Chapter 315: Face-to-Face Shinobi (2)

Qing brought a group of Yuan Shi's Wuyin into the residence of the Hui Ye clan.

Although the sudden killing of an Orochimaru made him a little depressed and worried.

But as ninjas, it is impossible for them to give up their mission easily.

Especially now that my village is being destroyed, very serious damage!

Quickly rushed to the front and entered the territory of the Kaguya clan, Qing immediately went to the other flank.

Although the mysterious man is scary, he seems to be a member of the Uchiha clan.

But in Ao's eyes, or in the seriousness of all Kirigakushi ninjas, that mysterious man can't compare to the guy Orochimaru!

Therefore, they chose the patriarch of the Kaguya clan for the first time.

In fact, they were also a little puzzled. What did this Hui Ye clan do to make two groups of people stare at them at the same time?

Orochimaru has defected to Konoha, and he didn't hide it at all.

To be precise, even if you want to hide it, you can't hide it.

The horror of Orochimaru is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there is no other good way to do this kind of extreme terror except to make people hate it.

A single team or group to find Orochimaru is like dying.

And Orochimaru is floating, the ghost knows where he will appear.

For this reason, many Ninja villages can only make some regulations.

For example, when encountering Orochimaru or the like, you can consider giving up the mission as appropriate.

And Mist is one of them.

"Patriarch Chongming."

When Qing led a large group of troops to the front of Kaguya Chongming, Qing asked directly without any nonsense.

"Are you all right? Also, what's the situation? I saw Orochimaru just now?"

"What else? Is the village's garrison really a joke?"

Hui Ye Chongming was in a very bad mood now, he looked at Qing angrily: "Orochimaru threatened me and took away the children of our Hui Ye family.

And those guys wearing masks seem to have this plan too. Is this the defense force of the Hidden Forest Village? "

Kaguya Chongming is indeed very angry right now, he always has a feeling that he has been tricked!

He was played by that damned Uchiha Kai and Orochimaru, these two Konoha or former Konoha ninjas!

It's just that he has no evidence, not the slightest evidence to prove the connection between the two.

The most important thing is that he was blackmailed by Orochimaru, forcibly forcing him to hand over a few seedlings of the Kaguya clan.

Although Kaguya Chongming was not a good person, he directly handed over the children of those who opposed him.

But being caught by Orochimaru like this would be unbearable for anyone else.

"Is it robbing the blood of the Kaguya clan?" Qing frowned, he really had no idea what these people were going to do.

Although the Kaguya clan has a strong bloodline boundary, in Qing's memory, it seems that this kind of bloodline boundary hasn't appeared for more than ten years?

In the Second Ninja World War, after the last batch of ninjas with the bloodline limit died, the Kaguya clan seemed to have drawn an extreme low tide.

In their family, almost no one has opened the bloodline boundary.

Even if they don't open the bloodline limit, their physical fitness is far superior to other ninjas.

However, it is still very disappointing to lack a decisive force.

Such a race, such a one with little hope.

Moreover, how could the stinking and dying clan attract the attention of two groups of people at the same time?

Shaking his head, Qing felt that it was best for him not to care about these messes.

It doesn't make any sense, all he needs is to catch those mysterious people.

Then through some means, just pry their mouths open!

Although those mysterious people are very strong, they really don't seem to be with Orochimaru.

Without the terrifying uncertainty of Orochimaru, Qing really didn't take those mysterious people too seriously, although he was still very vigilant.

"Sorry, there's been a lot of things going on in the village recently. If you have any doubts, please communicate with the Fourth Megumi-sama or Master Yuanshi."

Qing didn't want to argue with Kaguya Chongming here, so he opened his eyes and started searching, and said lightly.

"But if you want revenge, come with us, that mysterious guy..."

Qing stopped talking when he was in general, because he felt that he couldn't go on.

In his white eyes, he clearly saw that the guy whose fighting style was very similar to Uchiha actually stayed where he was, while his other two teammates moved towards the flanks.

This is obviously a tactic where one person is responsible for the involvement, to cover the other two to cover the flanks, and fight and retreat.

The people who stay and involve in cover are often the strongest, or the best at doing this kind of thing.

This guy who looks like Uchiha is very strong, but why does he think he can resist so many people?

Moreover, why does he think he can retreat smoothly after facing so many people?

Qing's face slowly turned gloomy, and then he showed a sneer.

Since this guy took the initiative to stay, although it is worthy of vigilance, we must catch this guy no matter what.

Otherwise, where would they put their faces in Kiriyin Village, these Kiriyin ninjas?

"Let's go! Let's deal with that arrogant guy!"


"come yet?"

Uchiha Kai raised his head slightly, then he picked up his ninja sword and stood up.

After waiting for so long, his chakra has already boiled to its peak, and he is now waiting for those guys from Kirin to come over.

But those Mist Ninjas seemed to be a little cautious. Although the speed of their approaching was not slow, there was still a gap between what Uchiha Kai thought.

Shaking his head slightly, Uchiha Kai simply walked in the direction of the mist ninjas. At the same time, he also activated the kunai of Namikaze Minato.

It was the first time he faced so many ninjas, although he had a feeling in his heart that he was not afraid of these guys.

His current strength can definitely handle it, and he has made some necessary preparations.

But after all, it was the first time, he really couldn't be as confident as Madara Uchiha.

For the time being, he couldn't make himself have the spirit of 'one against a thousand', or even "one against ten thousand".

So it's always right to be careful, he only has one life, and he has no resurrection coins.

"Oh? Are you still an acquaintance?"

Uchiha Qi moved forward slowly. Since this is the residence of the Kaguya clan, the terrain is fairly flat. Uchiha Qi recognized the guy who led the team at a glance.

Qing, this is really his old acquaintance.

Back then, this guy caught Aya Hyuga to force him to release Terumi Mei, and then he hindered him from doing things.

Although now Uchiha Kai is very grateful for what he did in the past, the resentment that should have been settled is still over.

The last time he let him run away, this time if Uchiha Kai had a chance to kill him, then Uchiha Kai would never let him go!

Qing also found the mysterious person walking towards them, which made him frown.

This strange guy really made Qing a little uneasy. Although he couldn't see his face through his white eyes, he could see the chakra inside him.

This mysterious man's chakra seems to be at a normal level, but it makes Qing feel unusually uneasy.

This feeling is very strange, it is an extremely cold and extremely dangerous feeling.

Uchiha Qihei didn't stop, he still walked forward slowly.

One step, two steps...

As his breathing became more rhythmic, the chakra in his body seemed to become more boiling.

His pace quickened, turned into a trot, and then got faster and faster.

For some reason, Ao and the Mist Ninja troops behind him looked a little weird.

Subconsciously, they all clenched their kunai, and some even dripped with cold sweat.

There was only one person in front of them, but for some reason, they felt an indescribable pressure.

Imposing manner, although that mysterious man doesn't seem to be too strong.

But the smell of blood and the cold feeling that pervades all the time.

Together with the thick fog that has never dissipated in Wuyin Village, it made them feel as if they were facing a Shura!

If a few ninjas feel this way, that's fine, but if hundreds of them feel this way at the same time, it's not right!

However, Uchiha Kai didn't give them much room to think, his speed was steady and fast.

When they were less than 20 meters apart, someone suddenly shouted loudly, and then the entire Wuyin troop erupted.

Everyone roared and rushed forward frantically.

Qingjie had no time to control the situation, or he himself was affected to some extent.

Seeing that the mighty ninja army suddenly rushed towards the mysterious man, he forced himself to calm down.

Now, he really feels more and more that something is wrong with that mysterious man.

Uchiha Kai looked indifferent, but he was also very strange himself.

Why does he feel that everything is under his control.

But what he has to do now is not to doubt himself, but to follow this feeling.

Scarlet eyes glanced around slightly, and in the next second, he was completely close to these misty ninjas.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and the screams of the Wuyin troops suddenly rose and fell to each other!

Kai Uchiha felt that he was like a tiger crashing into the flock.

In the first moment of the confrontation, several misty ghosts died in his hands!

Uchiha Kai was like a red butterfly dancing in the crowd.

His movements are simple and natural, his ninja swords are precise and bloody.

Every time you swipe it, you can take away a life from Mist!

Gently avoiding a misty stab at Kunai, Uchiha Ki slashed the artery directly in his neck with a slash.

With a light step back, he avoided the blade. He had already noticed the blade.

Then he lowered his body, and the azure blue blade directly penetrated the guy's chin!

With one-handed seal, Uchiha Kai's scarlet eyes turned slightly, and the avatar and illusion techniques were activated instantly.

A Wuyin only felt that he was in a trance for a while, and the next moment he was pierced by countless kunai!

Sharon's eyes turned slightly, and Wuyin who was attacking from the flank suddenly froze in place, and the next moment, blood splattered from his neck!

In the midst of the huge number of foggy hidden, Uchiha Kai really clearly recognized at this moment, he really has everything!

Almost all the places on the entire battlefield that he had scanned with his writing wheel eyes were imprinted in his mind.

Every action of everyone, what they want to do, and what they will do next, Uchiha Kai seems to know clearly.

Uchiha Kai really didn't expect that his brain is like a computer at this moment, but he doesn't feel any load.

Everything is so natural, everything is so smooth.

The feeling of being in control of everything in this way, this kind of experience is too wonderful, and Uchiha Kai himself is a little addicted to it.

Holding the cut jade, he wandered among the hundreds of foggy people.

Uchiha Kai's posture is easy to handle, so far he has never been hit once, and even blood has not touched him much.

This kind of battle lasted for about a few minutes, and I don't know how many people fell to Uchiha Kai's hands.

In addition, he moved too fast to be locked by the long-range ninjutsu. Even if he could, he would not be able to release the ninjutsu in the crowd.

With another knife, after Uchiha Qi beheaded a Kirin nobly, he quietly took out a detonating talisman from the ninja bag.

The enemy did not dare to use detonating charms and ninjutsu in the crowd, but Uchiha Kai was different.

Although he doesn't want to use ninjutsu for the time being, he doesn't have the scruples of "injuring teammates by accident".

Chakra conduction into the detonating talisman, Uchiha Kai's eyes were slightly empty.

In the next second, his instant body technique brought him to the side of a misty ninja.

The Kirigaze ninja didn't have time to react at all, and he felt a tingling pain in his brain.

Then there was a cramp in his abdomen, and when he regained his senses, he found that he had been kicked into his army.

What made him even more terrified was that he found that his chest had been affixed with a detonating talisman!

This Kirigakure reacted very quickly. He quickly wanted to push away the ninjas around him, and at the same time, he was in a hurry to tear off the detonating talisman on his body.


Then he was still a lot slower. A violent explosion sounded in the Wuyin troops, and several Wuyin were blown up and even the bodies were incomplete.

"It's almost there. It's enough to be so hot. I didn't expect that I, with 50% fusion degree, would actually be able to exert such an ability."

To be honest, Kai Uchiha really didn't expect it in his heart.

How could he actually reach such a level? At this moment, he seems to be no worse than Madara Uchiha, who was just reincarnated from the filth, as if he was planning to warm up!

Actually, thinking about it carefully, Uchiha Kei feels that he really has always underestimated himself.

Although his eyes have not yet reached the level of eternal eyes, the progress of his body fusion is not low.

Even to some extent, although the route he took was based on Madara Uchiha, it was more stable than Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha first took one aspect to the extreme, and then fused the other.

Uchiha Kai really wanted to replicate this path at the beginning, but due to pressure and various reasons, he chose a seemingly risky, but the most stable path.

That is to let the evolution of the two parts proceed together!

The advantages and disadvantages of doing so are obvious.

The advantage is that it can make Kai Uchiha's foundation better, and at the same time relieve the pressure on his eyes.

However, the flaw was also exposed, that is, Uchiha Kai lost the reference to Uchiha Madara.

He didn't even know what his current strength was, although he also thought about Madara Uchiha's performance after he was reincarnated from the dirt as a reference.

But Uchiha Kei kept thinking, this guy is a 'near full-sized tuba' who is madly abusing the trumpet.

I completely ignored Uchiha Madara's abuse of vegetables, but he warmed up some of his basic abilities from weak to strong for a while.

Uchiha Kai is indeed not comparable to Uchiha Madara, who was just reincarnated from the dirt, in all aspects.

But he really underestimated himself.

The double fusion of Eternal Eye and White Absolute Cell has reached fifty percent.

He is definitely no worse than Madara Uchiha, who just appeared and is preparing for his warm-up!

I thought so mentally, but Kai Uchiha's movements didn't stop at all.

In this moment, at least a dozen other names of Kirin fell into his hands.

With a teleportation technique, Uchiha Kai appeared again and has pulled these mists away for some distance.

Although he is still surrounded, this is enough for him!

The hands were gently intertwined, chakra surged, Uchiha Kai's ninjutsu has been completed!

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

The fire suddenly erupted, the scorching flames of fire appeared, and a large flame like a river rushed towards the mists!

Extinguishing fire is not a ninjutsu unique to Madara Uchiha, and this technique has been learned by Aki Uchiha long ago.

It's just that the fire that Uchiha Qi used was extinguished, and he couldn't compare with Uchiha Bambo at all.

The difference in quantity and quality of chakra determines the upper and lower limits of this ninjutsu.

Although it can't compare, but the quality is enough!

"This guy... actually progresses so fast?"

Uchiha Obito and Kurojue, who had been watching the battle from a distance, looked a little shocked.

Uchiha Obito is fine. After all, the stronger Uchiha Kai is, the better, so there won't be too much trouble.

But Hei Jue's face became a little ugly. Why is this **** brat so strong?

How did he become so strong?

Obviously, a year ago, this kid's performance was the same.

It's only been a year, and in one year, this guy's fighting awareness, fighting skills, as well as his control of Chakra and the use of Shakers have completely surpassed his imagination!

Hei Jue sometimes wonders if this guy has really fused the cells of Senju.

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. His progress is as fast as a ghost, isn't it?

To be honest, if Madara Uchiha had not died for a year, the reincarnation of Indra Chakra would obviously be much slower.

Hei Jue must think that this kid is actually the reincarnation of Indra!

Shaking his head, Hei Jue thought that this kid must die here, otherwise the ghost knows what will happen in the future.

"Get ready..." Hei Jue thought of this, and then slowly looked at Obito: "Why don't you let the fourth generation of eyes on the shadow."

"Let the fourth generation of Mesui shadow come on?" Uchiha Obito was stunned for a moment, and then he was inexplicable.

This guy, shouldn't he be a spy like himself?

"Yes." Hei Jue nodded: "Although there are risks, but under your control, the tailed beast will never let him relax with the fourth-generation eyes. In this case..."

"Well, I see." Uchiha Obito replied calmly.

The words were so calm and sure, but he was thinking about something else in his heart.

To control the fourth generation of Mezukage and Sanwei to deal with Uchiha Kai?

Do not make jokes!

However, since this guy took the initiative to prepare himself for the fourth Megumi Mizukage to fight, this fits Uchiha Obito's idea very well.

It happened that he was still thinking about how to complete the account of Uchiha Qi, and let the fourth generation of Mesui Kage play without provoking this guy.

Except when Hei Jue was frightened by Uchiha Kai, Qing was also frightened by Uchiha Kai.

It was the first time Ao had seen such an art-like battle, rushing to kill the army of ninjas by himself, showing a one-sided situation.

He himself didn't even have any injuries, let alone injuries, not even a ninja could touch the corner of his clothes.

This kind of performance is beyond his imagination, even beyond his knowledge of physical art.

Although I have seen some before, but now this kind of face-to-face with this guy is a completely different experience!

Too strong, really terrifying!

Who is this guy?

Such a person will never be unknown in the ninja world, even if Shadow came to face such a guy, it really doesn't matter who wins and who loses!

But who is he?

Who is it!

Qing felt that his brain was really swollen. For such a mysterious and powerful person, he couldn't imagine much.

Especially when he basically judged that this person was Uchiha.

But there doesn't seem to be such a terrifying existence in the Uchiha clan now!

"Water escape, water formation wall!"

Although Qing was full of confusion, he knew that he had to make a move too.

He quickly rushed to the front of the formation and formed a seal with his hands, but in an instant, a water formation wall was cast out by him.

The other Mist Ninjas were also a little stunned by the beating, and even seeing the fire escape in front of them and its coverage, they couldn't even react.

However, they were also qualified ninjas. Under Ao's leadership, they also quickly organized a counterattack. Dozens of mist ninjas cast water walls at the same time.

Originally this is the country of water, the source of water is unusually abundant, and it is extremely convenient to use the water escape here It’s just that the country of water was originally foggy, and now the water and fire are colliding with each other, and it is even more so. Unconsciously, a large amount of water vapor was created.

The water vapor rises and merges with the fog, making the surroundings with low visibility even more unbearable.

Qing suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem. The terrifying guy was essentially trying to cover the evacuation of his teammates. He killed the Quartet here just to make them vigilant.

For example, in the face of such a situation, they did not dare to investigate.

Thinking of this, Qing suddenly opened his eyes to search for the whereabouts of the mysterious man.

Although in his heart, he hoped that the mysterious person who was like a **** of death would be better off.

He felt that his chances of winning against that guy were not impossible, but they were definitely low.

The only good news is that the ninjas in the village have already started to come over, right?

It's just that when he opened his eyes and locked his gaze on the mysterious man, his face suddenly became even more ugly!

"Damn it! It's all scattered! It's all scattered! That guy....

he came! "



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