Chapter 318: Shura Field (4)

"I didn't want to deal with you first, but as a result, you are a woman who always likes to jump out and find death."

Uchiha Kai tilted his head, this woman really made him feel a little troublesome.

It's not that she is so strong, but that Uchiha Qi is afraid of her skills.

Once the highly corrosive concentrated acid is contaminated, the consequences are unbelievable.

Uchiha Kei is not like Susanoo, he has that terrifying defensive power.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai made a decision, and his eyes instantly became a little dangerous.


In a breath, what Uchiha Kai left in place almost turned into an afterimage.

And he himself has come to Terumi Mei!

The dark rib armor appeared again, and this time accompanied by the rib armor, there was also a thick skeletal arm!

Uchiha Kei threw his cut jade upwards, and this arm caught it accurately.

Immediately, the ninja knife was wrapped thicker by these dark chakras, and these chakras also began to extend according to the shape of the cut jade.

Without giving the mist ninjas any chance at all, the sturdy skeleton arm clenched the cut jade extended by Chakra and waved suddenly.

In an instant, the blade directly locked Terumi Mei and the group of Kirin nobility beside him.

These mist ninjas didn't seem to react at all, and even if they did, they couldn't do much!

The terrifying blade swept them directly, and suddenly these mist ninjas let out a scream.

What made Kei Uchiha frown a little was that Terumi Mei was pushed away by a few mist ninjas.

Although they ended up being twisted into several pieces by this terrifying blade, this did not make Kai Uchiha very happy.

"Water Escape·Water Prison Technique!"

Just as Uchiha Kai was about to follow up, a stream of water suddenly appeared under his feet.

These currents formed a huge encirclement, trapping Uchiha Kai in it, making it impossible for him to continue chasing forward.

However, Uchiha Kei didn't care either, he took a step back and retreated directly to the side of a few mist ninjas.

At first, Susanoo swung his sword forcefully and knocked several guys into the air, and his right hand was already emitting the slightest lightning.

Water conducts electricity, since you like to play with water escape, so have fun!

Chidori's roar broke out in Kirin's ears, and Uchiha Kai's sprint speed was too fast.

Moreover, he has the help of Sharinyan to see everything clearly, and he also has the protection of Susanoo to prevent him from being fatally attacked.

The thunder and light are intertwined, and I don't know how many mists have fallen under his hands!

There are not many people in this divided Mist Ninja team.

Their large army was still unable to break through the Amaterasu blockade for another time!

This gave Uchiha Kai enough time to clean up these trash fish.

What's even more tragic is that the rescue that these miscellaneous fish are thinking of, that is, their fourth-generation Musikage, is the goal of Uchiha Kai!

That was the guarantee for him to escape. It can be said that these guys have no hope at all.

Their fate is almost doomed!

The continuous killing has made these mist ninja teams crazy, and it seems that they can even use their own lives to protect Ao and Terumi Mei from harm.

This discovery made Kei Uchiha somewhat amused and admired, but if such a situation is not taken advantage of, it is really unreasonable.

Once again, he rushed to Terumi Mei's side, and Uchiha Kai's initial state at this time, Susanoo, was also like Shura.

The arm with Qiyu waved abruptly, and several Mist Ninjas were instantly knocked into the air.

At this moment, Terumi Mei also cut to Uchiha's side, she almost clenched her teeth and used kunai to stab Uchiha's chest.

And Qing and the other Mist Ninjas didn't stop at all. They didn't even know how many times they had found this mysterious person.

However, every time, he could only end in failure.

But they didn't give up in the slightest. The entire Mist Ninja army that had been divided had already been beaten to the core.

If they still can't think of a way to hold this guy down and let this mysterious person leave directly and calmly, then this will be an unspeakable shame to them.


Uchiha Kai naturally felt that these mist ninjas were already desperately trying their best.

However, there are some things, you really can't make up the gap with your hard work.

Uchiha Kai's rib armor that Terumi Mei's kunai stabbed, and Ao and the other Kirin Shinobi also arrived.

Uchiha Kei felt the weird chakra on Ao's hand, and he didn't want to be crushed by this guy once Susanoo.

The kaleidoscope writing wheel turned slightly, and Uchiha Kai suddenly twisted slightly.

The next moment, his leg was like a whip, slapping the woman's stomach fiercely.

Terumi Mei suddenly felt pain, and then flew out.

Uchiha Kai didn't look at her at all, he quickly turned around and locked his eyes on Qing's body.

He raised his right hand slightly, and then he grabbed forward fiercely.

The next moment he caught it with precision, Qing's hand stabbing towards him!

With his right hand stuck tightly to Ao's hand, Kai Uchiha shook it at will, and then he twisted it hard, and the crackling sound of broken bones exploded on the battlefield.

However, when Uchiha Kai was going to go further, Kirin Shinobi immediately rushed to his side to stop him.

Not far away, Terumi Mei, who was kicked by Uchiha Kai earlier, also got up, and she was quickly forming a seal.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai decisively let go of Ao's hand.

Then Chidori appeared in his hand again, and with Wei Wei's force, Kai Uchiha directly penetrated the chest of a Kirin.

And his original Susanoo, who was always protecting him, also waved the jade, and swiped it at Terumi Mei's position.


Qing rolled away some distance, and couldn't help shouting when he saw the blade with the blade and flames.

But the screams that kept coming from beside him let him know that these separated troops were probably about to perish completely!

It's terrifying, this mysterious man is really terrifying!

Who is this guy?

Rarely, Qing also began to feel such pessimism in his heart.

He suddenly had a hunch that he might be doomed this time.

Taking a deep breath, Qing decisively blocked such thoughts.

As a ninja, like everyone else, he was already prepared for this.


Ao raised her head slightly and looked at the masked man in black, and Terumi Mei who was still sprinting towards the man in black not far away.

He made a decision in his heart.

He decided that even if he died, he must save that talented girl!

Thinking of this, Qing suddenly rushed forward, and it was enough for him to stop this mysterious man by himself.

Moreover, Ao believes that as long as she perseveres a little more and tells Terumi Mei to leave quickly, they will definitely have a chance to defeat this mysterious man.

Because in his eyes, the fourth generation of Mezuying has arrived.

And the fourth-generation Mizukage also used some special methods to open and enter the divided battlefield.

Although he was the only one who came in, the people from the sealing class had already arrived, and they began to find a way to seal those flames!

"Just drag him and that's it!"

Qing thought silently in his heart that he didn't care about his injured right hand at all.

He burst out with the speed of his previous actions, directly blocking the middle of Uchiha Kai and Terumi Mei.

The ninja sword in his left hand held Susanoo's blow inconceivably, and this time he felt that he didn't know how many bones were broken in his inner body.

However, he did not waver in the slightest!

Terumi Mei was stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted, and she decided to start making seals.

There is still some cooperation between the two, but Kai Uchiha has never been a fuel-efficient lamp.

I noticed that Ao sacrificed his life to protect Terumi Mei, which was exactly what Uchiha Kai wanted.

It's just that if he kills Ao regardless, he will probably be sprayed by Terumi Mei.

With this thought in mind, Uchiha Kai directly let Susanoo dissipate.

The huge skeleton arm dissipated in an instant, and Qiyu was lightly caught by Kai Uchiha during the fall.

Qing suddenly lost the pressure, but he couldn't control his body to lean forward at all.

The next moment, he suddenly felt that his abdomen was pierced, and the sharp blade penetrated directly through his body!

Then Ao didn't give in at all, he actually took advantage of the situation and slashed the ninja sword at Uchiha Kai!

Uchiha Kai figured for a while, and he kicked Ao's stomach directly.

Even Terumi Mei, who had just prepared ninjutsu behind Ao, was kicked away by him!

"team leader!"

Terumi Mei quickly got up, but when she saw that the clothes on her abdomen were covered with blood, she immediately looked at Qing with an uneasy expression.

"Don't talk, you listen to me carefully."

Qing pressed her catch, while struggling to get up: "Hurry up and break out of the encirclement in the southwest direction, Lord Shuiying has already entered, I will hold him back."

"Captain!" Terumi Mei was stunned for a moment, and the next moment her face became a little ugly.

"Shut up and go!"

Ao roared directly. If his right hand hadn't been broken, and his left hand had to hold the wound, I'm afraid he would have pushed Terumi Mei directly away.

It was precisely because his right hand was broken that he couldn't stop Uchiha Kai any further, such as grabbing the ninja sword directly with his hand, or kicking the mysterious man out of it. When he kicked, he was not given any chance to escape!

Unfortunately, his right hand had already been broken.

Otherwise, he might really be able to lock the mysterious man, and even if he couldn't kill him, he would never let him escape so easily!

"Captain, if I leave like this, then you..."

Terumi Mei still couldn't bear it, although she had noticed the man in black who was walking towards him step by step.

But she really didn't want to just give up the captain, her dear friend.

"Come on, your talent is unmatched, you will definitely be the future of Wuyin Village."

Ao stood up and stood in front of Terumi Mei: "And you also know the information about this guy. You must pass his information to Mizukage-sama. He has to stay here, do you understand?"

"I..." Terumi was stunned for a moment, and the next moment she seemed to make up her mind: "I understand, Captain. I will give his information to Mizukage-sama..."

"I will also try my best to keep him in the land of water, I swear!"



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