Chapter 314: Face-to-Face Ninja (1)

At the same time that Uchiha Kai attacked the Kaguya clan, the figure of Orochimaru appeared on the other flank of the Kaguya clan.

Orochimaru, don't look so ordinary in the original book.

It seems that even anyone can turn him over.

But at that time, who was Orochimaru facing?

But even so, he still had a very high status in the era when he was almost comparable to the fights of gods in the original book.

In this era, the reputation of Orochimaru is even more exaggerated.

He is no less than any famous ninja, even better than him!

Having participated in the Second World War and the Third World War, he left almost blood and fear to the ninjas in this world.

Especially in the third battle, the troops he led even faced the Hidden Mist Village.

He almost crippled the troops sent by Wuyin Village with his exaggerated record.

Moreover, Orochimaru himself has not been less active on the battlefield. His strange and terrifying methods have left a deep impression on most of the ninjas in Kiriyin Village!

Orochimaru continued to walk forward silently, but he didn't know that he had been discovered by the white eyes left in the fog.

I am afraid that for him, even if he is discovered, it is not a big deal.

He who had reached an agreement with Kai Uchiha had already been waiting beside the residence of the Kaguya clan.

He was waiting for Uchiha Kai to draw everyone's attention away, and then he went out to accomplish what he wanted to do.

In fact, for Orochimaru, he is not worried about being exposed, because for him, bounty is the same thing.

It's just that Orochimaru didn't want to make things so complicated.

He already bears the name of Konoha's rebellion, and chasing Jiraiya behind his **** all day long has given him enough headaches.

If another Kirigak assassination troop is chasing him, although it may not do anything to him, trouble is trouble.

The trouble that can be avoided, why bother to find it for yourself?

The only thing he finds interesting now is the kid from the Thousand Hands clan, who seems to have grown a lot.

The last time we met, when he faced himself, it seemed that Chakra was not that powerful.

But this time, his chakra quality has improved a lot.

Moreover, judging from the range of the art and some experience in fighting ninjas, the growth of this kid is probably beyond imagination.

No ninja with rich actual combat experience and participated in war would waste their chakra at the very beginning.

This is something that costs my life!

Unless the situation is urgent, and the kid from the Thousand Hands Clan used this technique from the very beginning, one can imagine how gratifying his growth is.


Just when Orochimaru was thinking silently, the members of the Kaguya clan stationed on this side discovered his whereabouts, and they immediately shouted loudly.

However, Orochimaru wouldn't care about this kind of thing, and he still walked towards his goal in a leisurely manner.

After observing the Kaguya clan for a while, he knew where the defensive forces of the Kaguya clan were actually concentrated.

The frontal defenders were basically normal ninjas and some guys that Kaguya Shigeaki didn't like.

And the people who defended from the side were almost all the guys that Kaguya Shigeaki hated.

As for this, I'm afraid it is the focus of the Kaguya clan's defense, or it's all Kaguya Chongming's own people.

Uchiha Qi knows that Orochimaru is slick, but he doesn't bother to care about these things.

He could have taken one or two people behind Uchiha Kai's ass, but what's the use of that?

The adult Kaguya clan ninja has no cultivation value for Orochimaru, nor is it worth using.

What he needs is a young ninja who has not yet grown up.

Such a person can give him more of what he needs, such as loyalty, such as potential.


Orochimaru didn't pay attention to the sound at all, he licked his tongue lightly and continued to walk forward.

Perhaps in his opinion, such a small role is not worth taking seriously at all.

This is exactly the fact. For Orochimaru at this time, I am afraid that many people are just insignificant characters in his eyes.

Those Kaguya ninjas who noticed Orochimaru coming, immediately surrounded him.

It's a pity that their bodies suddenly froze just after they started.

The next moment, their complexions became extremely ugly, and their complexions, which were visible to the naked eye, began to turn black.

And many Kaguya ninjas have begun to hold their throats tightly.

They seemed to be suffocating, and their faces slowly became distorted.

Orochimaru chuckled lightly, and he slowly passed these guys.

As he kept moving away from his back, those Kaguya ninjas knelt on the ground one by one in pain.

Even a lot of people were just lying on the ground and twitching constantly, and at their feet, there was a small white or black snake clearly visible.

Ninjas are omnipotent beings.

For a ninja like Orochimaru, he never cares what kind of means he uses to solve the enemy.

All he cares about is the efficiency of solving the enemy and completing the task.

And how to use the least cost to get the greatest return.

Instantly paralyzed these ninjas, this terrifying scene naturally made other Kaguya ninjas not far away aware that something was wrong, and they immediately started to sound the alarm.

But Orochimaru didn't care either. Although there were a lot of Kaguya ninjas staying here, their defensive power was still attracted.

Orochimaru didn't care about such a degree of defense at all, but Orochimaru stopped just after taking two steps.

He tilted his head, because a kunai came directly into his path.

This made Orochimaru feel a little interesting, because this kunai stabbed almost all of it into the ground, such a force is not uncommon.

"Is it very powerful?" Orochimaru licked his tongue and looked at a ninja not far away with a slight smile on his face.

"Is Kaguya Chongming? It's interesting, has it been discovered?"

"Master Orochimaru is joking. You didn't hide your whereabouts at all. What is there to say that you were discovered?"

Kaguya Chongming's rare face had a bit of solemnity, and at this moment, he didn't show any of the enthusiasm that he had seen Uchiha Kai.

Orochimaru, this devil-like guy really makes most Kirigakushi ninjas feel fear.

Even someone like Kaguya Chongming would not dare to be careless.

To put it bluntly, the meaning of the name of Orochimaru in Kiriyin Village.

I am afraid that it is no less than the significance of Qimu Plastic Mao in Shayin Village during World War II, and the significance of Namikaze Minato in Yanyin Village during the Third World War!

They are all representatives of the devil, they are all representatives of the **** of death, and they are all daunting existences.

"If that's the case, then I'll stop talking nonsense."

Orochimaru licked his tongue and said directly, "I'm here for a very simple purpose. Just give me a few little devils from your family."

"Isn't Mr. Orochimaru going too far?"

Hui Ye Chongming frowned, he didn't expect Orochimaru to make such a request.

"Patriarch Kaguya, my request is not too much."

Orochimaru shook his head: "I'll give you two choices, first, I will take it myself, and second, you will give it to me.

Since you can make a deal with Kai Uchiha, why can't you make a deal with me? "

Orochimaru said with a smile, but he was kind and didn't simply expose the relationship between Uchiha Kai and him.

Perhaps for him, he felt that there was no need for him to threaten this guy with the cooperation between Kei Uchiha and himself.

Just your name is enough!

Originally, this matter was not too troublesome, and Orochimaru was very confident about the effect of his name in Kiriyin Village.

However, even if Orochimaru didn't mention his partnership with Uchiha Kai.

But just these words were enough to make Kaguya Chongming's pupils dilate, and at the same time, cold sweat broke out!

Orochimaru, actually know about this?

So, how much does this guy know?

Did he collaborate with Uchiha Qi?

Did he find out about this, or did Uchiha Ki take the initiative to tell him?

Kaguya Shigeaki kept repeating and thinking in his heart, these guys from Konoha really made him feel sick.

"You....what connection do you have with that guy?"

For a long time, he probably felt that the chakra fluctuations in the periphery were getting smaller and smaller. Kaguya knew that he couldn't delay any longer, so he asked slowly.

"You can guess for yourself, anyway, you won't believe what I say." Orochimaru was too lazy to explain so much, he said casually.

"But I'm not interested in what you're going to do, but I can be sure that you have reached some agreement with a junior who likes to play tricks. Now this one is just a show."

"Master Orochimaru, there are some things you can't say nonsense." Kaguya Chongming looked at Orochimaru with a gloomy expression.

"Although I admit that I do have some contact with him, how can you be sure that I will promise you?"

"Hiss..." Orochimaru licked his tongue, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

"Because you have ambitions, are you really willing to fight me for a few little devils, and then let me kill all of your people, causing your ambitions to be shattered?"

Orochimaru's words pierced Kaguya Chongming's heart. Although Orochimaru's words were full of threats, I have to say that Orochimaru's words make sense.

He really didn't want to provoke Orochimaru.

This guy who is like a demon spread in Kiriyin Village, this guy who brought a huge defeat to Kiriyin Village in the third ninja war.

And now the people who are facing Kai Uchiha and the others are indeed those who are dissatisfied by Shigeaki Kaguya.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai and the others don't care no matter how many they kill.

But here are all his people, these people are his important strength!

"I promise you, Orochimaru." With a helpless sigh, Kaguya Chongming said with some resentment.

"You won, and you're right, since I have a deal with that kid Uchiha, why can't I have a deal with you?"

"Wise choice." Orochimaru licked his tongue, as if not surprised by the result.

To be honest, Kaguya Chongming doesn't like Orochimaru at all.

In terms of means and IQ, he is not very good.

This guy mixed with the powerful guy Uchiha Kai who likes to play tricks and tricks, basically doomed his ending.

But this time, Orochimaru admired him a little bit, at least he was relatively knowledgeable about current affairs.

Otherwise, Orochimaru wouldn't care if he had a deal with Uchiha Kai...


Imai Kenta kept moving towards Uchiha Kai's position, and he had basically completed his task.

As the main restraint point, after using a wide range of water ninjas, Imai Kenta fought with the Kaguya ninjas who rushed over.

In the end, he used the shadow clone to lure the enemy, allowing himself to escape temporarily.

It's just that he knows very well that there is still a 'performance' to do next.

Although the name is 'performance', in fact, this kind of performance will never be easy, and even life-threatening.

Therefore, Kenta Imai did not allocate much chakra to his shadow avatar, and he did not expect how good the effect of his shadow avatar would be.

Anyway, I can drag it for a while.

Imai Kenta was moving fast. Although he was fighting just now, he had also been locking on Uchiha Kai's Chakra.

So he is still quite clear about the current situation of Kai Uchiha and the others.

The battle of the Uchiha clan is always so calm, but there are murderous intentions everywhere.

Imai Kenta clearly felt that that guy killed at least twenty ninjas in a very short period of time.

As for who they caught, it's not so clear.

"Anyway, no matter who you catch, it has nothing to do with me!"

Imai Kenta thought silently: "I just hope to be a useful person. I don't want to go to such a country in the future and then perform such a nonsense task!"

That's right, Kenta Imai has always thought that such a mission is very nonsense. It's almost a subversion of a ninja village.

Once this kind of thing is found out, no matter whether it is a success or a failure, no matter who did it, I am afraid that the future life of that guy may not be easy.

Not everyone is like Shimura Danzo, that **** is protected.

And he has extremely powerful political power, as well as roots comparable to Anbu.

But even with such a size, what that guy has been able to do so far has only been making trouble in a small country.

Among the great powers, he only dared to obtain intelligence sources.

Because once this kind of thing is exposed, I am afraid it will be a war.

And those who participate in this kind of thing will end up ugly.

Shaking his head, Kenta Imai could only choose to believe in Kai Uchiha.

I believe that this guy has a way to erase the traces of this incident, so that they will have a very difficult life in the future.

After spending some time, Kenta Imai came to the outer edge of that house.

He used chakra very vigilantly, probing everything around him.

Although Kai Uchiha and Aya Hyuga have already entered, the ghost knows if those guys will gather and run over to trouble them again.

An agreement is always just an agreement. Even the so-called allies can blatantly violate the agreement for their own interests, and step on the iron hoof of war to Konoha.

It is conceivable how fragile these so-called agreements are.

After making sure everything was fine, Kenta Imai was a little relieved.

Feeling that his chakra seemed to have almost recovered, Imai Ken nodded in satisfaction.

His chakra recovery speed was very fast in the first place, but now it is a bit exaggerated.

Such changes allow him to have great initiative in any kind of battle.

The strength of Chakra does not mean how powerful you are, but without Chakra you are not even a ninja.

"You came out?"

Just as Imai Kenta was on guard, the door of the wooden house was suddenly pushed open, and Imai Kenta immediately turned her head away.

Kei Uchiha and Aya Hyuga are still wearing masks, so they can't tell what their expressions are.

But Imai Kenta noticed that there was still a little devil in Hyuga Aya's hand.

This kid looked like he was only two or three years old, with white hair, and the unique red things like painted paintings of the Kaguya clan.

This kid looks very thin, but Imai Kenta can feel that there are already chakra fluctuations in his body.

"Well, it's out." Uchiha Ki nodded and walked to his side: "The task is basically completed, are you okay?"

"Fortunately, they were basically attracted, but they should come over soon, and I also noticed that people from Wuyin Village had arrived."

Imai Kenta said directly: "This kid is your target? Have you encountered any trouble?"

"It can only be said that luck is good. This kid is probably "abandoned" by Kaguya Chongming, but he is very special."

Kei Uchiha glanced at Junmalu who was being carried by Aya Hyuga: "Although it's not as good as I thought, at least we have completed the task."

Uchiha Kai found that he was really thinking wrong, because at this moment, Junmarou did not break out his blood.

The reason why he was isolated and ostracized was simply because he was the child of Kaguya Chongming's former rival.

Although he said the key reason for his mistake, it is also a fact that Junmalu was isolated and excluded.

And in the future, I'm afraid that what happened to him is what Kai Uchiha thought.

But it doesn't matter, although Junma Lu can only be regarded as a seed now.

But he is indeed an excellent seed, a seed that will surely bear fruit!

Seriously, if it wasn't for the fact that Aya Hyuga might drain the blood of this kid and use him for experiments.

Uchiha Keito was thinking about whether to train this kid and become one of his subordinates.

Because the loyalty of this kid is a little scary, although it may be his childhood experience that made him like this.

However, there is no selfishness like that, and the loyalty that can be described as die-hard, Uchiha Kei really only saw it in this kid.

In the original work, if the model of ninja conduct is the dried persimmon shark, then the model of loyalty is probably Kaguya-kun Maro.

"So that's the case, it seems that he didn't open the bloodline limit."

Imai Kenta didn't know what Uchiha Kei was thinking. He asked directly, "What about his mother? Have you dealt with it?"

"The resistance was fierce, but I didn't kill her."

Uchiha Qi said calmly: "Let Kaguya Shigeaki do this kind of thing. Of course, if you pity her, take her with you."

"I don't have that kind of boring sympathy." Kenta Imai shook his head decisively.

Indeed, it doesn't matter whether that woman is killed or not.

I'm afraid that woman will think like Uchiha Kei, and someone will naturally deal with her at that time.

Instead of wasting time on his own, he also got his hands dirty.

Why don't you leave this kind of thing to Kaguya Shigemei, how about making this guy disgusting?

Anyway, he wasn't a good thing.

That woman's identity is also quite special, so it's natural to be disgusting about that guy.

"In that case, let's go."

Uchiha Qi glanced left and right: "As per the original plan, I will directly summon the Fourth Hokage-sama later.

While you were waiting for him, you protected my flanks and dealt with those scattered mists, and I dealt with the frontal troops. "

"It doesn't need to be emphasized any more, we know, I only care about one thing now."

Hyuga Aya shook her head, and she asked directly, "Captain, are you sure we can reconcile? If we get separated completely, then..."

"Don't worry, I said that you will find me, and I will wait for you." Uchiha Qi knew Hyuga Aya's worries.

Although they all have special perception and detection abilities, they can easily find the location of Kai Uchiha.

But Hyuga Aya's repeated inquiries were not actually worried about finding Kai Uchiha.

It was because she was worried that after they separated, after the fierce battle, Minato Namifeng came, and directly took Uchiha away.

But they are too far away from Uchiha Kai, and there is no way to catch up with this trip, so they are really unlucky.

They did understand why Uchiha Kai had to face those Kirigakin ninjas.

But in order to build such a stage, wouldn't it be too unfortunate and a loss if you accidentally put yourself in it?

But since Uchiha Kai has already decided, all they can do is to support Uchiha Kai's battle on the flanks.

They just hope that they won't be divided too far, after all, they can only fight separately if the Hidden Mist army rushes in.

If they are really gathered together and then raided by the flanks, then they are really 'embarrassed on all sides'.

"We understand."

When Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai saw Kai Uchiha's affirmation, they could only nod their heads at the end, and then the two of them immediately left to the flank.

Uchiha Kai looked at the attitude of the two and knew what they were worried about.

But they were overly worried, and if the plan went smoothly, the two would probably know when they would come back again.

Glancing at the distance, although Kei Uchiha didn't have such a powerful perception, he also knew that the ninjas of Kirigakushi had already come over.

With a nonchalant smile, Uchiha Kei found a random place and sat down.

If Uchiha Obito acts according to the plan, then the fourth-generation Mezukage as Renzhuli is his biggest breakthrough With this breakthrough, then Uchiha Qi believes that he can definitely give these misty hidden A lesson for us.

Taking the blame for Uchiha, although it was not part of his plan at the beginning.

But now it has become a very necessary and at the same time very interesting thing.

However, in order for Uchiha Obito to get the fourth Megumi Mizukage off the stage, he still needs to "perform" well.

He had to beat and cry the Misigakushi who had rushed over, so Uchiha Obito had no reason to let the fourth Megumi come on stage.


Uchiha Kai, who was thinking, suddenly raised his head. Under the white mask with a strange vortex pattern, a pair of scarlet three-hooked jade was slowly spinning.

The next moment, a sneer appeared on his face under the mask.

"come yet?"

Standing up, Uchiha Ki lightly patted the dust on his body, his scarlet eyes had become extremely silent at this time.

"Last time I made two of you Miyuki run away, this time I want to see how many of you can run before Minato Namikaze arrives?"




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