Chapter 306: stage

After reaching a cooperation agreement with Orochimaru, the rest has indeed become much simpler.

Orochimaru was also a member of the root, and as a ninja who participated in two ninja wars, what he is good at is really not comparable to these young ninjas now.

Uchiha Qi himself believes that he is inferior to Orochimaru in many aspects.

It can be said that he is a somewhat partial ninja, while Orochimaru is a very comprehensive ninja.

With him providing information to Kai Uchiha on behalf of those Anbu, this matter will become extremely simple.

Especially in these Anbu, the division of position components, he is probably very clear.

This saved Uchiha Kai a lot of trouble.

What's more, a guy like Orochimaru who is inspired to learn all ninjutsu and specialize in the essence of ninjutsu will never let go of the sealing technique.

It can be said that the cooperation with Orochimaru has really relieved too much pressure on Uchiha Kai.

The only troublesome thing is not really troublesome.

That is Uchiha Kei is going to visit those families, this is his 'job job'.

At least it looked like that was what he was supposed to do.

But there are too many loopholes that can be drilled, such as letting the people from Anbu go, or splitting a shadow clone by yourself.

Orochimaru wants to let Uchiha open himself, and use his identity to convince those guys in the Land of Water.

Instead of passing the message through some dark part.

In this way, the situation of Uchiha Kai may become a little dangerous, but the success rate of doing so will be higher, I don't know how much.

In fact, Uchiha Qi didn't intend to be lazy at first, he really planned to use his real body to go in and see.

He didn't really care about the ice slaughter, but he had to pay attention to his posture.

What's more, he came here to help Uchiha and at least make Hei Jue's heart completely believe in one thing.

That is Uchiha Obito hated Uchiha Kai so much that he wanted to completely eradicate this guy directly.

Only in this way, Uchiha Obito, the "Xianji", is not happy with the black, and will not let him contact Uchiha Kai.

He obtained the identities of the three dead Anbu through Orochimaru, and with his help, the three of Uchiha Kai also broke through the barrier and entered the village of fog hidden.

The feeling of Wuyin Village is indeed very different from Konoha.

In particular, the thick fog that pervades everywhere here, combined with the numerous buildings, always gives people an unusually depressing feeling.

And now Kiriyuki no longer gives people such a feeling psychologically, but also gives people such a feeling physically.

Looking at the ninjas constantly patrolling the street, and the constant shouting from a distance, all of this is very depressing.

But Uchiha Qi knows that this is probably just the beginning.

It was even a little hard for him to imagine how the mist ninjas of the water country survived.

The current environment is probably not bad. In the next ten years, under the crazy revenge of Uchiha Obito, the entire Kirigakushi will fall into an unimaginable nightmare.

But soon Uchiha Kei shook his head, the situation in other people's villages had nothing to do with him.

And in a way, the more messed up others are, the better it is for him.

Although there may be great changes in the future, he knows the future powerhouses, and he knows which talents are the most powerful and most worthy of consideration.

And the ninjas from Kiriyin Village are probably the best in the ninja world in terms of quality.

It's not how strong they are, but their adherence to the concept of 'ninja'.

Although to a large extent he was forced, but if he could get some people, that would be the best.

For example, the dried persimmon ghost shark who left a deep impression on Uchiha Kai!

"Looks like we're going to spend the night here tonight."

When the three of them came to the house of one of the three Anbu killed by Orochimaru, Uchiha Kai said directly.

This place is not shabby, but it is not so good.

They chose this place because this place is relatively remote, very close to the forest, which is very convenient for them to carry out the next task.

At the same time, it is also convenient for them to quickly enter the interior of the forest to hide when they encounter trouble.

"The environment is better than I imagined. There is really no chance to live in such a place on the battlefield."

Hyuga Aya glanced around, nodded and said, "But Captain, what are we going to do next."

"Yeah, although Orochimaru has helped us reduce the burden, I'm afraid our task will not be easy." Imai Kenta asked after setting up a simple soundproof barrier around him.

Although he is really not good at sealing enchantments, he can still do the simplest things, and he is also a member of the Thousand Hands family.

"It's simple, just follow the plan."

Uchiha Qi said directly: "Let's not say anything else, just because we promised the fourth-generation Hokage-sama and the cooperation with Orochimaru, we have to do something.

At least let others see it, so that they have a feeling that 'we attach great importance to the blood family'.

It's a bit risky, but it works.

In particular, we are going to enter the Kaguya clan and look for the guys who have opened the boundaries of blood, and we can't let them be suspicious. "

Both Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta nodded, indeed they had better go visit these guys as they said to Namikaze Minato.

After all, he came out with this gimmick, and He also made a deal with Orochimaru based on this.

It should be done well.

Although it was said that Aya Hinata could use white-eyed detection from the outside, the gimmick they used was useless.

Stupid thing, they won't do it.

"Looks like we're busy." Hyuga Aya nodded, and then she sighed slightly: "I'm sorry for dragging everyone into this matter, it's just..."

"You don't need to say it." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Although I don't like such a thing happening, but since it's over, all we can do is accept it.

We are grasshoppers on a rope, and your request is reasonable, you have paid so much, you deserve it. "

"Indeed, you deserve it." Imai Kenta nodded helplessly.

"Although it's a little uncomfortable, after all, I've just 'officially' joined you.

But given your worth, what can you do without taking a risk?

Although I think we can find someone else to replace you, it's just too troublesome. "

Hyuga Aya nodded, she didn't say anything.

Uchiha Kai's words gave her a lot of affirmation, and that was enough.

As for Imai Kenta's words, she didn't bother to pay any attention.

Just as Uchiha Kai said, all this is what she deserves.

She has paid so much and done so many things, can't she still gain something?

What's more, although their team restricts each other, the real core of this team is Uchiha Kai.

As long as this man agrees with her, then all this is enough.

After the three casually chatted a few words, they each chose a room to rest.

The house is not big, but there are not too many rooms to choose from.

At least it's guaranteed that they each have a small room to use.

Uchiha Qi chose a room at random and went in, and a good rest would allow them to face everything unknown the next day.

I just got some water and took a good soak, which made Uchiha Qi feel much more comfortable.

Although it's winter now, as a ninja, he doesn't feel so cold.

It was just that he had just washed and put on his clothes, and he noticed that the space around him seemed to be a little distorted.

Turning around, he found that Uchiha Obito had already appeared in his room.

"I have to say, your ability is really useful, whether it's an assassination or a sneak attack."

Uchiha Kai kept a certain vigilance in his heart, but his tone looked very casual: "I'm still thinking about when you will come back, I didn't expect to come so soon."

"Those Anbu are being watched." Uchiha Kai Obito said in a low voice, "Do you believe me?"

"I want to believe, but I also have to be careful." Uchiha Qi said directly: "What do you want to do?"

"One of my abilities can open up a space." Uchiha Obito said directly: "We can talk directly there, of course, if you don't want to, just use illusion."

Uchiha Kai frowned, and he was naturally aware of Uchiha Obito's divine power space.

If you just enter this space, I am afraid it will be a little troublesome.

But after thinking about it, Uchiha Kai found that he didn't seem to need to worry so much, what the **** was this guy doing.

Although it is not certain whether Namikaze Minato Kunai will take effect in Kamui space.

But Uchiha Obito also has a mark on his body.

If he wants to play with flowers, Uchiha Ki doesn't mind using 'Station of Time' to immobilize him again, and then activate that mark.

Of course, this is not a method without an optimal solution.

That is, at the moment when he has bad thoughts, just goug out his eyes.

Even if it fails this time, Kai Uchiha doesn't believe that this guy will no longer enter the Kamui space.

As long as he still enters here, especially when he is teleporting, he needs to pass through here as a node.

As long as he comes in, then Uchiha Kai will have a way to deal with him!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi pretended to be hesitant, and then showed a trusting expression: "Then, let's listen to you."

"You guy, don't believe me at all, do you?" Uchiha Obito couldn't see the expression of Uchiha Kai.

He suddenly realized that he really cared about him in vain.

How can trust between people become so difficult?

However, Uchiha Obito also knows that he has nothing to offer except the future plan report.

Even if Uchiha Kai gave himself a scroll to show his identity, this scroll was only used in the future.

And if you want to prove your identity, I'm afraid Uchiha Kai is really indispensable.

Thinking that there is no way to bring soil here, he sighed helplessly and vortexes began to appear around him.

Such a vortex appeared even around Kai Uchiha.

The next moment, the two disappeared directly into the room.


As the strange whirlpool continued to rotate, when Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Obito appeared again, they were already in a barren space.

This space is not big.

It may be because of Uchiha Obito's kaleidoscope mastery, it did not reach the level in the memory of Uchiha Kai in the future.

And this space is also very simple, with nothing but a few pillars.

Uchiha Qi glanced at the space, and he found that there was a place not far from where many weapons and Bai Jue's bodies were piled up.

The most interesting thing is that Uchiha Kai discovered the big fan he never dared to touch.

It doesn't seem to be doing well now, it seems to be thrown in that place like garbage.

After checking the space a little, Uchiha Kai locked his eyes on Uchiha Obito.

After all, this is the home court of Uchiha Obito. Although he will not show his unparalleled strength in this place, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Uchiha Obito took off his mask, probably because he felt that there was no need to be so mysterious in it.

What's more, it's not that Kai Uchiha doesn't know who he is.

"What are you doing here?" Uchiha took the lead and asked with a frown.

"Don't you know that Wuyin Village is not peaceful now, and you asked me not to reveal my identity.

The guy next to me I told you, you do this..."

"Of course I know, but of course I have my thoughts." Uchiha Kai interrupted Uchiha Obito directly, he nodded and said.

"But this time there is indeed a plan, whether it's for the Konoha plan or for you."

"For Konoha, and for me?" Uchiha Obito frowned: "What do you mean."

If it is Orochimaru, I am afraid that this guy has already guessed what Uchiha Kai means.

But unfortunately, Obito is not a talent to play this set.

You need to tell him a lot of things before he can understand, and he may not even understand.

Uchiha Kai looked at this guy with some disgust, but he also knew that Uchiha Obito really couldn't be blamed.

After all, Uchiha Obito is indeed not that smart to a certain extent.

"Since you have disclosed it, there is a person around you who is good at intelligence, and that guy may have understood your character."

Uchiha Qi sighed and explained helplessly: "So I'm here to help you.

You only need to take a posture that we are the enemy, a posture of 'hate to the bone' or even 'completely eradicate it and then quickly', then you can gain more trust. "

"Is that so?" Uchiha Obito thought about it: "He doesn't trust me? Shouldn't it, or are you being too careful?"

"I can't be too careful." Uchiha Kai shook his head.

"I need you to pass on information, naturally you will disappear from time to time, and even if they don't follow you, they will be suspicious.

But if you and I are a mortal enemy, then..."

"I understand." Uchiha Obito frowned: "In this way, even if I am missing, even if they have doubts, they will not suspect Konoha."

Uchiha Kai nodded, this guy's reaction was a little slow, but it wasn't really hopelessly stupid.

Cut off the black must think that Obito and Konoha are connected, this is an inevitable thing to do.

Too bad Danzo is dead.

Otherwise, Uchiha Kai can even use some small means to make Danzo this guy and Obito continue to conflict.

Then Hei Jue wouldn't even look at him anymore.

As for the third generation of Hokage, Uchiha Qi thought silently for a while, and he felt that the feasibility of this matter might not be high.

In the Orochimaru incident, Tuanzang died, and in the Nine Tails incident, his wife died, and all of this has something to do with Uchiha.

Even though Minato Namikaze has proven that the Nine Tails incident has nothing to do with Konoha Uchiha.

But no matter what kind of thinking, I am afraid that the root in the hands of the third generation will only stare at Konoha's Uchiha.

Let him have some conflict with Obito, although it can be done, but the strength is probably not enough.

Even a different way of thinking for him to cooperate with Obito may not be feasible.

"Well, that's it." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"You're the one hiding behind Kiriyuki, so you can't do it under normal circumstances.

But you can make some decisions and let Mizuki do it.

Just treat it as a performance, you can watch the stage, don't go too far and come when it's time..."


Having said that, Uchiha Kai paused for a while, and then looked at Uchiha Obito.

And Uchiha Obito looked at Uchiha Kai inexplicably, and the two fell silent for a while.

After a long time, Uchiha Obito asked strangely, "What's the matter? Go on."


Uchiha Qi rubbed his eyebrows helplessly, and said with some distress: "At that time, you will try your best to express your decision to take action at the most critical time, understand?"

"But this way, aren't you in danger?" Uchiha Obito still didn't understand.

"When you say the stage, do you mean to let Kirigakushi find you, and then you do it with them?

In the face of so many fog hidden, can you do it?

If I'm doing it..."

"Are you really an idiot!" Uchiha Kai shouted angrily, and his head was really big.

"Do you know that the stage is set to be smaller?

Don't you know to tell me in advance, which day the ninjas in Kirigakushi are the worst, and I can be exposed?

Besides, the guy next to you won't let you do it! "

Uchiha Kai really didn't expect that how this guy looks so different from the Uchiha Obito in his memory?

In the later period, Uchiha Obito was very keen, although he was not smart enough, he was definitely online.

Why is this fourteen or fifteen-year-old his head like a piece of wood?

Not learning enough?

Not enough accumulated?

Uchiha Qi was a little distressed, this guy really needs to study hard with Hei Jue.

Although black is by no means a good thing, his educational ability is indeed great.

To be honest, Uchiha Qizhen is a little admired by Hei Jue.

That guy, but cultivated the 'Xianji' of Uchiha Obito into a qualified 'controller'.

And also taught this guy to exercise the kaleidoscope to the extreme.

Of course, it is also thanks to the "Xianji" of Uchiha Obito.

If it were a smarter guy, it's hard to say what level Hei would have nurtured that guy.

"Is that so?" Uchiha Obito fell silent, and then he nodded.

"I understand, no wonder I told him to let Anbu investigate you, and he would agree directly.

At first I thought he was planning to make Konoha and Kiriyin conflict, but now it seems that he doesn't want me to be exposed either. "

"Oh? And this matter?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, and then he could only sigh that stupid people have stupid blessings.

This kid probably didn't think of a good strategy, and didn't want to fight him directly, but he didn't expect to fool Hei Jue.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai nodded: "Very good, smart approach. You have to remember that you are now hidden behind Kiriyuki.

He will stop you when you are impulsive, so be more impulsive when necessary.

You can even threaten him directly, saying that you are going to fight to kill me.

And in the end, when he stopped you, you pretended to be unwilling, you know? "

"This..." Uchiha Obito froze for a moment, and then asked inexplicably, "Isn't this the same as a neuropathy?"


Congratulations, you got it right, you are a lunatic!

Uchiha Kai wanted to tell him this fact, but when he thought that he believed in Uchiha too, he could only change his words.

"This is a form of forbearance. After all, you are Uchiha, and your performance is in line with your identity."

"Is it Uchiha who behaves like a neuropathy?" Uchiha Obito looked at Uchiha Kai inexplicably: "What do you mean...?"

"Can you shut up? Kenji?" Uchiha Kai really didn't want to talk to this guy anymore.

Originally, he was still thinking about teaching this guy how to make Kiriyin even more broken.

It's like implementing identity politics, forcibly promoting a group of 'identity ninjas' and letting them gain absolute power.

As a result, Wuyin's internal division is extremely divided, and with his blood fog policy, it can definitely make Wuyin's national strength comparable to the surrounding small countries in ten years.

But he now finds that it is absolutely useless to teach him this, because this guy probably doesn't understand.

Rather than wasting this drool, say something more effective.

With this guy Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Qizhen felt like he had met the future Naruto.

This kind of feeling makes him really unable to say, why this guy and Naruto have not learned or inherited some of the advantages of Namikaze Minato?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi no longer thought about these things, he said directly: "Since you control the water shadow, then prepare for it.

Find a time to record Anbu and the regular ninja action plan to me, so that I can find a time to expose it, and then cooperate with you to complete a performance. "

"Well, I see." Uchiha Obito nodded.

"I've prepared these things for a while, and you haven't said that you're here for another purpose, Konoha's purpose."

"Of course it's for those **** ninjas, otherwise how could you think I could have come?"

Uchiha Qi sighed: "My identity and position in Konoha, generally, I can't go to other countries at will.

Small countries are fine big countries have huge troubles.

But Captain Watergate knows your existence and your plans, so..."

"Teacher knows about" Uchiha Obito interrupted Uchiha Kai's words, and he asked loudly, "Didn't I tell you not to worry, damn, you..."

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?" Uchiha Kai smiled.

"I gave the document and plan you signed directly to Captain Watergate. Anyway, sooner or later your existence will be known to him, so what's the difference between earlier and later?"

"But...but..." Uchiha Obito was a little tangled, and he sighed for a long time, as if waiting for a trial.

"So, what did Minato-sensei say?"


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