will not let himself fall into it.

He has a better choice, why should he keep his eyes here?

"Don't you put on the other eye?"

Hyuga Aya didn't know what Uchiha Kai was thinking. After observing for a while, she asked, "Also, are you sure you want to give these eyes to your patriarch?"

"Ah, put it on. If you don't experience it, I think I will be satisfied. There is also a conjecture that needs to be verified."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, then nodded again: "As for these eyes, I really intend to give them to him."

"It seems that you intend to follow the agreement?" Hyuga Aya frowned, but in the end she just shook her head: "It's rare."

"It doesn't count, it can be considered to put some pressure on me." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "By the way, how is my integration?"

"Close to fifty percent... Are you really going to give him that, eyes like this..."

"Ah, I plan to give it to him, but I plan to do something before giving it to him..."


Uchiha Kai really didn't plan to give these eyes to Uchiha Fuyue.

Of course, he wouldn't deliberately leave these eyes with anything bad.

Simply put, Uchiha Kai intends to make an attempt.

An experiment that he had guessed for a long time, but had no chance to try, was the 'transcription seal'.

Uchiha Qi has always felt that after the two pairs of eyes are fused with each other, they will not inherit the abilities of the other pair of eyes at the same time.

This point, he once imagined based on the brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke.

Because of Uchiha Sasuke, it seems that he did not inherit Uchiha Itachi's "monthly" at all.

Facts have also proved Uchiha Kai's conjecture, Uchiha Yong's eyes are augmented by Susanoo, and he can use the ability of Amaterasu.

And Uchiha Xiu is Amaterasu and Huo Zhaoming who augmented Amaterasu. The two of them have one ability in common, but the other ability is different.

However, after Uchiha Kai used Uchiha Osamu's body as a hotbed for fusion, the eyes he got were missing an ability - the ability to increase Susanoo's ability.

There are only two abilities of this pair of eternal eyes, one is Amaterasu, and the other is Huo Zhaoming.

It can be said that the ability to increase Susanohu seems to have been completely melted away.

At least Uchiha Kai didn't resonate with this ability through these eyes.

Even if he used this eye to wake up his own Susanoo, there was no change in the effect.

It is precisely because of this that Uchiha Qi guessed that the ability of the kaleidoscope will not be integrated, but to enhance its original ability according to the hotbed?

"Of course, it is not ruled out that an ability is randomly inherited.

The brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke inherited the ability Amaterasu.

The same thing happened to the brothers Osamu Uchiha and Yuchi Uchiha. "

To be honest, Kai Uchiha himself does not believe this conclusion, but he cannot rule out the possibility.

Just having such a possibility doesn't stop him from trying in a certain way.

Uchiha Kai's plan was to seal the Amaterasu technique into his own eyes through the 'transcription seal'.

Then grow through your own eyes and see if you can keep this technique in your eyes forever.

Uchiha Qi is still very greedy, although he has already had three techniques in his eyes, but he doesn't seem to be satisfied.

It can be said that Kai Uchiha himself has never heard of the three-art kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

He thinks it is very likely that this is because he is a transmigrator, right?

But it doesn't matter, Uchiha Kai must try this experiment.

In fact, it's not just Amaterasu, he also hopes that he can get the "magical power" of Uchiha Obito.

It's just that the Shenwei thing, he doesn't know whether it can be sealed through the 'transcription seal'.

"Let's try this side first. It happens that my kaleidoscope is evolving. If I don't try it, I'm too sorry for myself."

Do it when she thinks of it. After Hyuga Aya helped Uchiha Kai complete the data establishment, she left here first.

She has to go back and look at more information, but she just knows that in addition to the deep historical relationship between the Hyuga clan and the Kaguya clan, she still needs to determine a lot of things.

However, when she left, Iori was taken away, and Uchiha Kei did not go to see the little girl.

He feels that now this little girl, I am afraid she already hates him in her heart, right?


"Okay, I'll take you here."

Hyuga Aya and Iori stopped outside the Uchiha family's clan, and she had no intention of continuing to send the little girl in.

Although the clan of the Uchiha clan has been opened, and everyone is allowed to enter.

Many children who have teamed up with the Uchiha family will choose to go in and take a look.

After all, many people are curious about the mysterious Uchiha clan.

The most important thing is the reform of Uchiha Kai's security department, which makes many people wonder what happened to the Uchiha family.

Therefore, the current Uchiha family will have many people entering every day, and there is no need to worry about the security here.

Kai Uchiha specially assigned people from the Security Department to patrol. The reputation of the Security Department has indeed improved, but not many people want to oppose the Security Department.

Unfortunately, not everyone wants to enter here, at least the members of the Hyuga clan do not dare to enter here easily.

It's not that they don't want to, it's just that they're not allowed.

Although Hyuga Aya doesn't care about such rules, at this stage she knows that it's best not to provoke too much, those who control the caged birds.

What she's done has gone too far, but it's still within a scale.

If she really crossed the red line of some people, I'm afraid she will be really bad.

Hyuga Aya doesn't want such a bad thing to happen too soon, she prefers to make a choice after getting rid of the caged bird.

"Thank you, Sister Aya." Iori forced a smile, and she could see that she was in a very bad mood.

"You don't need to thank me. Strictly speaking, you are half my student."

Hyuga Aya shook her head: "I know what happened to you today is probably bad, but I heard that your performance was really bad."

Hyuga Aya doesn't seem to have any intention of enlightening her, because in Hyuga Aya's view, Iori's performance is really bad.

To put it badly, such a girl might kill their entire team on the battlefield.

The reason why Hyuga Aya takes care of her is because in her, Hyuga Aya sees what she once had, but is now numb.

It was something to miss and something she wished she had.

"Sister Aya also thinks....Am I doing something wrong?" Iori lowered her head, her big eyes looked a little dim.

"Right or wrong is your judgment, not the judgment we give you." Hyuga Aya looked at her calmly.

"If you haven't been on the battlefield, you probably won't understand us, but we don't need you to understand.

At least one thing you do well is that you never talk nonsense. "

Just didn't talk nonsense?

Iori's head is lower, she has never been on the battlefield, and she really can't understand Uchiha Kai and their approach.

So bloody, so cruel, so ruthless.

That kind of indifference to life, that kind of coldness that comes from the heart, these are things that Iori cannot accept.

She's been trying to get used to it, and she's been involved in a lot of things, but obviously she knows she's really unqualified.

"Okay, don't blame yourself, you don't need to change anything." Hyuga Aya suddenly said at this time: "It's just a dream, a nightmare..."

"Because of the dream, I will wake up sooner or later"


"It's finally done."

Uchiha Qi touched his eyes, he has now replaced his eyes.

Although other people's eyes are powerful, they are not as good as their own.

Especially when he replaced his eyes, he suddenly felt a sense of pleasure that he had never experienced before.

It's a feeling of having everything under control, a feeling that fits you 100%.

It's just that the strength of these eyes is still lower, and what Uchiha can do is to wait slowly, waiting for the eyes to fully evolve.

"Although it takes a long time, it is not easy for Uchiha Fuyue to master the Eternal Eye."

Uchiha opened his eyes, and there was no problem with the perfect connection between these eyes.

"He doesn't have white cells, and he doesn't have the cells that multiply from these eyes.

I'm afraid he will have to control the Eternal Eye longer than me, this is also an insurance. "

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to think about these questions.

He has done everything he can, and now all he has to do is wait.

He has no brothers to make up for the bias of his eyes. It is a miracle that he can reach this step.

Although Uchiha Qi himself felt that, I am afraid that his eyes have evolved, and I am afraid that they are not comparable to those eternal eyes that rely on the complementation of brothers.

But with this strength, it also means that he has infinite possibilities.

"It's time to try it now, the effect of transcribing the seal." Uchiha thought for a while.

"After the 'Amaterasu' was sealed in Sasuke Uchiha's eyes, even if he used it, he still kept it.

Just trying to see the effect of this technique on my eyes. "

Although Kai Uchiha had already experienced the feeling of Amaterasu on Eternal Eyes, he also wanted to try it on his own eyes.

He wanted to see if the flame could still be under his control after it was released.

The second point is that he wants to see the effect of the transcription seal.

The transcribed seal in the original book is set to release some special nodes.

For example, Uchiha Sasuke's "release Amaterasu when you see someone who is suspected of Uchiha Madara".

And the real Uchiha Madara set, "Izanagi will be activated after the body is collected by Senju Tobirama".

Uchiha Kaico did not set any nodes and trigger conditions.

He closed his eyes slightly, and the next moment his eyes turned into a pair of kaleidoscopes, and strange power flowed in his eyes.

Uchiha Qi controlled the power in his eyes, and soon he felt the seal left in his eyes.

Chakra swayed slightly, the seal in his eyes was instantly released, and a scorching power exploded instantly!

His eyes are also at this moment, showing the state of Uchiha Xiu's eternal eyes.

What only surprised Uchiha Kai was that the terrifying black flame disappeared as soon as he appeared.

What's even more bizarre is that those terrifying black flames did not appear at his preset destination at all, but surrounded him!

But these black flames just disappeared without a trace If it wasn't for Kai Uchiha to feel his side, there was indeed a scorching heat.

Even his clothes had traces of being burned, and he wondered if he had an illusion!

"What's going on?" Uchiha Qi was a little puzzled: "Did you fail?"

Uchiha Kai frowned, and when he closed his eyes, he could feel that the transcription seal in his eyes had disappeared.

The power sealed in his eyes has also disappeared.

Such a strange phenomenon made Kai Uchiha feel a little overwhelmed.

He really doesn't understand where the black flames of 'Amaterasu' have gone...


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