Chapter 303: This is revenge

"What? Are you going to the Land of Water?"

"Although it's a bit rude, and some don't fit my identity, but... I really want to take on such a task."

In Naruto's office, Minato Namikaze looked at Kai Uchiha speechlessly.

And Uchiha Kei looked at Namikaze Minato with an embarrassed look on his face.

Uchiha Qi didn't even think of it himself. He thought twice in his heart that he would never go to the country of water.

But in the end, he had to go to Namikaze Minato to seek the mission of leaving the village.

Uchiha Kai really has nothing to do, he can only say that it is a bit embarrassing for his status to reach his level.

Because his status in Konoha is really high, so high that he can't leave the village at will.

He is now the head of the security department, but he is really not in the era of Uchiha Fuyue, and he can still be brought to the battlefield for various reasons.

But even in the era of Uchiha Fuyue, he only went to a relatively safe area on the battlefield. In short, it was the easiest place to mix up his achievements.

Uchiha Kai's status in Konoha is really high now, even if in the eyes of some people he is always the agent of Uchiha Fuyue.

But he is also a powerful agent.

With such a status, he must be subject to various restrictions when he leaves the village.

The second point is that his power has not yet reached a certain level.

He does seem to be tall now, but compared to the Danzo in the past, it's not even a single star.

The old thing Danzo is the master who can go out of the village at will, otherwise this guy would not be able to go to the country of rain and make a mess.

Although it was said that he included all his roots in doing things that time, his power is also reflected here to the fullest.


After a long time, Minato Namikaze asked with some doubts: "To be honest, your identity is too sensitive.

Although I believe you will not have an accident, but going out like this will have a bad influence after all.

So I want a reason, is it to bring...

Guy, is there any problem over there? "

"Almost." Uchiha Qi could only bite the bullet and say.

"Actually, it's not a problem, but I think I should give him some comfort.

The last time he came to see me alone, I'm afraid it might cause some trouble.

I went there in person, and I could find a mess of reasons, like him to show some inevitable trust, and at the same time....

Try to make him more trusted. "

Uchiha Kai really bit the bullet and said nonsense, although he did have some ideas brewing in it.

But in essence, he's still bullshitting.

He doesn't want to go to any water country at all. He is not doing well in Konoha Village. Why do he have to find such trouble?

After all, it was because of the trouble that this woman, Hyuga Aya, caused him.

Because this woman seems to believe that the Kaguya clan is an important prop that can bring her improvement.

However, Uchiha Kai has no reason to refute.

Seriously speaking, this topic was really guided by him.

His original purpose was to make Hyuga Aya look away.

In his original plan, he planned to wait for Orochimaru to take Junmalu away, and then run to find Orochimaru to ask for someone.

After several years of research, Orochimaru, after getting that reincarnation, I am afraid that he will become a magician without resistance.

It's not too much trouble to deal with it this way.

And according to the distance, the country of Tian is closer than the country of water no matter how you look at it.

It's a pity that these things, these plans were disrupted after Hyuga Aya found the information.

Uchiha Kai also tried to refuse, but he found that his refusal had no effect at all.

This woman seems to have made up her mind and must go and see.

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, she is impatient.

If Uchiha Kai's strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, it is still within her acceptable range.

After using Bai Jue's cells, Kenta Imai's strength has also been greatly improved, so she may not be able to bear it any longer.

What the three-person group needs is a stability and balance, and in their three-person group, the role of the woman Hyuga Aya is really temporary and irreplaceable.

And the other two collaborators both found something that worked for them, and with her help, both worked out to great effect.

But she herself is still in the theoretical stage, and anyone would be anxious for this kind of thing.

Uchiha Qi knows what she thinks, not only him, but Imai Kenta also knows what this woman thinks.

Therefore, after this woman made her request, they didn't know how to answer it.

Uchiha Kai tried it, and proposed 'through Kakashi's Anbu to get what she wants'.

But the offer was rejected by her.

First of all, she didn't believe in Anbu's ability, and secondly, she didn't believe that Namikaze Minato could agree to this proposal.

She wanted the three of them to do it themselves, even though it would put them at risk.

But the identity of Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta is a protective umbrella.

Coupled with the personal friendship between Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato, they can return to Konoha with the assistance of Namikaze Minato.

"Although I can't agree with your words, but..."

Minato Namikaze thought about it for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly: "I can agree with your action plan, but can you tell me your true thoughts before that?"

"Thinking?" Uchiha Qi knew that his previous statement was not qualified at all, but he was not stupid.

He has come up with two sets of explanations.

The first set is to play emotional cards, but unfortunately, although Minato Namikaze is emotional, as Hokage he has to consider more.

And I am afraid that Minato Namiba also knows about Uchiha Kai, so he feels that Uchiha Kai definitely has more purposes.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Namikaze Minato made a horizontal comparison in terms of attaching importance to emotions.

For example, compared with the current Uchiha Obito and the current Uchiha Obito, he would rather have an accident in the Uchiha Obito than Uchiha Obito.

Therefore, he has a second set of arguments, which is to proceed from actual interests.

I must thank Obito for revealing some things in advance, so that Uchiha Qi has more ideas.

And based on these ideas, to cover up some of what he really wanted to do.

Aya Hyuga is also lucky.

If it were the past, she would be in a hurry and pull Uchiha Kai and others to go to the land of water.

As a result, I'm afraid they can't even get out of Konoha.

"Okay, I admit that I do have some ideas." Uchiha Kai nodded: "Remember the document he provided us?"

"Of course." Minato Namikaze nodded: "Although I burned it, the contents are all in my mind, what is Qi-jun planning to do?"

"Yeah..." Uchiha Ki nodded, then glanced around.

After noticing Namikaze Minato nodding, Uchiha Kai let out a few smiles.

Having completely mastered Anbu, these Anbu guys obviously won't be doing anything too rude.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi said directly: "Don't Captain Minato think that this is a good opportunity to improve our Konoha?"

"Good opportunity?" Minato Namifeng was stunned for a moment, then seemed to realize something: "Are you planning to meet the high-level officials of the Land of Water?

No, chaos in the land of water is the best thing for us Konoha, especially now. What do you want to see...the **** step family? "

"That's right." At this moment, the smile on Uchiha Kai's face became even wider.

It's really comfortable to talk to Minato Namikaze.

This guy is not as worrying as the three generations of Hokage, nor is it as simple and difficult to communicate as the future Naruto.

He still has the "bloody" side of ninjas in maintaining a "good" concept, and his brain is spinning fast enough.

According to Uchiha Obito's plan, there will probably be a lot of problems after the country of water is in chaos.

It is even completely predictable, what kind of resistance will erupt from those blood follower ninja families.

And the purpose of Uchiha Kai is them, whether it is on the surface or in the dark.

"My plan is actually to let Mitomen Yan and Koharu go to bed." Uchiha Qi continued nonsense.

"But considering the source of intelligence, and the fact that these two people are afraid to go out of Konoha easily.

After all, they offended the Uchiha family on the night of the Nine Tails.

So this kind of thing, I think it is only me who is more suitable. "

"The two elders, Mito Menyan and Chuan Xiaochun, probably won't come out of Konoha, and I think we should be calmer now."

When Namikaze Minato heard Uchiha Kai's words, he couldn't help but leave some cold sweat on his forehead.

If these two were really ordered to go to the country of water by themselves, I am afraid that the matter is really serious.

Although these two people are not welcomed by Minato Naikaze, and they also occupy some important positions, some positions Minato Minato wants to take back.

But without a clear source of information—Although Anbu has information, it is not obvious at all.

I gave such an order, I am afraid that the three generations of Hokage will be immortal with myself.

Although their situation is not much better now, they still have some restraint.

Hokage III has lost his love, his power, and his best friend.

If something goes wrong with these two old classmates and old friends, the consequences will be endless.

"That's right, so I decided to lead the team myself." Uchiha Kai continued.

"After secretly going to the Land of Water, I will go to meet some of the patriarchs of the blood step family.

Don't ask them to believe me completely, but at least leave them a seed.

Let them know they have a way back. "

"But things haven't completely erupted yet, how do you know if they will see you, or..."

Minato Namikaze frowned: "Will they take action against you directly, and then hand you over to Shuiying or Elder Yuanshi?

You are the top of Konoha, I don't believe their Anbu didn't pass the news. "

"Of course I have considered this." Uchiha Qi sighed.

"But I have no problem with normal battles. If the land of water is to be wiped out on a large scale, I can only rely on you, Captain Watergate.

Although it is dangerous, if it really leaves this seed that will inevitably germinate.

This is an unimaginable boost for you, and for Konoha, so I decided I'd give it a try. "

Uchiha Kai's words made Minato Namikaze fall into silence.

After a long time, he nodded: "I agree to this mission, and I will give you enough support.

You take my misery with you, thank you Qijun, thank you for everything you do. "

"No need to thank you, I only have one request."

"Please say."

"This time, don't be late..."



Standing on the bow, Uchiha Kai looked at the sea fog rising around him, and he couldn't help sighing.

After persuading Minato Namikaze, he didn't stop at all, and directly told Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai the news.

After they leave, the underground laboratory will naturally be idle.

But there is still too much information to be sorted out, and Uchiha Qi will naturally not do these things.

Anyway, he didn't leave any important information here, and even if he had, he could trust these two people to deal with it.

After leaving the laboratory, he went to meet Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fuyue was very surprised, why Uchiha Kai made such a decision.

But he knew better that after this kid made a decision, there would basically not be much change.

The only thing he wondered about was what he wanted to do, and whether Namikaze Minato would agree with him.

Uchiha Qi didn't hide these things too much, he took out the set of rhetoric about himself and Minato.

It's just that he didn't expect Uchiha Fuyue's face to become even more weird after hearing these words.

In Uchiha Fuyue's view, Uchiha Kai's actions definitely have other meanings.

It is true that he led Minato Namikaze when he came to power, and it is true that this kid was the one who contributed the most to the Nine-Tails Incident.

But the essence of this kid is not a 'loving' person.

He definitely has some ulterior motives, and those motives drive him to make some choices.

Uchiha Fuyue does know Uchiha Kai, but he is not asking about anything else.

He also felt relieved after learning that Minato Namikawa had allowed this matter.

His only concern is whether the "rescue plan" proposed by Uchiha Qi is reliable.

Because Uchiha Kei told him that once he asks for help, he hopes that he can go with Namikaze Minato.

The fighting power of the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Qi is not willing to miss it.

In particular, he also wanted to verify his conjecture. He wanted to see how long it would take Uchiha Fuyue to master those eternal eyes.

As for the support plan, in fact, Uchiha Kai is not worried about the problem of Naikaze Minato Chakra.

With the help of Uzumaki Kushina, the Nine Tails in his body are now very well sealed.

Although they can't communicate well, they can use the power of the nine tails normally.

From Konoha directly to the country of water through positioning, I am afraid that except for the problem of chakra transmission, he will find out later, and the others are not difficult.

Of course, what Uchiha Qi is most afraid of is the 'late' attribute of this guy. Uchiha Qi has never seen this guy who is not late.

After clarifying the matter with Uchiha Fuyue, Uchiha Kai had a good meal with his parents in this life.

He didn't tell them that he was leaving Konoha, or even the Land of Fire.

He simply said that he was going to have a secret training session. The duration of the training was uncertain, but it was at least about a month.

Uchiha Keisuke didn't say much when he heard the news, but Uchiha Ryoko was a little worried, but after some comfort from him, it was much better.

As for Iori, Uchiha Kei didn't tell her much.

Just tell her that she doesn't need to go to the lab when she's not around.

This little guy, Iori, seems to be a lot more stable now, but when he sees Kai Uchiha, he still shows that kind of timid mood.

Uchiha Qi has no interest in paying attention to what this little guy is thinking, so let her have a good vacation during this time.

This is the end of a nightmare, and he will end her nightmare completely in the future.

"What are you thinking about?"

Just when Kai Uchiha was full of thoughts, Kenta Imai's voice came from behind him.

"It's coming, what else is there to struggle with?"

"Yeah, it's coming." Uchiha Kai turned around and shrugged.

"It doesn't matter to me, as the Minister of the Guard, I am afraid that few people can challenge my authority.

It's you, you are still studying with your minister.

Although Hokage-sama said hello, you seem to be troublesome. "

Imai Kenta can be said to be in a learning and rising stage now, even if he said hello to Namifeng Minato and the others on his mission trip this time.

But more or less, he will still be affected.

Imai Kenta obviously knew this, he sighed helplessly and shook his head, obviously he didn't want to talk about this.

Of course, he is also aware of his own mind.

Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya, this madman and a madman set off.

Is it possible to stay as the last member of their squad?

Rather than being dragged away by them, it is better to enter directly, not to mention that his current situation is inseparable from these two.

"Two adults, we are almost at the port." At this moment, a middle-aged man walked up to them and whispered.

It's unclear what the real name of this middle-aged man is, and Uchiha Kai and the others won't think about it.

He had a dark, weathered face and a burly stature, looking like an ordinary man who survived by fishing and ferrying.

But in fact, this guy is an Anbu ninja planted by Konoha in the land of water.

In fact, this kind of thing is really normal, the ghost knows how many spies from other countries are planted in Konoha.

Those who were caught were especially jumping, or were betrayed.

The fate of those people can often only be described by the word miserable.

For example, the one who was caught by Uchiha Kai and changed his appearance, and then went to stimulate Uchiha Yong.

Speaking of which, the hatred between Kai Uchiha and Kirin is really outrageous.

Counting the spy who was caught by himself to stimulate Yuchiha Yu, and the encounter on the battlefield of the Country of Grass, not a few people died at his hands.

In particular, Uchiha Qi almost killed the future five generations of Mesui Ying, and he had no idea of ​​showing mercy at all.

He is now a little worried about what he will encounter this time.

After the ship docked, Hyuga Aya walked out of the cabin.

The place where they landed was an extremely hidden port, where there was hardly any flow of people, and even the port facilities were extremely rudimentary.

After getting a map from this Anbu member and getting some brief information, the three of them said goodbye to this guy.

Such Anbu ninjas are at risk of exposure when they come into contact with them. Naturally, the more concealed they are, the better.

"Captain, do we have any plans?"

After the figure of Anbu completely disappeared from their sight, Kenta Imai asked.

"You didn't say a word about the specifics of our mission this time. Although I know what our goal is, the village still gave us some missions, right?"

"There are indeed some tasks." Uchiha Kai nodded, and then his eyes turned to Hyuga Aya: "Be careful, our identities are too special."

"Yes." Hyuga Aya seemed to have returned to the days of the battlefield, and she opened her eyes when Kai Uchiha gave the order.

After glancing around, she nodded at Uchiha Kai.

In the same way, Kenta Imai also closed his eyes and took a good look. In the end, he got the same result as Hyuga Aya.

They didn't think there was anything wrong with being so careful just after landing, they knew it all too well after being on the field for so long.

Any carelessness at any time will bring a fatal threat to oneself.

"Let's go, I'll keep it short." Uchiha Ki nodded, then walked straight forward.

"The task I received was to leave a 'seed' for the ninjas of the various blood families. As for whether these seeds will germinate, it is not our consideration."

"Leave a seed?" Hyuga Aya frowned.

Uchiha Kai's words were unclear, so naturally she was a little inexplicable.

But this woman is very smart, she thought for a moment and suddenly asked, "Did you get any information?"

"Guess what?" Uchiha Qi smiled: "It's been almost a year since you left the battlefield, let me see if your acumen is still there."

"Actually, it's not too hard to guess, Captain." At this moment, Imai Kenta said suddenly.

"When I was in the mission department, I found some clues, that is, the number of missions in the vicinity of the Land of Water suddenly increased, especially in the area of ​​the Land of Waves.

Although the number of increases is not particularly conspicuous, I will naturally pay attention to when we are coming to the Land of Water.

And when we came, we were interrogated four times, which means that the country of water is probably closing the passage of entry and exit, if it combines with you..."

Having said that, Kenta Imai stopped, and Aya Hyuga also widened her eyes, looking at this guy in disbelief.

Uchiha Kai is similar, but he is relatively calm.

Imai Kenta has always been smart, and this was already shown when they formed the team.

In addition, he was already working in the Mission Department, and they had another mission to go to the Land of Water.

So she noticed that it was not too surprising, especially since Uchiha Kai also said some sensitive topics.

"The Land of Water is closing? Do you think this will cause a backlash from the Xueji family?" Aya Hyuga said incredulously.

"Impossible? Even if the closure won't cause that big fluctuation, is there something wrong with their minds and they plan to do it themselves? Or maybe the information you received is wrong?"

Hyuga Aya still couldn't believe what she heard, she really doubted that Uchiha Kai got some wrong information.

Indeed, the number of missions in the countries surrounding the Land of Water has increased in Konoha.

In addition to the dividends brought by the war, I am afraid that the water country itself gave up these tasks.

On their way, they were subjected to relatively strict inspections.

Although it is not a problem for them at all, it also shows the fact that the country of water may be closed.

But even if it is closed, it will only lose a lot of financial revenue. Why does Wuyin want to do something to the Xueji family?

"Don't worry, the information is true. I wonder if you have any knowledge of the policies of Kiriyin Village?" Uchiha Qi glanced at Hyuga Aya and guessed what she was thinking. UU Reading

"Policy?" Hyuga Aya frowned: "You mean, the elite policy of 'one class, one graduate' that was circulated back then?"

"Almost, but I can't say too much. And this thing won't explode all at once, or I wouldn't have come here to leave a seed."

Uchiha Kai nodded, as he recognized Hyuga Aya's words: "Not to mention, this matter is not considered a mistake by the decision-making level of the Land of Water, but the entire decision-making level is probably under control."

"Who on earth would do such a thing?" Kenta Imai also asked with some doubts: "This is literally destroying this country."

"Yes, it is really destroying this country." Uchiha Kai showed a smile: "Because, this is a retaliatory action."


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