Chapter 304: he is in the fog

Uchiha Kai didn't explain it to them, because he didn't want to reveal too many things.

The existence of Uchiha Obito, the more people know about it, the more trouble there will be.

To be honest, Uchiha Kai also thought about whether this guy Uchiha Obito was deliberately pretending to cooperate.

In fact, he is still thinking about continuing the route of Madara Uchiha.

But after thinking about it, Uchiha Kai found that he didn't seem to need to worry about him.

Although Uchiha Obito's ability is strange, but really strange, I'm afraid his own ability is the most strange, right?

Uchiha Obito's ability to escape is very strong, and his ability to sneak attacks is also extremely terrifying.

But if he really fought with Uchiha Qi, this guy was really restrained.

Uchiha Qi knew his technique and knew where his weakness was.

And in terms of the current 'configuration', Uchiha Kai is not lower than him.

Therefore, if this guy is really playing with himself, then Uchiha Kai probably won't let him go.

What's more, he was well prepared when he came.

Of course, this is just Uchiha Kai's worst plan.

After all, according to the original work, the boy Uchiha Obito is simply a middle-aged boy.

If you analyze the character and obsession of Uchiha Obito, as well as his behavior and feelings, according to the original work.

It's enough for Uchiha Kai to achieve that level.

At this moment, Uchiha Obito may have hated Uchiha Madara and Kirin who killed Rin.

This is also a way of passing on the contradiction.

After the three landed, they headed directly towards the interior of the Land of Water.

Although Uchiha Kai told them a task that gave them a splitting headache.

But think about it, if it weren't for the fact that this task is too complicated and very important.

It is impossible for a guy with a sensitive identity like Uchiha Kai to come out.

As the most powerful person in their squad, if he didn't come, he would know whether their final mission would be successful.

According to the map, they first entered a village in the Land of Water.

It's a relatively unpretentious little place and they need to rest and prepare something.

They also made a lot of preparations when they traveled, but some things still need to be purchased in the land of water.

Such as local clothing and so on.

There are still some differences between the handicrafts of the land of fire and the handicrafts of the land of water.

And there are also huge differences in the materials used. These small details that can avoid them being exposed in advance will naturally not be missed.

After all the problems were sorted out, they set off again.

The speed of the three of them is very fast, even if they stop and go along the way, it only took them less than three days to arrive at Wuyin Village.

It's just that as they keep getting closer, they feel more and more that the current Wuyin Village seems to have entered a 'special' state of alert.

To put it simply, their investigation of outsiders began to increase, and the closer they got to Wuyin Village, the more intense the feeling became.

"Looks like they're really planning to do something."

At a distance from Kiriyin Village, Hyuga Aya glanced at everything around her with white eyes.

"This kind of investigation is very powerful. The most terrible thing is that their methods are also a bit cruel. Some people were directly killed by them. It seems that we are in some trouble."

"So radical?" Uchiha Kai frowned: "Is it an ordinary ninja, or someone from Anbu?"

"It was Anbu who committed the murder." Hyuga Aya replied coldly, "It's just that it's not clear to whom it belongs, but no matter who it belongs to, it doesn't seem to be friendly to us."

Hyuga Aya shook her head. She naturally remembered the conversation between Uchiha Kei and that guy when he was kidnapped by a mist ninja Anbu in the country of grass.

The Anbu of Kirikin is divided into two modules, one is completely obeying the water shadow, and the other is subordinate to an elder called Yuan Shi.

But no matter which group, it seems that the relationship with Uchiha Kai is terrible.

Don't talk about the Mizukage group, they killed so many of them in the country of grass, Uchiha Kai (actually, they did it with soil).

And this time, what Uchiha Kai did was doing the right thing with Shuiying.

It can be said that this batch of Anbu is impossible to pass, some special ways to contact, and get a certain degree of immunity.

And don't even think about the group of Anbu controlled by Elder Yuanshi, the female ninja who was born with two bloods almost died in the hands of Uchiha Kai.

The guy with white eyes and his name is Ao was forced by Uchiha Kai to be like that. It is completely believed how much this guy hates Uchiha Kai.

It can be said that based on these two points alone, they basically have no possibility of any contact.

Just thinking of this, Hyuga Aya involuntarily looked at Uchiha Kai.

She didn't forget the guy Uchiha Kai, but she almost killed herself when she changed hostages.

Hyuga Aya was never stupid. After some careful thinking, she basically figured out Uchiha Kai's actions and plans.

That technique didn't save him at all, but simply wanted to kill him, but it just so happened that the guy named Qing also shot at the same time.

As a result, Shui Dun and Fire Dun collided with each other to buffer the power of the two spells. Although it still made Hyuga Aya feel extremely uncomfortable, it would not kill her.

Hyuga Aya, who had figured out all of this, didn't say these things. To put it bluntly, it didn't make any sense.

Moreover, this will completely anger the guy Uchiha Kai.

The second point is that they are already in a cooperative relationship, and there are things that are much better in the past than in the past.

"It seems that our luck this time is really not good. To be precise, it is late."

Uchiha Qi sighed, turned his head and looked at Imai Kenta.

"How did you check the barrier of Wuyin Village? I hope you can give me some good news, otherwise we really have to prepare."

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid we are really in trouble." Kenta Imai shook his head helplessly.

"Although Kirigakushi's barrier is not very good, I'm sorry I'm not good at dealing with barrier.

We want to go in and not be seen, I am afraid we can only enter from the front. "

"It seems that our luck is really bad this time." Uchiha Kai frowned.

"I can only think of a way to see if I can ambush the single ninja team, and then go in."

"It's not a good proposal, I think we'd better take a look around Wuyin Village."

Hyuga Aya thought for a while, then shook her head: "Even if you have a wheel eye, you can see each other's memories and obtain a certain amount of information.

But many details of life cannot be learned so quickly even if you see them. We are fighting ninjas, not infiltration ninjas. "

What Hyuga Aya said is right, although ninjas essentially have to master some necessary skills.

Like fighting and infiltration, that's what they need.

It's just that with the change of the times, the "biased" type of ninjas also began to appear slowly.

Look at those little guys in the future, let them do infiltration missions and I'm afraid they will be found in minutes.

But Sai from the root and Kakashi and Yamato from Anbu can do very well.

Uchiha Kai and the others have never entered Anbu, and although they have had the experience of entering behind enemy lines on the battlefield, strictly speaking, they are better at fighting.

Infiltrating them is fine too, but it's really inferior compared to the pros.

It would be fine if it was just a ninja village in a small country.

But the Ninja village of a big country will not talk about the strength, just because they can be recognized as a big country, it is destined that they have power that other Ninja villages can't match.

"Then what are you going to do?" Uchiha Kai frowned and looked at Hyuga Aya.

"Even if Mizuki loses the battle, their precautions may not be a problem...

Hold on, do you want to use the Anbu in Kirikin? "

"Of course." Hyuga Aya nodded as a matter of course.

"Although it is very unkind, but since you can let the former Anbu take such a big risk to send us here.

I'm afraid it has already been explained that before you came to set off, the four generations of Hokage-sama gave you this right.

Since we have such a right, why not take advantage of it? "

When Uchiha Kai heard Hyuga Aya's words, he subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he quickly settled down.

Indeed, why doesn't he, who has the right to use it?

Although it is very difficult for these Anbu to take root in Wuyin Village for many years, they may not be able to escape this cleaning.

If they are exposed because of their own affairs, then expose it.

Anyway, the mission failed, one could return to Konoha, and the other died here.

What's more, with Uchiha Obito here, the work of Anbu's information transmission is really dispensable.

I'm afraid Minato Namikaze gave himself the right to dispatch Anbu, in addition to making it more convenient for his party, there is another reason that he intends to withdraw these Anbu?

At least some people should be evacuated, while the other part should stay in the fog and watch the changes.

It's just that this also gave Uchiha Kai a small problem.

That is he needs to distinguish between these people, those who completely obey the three generations of Hokage, and those who only obey and Hokage.

"Looks like you gave me a wake-up call." Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi tilted his head and glanced at Hyuga Aya.

"I'm afraid our work will not be easy, at least in order to meet your requirements, we can't be easy when we come here."

"Do you want to find out the ingredients of these Anbu?" Hinata Aya asked quickly.

"Indeed, it's better for these spies on the outside to figure it out.

After all, in case they are not satisfied with the existence of the fourth-generation Hokage and only follow the third-generation Hokage, this will be some trouble. "

"Not to mention, isn't this also an opportunity to clean up?" Imai Kenta also said at this moment.

"I think you've thought about it long ago? Anyway, Mist is cleaning up, leaving those who don't listen to the words of the fourth generation of Hokage.

Let them fend for themselves, and that'll keep our hands a little cleaner, right? "

Uchiha Qi nodded silently, he agreed with the statement of the two.

It is true that with the improvement of their status, they also began to cherish their 'feathers' more.

Although their hands are not clean, at least it can be done to make them look clean.


The moonlight in the Land of Water is more hazy than Konoha, probably because the Land of Water is outside the island.

Uchiha Qi silently put on a black cloak, and closed the ninja sword, which already has the name Qiyu, at his waist.

Standing up, he looked at the slightly hazy moon in the sky, and he knew it was time to act.

During the day, after Hinata Aya's reminder, Uchiha Kai has realized that he can do something with his power.

Naturally, he will not miss such an opportunity to "benefit others and benefit oneself".

After contacting Anbu in Kiriyin Village through some special methods, Uchiha Kai and others began to rest and wait.

A lot of things need to be decided after seeing those Anbu, obviously those Anbu will not come out in broad daylight.

Even to some extent, the day is actually safer than the night, but the margin of safety is only limited.

Ninja, the sky is the existence hidden in the shadows.

Only shadows can make them more mysterious and scary.

Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai also put on a black cloak, and at the same time they both wore a mask.

Although the transformation technique is easy to use, it is difficult to say whether it will bring some perception ninjas to join the patrol team in the current state of Kiriyin Village.

Using the transformation technique will make the body covered with chakra, which is very troublesome if it is perceived.

Although wearing a mask is not a great trick, as long as you use their strength to hide, it is really much more useful than any transformation.

"Are you ready?"

Uchiha Qi glanced at them: "First of all, let me explain that our current situation is really not much better than on the battlefield, or even more troublesome.

So, do as little as possible. "

"Captain, what if it is a last resort?" Kenta Imai raised his hand and asked in a low voice.

"Also, I really don't think our real purpose this time is to be so peaceful without doing anything."

"If it's really time to do something." Uchiha Kai's eyes became slightly indifferent: "Then, don't stay alive.

Whether it's a patrol unit, Anbu, or our mission target. "

"As long as everyone who has seen us is dead, no one will know that we have been here, right?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head slightly.

"It seems that the captain is still the same captain as before. Although he is indifferent, his decision-making rarely goes wrong."

Uchiha Kai glanced at the woman Hyuga Aya, and then he put on the mask.

He doesn't care about this woman's words at all, and there are few problems in decision-making?

I'm afraid there is basically no problem with my decision until now, right?

However, he did not mean to say these words. There is no problem with the decision now, which does not mean that he will not have problems in the future.

If it is said that many things have not changed, for example, from the basic level, Uchiha Kai is still fighting to keep himself alive.

But from a higher level, he really can't just look at what is in front of him, he must take into account more things.

Therefore, there will be some deviations in his decision-making, and whether such deviations are right or wrong, he cannot be completely sure.

Without too much nonsense, Uchiha Kai and the others set off towards Wuyin Village.

Those Anbu hidden in Wuyin may have come out, and according to the information, they will be on standby in a forest southwest of the main gate of Wuyin Village.

This information was given to Uchiha by Minato Namifeng, and now he can use it.

Moving forward in silence, it took about half an hour for the three of them to reach the meeting point.

The place where they originally chose to stop is not far away, if not for more concealment, they would even choose to be closer.

Along the way, Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai also gave full play to their roles.

One is observing the situation ahead with his white eyes, and the other is detecting the arrangement of the surrounding enchantments.

They didn't want to bump into the search team or the barrier inexplicably and be discovered as a result.

"There are three of them." Hyuga Aya looked at the jungle not far away and whispered: "According to the chakra judgment, the intensity is average, and even one can hardly perceive the chakra."

"Chakra won't lie. I think their mission in Wuyin is just as an intelligence collector."

Uchiha Kei nodded, but soon he continued: "But it cannot be ruled out that there are some special methods, as well as careful observation of the underground situation.

Although it is a land of water, there are not sure that there will be guys who are good at earth escape. We must be more careful in this place. "

"Yes, Captain." Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya replied at the same time.

Indeed, performing tasks in other countries must be more careful!

Although they may not understand why Uchiha Kai is so careful to go underground.

But as ninjas, they will still be honest and obedient.

Seeing the serious attitude of the two, Kai Uchiha nodded with satisfaction.

They don't know the source of Uchiha's intelligence, and naturally they won't understand Uchiha's thoughts.

Kirikin is one of Uchiha Madara's legacy left to Obito, and now Uchiha Obito is here.

Although Uchiha Kai takes more than 80% of the soil, it can be considered that Uchiha Kai has turned against him.

But the problem is that instigating countermeasures, this guy is still a 'spy'.

He really can't expose himself, otherwise the plan made by Uchiha Qi will be completely ruined.

He couldn't expose it, and naturally he couldn't control Bai Jue to investigate.

Even Uchiha Qi can predict that there will be some drama between them in the future.

What he wants to guard now is Bai Jue and Hei Jue.

Although he had the idea of ​​using this guy to transmit information, he didn't want this guy to do anything disgusting to him.

It's like attracting Kirigak's search team and so on, then Uchiha Keiko will be in trouble.

If this guy is found, Uchiha Kai will definitely evacuate as soon as possible.

The only trouble now is that he's not sure if Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai can find that thing.

In the entire ninja world, I am afraid that no one can compare with Black Jue in terms of concealment ability.

Especially now that he is attached to Bai Jue, which contains the cells of the Thousand Hands Pillar, some of his abilities may have been further strengthened.

"You have to be careful." Uchiha Kai thought to himself: "Also, I don't know how Uchiha Obito knew that I was coming. What would be the reaction?"


Just when Uchiha Qi ran to see those Anbu members, in the Mizukage office of Kiriyin Village, a guy with a yin and yang face slowly floated up from the ground.

And sitting on the Mizukage seat is a man with an orange swirl mask and a black robe. This guy is Uchiha Obito.

In fact, Uchiha Obito controlled the Hidden Kiri Village for some time.

After Rin died, he accepted everything from Madara Uchiha, and he had a plan in mind.

Although he was very puzzled at the time, why was Madara Uchiha so powerful in the Land of Water, but there was no way to stop this?

At that time, Hei Jue explained to him that although Madara Uchiha has a very strong influence, the one who has the most say in the country of water is Mizukage.

Uchiha Obito had already been carried away by hatred at that time, and he did not discern these things carefully at all.

But he has a crazy plan inside.

That is to control the water shadow and make yourself a 'actual' water shadow!

Only in this way can he truly take revenge on the country of water, and he wants to take revenge for the woman he loves the most!

Uchiha Obito thought so, and so did he.

Goji Tachibana Yakura, who looks like a kid, but is actually not young is his target.

Originally, Uchiha Obito didn't think he had any chance, but he really didn't expect Hei Jue to help him.

Through some means, Yutachi Yakura was able to know the exact location of the rebirth of the three tails after the death of the last person, Rin Jurinohara.

Therefore, Yutachi Yakura decided to recycle the three tails, and decided to seal it in his body, making him himself a three-tailed person Zhuri.

This move also gave Uchiha Obito a chance. If it was a normal person, he might not be able to control it for so long.

He's not Madara Uchiha, and he's still a beginner.

He might be able to do it in the future, but he definitely can't do it now.

Therefore, Uchiha Obito secretly followed him after Yutachi Yakura captured Mio.

And after he had just sealed the three tails, he was in the weakest situation.

Goji Tachibana Yakura is under control.

To be precise, his weak will, which is fighting against the three tails, has no way to resist at this moment, the surprise attack of Uchiha's Obito Magic.

Uchiha Obito mixed the consciousness of Gotachibana Yagura and Sanwei, unless they could trust each other and not contradict each other.

Otherwise, it is really difficult for this guy to release such illusion control.

Taking the water shadow in his hands, and after a period of study, Uchiha Obito has more confidence.

What's more, he had already obtained the time for the production of the nine-tailed man Zhuri from Kakashi, so he launched a war to attack Konoha!

It's just that he didn't expect that he failed, and the defeat was so ugly and complete!

What surprised him even more was that after he lost to Kai Uchiha again and was pulled into the illusion exchange, he finally realized that something was wrong.

After returning to the Land of Water after being defeated, he used his abilities to investigate these things secretly.

He was absolutely sure that Uchiha Kai was telling the truth at the time!

Because at that time, Shuiying was already at odds with the elders of Yuan Shi.

Because there are so many decisions made by Shuiying, it seems very strange, as if there is a man behind the scenes controlling him.

Knowing the truth Uchiha Obito is very calm, because he has already broken down once in his heart.

If it wasn't for Uchiha Kai telling him, he still has a chance, he can redeem himself to make up for everything he does.

And his heart is also full of hatred and hope for revenge, otherwise, I am afraid that he has chosen to blow himself up.

"How did you come?"

Uchiha Obito tilted his head, and his voice was neither cold nor indifferent. Although he was a little excited, he forced himself to remain calm.

"Because I found some interesting information." Hei Jue said calmly.

He was actually very unhappy with the tone of Uchiha Obito now but in his opinion it was normal.

The people of the Uchiha family are all neurotic.

Although he was beaten like a defeated dog in Konoha, here Uchiha Obito is the actual Mizukage, and it is normal for his attitude to become so domineering.

"Information?" Uchiha Obito frowned: "What kind of information, talk about it."

"After you forbid people from outside the village to enter the Mist Ninja Village, I asked Bai Jue to investigate the spies in the village, and the interesting thing is that I locked a group of Konoha spies."

Hei Jue smiled cruelly: "I didn't do it the first time, but what I didn't expect was that they went out to meet someone in the middle of the night. I think it's better to tell you about it."

"Meet someone? Who?"

"Uchiha Kai! He is now in the fog!"


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