Chapter 317: Shura Field (3)

Kei Uchiha was really surprised that he had the flame of Amaterasu on his Susanoo.

Of course, the most surprising thing is that these black flames did not really integrate into his Susanoo.

Instead, it only stayed on his weapon.

This kind of change, the enhancement brought to Susanoo can still be seen.

At the beginning, although Uchiha Kai didn't use this ability too much, the main reason was that he was not familiar with the effects of this thing.

More importantly, he didn't know how well this thing could actually control it.

He didn't want to ignite the whole earth with one knife, and then these flames were completely out of his control. If he turned his head and devoured him, it would be a real loss.

Then slowly, Uchiha Kai found that he really seemed to think too much.

Because these were transcribed and sealed in his eyes, and later became a black flame that was part of Susanoo's ability.

In fact, it can be counted as part of his ability.

This part of the ability needs to be stimulated by Susanoo, although it appears on Susanoo in the form of a weapon.

But the essence of Susanoo is that it is also a weapon.

He is an important weapon of Uchiha Kai, and Uchiha Kai can completely control and use these terrifying black flames!

That being the case, Uchiha Qi naturally has to make good use of these black flames.

To be honest, in his memory, it seems that these black flames did not kill a certain person in the real sense.

Humans, to be precise.

The closest one is the fourth-generation Raikage.

It's a pity that they were decisive enough to cut off one of their arms with a hand knife, avoiding the erosion of the black flame.

The rest seemed to be Bai Jue and those wooden dungeons summoned by the outward magic way.

Therefore, in Uchiha Kai's view, this so-called "strongest attack" Amaterasu is actually a bit flashy.

But that's not to say it's useless, its biggest role is probably a sneak attack.

After all, using a kaleidoscope to lock and release it is much more secretive than those fire escapes that are sealed and then sprayed out.

Unfortunately, it was very unlucky, and none of the enemies the user attacked was weak.

This also leads to the reason why its reputation is really mediocre, although it wants to be loud.

So after this thing became the ability to assist Susanoo's weapon, although Uchiha Kai was surprised, he also felt that it was better!

The blade that Susanoo swung out was extremely terrifying. If it was combined with these black flames, the effect would be even more deadly.

And Uchiha Kai is still planning to try it out to see if this black flame can be used in another way.

When he attacked the Orochimaru base, Uchiha Kai accidentally discovered that he could use Susanoh's dark chakra.

And apply it to your own cut jade.

If that's the case, then can I use the dark chakra and the flame of Amaterasu to it?

Those pitch-black chakras are used as nourishment for Black Flame, and at the same time, they are also used as an isolation to prevent those Black Flames from really touching their own ninja swords.

In this case, his combat power without using the high-intensity Susanoo might become even more exaggerated and terrifying.

Although Kai Uchiha is already very strong now, especially in this era he is really strong.

Even if he doesn't use the ability to stand in time, he can't deal with many of his enemies.

Before Nagato's Reincarnation Eye was cultivated, Uchiha Obito had long been turned against by him.

The other people in the Xiao organization, the ghost knows that they are not in place.

And Madara Uchiha has not been resurrected yet, so it can be said that these big villains are just chicks.

The future can be expected.

In addition to those villains, in the Ninja Village of the Five Great Kingdoms, the old and immortal pervert of the third generation Metokage, the fourth generation of Megumi Raikage, and the Minato Namikaze can cause him huge trouble.

I'm afraid he really isn't worried that he will encounter something difficult to deal with.

In the shadows of Ninja Village on the bright side, the relationship between Namikaze Minato and himself is so good that there is basically no possibility of doing it.

One of the four Meg Raikage brothers is the representative of speed and strength, and the other is the eight-tailed human pillar.

And both of them can be dealt with using a kaleidoscope.

The only thing that bothers me a bit is Ohnogi, because this guy can fly.

He can fly to the sky completely, and then bombard the ground indiscriminately, Uchiha Kai may not be able to stand it.

But if I really met this guy, could Kai Uchiha let him fly up?

Of course, these are also Uchiha Kai's personal thoughts.

In the profession of ninja, in the threshold period that has not reached a limit peak, the battle mode is not at all imagined who has Chakrado, whoever has relatively restrained ability, whoever is more powerful.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai doesn't dare to float at all, unless he reaches the threshold of the extreme peak, and can ignore all conspiracies and methods.


Forget it, no way.

Because there are still existences like Six Paths Immortals on top of this, it seems that there are still a lot of aliens.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi slowly pulled out his ninja sword.

In an instant, a dark chakra appeared in the ninja sword in his hand, and after a while, a hot breath came out of these dark chakra!

Since he already had such an idea, he naturally wouldn't bother or hesitate.

If such a good test field is not used, this opportunity is really wasted.

Besides, Qing this guy must die!

Uchiha Obito was too careless, or Uchiha Kai himself was careless.

Let the controlled fourth-generation Mezukage join the battle, then Ao, who has white eyes, will definitely be discovered!

"Are you ready?" Uchiha Kai's voice was hoarse and indifferent: "Then let's verify your intelligence capabilities."

Shut up, Uchiha Kai once again showed his lightning-fast speed!

In just a flash, he had already appeared beside a mist ninja, and at that moment mist ninja was frightened, his shackles were already looking at him.

In an instant, this mist ninja's body froze, and then he was hit with a knife by Uchiha Kai!

This knife is just a skin wound.

But just by touching it a little, Amaterasu's flames had already spread on his body.

After this mist ninja woke up from the pain, he even let out a piercing cry!

"Be careful with the knife in his hand, that black chakra is actually a flame!"

Seeing this, Qing immediately shouted, and then he even cast a water escape on the mist ninja, hoping to extinguish the dark flames.

However, he did a wrong thing, his water escape directly became the nourishment of Amaterasu, and even almost made Amaterasu's flame more vigorous!

Uchiha Kai didn't stop at all, his goal was to kill this unsightly guy.

With another instant body technique, he rushed directly in front of Qing, and Qiu Yu slashed his head with a terrifying chakra.

"Boiled Escape: The Art of Smart Mist!"

Just as Uchiha Kai was about to hit Ao, Terumi Mei, who was not far from Ao, shot instantly.

At this moment, she didn't seem to care about other Kirin, she directly used her own blood limit.

This highly corrosive acid ninjutsu made Kai Uchiha's expression change slightly.

He won't forget that this ghost once almost melted Madara Uchiha's Susanoo!

"It's really troublesome."

Uchiha Kai's body paused slightly, and it was this pause that made Ao quickly withdraw.

And Uchiha Kai also simply leaned back and retreated from the area covered by these dense fog.

Just as soon as he landed, several Mist Ninjas appeared behind him, and they came towards Uchiha Kai with their knives.

Uchiha Qixuan glanced slightly, and then turned sideways lightly to avoid the attacks of these mist ninjas!

However, the next moment, his body froze.


With a clear sound, Kuwu plunged into Kai Uchiha's back, directly piercing his heart.

It's a mist ninja, and I don't know how long he has been hiding to seize such an opportunity!

"No! Rewind!"

But before this misty hidden even had time to be complacent, Qing suddenly shouted loudly from the side.

The Kirin was stunned for a moment, and then the next moment Uchiha Kai in front of him exploded.

The huge explosion directly swept away the mist that attacked him and the mist ninja who had just approached him.

And the mist Ninja who was stabbed by Kuwu's "Uchiha Kai" was blown to pieces!

Qing looked at all this angrily, but he couldn't do anything.

His white eyes really found that Uchiha Kai had already escaped, and the terrifying shadow clone and avatar skills were really jaw-dropping.

However, what is even more terrifying is that this guy actually made the Chakra in his shadow avatar become extremely chaotic.

In the end, let this shadow clone explode?

This approach is both insidious and despicable, but it has to be said that this approach is very effective.

Although Qing was angry, he still remained calm enough.

Uchiha's doing this seems to show that this guy is not using the giant, and his defense is indeed not strong enough!

"This is an opportunity!"

Qing quickly locked the position of Uchiha Kai, and then a strange chakra appeared in his hands. He thought he had found Uchiha Kai's weakness.

"He can't directly defend against your attacks now, everyone, let's do our best to kill him! If we can't hold him back, the fourth generation Mesuiying-sama is coming!"


All the Kirin nobility seemed to be greatly encouraged, they immediately picked up their weapons and rushed towards Uchiha Kai's position again.

Although Kai Uchiha used a surrogate technique to hide himself.

But with Qing as a guide, plus he didn't hide himself too much in the first place, it's really not a strange thing for these mist ninjas to find his position.

For a time, they once again had an impact on Uchiha.

And because they have expectations and hope in their hearts, they seem to be extraordinarily desperate this time.

And this scene also made Kei Uchiha shake his head slightly.

Confidence and hope are good things, but some things are really not something you can achieve if you have confidence and will.

Uchiha Qi casually grabbed the neck of one of the fastest rushing Kirin, then twisted it off and threw it aside.

He slowly raised his head to look at Qing and asked without sarcasm, "Do you really think that I can't guard against your attacks?"

"Then, let's have fun."


In Konoha Village, the clan of the Uchiha clan.

Namikaze Minato appeared here without any sign.

After landing, he looked left and right for directions, and quickly ran towards Uchiha Fugaku's residence.

Uchiha Qi told him before he left that when he needed rescue, he would definitely come ahead, and hoped that he would bring Uchiha Fuyake with him.

The reason is very simple, because Uchiha Fuyake's combat power is definitely the top of Konoha, and the power of the kaleidoscope need not be said more.

And there is one more thing, that is, their actions can't be known to too many people.

And the danger they will face is unknown. Uchiha Fuyue is an important member of the three-member cooperative alliance. It is natural for him to know and participate in this matter.

Namikaze Minato quickly shuttled through the Uchiha clan without hiding his figure.

Many ninjas, whether from the Uchiha clan or other ninjas who came in because of Uchiha's opening, couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw Minato Namikaze.

They all know that the relationship between Namikaze Minato and the Uchiha clan is not bad, but as Hokage he appears here, which is even more interesting.

After Nafeng Minato simply responded to some people who greeted him, he quickly ran to Uchiha Fugaku's residence.

Perhaps because his appearance has long been noticed, Uchiha Fugaku also got the news.

He stood directly at the door, waiting for the arrival of Minato Namikaze.

"Hokage-sama." After seeing Minato Namikaze, Uchiha Fugaku immediately bowed slightly.

"Patriarch Fuyue, I won't say more, I have received the news." Minato Namikaze said without the slightest nonsense.

But he also knew the priorities of things, so some things he said were very vague.

And Uchiha Fugaku is obviously also aware of what Namikaze Minato said.

He nodded immediately, and walked into his residence with Minato Namikaze.

It's just that Uchiha Fugaku didn't bring Minato Namikaze into the main room, but took him into a warehouse.

This warehouse is very large, but this warehouse is empty and has obviously been cleaned.

"Did Qi-jun summon Hokage-sama?"

After closing the door of the warehouse, Uchiha Fuyue immediately asked, "I've been away for so long, it looks like he's coming back."

"Well, it's Qi-kun." Minato Minato nods his head, and at the same time he takes out his kunai and inserts it on the ground.

"It's unclear what his condition is now, but we'd better prepare for battle, Qijun..."

"There's no need to waste time explaining now, he said what his mission is, so I know the danger he may face."

Uchiha Fuyue interrupted before Namikaze Minato finished speaking: "I can only hope that Qi-kun didn't cause any big trouble."

"Yeah, I can only hope so." Minato Namikaze said helplessly.

Looking at the things that Uchiha Kai has done in Konoha so far, although there are not many, each time is enough to make people head.

However, Minato Namikaze felt that he himself had no qualifications to judge.

Strictly speaking, his coming to power was something that Uchiha Kai came up with.

Like what the Orochimaru base was attacked, causing the darkness to erupt inside Konoha hidden inside.

What other Danzo was directly killed by him without any mercy, this is the "great achievement" of Uchiha Kai.

Now Uchiha Kei is quiet, but this time he left the village and went to the land of water.

God knows how much trouble he will cause in the Land of Water.

Minato didn't dare to think about these things. He just hoped that he would appear in a quiet corner after the Land of Water.

However, these things, I am afraid, only exist in fantasy.

Aki Uchiha had already said that he would fight Kirin because he wanted to cover Obito.

In addition, it may be necessary to cover the families he has come into contact with.

"Hokage-sama, put this on."

When the tadpole-like talismans on the ground were assembled, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly took out two sets of dark cloaks and masks and handed them to Minato Minato.

"Call me Watergate, when did you become so detached?"

Namikaze Minato took over these things, and then put them on himself.

"Well, Watergate, it's my problem.

Uchiha Fuyue nodded, and then put on the equipment himself: "After working as Hokage for a year, how does it feel to be on a mission again? "

"Some nostalgia, but also some more concerns."

Minato Namikaze shook his head: "Maybe it's a common problem with Hokage, so I need you and Kai to guide me, otherwise I'll turn into a third-generation Hokage-sama."

Uchiha Fuyue nodded. Minato Namika was sincere, and his attitude made him feel particularly happy.

After Namikaze Minato put on his disguise, he put the mask on his face.

The next moment, he directly followed the weak force emanating from Uchiha Kaikunai and quickly positioned himself.

In the blink of an eye, he and Uchiha Fugaku disappeared into this warehouse at the same time.

It's just that when they appeared, the two of them were collectively stunned.

Because they were stunned to discover that they were on a behemoth...

Facing the Kirin Shinobi who rushed towards him, Uchiha Kai decided not to play those small tricks this time.

Although those fighting skills have penetrated deep into his bones.

Whether it's a avatar technique or a clone technique, or the telekinesis technique, he is the best at it.

But these techniques are not very suitable for use in this place.

It's not that these things are not easy to use, but Uchiha Kai needs to give these mist ninjas an extremely profound deterrent and a lesson.

Let them know that they can deeply penetrate their present image into their souls!

This is considered a plan to deceive Uchiha Madara, and it is also considered to be deceiving them.

Therefore, this kind of fighting style that is biased towards skill is obviously not in line with Uchiha Kai's expectations.

Susanoo was shocked enough, but this thing has already been used.

And that Susanoo wearing a heavy chakra is really not suitable for Uchiha Kai.

What he likes more is to use his speed, even if Susanoo burst out with a terrible speed, he is willing.

Instead of standing on the spot and being beaten like a turtle!

He slightly raised the black flame burning Qiyu in his hand, and Uchiha Kai's scarlet kaleidoscope slowly rotated in his eyes.

His eyes are always fixed on Qing, this **** guy must die today!

Also, do you really think that if you surround him, he will become the prey?

On the contrary, he will always be a terrifying hunter.

The previous battle has clearly told these Mist Ninjas how terrifying he is!

Even now these mist ninjas have decided to use ninjutsu, and they mainly focus on containment.

But even so, does it really stop him?

"I can only say that you are too naive!"

A sneer appeared on Uchiha Kai's face under the mask, and the next moment he burst out with incredible speed.

In just an instant, he came to a mist ninja's side, and in the blink of an eye his ninja knife pierced through the mist ninja.

At this moment, a jet-black flame also appeared on the body of Kirin.

Without pausing, Uchiha Kai sprinted directly to the other Mist Ninjas with a flash.

His ninja knife slashed across them instantly, and black flames came out again!


Just after doing all this, he suddenly felt a danger spreading.

I saw a masked Terumi Mei suddenly came to his side, and this woman was still in a knotted state.

The boiling chakra on her body shows that she has completed her magic!

"The Art of Melting Escape·Monster Melting!"

She spit out a viscous and highly corrosive acid from her mouth, and these concentrated acids completely surrounded Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Kai frowned, this woman is really annoying.

However, this technique is obviously better to use in a dense space, and it is obviously not very effective when used in such a wide range.

Uchiha Ki cleverly avoided a few Mist Shinobi on the floor, and then his figure appeared directly behind Terumi Mei!


"It's now!"

But at this moment, Uchiha Kai found that this guy Ao had already jumped out.

With a terrifying chakra in his hands, he clearly intended to control Kai Uchiha.

What's even worse is that several Mist Shinobi who are not afraid of death have already rushed to Uchiha Kai's side, and this woman Terumi Mei is obviously using herself as a bait.

Probably because when Kai Uchiha used Susanoo directly, he always attacked her intentionally or unintentionally.

"It's interesting." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly.

"Don't you think I can't defend myself in this state? Then, take a good look at it!"

At the moment when Kirin touched Uchiha Kai, the dark chakra erupted from his body again.

It's just that there aren't many dark chakras this time, they just turned into ribs to completely protect Kai Uchiha!

But this is enough, completely enough.

The ninja sword in Uchiha Kai's hand swept across, and suddenly these mist ninjas screamed insanely. UU Reading

They didn't die, but they were scratched by cut jade, and the fire of Amaterasu had already ignited on their bodies.

Now they are simply dying!

"Go to hell!"

Uchiha Qi had just dealt with the few mist ninjas that besieged him, and Ao's attack was already in place.

His palm that bloomed with chakra slapped Kiha Uchiha's rib armor fiercely.

Chakra passed on, and this special vibration suddenly caused cracks in the armor on his body.

Although this guy Qing doesn't have soft boxing, his ability to seize opportunities is still very strong.

And his attack power is definitely not to be underestimated.

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, it was not surprising that Susanoo was shattered, especially at the initial stage.

But this guy took the initiative to deliver it to the door, so he won't be polite at all!

The cut jade in his hand deflected slightly, and the next second the ninja knife slashed directly at his neck!

But at this moment, Qing was kicked away by someone.

Kei Uchiha looked back, and it was the woman Terumi Mei again...



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