Chapter 313: Raid (2)

"Tell me, you've done a really good job of framing the blame."

When heading to the Kaguya clan's residence, Imai Kenta touched the mask on his face, and couldn't help but say something.

Aya Hyuga also seemed to have some doubts and curiosity, and she unconsciously looked at Kai Uchiha.

Because the three of them are wearing the same masks on their faces at the moment when Uchiha Obito attacked Konoha!

Except for the color, it seems a little lazy, but the weird vortex on the mask is clearly visible!

To tell the truth, Uchiha Kai really never thought about going to blame Uchiha Obito.

To be precise, he may have subconsciously regarded Uchiha Obito as his subordinate.

And this subordinate is doing the most dangerous lurking mission, so naturally he can do less trouble if he can.

But sometimes, the reality is much worse than he expected, such as now.

Kei Uchiha had already recalled that there was still a blank eye in the fog, and finally he couldn't help but make some changes.

Uchiha Obito and Kurojue know their identities, but others don't!

Moreover, the people Uchiha Qi wants to do are naturally those Kirigaze ninjas, especially he also reminded Uchiha Obito to let the Yuanshi people die.

Then he has to think about the meaning of this guy Ao's existence.

Fortunately, Uchiha Kei has always put those white cells on his body, and at the beginning he made a lot of masks to cover the white eyes.

Although using a mask of such a material, I am afraid that Hei Jue will see something, but Uchiha Kai is too lazy to care about him so much.

If you know it, you know it. Could it be that you can persuade Obito to deal with me first?

And according to what this guy Hei Jue thought, even if he recognized the material of this mask, he wouldn't say anything.

After all, Uchiha's belt can't beat Uchiha Kai, and that Nagato is still growing.

In a real fight, it really doesn't matter who wins or loses.

Besides, whether this guy is there or not is a problem, and Uchiha Kei is too lazy to care about him so much.


Kei Uchiha wouldn't admit that he just acted unintentionally, it would be too low-level: "After all, that guy attacked Konoha, it seems to be a matter of course if he attacked Kirigakura."

"By the way, can the Fourth Hokage pick us up?"

Hyuga Aya shook her head and directly asked the most crucial question: "Or, how is his nine-tailed control?"

"Kunai was given to me by him, I think he will never have a problem." Uchiha Ki shook his head and gave an ambiguous answer.

To be honest, Kei Uchiha was also a little worried.

It's just that he was a little worried, but when he thought about being dead for so many years, he could control the nine tails just after being resurrected.

And he used the nine-tailed chakra mode almost perfectly. I think his talent and attainment in this area will definitely not be bad.

And because of his personality, I'm afraid he will try to get to know Nine-Wei faster, and then make friends with Nine-Wei or something.

Kei Uchiha didn't believe that he communicated with Nine Tails in the belly of Death God after his death.

If that's the case, then why don't Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobirama, who are also in the belly of the **** of death, know him, the fourth-generation Hokage, at all?

"Okay, our destination has arrived."

Kei Uchiha shook his head, and he locked his gaze in front of him: "One last confirmation, according to the plan, Kenta, you are in charge of attracting firepower, and Aya and I are in charge of arresting people, understand?"

"Yes, Captain!"

Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya's voices also became slightly colder.

"Then, act!"

Kai Uchiha gave the order directly, and then he directly took Aya Hyuga and started to move towards the flank.

Imai Kenta looked at Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya who had already acted, and he took a deep breath.

Although his task is easy, it is also very dangerous, but compared to Uchiha Kai and the others, it will be simpler.

His mission is just to attract the ninjas of the Kaguya clan, and at the same time give Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya a chance.

Thinking of this, Kenta Imai began to make his chakra boil silently.

Although we have to start, there is also a waiting time, that is, Uchiha Kai and the others are already in place.

Imai Kenta doesn't have a blank eye, but his perception ability is very good.

Moreover, the serum extracted from the white blood cells was injected, and his perception ability was much stronger than before.

Closing his eyes, Kenta Imai successfully found Kai Uchiha's Chakra. How could Kenta Imai forget that cold Chakra?

"Is it already in place?"

About three minutes later, Kenta Imai suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, his chakra had reached the boiling point.

Imai Kenta quickly formed a seal with both hands. This is Kiriyin Village, and the water mist here is unbelievable.

Most importantly, there was a river near where the Kaguya clan lived.

This has brought great convenience to Imai Kenta, although he can also use the Tudun to deal with those of the Kaguya clan.

But this is not as convenient as it is now, and the casualties caused by using a large-scale earth escape are unimaginable.

Uchiha Kei is still doing business with them. If he is too ruthless, wouldn't everything go to waste?

"Water Escape·Water Rush!"

As Imai Kenta completed the response and folded his hands together, a terrifying current of water swirled and rose rapidly like a tornado.

Then the water spread like a waterfall, and charged towards the residence of the next Kaguya clan!

For a time, the houses outside the Hui Ye clan were instantly swallowed by this current, and even a lot of them seemed to be washed away at this moment!

Imai Kenta glanced at the damage caused by his technique, and nodded with satisfaction.

Especially when he saw that many of Kaguya's ninjas had quickly assembled and gathered towards him, he knew that his mission was basically completed.

"The rest is to drag them and find opportunities to meet Uchiha Kai and the others."

Imai Kenta thought silently, looking at the Kaguya ninjas who were already rushing towards his area, he quickly formed the seal again.

"Since you want to play, play bigger." Kenta Imai thought silently: "It happens that my chakra has improved very fast during this period, and the recovery speed has also become faster, then..."

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

"This guy...."

Kai Uchiha, who was raiding from the flank into the territory of the Kaguya clan, looked at the huge water flow that suddenly erupted not far away, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

Such a ninjutsu impact, I am afraid that the ninjas of the Kaguya clan will be very uncomfortable, right?

But it's good for them to feel uncomfortable. Even if there is a certain 'cooperative relationship', such a relationship is entirely based on a 'pure monetary benefit'.

Moreover, Uchiha Qi also explained the situation to Kaguya Shigeaki. If this guy is not prepared at all, then he will be remiss.

"Twenty meters ahead, there are nearly twenty ninjas."

At this moment, Hyuga Aya suddenly said, "And our target is in that direction, about fifty meters away."

"oh, I understand now."

Uchiha Kai nodded, and the next moment his eyes turned scarlet: "Keep your distance, I'll deal with them, pay attention to what's behind me."

"Yes, Captain."

Hyuga Aya nodded quickly, there was not so much nonsense on the battlefield.

Uchiha Qi took out the ninja sword from his waist, and the ninja sword called Kieyu burst into blue chakra immediately.

Uchiha Kai performed a teleportation technique and came directly to the side of a Kaguya ninja.

Although they had already sensed that someone was coming, they were too attracted by the huge water ninjutsu in front of them.

In addition, Uchiha Kai's speed is a bit outrageous, which caused these Kaguya ninjas to have no time to react!

The ninja with the blue chakra fell instantly, and the ninja of Kaguya only felt a pain in his neck.

The next moment, he felt blood spreading from his neck.

But Uchiha Kai didn't look at him at all, his scarlet eyes swept left and right, and in his breath, another telekinesis appeared next to another Kaguya ninja.

The sharp blade directly pierced this guy's body. Although there was a pause when he drew the knife, it also took this guy's life!

"The Kaguya clan, even if they don't open the Xueji boundary, their bones are really hard enough."

Uchiha Kai thought silently, seeing that all of them had recovered, and then the Kaguya ninjas showed a fanatical expression, and he shook his head casually.

The physical fitness of the Kaguya clan is really good, their bones seem to be reinforced by nature.

With that kind of quality as the foundation, I am afraid that no matter who it is, anyone can become an excellent Taijutsu ninja.

However, in the eyes of Kai Uchiha, they are all the same in terms of how good they are.

Because at this time, he is no longer an ordinary ninja.

"Although I can't make a sneak attack, but..." Uchiha Qi slightly pulled a knife: "I'm not weak in a frontal attack!"


"Oh? It's already started?"

In an open space relatively far away from the Kaguya clan, Uchiha Obito quietly appeared beside Hei Jue.

Looking at the rushing river in the distance, Uchiha Obito shook his head slightly.

It's just that when he found Kenta Imai's location, his expression suddenly became strange.

"They.... are they taking the blame for us again?"

"I think so."

Hei Jue's face was very ugly: "This kid Uchiha Kai has fought with you three times, but he doesn't know who you are, but he can attract enemies to you, like here."

Hei Jue is really depressed to death now, Uchiha Ki is really not particular about what he does, so he can do such a blame?

Don't this **** dare to take off his mask and fight with his true identity?

Look at Madara Uchiha, how upright he is when fighting.

Why are his younger generations such a rat generation?

Uchiha Obito was also a little speechless, he really didn't expect Uchiha Kai to come to such a hand.

Shaking his head helplessly, Uchiha Obito tried to change the subject: "Forget it, it doesn't matter what he does, I have already controlled the four generations of Mizukage and brought people here."

"Oh? And what about Master Yuan and those people?" Hei Jue raised his brows. Although he didn't feel good about it, Uchiha Obito was fine doing it.

"They are already on their way here. How could they not feel such a big movement?"

"That's interesting, we can enjoy their performances."


A strange chakra burst out from the scarlet eyes, making the body of Kaguya Ninja froze in front of him.

The blade precisely wiped the throat of the only surviving Ninja Kaguya.

The next second, Uchiha Kai had come to the last Kaguya ninja and grabbed his neck with one hand.

There are about twenty Kaguya ninjas stationed in this area, but these twenty or so ninjas of the Kaguya clan are completely defenseless in front of Uchiha Kai.

They are indeed not bad. If thrown on the battlefield, they will definitely be the most terrifying assault ninjas.

Because they are not afraid of death, because their physical skills are very good.

However, their advantages are really not enough in Uchiha's eyes.

As a Uchiha ninja, the most fearful thing is that you are only good at taijutsu.

Not everyone is Akai and Xiaoli, and Kai Uchiha is definitely not Sasuke Uchiha.

His insight allows him to easily avoid the attacks of these Kaguya ninjas, and his illusions can directly expose a Kaguya ninja.

And his sword skills can directly kill these Kaguya ninjas!

The slaughter, it can be said that this is an extremely unfair slaughter.

Uchiha Kai didn't even use it for three minutes. He used the same method to kill almost all the twenty people!

Aya Hyuga, who was standing not far behind him, also came over at this time. This woman was also taken aback by Kai Uchiha's method.

She knew that Uchiha Kai would definitely win, but she didn't expect this guy to win so easily.

As if there was no force at all, all the enemies have been solved by him!

Opening his eyes, Hyuga Aya glanced around. Although the situation was not so optimistic, it was still in their plan.

Although the vast majority of Kaguya ninjas ran to look for Imai Kenta, the riots they caused could not fail to attract the attention of others.

Especially when they even ran into other people's clan.

"Come on, Captain, they have already reported it." Hyuga Aya said immediately after observing the surrounding situation.

"Ah, I see."

Uchiha Kai nodded, and the three hook jade in his eyes slowly spun.

And the Kaguya ninja in his hand seemed to be sluggish and had obvious struggles.

But this kind of struggle was of no use at all. After Kai Uchiha increased his strength a little bit, the Kaguya ninja was dumbfounded.

"Now I say, you answer." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "Who lives in that house and what is his name?"

"It's Kaguya Kangping's family, his wife Kaguya Lan, and their son Junma Lu."

The Kaguya ninja said with a dull gaze, "Kaguya Kangping was a former candidate for the patriarch, but..."

"Enough." Uchiha Qi interrupted him: "You can finish it yourself."

After speaking, Uchiha Kai continued to move towards the house with Hyuga Aya.

And this Kaguya ninja really did as Uchiha Kei said, he took out a kunai and stabbed it into his left chest fiercely.

Uchiha Kai didn't look back at all, he only knew that his guess was correct.

The mother and son who were imprisoned were really Junmarou and the others.

This is really good news. Originally, Kito Uchiha planned to ask carefully who and where is the so-called Junmarou.

But now these are not necessary, he is naturally happy if he can save trouble.

And his mission goal this time has been found, so the rest is to take them all away.

The only little trouble was probably Junmarou's mother.

Kei Uchiha has never heard of who this kid's mother is, but not having heard of her does not mean she does not exist.

Otherwise, where did this kid Junmalu come from?

The only trouble now is what to do with this woman.

"Forget it, I don't have the skill and kindness to save her."

When Uchiha Kei approached the house, he thought silently: "If she can survive, then she is lucky, if she dies, then it is the return of history."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai's ninja sword burst into blue chakra again, and then he kicked open the door of this wooden house...


"Captain Qing, who do you think they will be?"

When Kei Uchiha and the three attacked the Kaguya station, Ao and Terumimei brought a group of Anbu and a large group of Kirigakushi ninjas towards the Kaguya clan's station.

They are all ninjas belonging to the Yuan Shi Department. Except for some people who are not in the village and have high positions, the people dispatched here are already their relatively elite personnel.

Actually, not only they were dispatched, but Anbu of the Mizukage Department and various ninja teams were also dispatched.

It's just that the group of people was behind Qing and the others, and it was clear that they wanted to let the people from the Yuan division go to the death to fight those mysterious people!

"I don't know who they are either, but I know they are definitely not easy to deal with."

Qing sighed slightly, but soon his eyes became firm: "But even if they are in trouble, are so many of us still afraid of them?"

"I understand, Captain Ao." Terumi Mei nodded, and then she murmured in a low voice: "I really hope it's Konoha..."

Ao naturally heard Terumi Mei's words, but he kept silent and didn't respond.

A year ago in the country of grass, they met a team of Konoha ninjas, and that encounter can be said to be unforgettable.

Anbu who carried out that mission, only two people came back alive.

The ghost knows what kind of monster they encountered, and even the arrogant Terumi Mei was almost killed by that Uchiha kid on that mission!

That Uchiha kid, although he didn't say his name at the beginning.

But with such a powerful kid, and he belongs to the Uchiha clan, such characteristics are not difficult to find.

They quickly set their target on the Konoha's "Sharing Eye Hero" Uchiha Kai.

In addition, they were originally affiliated to Anbu, and they quickly got the photo of Uchiha Kai.

One can imagine how angry and helpless they were when they saw Kai Uchiha in the photo.

Because at that time, Uchiha Kei had already become Konoha's Minister of Security.

It can be said that they basically have no chance to avenge their comrades.

Because of this guy's identity, it is almost impossible to leave Konoha.

Unless they use assassination to deal with that guy, but that's obviously impossible.

If you don't stop fighting, you won't be able to fight. It really does. I'm afraid the war that finally stopped is about to start again.

Now they really want revenge, unless the guy Uchiha Ke leaves Konoha himself, otherwise they can only daydream.

And for such a guy, his itinerary is extremely secretive.

Even if he leaves the village to do the task, I am afraid that the Wuyin Village is arranged in the Anbu of Konoha, and he will never get any document information.

So they really want to find trouble with Uchiha Kai, I'm afraid they can only expect the Ninja World War to break out again.

At the same time, they meet on the same battlefield.

"It's almost here, everyone is on guard."

When approaching the territory of the Kaguya clan, Qing decisively blocked the distracting thoughts in his mind.

He was about to fight, and his mind was full of other messy things, which greatly affected his judgment in battle.

Covering his covered eyes with one hand, the next moment his chakra surged slightly.

The corners of his eyes immediately burst into blue veins, and his vision in this eye was infinitely elongated.

His white eye quickly saw the situation in the Kaguya clan, and he also accurately found the figures who attacked the Kaguya clan.

One was restrained by ninjutsu on the periphery, while the other two had already entered the Kaguya clan.

What only puzzled him was that he found that he couldn't use his eyes to see through their slightly ridiculous masks.

This made him feel a little incredible. It was the first time he had encountered such a situation!

What kind of material can be made to avoid being peeped at, and who are these people?

Why can they get such materials?

Confusion and doubts were wandering in Qing's mind, but when he focused on the two people who had raided Kaguya's station, he suddenly felt a little familiar.

One of the guys wearing a mask and holding a ninja sword, that kind of fighting style like art.

That detached speed, and that one face-to-face can confuse the opponent's Chakra - it's obviously an illusion.

And the last precise knife, everything made Qing feel incredible.

What kind of person can turn this **** slaughter into a beautiful art?

It seems that the only people who can do all this in legends are the Uchiha clan who can see into people's hearts, see through all a person's movements, and can quickly release powerful illusions!


Qingxin thought silently: "Could it be that luck is so good? Or other members?"

Without being able to know the purpose of these mysterious people, Qing also couldn't really determine what their specific identities were.

If he has enough information, maybe he can really judge who those mysterious people are!

Shaking his head helplessly He decided to tell the ninja behind him this information first, so that he could make enough preparations to avoid insufficient responses when he started.

But when he was about to withdraw his gaze, his expression suddenly became stunned, and even a cold sweat appeared on his face involuntarily!

"Captain Qing, what's wrong?"

With Terumi Mei by his side, she immediately realized that something was wrong with her captain.

"Let's prepare to fight."

Qing took a deep breath and closed his eyes: "The enemy we are going to face this time is very strong, please be sure to do your best...the consciousness of mortal death!"


As his voice fell, the Kirigakushi ninjas behind him involuntarily exclaimed.

Terumi Mei was also stunned for a moment, and then she asked solemnly, "What's going on, Captain."

"We have two groups of opponents. One side has a ninja who is suspected to be Uchiha."

Qing clenched his fists, he obviously couldn't believe what he saw: "And the other party..."

"It's Orochimaru!"



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