Chapter 312: Raid (1)

"Is the list ready?"

In Konoha Village, while looking at the report, Namikaze Minato asked Nara Shikahisa who had just entered the office.

Nara Shikahisa was keenly aware of something, which really surprised Minato Namikaze.

However, although it was unexpected, it was also reasonable.

As the minister of Konoha's government affairs department, Nara Shikahisa's brain has always been the most trustworthy in the whole Konoha.

Not only can he do the best in government affairs, but also in intelligence analysis and macro-control, he can do everything.

Therefore, it was normal for him to perceive something from the few words in Uchiha Qishin's words.

And Nara Shikahisa was very smart and only asked Minato Namifeng one question, and that was whether Konoha would be involved in this matter.

Naturally, if this matter is only at this level, it is impossible to involve Konoha.

Namikaze Minato would not allow such a thing to involve Konoha.

With such a conclusion, Nara Shikahisa understood what he was going to do.

And he has already made several preparations to deal with various possible events.

"It's ready, Hokage-sama."

Nara Shikahisa handed a list of materials to Minato Namikaze: "It's all the extra weapons from our side, but they were prepared for war. Although the storage time is a little old, the quality is absolutely fine."

"That's good, but when you take it out..." Minato Minato knocked on the table: "You should know what to do, right?"

"I will contact my father, but Hokage-sama also needs to contact the security department."

Nara Shikahisa lowered his head: "You can make these substances disappear through the number of tasks and the number of equipment acquired by the Security Department, and even the Ministry of Finance can't see the situation."

Hokage and the Minister of the Security Department teamed up to sell arms, and incidentally involved the Minister of Government Affairs. This kind of thing is really unimaginable.

But I have to say, this matter is indeed very beneficial to Konoha.

After the war is over, in order to make up for the wounds caused by the war, a large amount of money is naturally needed to restore the economy.

At the same time, the worse other countries are, the better for Konoha.

By the way, dispose of the weapons and equipment that are too rich and need to be eliminated and updated.

Anyone would do this kind of thing, but it must never be discovered.

Except for the necessary insiders, no one else can know.

"Well, I see." Minato Minato nods his head, and then he returns the list to Shikahisa Nara.

"I'll trouble you about this matter, Lu Jiu. I don't think I need to emphasize the confidentiality of this matter. Just do it well."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Nara Shikahisa still lowered his head, but he was a little overjoyed in his heart.

It's not the attitude of Minato, or expressing his trust in him that makes him happy.

Nara Shikahisa is a confident person, he is confident in his abilities.

Whoever sits in the Hokage position will choose to use him and trust him.

He was delighted by the growth of Minato Namikaze, and his friend became more and more majestic that Hokage should have.

At the same time, he has more and more thoughts and considerations that Hokage should have.

Naruto is different from ordinary ninjas, they need to think more.

And we have to take a more macroscopic view, from the perspective of the village.

He can no longer be the same as ordinary ninjas, thinking and caring things are so one-sided.

"By the way, has Qijun reported any news recently?"

Namikaze Minato didn't know what Nara Shikahisa was thinking, so he asked directly, "It seems like it's been almost half a month since the last time I sent a message back, right?"

"Yes." Nara Shikaku nodded: "It's been half a month, but I haven't received any feedback for the time being."

"Where is the Anbu stationed in Kirigakura?" Minato Minato Namikaze sighed and continued to ask, "Is there any news from them?"

"Not yet. It seems that they have encountered a lot of trouble."

Nara Shikahisa sighed: "They have entered a state of silence now, unless we take the initiative to find them, or there is an extreme situation, otherwise..."

Speaking of which, Nara Shikahisa shook his head and said nothing more, and Minato Namikaze also knew this situation.

It seemed that the changes in Wuyin Village were more serious than he imagined.

It's only been a few months, but it's already developed to this point.

Namifeng Minato is really worried about Uchiha Kai's safety now.

Although he is strong, he also holds his own kunai.

But Wuyin Village is, after all, the base camp of that mysterious organization.

Even with Uchiha Obito as a cover, things like this are always dangerous.

Namifeng Minato is now thinking whether he is going to be dispatched.

Without any source of information or any channel to learn about Kai Uchiha's situation, he really couldn't sit still.

He didn't want to lose an important partner, a good friend who saved their family because of changes in a water country!

But at this moment, Minato Namikaze suddenly felt a chakra calling him.

It's just that this chakra is a little weak, probably because of the distance.

But that's enough, Minato Namikaze is a little relieved now, and he also knows what to do.


"Are you ready to start?"

Standing in a forest in Kiriyin Village, Uchiha Kai calmly looked at everything that was still gray and foggy in the distance.

After a long time, he turned to look at Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya who were standing behind him.

They are ready to do it, and the message to be conveyed is also conveyed.

Then, next, it's time to use them to participate in this stage.

Kai Uchiha's plan is very simple, that is, to attack the Kaguya clan directly first.

He didn't know how Kaguya Chongming prepared.

But no matter how he prepares, Uchiha Kei will never stop.

I signed and ordered so many things with myself, and I really wanted to buy weapons and equipment without paying anything. It was a pipe dream.

In fact, Kaguya Shigeaki was always just a small character, and Uchiha Kai's eyes were not on this guy.

What he had to do was to cover Uchiha Obito and take Junmaro away, and it was only convenient for him to attack them.

At the same time, it can also make Kaguya Chongming make up his mind even more.

Although Kei Uchiha felt that Kaguya Shigeaki's determination was enough.

But this didn't prevent him from making the relationship between the Kaguya clan and Kiriyin Village even more tense.

I must thank this guy Uchiha Obito, if it wasn't for him for giving Uchiha a good thing, and he also promised one thing.

Uchiha Kai really doesn't really dare to fight with Kirikin.

However, for the sake of safety, Uchiha Kai still took out the Kunai of Namikaze Minato.

He decided to put this kunai in the most convenient position. Once he felt that something was wrong, he would immediately summon Minato Namifeng.

Although the people he wants to deal with are those of Yuan Shi, who really cares who the other party is?

During a melee, no one can care who their opponent is.

Especially when these people are all Hidden Kiri, Uchiha Qi doesn't care if he has the wrong person.

"Already prepared."

Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai said at the same time, it seems that their state has been adjusted to the best.

"That's good." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"According to the plan, we will be discovered when we attack the Kaguya clan and **** their blood.

On the way to retreat, we were blocked by the fog hidden.

The task of both of you is to deal with the flanks of Kirin, and my task is to deal with those frontal troops, understand? "

"no problem."

Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai said at the same time, but Aya Hyuga still had some questions: "Captain, what if we separated from you when we were dealing with those people on the flank?

Where is the evacuation point? Where are we going to find you? "

"You don't have to answer so quickly, after all, you need to be careful yourself." Uchiha Ki shook his head.

"Just like Kaguya's fellows, they defected and chose to let me go, but they left one of you or even together.

Use it as a bargaining chip to negotiate with me, or give it to Kiriyin Village, these are all things that need attention. "

Kai Uchiha's words are very realistic, and he would probably do this kind of thing instead.

However, from a different standpoint, he wouldn't accept this kind of thing happening with the strap.

Since he can think of it, no matter whether this will happen or not, Uchiha Kai needs a reminder.

But after glancing at the two in front of him, Uchiha Kaixin nodded secretly.

It can be seen that the two of them seem to have already prepared, so their mentality is relatively peaceful, and there is not much fluctuation.

"As for how to find me." Uchiha Kai smiled slightly: "At that time, you just need to find the biggest existence on the battlefield."

"The biggest existence?" Imai Ken was too stunned for a moment: "Did you learn some psychic arts? Giant snake or toad?"

Kei Uchiha glanced at Imai Kenta speechlessly, this kid's brain is really big enough.

But it is undeniable that, in the knowledge of Konoha ninjas, the only existences with huge size that can appear on the battlefield are probably only the psychics of the three Konoha.

Uchiha Kei himself has such a good relationship with Shidaimu, it is difficult to say whether he will learn the toad psychic arts of Miaomu Mountain through Shidaimu Hokage.

Even if you didn't learn this, what about Orochimaru?

Although the relationship between Kai Uchiha and Orochimaru is not good, there is a deal between the two of them.

At the beginning, Uchiha Qi directly used a pair of double hook jade to write round eyes, and then he switched to his research on the cells of the thousand-hand column.

It's hard to say, this time he will exchange something interesting with Orochimaru, and exchange Orochimaru's proud spiritism.

"I won't say this, just treat it as a sellout."

Uchiha Kai smiled and shook his head: "Since everything is ready, let's go."

"Captain, one last question."

Seeing Uchiha Kei put the mask on his face, Hyuga Aya also asked the last question.

"Whether it's Kaguya or those Hidden Mist, we don't need to keep our hands, right?"

"No need, in essence, they are all misty hidden, and they are all our enemies."


In Wuyin Village, in an unremarkable building next to the Shuiying Building.

A bald old man is seriously looking at the book in his hand.

This old man looked older than Sarutobi Hibiki, about sixty or seventy years old.

Maybe it was because of his age that he had to narrow his eyes into a slit to see things clearly.

But such a seemingly ordinary old man is one of the most powerful people in the entire Wuyin Village!

He is the Master Yuan.

He is the elder of Wuyin Village in the Land of Water. He may not remember exactly when he took this position.

Probably when Ghost Lantern Huanyue was in power, he had already become the elder of Wuyin Village, right?

However, with the death of Ghost Lantern and Yanyue, and the third generation of Mezukage, his power has not subsided.

Instead, it has almost reached its peak now!

He has the same power and status as Mizukage, and he can take charge of all things in Mist.

Even on the most important matters in the village, he had to consult his elder!

But he is very sensible, he knows that he is not a shadow, he is just an elder.

Therefore, even if he possesses such terrifying power, he does not use such power excessively.

But he also knows that, standing in his current position, if he does not have enough strength to protect himself, to protect his family, and to protect those who follow him.

Then I'm afraid there is no need to wait for him to die, and those who are related to him will not be better off.

Quietly looking at the book in his hand, Master Yuan's attention was no longer on the book.

His mind has already started to focus on another matter.

A few days ago, a spy hidden in Anbu in his hands reported to him that Anbu under Mizukage seemed to be frantically searching for someone.

In the beginning, Master Yuan didn't care too much, because it had something to do with the fourth-generation Mesui Ying who came to power.

Master Yuan admitted that he didn't like the fourth-generation Mesui Ying.

The main reason is that the policies he wants to pass are too extreme.

He asked to seal the sea and the country, and at the same time increase some of the things left by his teacher, the three generations of Mizuying, which was not a good policy in Master Yuan's opinion.

In this way, he can recuperate and recover his strength, so that the ninjas of Kiriyin Village can become the elite among the elites!

Yuan Shi once opposed such a policy, because it was too bloody, and it was too extreme for ninja training.

It's a pity that he is just an elder and not a shadow. Even if he has the same power, he knows that he can't face the shadow.

Especially in some key decisions.

"Who the **** are they looking for?" Master Yuan shook his head helplessly. He found that he couldn't calm down and read the book at all.

Four generations of Mesui Ying's current approach is really too extreme, but he is still restrained in the extreme process.

At least he rarely uses Anbu, and he basically uses Kirigaku's ninjas, and it is carried out through the mission mode.

It can be said that this approach can also touch the economic development of the village.

But once Anbu is used, it means that this is not normal.

What kind of person would cause them to react like this, and even let Anbu be dispatched?

"Lord Elder." Just when Master Yuan's mind was full of doubts, a voice came from behind him.

"Ah, it's Qing." Master Yuan came back to his senses, looked at the figure half-kneeling on the ground with a smile and said, "Why are you here?"

"It's Owl's side that has information." Qing lowered his head and said, "Mizukage-sama's Anbu is dispatched."

"Oh?" Master Yuan's squinted eyes seemed to be completely closed, and it took him a long time to ask, "What is the specific situation?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang." Qing lowered his head and began to pass on the news from Anbu, whose code name was Owl.

After Suiying's Anbu noticed some ghosts appeared in the village, he began to closely track those ghosts.

It's a pity that those ghosts are haunted, and no sentries and patrols can find those guys.

They don't seem to exist at all, yet they seem to be everywhere.

This kind of strange situation made Suiko's Anbu somewhat helpless.

But they didn't give up, because they did notice that those ghosts seemed to have some inexplicable connection with the major families.

However, this connection is more based on conjecture, these Anbu only found some traces on the periphery of some big families.

It is really impossible to know what those people want to do.

But this time was different. They found some traces of human activities in a ninja house that had disappeared.

During this period of time, there were actually quite a few people who disappeared inexplicably. Both civilians and ninjas seemed to have evaporated from the world.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all spies of other countries.

Anbu of Mizukage can be sure that those guys most likely chose the missing ninja's house as their residence.

And they also noticed that more than one family seems to have their traces.

Even those residences that were sealed up by them have traces of them!

These cunning ghosts are hiding under their noses!

And the anti-reconnaissance awareness of these ghosts is very scary, otherwise, how could they have not noticed these clues until now?

But just when they were about to follow up, they were stunned to find that the ghosts were no longer hiding!

They appeared directly and swaggeringly, and did not clean up any traces.

While this made them feel incredible, they also felt that things had become unimaginable!

Because the reason why these ghosts don't plan to do this is probably because they have already determined the target and plan to attack the target!

Since that's the case, then some small traces don't need to be concerned.

This is terrible news. No one really knows what the purpose and goal of these ghosts are.

No one can even figure out who they are.

The Anbu people also wanted to arrest people, but they had no idea where they went.

What's even more tragic is that they have no way to get Suiying to issue an order to close the village and warn all the villagers.

After all, they were remiss, because they didn't really catch those ghosts at all.

I only know that they seem to be connected with some big families in the village, and I really don't know about the others.

"A mysterious person?"

After listening to Qing's report, Master Yuan nodded silently: "I'm afraid I found something unusual in Wuyin Village, so I plan to go in troubled waters to fish, or even..."

Even what, Master Yuan dared not think or say.

He couldn't imagine what kind of turmoil would be caused if the fourth-generation Mizukage continued to carry forward the harsh policies left over by the third-generation Mizukage.

Right now, he only thinks about one thing, and that is to get rid of these dead 'ghosts'!

If they don't die, God knows how much shadow they will leave behind.

They took advantage of the situation inside the Hidden Mist Village and created unimaginable trouble!

The most important thing is that their death will make those families they have contacted not dare to act rashly.

Although it cannot be held accountable, after all, the Blood Ji Ninja family is still the strongest fighting force in a ninja village, and the guarantee of the best quality soldiers.

But at least the buds in their hearts must be curbed. If it can be directly killed, then it would be natural.

But Master Yuan knows that this kind of thing is probably too difficult, and they can only do it at this stage.

"Those **** policies..." Master Yuan cursed inwardly, but he was also helpless.

He knows that there are some things that he really can't change, even if there are many people behind him, even if he has the power equivalent to the shadow on the bright side.

But he really didn't dare to overtake it easily.

"Lord Elder!" At this moment, a voice interrupted Yuan Shi's thoughts, it was an Anbu ninja wearing a mask.

This makes Master Yuan quite helpless. God knows why there are so many things today.

"Ming? Get up." Master Yuan shook his head: "If you have anything, just say it directly. It seems that today's things are really too bad."

"Yes, Elder Elder." This Anbu was Terumi Mei who had almost died in the hands of Uchiha Kai: "Sir Mizukage has an order..."

"What order?"

"He said.... He said, 'Since the elder is so capable, then the few floating ones will be handed over to you'..."


"A very clever method."

In Suiying's office, next to the sluggish fourth-generation Suiying, there are two black figures standing by the window.

Not far from their eyes, people began to gather in the building where the elder was.

These two people are Uchiha Obito and Kurojue, they are the real Mizukage of Kiriyin Village now!

"Ah, it's alright." Uchiha Obito said in a flat tone looking ahead.

"Anyway, Master Yuan and us are not that good, so let them bite the dog with Uchiha Kaigou.

Maybe, Uchiha Kei can help us a little before he dies. "

Hei Jue glanced at Uchiha Obito who was wearing a mask, but nodded silently.

This kid has finally grown up.

Although he thinks, I'm afraid this is just Uchiha's blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

But it's a good thing to collide with each other. It's really good to let the Yuanshi people and Uchiha Qi consume each other, especially when it's best for them not to shoot.

Exposing yourself is definitely not a fun thing.

It's just that Kuro never thought that these Kirigakushi would not be the opponents of that guy Uchiha Kai.

Let them play is to let them consume each other. When Kai Uchiha breaks through to the outside of Kiriyin Village, Black Juezai and Obito can completely kill this guy!

As for other retreat plans, Kuro definitely doesn't think Uchiha Kai has it.

Is it possible to rely on the Flying Thunder God named Namikaze Minato?

Kurojue must admit that Senju Tobirama did create a terrifying ninjutsu.

But this ninjutsu has its limits. It's impossible for you to be able to rescue people across the sea?

Are you afraid you think too much? Could it be that you are still the nine-tailed man Zhuli?

"Let's go? Let's go to the battlefield to see?"

Just when Heijue was thinking about some mess, Uchiha Obito suddenly asked.

"Of course, it's also very good to see their performances."

Hei Jue nodded with a smile, and then his body sank into the ground.

It didn't take long for him to come to the outer circle of the Kaguya clan.

Here he can see Uchiha Kai and others, but because it is too far away, he can only see an outline.

The two ninjas around Kai Uchiha were not fuel-efficient lamps, and he didn't want to be discovered.

It's just that when he saw clearly the attire of Uchiha Kai and others, his face suddenly became ugly.

"You bastards!"



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