Chapter 305: Happy cooperation

"He...he is in the fog?"

Uchiha Obito froze for a moment, and then his face became a little ugly, even more hideous.

His expression and emotions are really not pretending, he really didn't understand why, why did this guy Uchiha Qi come to the country of water?

Could it be that this guy doesn't know what the Land of Water is doing now?

Did he write a report to him for nothing?

It was just that he quickly controlled his emotions, and he felt like he wanted someone like Kai Uchiha.

Especially with his current status, he definitely has his own purpose for coming here.

Uchiha Obito's feelings towards Uchiha Kai are very complicated.

He didn't know whether he hated and hated this guy, or whether he cared and liked this guy from the bottom of his heart.

If it was placed before, he would never consider this issue.

Looking at this guy as an enemy, Uchiha Obito's mind will only appear something like 'insidious', 'cunning', and 'shameless'.

Even descriptions like 'cold', 'cold-blooded' and 'indifferent'.

But from Uchiha Kai, he who got the truth of the incident has changed.

He is now thinking more as a Konoha ninja.

And Uchiha Kai, also slowly changed his image in his heart.

He still remembers that Kakashi was never absent from the name Uchiha Kai in the whispers in front of his and Rinho's cemetery.

He knew how much Uchiha Kai helped Kakashi, and he also knew in Kakashi's mouth that in Rin's eyes, Uchiha Kai was a gentle person.

And after being 'broken' by Uchiha, he couldn't forget those scenes deep in his heart.

On that sunny afternoon, that girl with a gentle face was holding a slightly clumsy boy, everything was so beautiful.

To be able to dig out such a beautiful person, is it a gentle person?

Therefore, Uchiha Obito was very contradictory in his heart. He really couldn't figure out how a person could "change his face" to such a degree.

This is probably the real Uchiha Kai, right?

Treating the enemy and treating one's own people are two completely different expressions.

"Yes, he is in the fog."

Hei Jue also noticed Uchiha Obito's emotional changes, and he felt that this was probably Uchiha Obito's dissatisfaction.

So he hurriedly opened his mouth and comforted: "No need to be angry, that sinister poisonous snake is hiding too deep.

But fortunately, we are also slowly finding out his information, and this time he came to Wuyin with three people, we can make him come and go! "

"Have you really figured it out?"

After Uchiha Obito calmed down his inner emotions, he suddenly said in a faint tone: "You said before that his eyes couldn't hold up anymore.

But I almost died at his hands, what are you going to say? "

Hei Jue was choked by Uchiha Obito, and he didn't know how to explain it.

That **** Uchiha Kai is so mysterious, the ghost knows what is going on with his eyes.

Obviously this kid has no brothers, and the patterns in his pair of kaleidoscopes show no signs of overlapping.

But this kid's pupil strength is really too weird.

In the battle with Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Kai himself shut down Susanoo.

In Hei Jue's view, it is a performance that his eyes are about to die.

But then Hei Jue was dumbfounded, because through his own observations and Uchiha's narration, this guy seemed to be using another ability.

Enhancing Susanoo's control is just one of his abilities.

The other ability is what Hei can't think of, but the high probability has something to do with the sudden acceleration of himself.

Because through his observation, he found that Uchiha Kai's acceleration seemed to have nothing to do with any secret technique at all.

Because his physical damage is almost zero!

But if it is really a pupil technique, why is this kid's eyes nothing?

"Could this kid also get the cells of the Thousand Hands Pillar?"

Hei Jue really doesn't understand, but he thinks that kid Uchiha Kai, I'm afraid something really happened.

Just like Uchiha Obito, he uses the cells of Bai Jue or Senjuzhuma to restore his pupil power.

It even achieves a similar effect to the Eternal Eye!

What's more, this kid has really raided Orochimaru's stronghold in Konoha. It's hard to say whether he actively or passively obtained these powers, which led to the current situation.

"It was just an accident."

Hei Jue said firmly, no matter whether it is he or not, he must show absolute confidence.

"What's more, no matter how strong he is? Could it be that he can still deal with the entire fog?

Don't forget, you can be a real water shadow! "

"Yes." Uchiha Obito nodded calmly, and then he showed an inexplicable smile: "Who is his teammate?"

"Hyuga Aya and Sente Kenta."

Hei Jue said, "My clone doesn't dare to get too close, those two guys have strong perception.

Oh, by the way, Senju is Kenta Imai, I really didn't expect that guy to be a member of the Senju family. "

"It's interesting." Uchiha Obito fell silent.

He really doesn't know what to do, because he doesn't want to conflict with Uchiha now.

It took him a long time to stand up and say, "Don't disturb them for a while, and figure out what their purpose is.

Let your avatars come back, they should be infiltrated into the mist, so let the people of Anbu investigate them. "

"Alright, after all, they are strangers, and it is reasonable for Anbu to investigate them.

Moreover, if there is a real conflict, it is also a conflict between Konoha and Kirigakushi, and it has nothing to do with us. "

"Ah, yes, I'm really looking forward to how much this guy will endure.

After all, the head of the security department, and the senior management of Konoha..."

Uchiha Obito's words seemed to be a bit of a joke, but he was thinking in his heart, how to hurry up and inform this **** that he has been discovered...


Uchiha Qi didn't know that he was discovered, and he didn't know that it was the Anbu of these Konoha who exposed himself, not their own reasons.

If he knew, I'm afraid he wouldn't take it too seriously.

Because he is still eager to be black, pass this information to Uchiha Obito as soon as possible.

I am afraid that Hei Jue never dreamed that the person Uchiha Madara hand-picked and cultivated seriously is actually a super two or five boy.

It can be said that Uchiha Obito is definitely the best 'garbage cleaner' and 'deepest undercover' except for the spells and bombs placed in his heart.

And excluding those bombs and charms, Uchiha Qi really has no way, after all, what he is good at is not in this one.

But among the people he knew, there was a unique talent in this regard.

Uzumaki Kushina, the person who truly mastered the inheritance of the essence of the Uzumaki clan, but the wife of Minato Namifeng.

Her sealing technique, I am afraid that few people in the world can compare with her.

If she were to study the spell on Uchiha Obito's heart, it would be really hard to say whether this matter would be settled by her.

But before that, he needs to get the patterns of these spells.

And this matter cannot be exposed to Uchiha Obito, nor can Uzumaki Kushina know for the time being.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to think about these messes.

These are things to talk about later, and he has more important things to do at the moment.

"Is that the three of you?"

Uchiha Kai brought Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta to three figures who also wore masks.

At the same time, he also opened the writing wheel, and three gouyu slowly rotated in his eyes.

He doesn't completely believe these three guys. If there is really any trouble, he can take precautions first and make the first move.

"grown ups."

The three Anbu immediately fell to their knees on the ground, but Uchiha Kai still found one of their hands on the weapon.

The guy with the least amount of chakra said in a hoarse voice: "Sir, can you confirm something."

"Ah, of course, but what about your stuff." Uchiha Qi said coldly: "Don't play tricks on me, everyone's situation is very bad now, I don't want to do it now."

While speaking, Uchiha Kai had already taken out a scroll, and the Anbu, who was half-kneeling on the ground, also took out a scroll.

The scrolls were exchanged, and the two parties took a step back at the same time.

The guy Uchiha Kai opened the scroll at the same time, and after entering Chakra in a special way, the two of them began to quickly read the content inside.

In less than three seconds, they closed the scrolls.

The Anbu nodded to the other two behind him, and then the three of them took off their masks.

"I'm sorry, sir, as you said, our current situation is very bad." The Anbu said in a low voice: "So we have to be careful."

"Well, I understand." Uchiha Ki nodded, and after thinking for a moment, he also took off his mask.

After seeing his actions, Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta also made the same choice.

Although it is said that after taking off their masks, in case these guys are caught, their faces will be discovered.

But at this moment, they must also show their support and recognition for this place Anbu.

Moreover, after entering Wuyin Village, they may not have the opportunity to continue wearing masks.

"Sir, are you going to enter Wuyin Village?" The Anbu asked slowly.

He also looked like a middle-aged man, and he belonged to the kind of existence that would be forgotten in a blink of an eye.

"Of course, if it weren't for the fact that Wuyin Village is crazy now, we wouldn't find you."

Uchiha Qi said calmly: "We have very important tasks to do, so we have no choice. I'm afraid we really have to rely on your help."

"We understand." The three Anbu replied quickly, thinking for a moment before Anbu, who took the lead, said.

"Please rest assured, adults, we can do this. We will prepare some identities for adults, but I don't know what kind of identity adults need."

Hearing this guy's words, Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help showing a possible smile.

I have to say that these Anbu have been hidden for a long time, and they will indeed have a huge improvement in observation.

In other words, they have made great progress in speculating about people's hearts.

His questioning, under normal circumstances, does not seem to have any problems.

It's just that you can basically judge what identity you need, and the next task is what kind of people you need to face!

Such a topic is very sensitive, and it also makes Kei Uchiha feel interesting, because this guy shouldn't ask it like this.

"You should ask me what else is needed."

Uchiha's eyes flashed red again: "As an Anbu who has been lurking for so long, you shouldn't even be aware of this."

"Tell me, who made you make such a choice?"


"I didn't expect you to be here too."

In a basement, Uchiha Qi quietly looked at the man with long hair and pale complexion in front of him. This guy was Orochimaru!

Kai Uchiha thought about a lot of situations, such as the Anbu who stayed in Kiriyin Village had actually been captured, and even they had all defected.

For example, they received a change of power in Konoha Village, and they knew that the fourth and third generations of Hokage were in conflict.

Or they are simply loyal to Danzo, loyal to the ninja at the root.

But what he never expected was that there was another person behind these Anbu.

One person he hadn't considered at all was Orochimaru who had already defected to Konoha.

Of course, Uchiha Qi knew how much influence Orochimaru had in Konoha.

Just look at how many ninjas were implicated after he defected and thrown into the prison under his jurisdiction.

It's just that this guy put his hand into Anbu, which made Kei Uchiha a little puzzled.

Are these people really the root?

After thinking about it, Kai Uchiha only came to this conclusion.

Because the original works seem to be rooted, more choices will be made to lurk in villages in other countries, and then secretly engage in this espionage plan.

And Orochimaru himself has also joined the root. It is difficult to say whether he mastered some people in some way during the root.

But these people were discovered by Danzo, so they were thrown into Wuyin Village for lurking?

Is this guy's brainwashing ability even more powerful than the mark of the eradication of the tongue?

"Minister Qi is still so keen. I really didn't expect that just one sentence would attract the attention of Minister Qi."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, still looking so disgusting.

"It seems that they were really too careless, but I'm just curious why someone like Minister Qi came here.

Didn't they pass back the information of Wuyin Village now? "

"It was passed back, and that's why I came here."

Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "Originally, I wanted Mito Menyan and Chuan Koharu to come, but when I think about the current relationship with your teacher, I'm afraid..."

"Ah, that's really a pity." Orochimaru smiled, as if he didn't care about these things at all.

"It's a pity to lose such an opportunity to strike an opponent."

"Speaking of which, he is still your teacher, right, Lord Orochimaru?"

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and then he seemed to think of something: "Don't you know what happened to Master Orochimaru in the Land of Water?

Could it be that these changes in the Land of Water have something to do with Lord Orochimaru? "

Uchiha Qi is indeed a little strange about how Orochimaru is here. To be precise, he is curious about what state Orochimaru is in.

He knew that Orochimaru would join the Xiao organization, but it was unclear what the specific time was.

This is never stated in the original work, only that after he left Konoha, he once again appeared in everyone's field of vision and was already a member of Akatsuki.

And Orochimaru seems to have teamed up with Scorpion before, and also teamed up with Uchiha Itachi, who joined Akatsuki after the genocide.

And now Uchiha Obito is in the country of water, is it difficult...

Soon Uchiha Kai rejected the idea, and Orochimaru joined Akatsuki because he saw Nagato's Samsara eyes.

And Uchiha Qi also recalled some one-sided stories of Junma Lu.

Although many of Konoha's processes are now messed up by him.

But some of Orochimaru's plans should have been thought of long ago, right?

I'm afraid this guy has long been eyeing the bloodline boundaries of the country of water, so he came here to do a field investigation, right?

"I don't have that ability." Sure enough, Orochimaru smiled: "But with Qi-Jun's keenness, he should have realized that the future of the country of water may not be peaceful, so..."

"You're eyeing those people from the blood family." Uchiha Kai suddenly showed a slight smile.

"In the end, it's Lord Orochimaru, who almost became Hokage's man. I'm afraid there are few people who can match you with your sharpness."

"Since Qijun can say such a thing, it seems that our purpose is the same." Orochimaru frowned: "This is not good news."

Indeed, this is not a good news. Orochimaru suddenly realized that Uchiha Kai was probably here for the same purpose as himself.

Otherwise, why would this guy come here because of his status in Konoha?

But soon, Orochimaru's frowning brows eased.

What Uchiha Kai is planning is probably the change of the entire family, and what he is planning is only one or two people with blood successors.

Orochimaru suddenly felt that he seemed to be able to cooperate with this guy.

Orochimaru doesn't remember what Uchiha Kai has done.

At the beginning, he also planned to leave Konoha, but only through the hands of Uchiha Kai.

Even without Kai Uchiha, he would have left with Jiraiya's hand at that time.

It can be said that leaving Konoha is an established fact, Konoha has already blocked his progress.

He will not let anything bind him, no matter the village or the fetters, nothing!

Thinking of this, Orochimaru suddenly showed some smiles: "Then, I don't know if Minister Qi has any idea of ​​cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Uchiha Kei really didn't expect Orochimaru to bring up such a topic, a topic that made Uchiha Kei feel interesting.

However, Uchiha Qi responded very quickly, and he figured out what he meant almost at the moment when Orochimaru said these words.

This couldn't help but make him laugh: "Interesting, it's true that we cooperate much better than we do it alone, but I don't know who the target of Lord Orochimaru is?"

"I haven't decided yet." Orochimaru licked his tongue and explained to the wise man that it was really easy: "But there are many blood descendants in the country of water. For the time being, my target is the Xuezhi family and the Kaguya family. "

"You can choose one person, I want the others." Uchiha Kai said directly.

"Of course, I won't let you suffer too much, if I fail you are free. If I succeed, and you don't have a suitable candidate.

I'll give you at least ten, but you'll have to figure it out for yourself. "

When the turmoil broke out between the Xuezhi clan and the Hui Ye clan, it was really confusing when they were finally served with a pot of soil.

But at least Uchiha Qi knows that these two families are gone.

The Xuezhi clan may be fine, but there are still many people who have opened their bloodline boundaries.

This kind of chakra boundary is really much easier than the physical one.

And the Kaguya family is really difficult to give birth. It seems that before the entire family is destroyed, only one Junmalu has opened the blood of their family.

Uchiha Kai's words are actually cutting off some of Orochimaru's follow-up ideas in advance.

Cooperation is cooperation, and some things are better explained in advance.

He would rather give Orochimaru a research object and let him find a way to start Xueji himself, rather than wasting time doing these things.

As for Junmarou?

Uchiha Qi doesn't care about Junmalu's feelings, let alone his thoughts.

Orochimaru may be brainwashed, but Uchiha Kai doesn't care.

Although he wants Junmalu to work, the biggest possibility of this guy is probably that he will be drained by Hyuga Aya as an experiment.

"Qi-Jun is really greedy." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "As far as I know, the Hui Ye family probably has no one who has opened the boundary of blood, is Qi-Jun guarding against this?"

"Otherwise?" Uchiha Kai nodded as a matter of course.

"You can do whatever you want, but I can't.

I can give you a certain amount to experiment with, and I'm already passive to some extent.

Cooperation is a win-win situation. Master Orochimaru should know this. "

"Of course, although it's a little troublesome..." Orochimaru smiled confidently.

"But for me, it's more of a joy. A constant process of learning the truth about the world, a unique challenge.

I accept your request, Minister Qi. "

"Very good." Uchiha Kai also laughed: "As expected of Mr. Orochimaru, such a measure is indeed admirable."

This confidence of Orochimaru can be regarded as a measure.

And I have to say, Uchiha Kai really admires him.

Not only because of his confidence, but also because of his enthusiasm for studying the unknown.

As far as Uchiha himself is concerned, he is reluctant to do such complicated research.

What he prefers is to have direct access to research results, which he can then use directly.

It's not that he's lazy, but that he knows that the industry has specialized in this sentence.

He knows what he is capable of and what he is good at, and he knows he has never been a 'researcher'.

"Then, for better cooperation, Lord Orochimaru, I may trouble you to do some things."

Now that there is a basic consensus, the rest is to discuss some small details.

However, these small details must not be careless. They must reach unity in some aspects in order to better implement what they are going to do next.

Orochimaru obviously knew what Uchiha Kai was thinking, and he smiled slightly.

He glanced at Uchiha Kai and the two people behind him, and then his eyes glanced at the three Anbu behind him.

After these three Anbu were discovered by Uchiha Kai, they directly used the Sharinyan uniform.

In the end, if he hadn't appeared, I'm afraid these three people would have died.

But now what...

"Ah!" The screams suddenly sounded from the mouths of the three Anbu, and the faces of the three of them had turned pale, looking extremely strange and terrifying!

"Minister Kai is Anbu who wants to lurk in the Land of Water. Is his specific identity position correct?"

Orochimaru laughed casually, and as his voice fell, three little snakes slowly crawled onto him.

"I can give it to you, it's not difficult. But the task of visiting those patriarchs..."

"Ah, of course I do it." Uchiha Qi nodded: "After all, my identity is here, otherwise..."

"Then, happy cooperation, Minister Qi."

"Pleasant to work with."


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